
Before the meeting between the Chinese and US foreign ministers, Blinken's aides indicated that United States is fighting an information war against China in South Asia

Oh, recently this United States has been doing things again! On July 24, Donald ·Lew, assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian affairs at the United States State Department, publicly admitted that United States is conducting an information war against China and Russia in South Asia!" This is a hornet's nest! He said United States supports local media in Central Asia in an effort to reduce the influence of countries like Russia. These remarks were made on the eve of the meeting between Blinken and our Foreign Minister Wang Yi, which clearly shows that they are adding to our blockage!

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Before the meeting between the Chinese and US foreign ministers, Blinken's aides indicated that United States is fighting an information war against China in South Asia

Hearing this news, our netizens couldn't sit still. Netizen "Little Lizi" said: "What kind of moth is the United States going to play?" Do you want to start a new Cold War? Netizen "Little Red Riding Hood" also commented: "Information war? The United States 'fake news' is world-famous, and we are still afraid that they will engage in information warfare? ”

Before the meeting between the Chinese and US foreign ministers, Blinken's aides indicated that United States is fighting an information war against China in South Asia

United States's operation is simply drunk. They are not only engaged in affairs in Central Asia, but also expand information involvement in Indonesia, Singapore, Viet Nam, and other countries in a vain attempt to cobble together a "small circle" to contain China. This is a bit funny, want to form a gang, can't get along with us? This is a hilarious Nobel Prize nomination!

Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately responded that China has always advocated that China and the United States should promote the healthy development of relations based on the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. This position is as resolute as ever. A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "The Chinese and American peoples share extensive common interests and should respect each other and refrain from confrontation. "What a pertinent statement!

Before the meeting between the Chinese and US foreign ministers, Blinken's aides indicated that United States is fighting an information war against China in South Asia

Netizen "Promise in the Wind" commented: "That is, we Chinese pay attention to harmony and wealth, why do United States always like to engage in confrontation?" If this continues, can we have a good life? Another netizen "Xiao Mengdie" added: "We in China pay attention to win-win cooperation and don't care about them, but if they keep being so provocative, then don't blame us for being polite!" ”

United States' operation is really incomprehensible. It's obviously a big country, why do you always like to engage in these small actions? What to say "reduce Russia's influence", doesn't this clearly show that you want to sow discord? Netizen "Wukong's Golden Hoop Stick" commented: "United States this is lifting a stone to shoot himself in the foot, our relationship between China and Russia is iron-clad, United States this little trick is useless!" ”

Before the meeting between the Chinese and US foreign ministers, Blinken's aides indicated that United States is fighting an information war against China in South Asia

Some netizens "rookie not vegetables" also said: "This behavior of the United States is really ridiculous and generous, but we Chinese are becoming more and more united, and they engage in these small actions, but will make us more determined to safeguard our own interests." ”

Having said that, the United States really has a hand in engaging in information warfare. However, we in China are not vegetarians. Chinese media are also constantly strengthening their international communication capabilities to tell China's story to the world. Netizen "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" left a message: "Let's tell our story well, let the world hear our voice, and don't let the rumors of United States have a market!" ”

Before the meeting between the Chinese and US foreign ministers, Blinken's aides indicated that United States is fighting an information war against China in South Asia

Some netizens "dreamers" said excitedly: "Yes, let's work hard, pass on China's positive energy, and don't let those smearing us succeed!" ”

At the moment, the relationship between China and the United States is indeed a bit tense, and the meeting between Blinken and Wang Yi has attracted much attention. Everyone is expecting the two countries to find a solution to the problem. Netizen "calm as water" left a message: "I hope this meeting can be fruitful, so that Sino-US relations will no longer be so tense." And another netizen "volcanic eruption" said: "Hmph, don't expect any sincerity from the United States, they always say one thing and do another!" ”

Before the meeting between the Chinese and US foreign ministers, Blinken's aides indicated that United States is fighting an information war against China in South Asia

In short, the operation of this United States is really speechless. We in China hope for world peace and win-win cooperation, and do not want to engage in confrontation. However, if the United States has to do something, then we will not be afraid of them. Netizen "Iron Bone Zhengzheng" left a message: "We Chinese pay attention to peace as the precious, but we will never give in, and the national interests are above all else!" ”

No matter what, we still have to continue to do our own things and not be affected by external interference. Netizen "Sunflower" finally concluded: "Let's strengthen our confidence, do our own things, let the wind and waves rise, and sit firmly in Diaoyutai!" ”

This is our attitude in China, which is neither afraid of trouble nor causing trouble. I hope that China and the United States can really sit down and talk, so that the world will have less strife and more peace. Netizens are also paying attention, hoping for a good result. As for the small actions of the United States, let's just watch and comment, don't take it too seriously. After all, we have an old saying in China: "Soldiers will block, water will cover the earth!" ”

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