
Spy: You're a Red Bandit teacher, so I'll arrest you! Fu Dingyi: Then you are going to arrest Principal Jiang?

In 1948, during the turbulent period of the Republic of China, a respected educator Fu Dingyi was arrested by secret agents. The spy was aggressive: "You are the red bandit teacher, so arrest you!" Faced with unreasonable accusations, Fu Dingyi calmly asked: "Then you are going to arrest Principal Jiang?" This sentence not only shows the absurdity of the political situation at that time, but also reveals the little-known teacher-student friendship between Fu Dingyi and Mao Zedong. From Hunan Public High School to Xibaipo, from a young man to a leader of the Communist Party of China, Fu Dingyi has witnessed and participated in this revolutionary process that spans decades.

In modern Chinese history, there is such an educator, his name is Fu Dingyi. This native of Baiguo, Hengshan County, Hunan Province, has been studying in the family school since he was a child and has laid a solid cultural foundation. As a young man, he entered the Manchu Jingshi University, which was the highest institution of learning at the time.

In 1908, Fu Dingyi graduated from the Beijing Normal University and was awarded the official position of Zhongshu in the Chinese Academy by the imperial court, and also served as the secretary of the Senior Administration Yuan. In these years, to be such an official, it takes real talent and real learning. After the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, Fu Dingyi did not continue to be an official, but returned to his hometown Hunan and devoted himself to education.

In Hunan, Fu Dingyi successively served as the head of Yuelu Academy, the president of the Hunan Provincial Education Association, the principal of Hunan Provincial No. 1 Middle School, and the principal of Hunan Normal School. These schools were the best schools in Hunan at that time. In 1912, Fu Dingyi became the principal of Hunan Public High School, which was a rarity at the time, spreading new knowledge and ideas, attracting many progressive young people to apply for the examination.

It was in this year that Fu Dingyi met a student who would change his life. On this day, Fu Dingyi was reviewing the test papers for the entrance exam when he was suddenly shocked by a test paper. The essay is majestic, lofty and profound, not like a teenage doll can write.

Fu Dingyi immediately called this candidate named Mao Runzhi and tested him in person. He asked a few more history questions, but he didn't expect this young man to answer them fluently, showing a profound literary and historical background. Fu Dingyi asked him to write an article on the spot, only to see Mao Runzhi's thoughts gushing, and it didn't take long for him to hand in the answer sheet.

At this moment, Fu Dingyi, a well-educated man, was also stunned. The ideas, discussions, and literary brilliance all amazed him. He immediately decided to admit this student, and also gave him a set of "Zizhi Tongjian" as a sign of encouragement. This Mao Runzhi is the later Mao Zedong.

Mao Zedong was immediately fascinated by this "Zizhi Tongjian", read it all night, and from time to time posted his own articles on some major historical topics on the school's board newspaper. The other teachers all said: This child, the future is limitless!

However, not all teachers appreciate this kind of thoughtful, insightful student. Mao Zedong's Mandarin teacher felt that his authority had been challenged because he often argued with him, and finally resigned. As soon as Fu Ding saw this situation, he personally taught Mao Zedong Mandarin, and the relationship between teachers and students became closer.

Later, Mao Zedong came to Peking University and got a job as a library administrator. Coincidentally, Fu Dingyi was also in Beijing at this time, serving as a public servant in the Beiyang government. Mao Zedong often visited Fuding's house.

Although Fu Dingyi is from Hunan, he usually doesn't like spicy food. But he knew that Mao Zedong was not spicy or happy, and every time Mao Zedong came, he specially prepared bacon and fried chili dishes and other hometown-style dishes, so that this young man who was adrift in a foreign land felt the warmth of home.

At that time, Mao Zedong's income was very meager. Fu Dingyi took out five oceans from his salary every month to support him. This was a relief for Mao Zedong, who was running around for the revolution at that time. Mao Zedong has always remembered this kindness.

In 1925, the Revolution flourished. Mao Zedong returned to his hometown, actively led the workers' movement, and orchestrated the Anyuan Road miners' strike. He also led the workers' representatives to negotiate with Zhao Hengti, the governor of Hunan Province and warlord, and argued with reason, making Zhao Hengti embarrassed. Zhao Hengti was annoyed and ashamed, and decided to arrest and punish Mao Zedong.

Spy: You're a Red Bandit teacher, so I'll arrest you! Fu Dingyi: Then you are going to arrest Principal Jiang?

Red candle in troubled times, wisdom to deal with

During the Anti-Japanese War, tragicomedy was staged in the land of China. In this stormy era, a respected educator Fu Dingyi was not spared. It was a cloudy afternoon, and several agents in civilian clothes suddenly broke into Fu Dingyi's residence.

Without saying a word, they directly put Fu Dingyi into a black car. The car sped down a bumpy road and finally came to a stop in front of a gloomy building. The agents brutally pushed Fu Dingyi into a dimly lit interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, a blinding light shone directly on Fu Dingyi's face. A spy leader with a meaty face stepped forward and stared at Fu Dingyi with a fierce gaze. He said aggressively: "You are the red bandit teacher, so we want to arrest you!" "

This sudden accusation made Fu Ding stunned for a moment. But he quickly calmed down, and a slight smile appeared on his face. Fu Dingyi asked unhurriedly, "Then you are going to arrest Principal Jiang?" "

As soon as these words came out, the interrogation room instantly fell silent. The spies looked at each other, at a loss. Fu Dingyi's sentence can be said to have stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, which not only revealed the absurdity of the political situation at that time, but also concealed mysteries.

It turned out that the "Principal Chiang" in Fu Ding's mouth was referring to Chiang Kai-shek. It is known that Chiang Kai-shek served as the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy in his early years, and the political instructor at that time was none other than the Communists. According to the logic of the spies, shouldn't Chiang Kai-shek be arrested even more?

The spy leader was stopped by this question, and was speechless for a while. He didn't expect this seemingly gentle old professor to have such a sharp reaction. The atmosphere in the interrogation room became unusually awkward.

At this moment, a young spy suddenly interjected: "Old man, don't play tricks here!" We have conclusive evidence that you are in collusion with the Communist Party. When Fu Ding heard this, he said unhurriedly: "Oh? Then you should come up with the evidence and look at it. "

The spies looked at each other, unable to produce the so-called "conclusive evidence" for a while. Seeing this, Fu Ding continued: "I am a teacher, what else can I do on weekdays besides teaching and educating people? If teaching is also a sin, is there any justice in this world? "

The spy leader was dumbfounded by the question, and the expression on his face became more and more ugly. He was annoyed and angry, and said: "Don't mess around here!" Who are the students you teach? Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen, He Shuheng, which one is not an important member of the Communist Party? "

When Fu Ding heard this, he couldn't help but smile. He said slowly: "I have been teaching for decades, and the peach and plum are all over the world. There are those who are officials, those who are in business, and those who are in the army. Shall all their achievements be credited to me? If so, am I not guilty of the utmost sin? "

The spies were speechless. Fu Dingyi continued: "Besides, these people in your mouth were all good students with excellent character and learning when they were in school. What path they choose when they grow up, that's their freedom. Do you want to punish teachers for their students' choices? "

The spy leader was dumbfounded by Fu Dingyi's words. He was annoyed and angry, and shouted, "Don't be clever here! Who do you think you are? Just a teacher! Fu Dingyi smiled indifferently and said: "It is precisely because I am just a teacher that I should adhere to the truth and teach and educate people." "

This reply not only reflected the wisdom and courage of Fu Dingyi, but also reflected the complex political environment at that time. In those turbulent times, even respected educators were not immune to political persecution. But Fu Dingyi used his wisdom and courage to not only defuse the crisis, but also teach a lesson to those spies who abused their power.

Spy: You're a Red Bandit teacher, so I'll arrest you! Fu Dingyi: Then you are going to arrest Principal Jiang?

The spies were dumbfounded by Fu Dingyi's words, and they didn't know what to do for a while. At that moment, a young spy whispered a few words to the spy leader. The spy leader's face changed, and then he waved his hand, motioning for the others to take Fu Ding out.

The red star shines on the peaceful liberation

In 1949, a new chapter was about to be ushered in in China. In the city of Beiping, a battle without gunpowder is quietly unfolding. The protagonist of this battle is none other than our old friend Fu Dingyi.

At that time, Beiping was calm on the surface, but in fact there was an undercurrent. Although the Kuomintang army occupied the city, the people's hearts were already unstable. The communist army was eyeing the city, ready to attack.

It was at this juncture that Mao Zedong remembered his teacher Fu Dingyi. He sent someone to secretly contact Fu Dingyi, hoping that he could come forward to mediate and promote the peaceful liberation of Beiping. Mao Zedong knew that Fu Dingyi was highly respected in Beiping City and had extensive contacts and influence.

As soon as Fu Ding received this task, he agreed without saying a word. He knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to avoid a bloody battle and save countless lives. However, this task is by no means an easy task.

At the beginning, Fu Ding had frequent contact with people from all walks of life in Beiping City. He visited old friends in political, military, and academic circles to inquire about their views on the current situation. In the process, Fu Dingyi found that many people had lost confidence in the Kuomintang government, but they were suspicious of the Communist Party.

In order to dispel people's concerns, Fu Ding initially publicized the policies of the Communist Party in private. He told everyone that the Communist Party is not a "bandit" as everyone imagined, but a revolutionary contingent with ideals and discipline. He also emphasized in particular that the Communist Party had pledged not to blame the Kuomintang troops who had surrendered to Chengcheng.

Fu Dingyi's words began to spread quietly in Beiping City. More and more people began to waver and consider defecting to the Communist Party. But the real conundrum is yet to come.

Fu Zuoyi, the commander of the Kuomintang army in Beiping City, was a veteran general. He had more than 200,000 troops under his command, and if he held Beiping, he would inevitably cause a large number of casualties. Fu Dingyi decided to go out in person to persuade Fu Zuoyi.

On a sunny afternoon, Fu Dingyi came to Fu Zuoyi's big tent. When Fu Zuoyi saw Fu Dingyi, he immediately greeted enthusiastically: "Old friend, why are you here?" Fu Ding smiled and said, "Old man, I'm here to persuade you." "

When Fu Zuoyi heard this, his face immediately changed. He said in a deep voice: "Elder Fu, you shouldn't have come to persuade me to surrender, right?" Fu Dingyi was not in a hurry, and asked rhetorically: "Old man, what do you think of the current situation?" "

Fu Zuoyi sighed and said, "The situation is not good. The Kuomintang army was disheartened, and the general trend had gone. However, how can I, Fu Zuoyi, surrender like this all my life? When Fu Ding heard this, he said, "Old man, you are wrong." Now it is not a question of surrender or not, but of how to be responsible for the country and the people. "

Fu Dingyi continued: "You have more than 200,000 troops under your command, and if you defend Beiping, you will definitely cause a large number of casualties. At that time, not only will the soldiers die in vain, but the entire city of Beiping will also be devastated by the war. Can you bear to see such an outcome? "

Fu Zuoyi was asked, and he was speechless for a while. Fu Dingyi took advantage of the victory to pursue: "Besides, the Communist Party has promised not to blame the Kuomintang troops who surrendered to Chengcheng. If you can take the lead in surrendering, you can not only protect your subordinates, but also make a great contribution to the country. Isn't that what you've been after? "

Spy: You're a Red Bandit teacher, so I'll arrest you! Fu Dingyi: Then you are going to arrest Principal Jiang?

Fu Zuoyi fell into deep thought. As soon as Fu Ding saw this, he added another fire: "Old man, think about it, it is impossible for the Kuomintang to save the situation now. If you continue to resist, you will not only lose everything in the end, but you will also be burdened with the infamy of history. But if you choose a peaceful uprising, you can not only preserve your strength, but also play a role in the construction of New China. Isn't that the best of both worlds? "

Fu Zuoyi was moved by Fu Dingyi's words. He was silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "Old Fu, you are right. Although I, Fu Zuoyi, have been fighting horses all my life, I should think more about the country and the people. I've decided, I'm going to revolt peacefully! "

Fu Ding was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately began to arrange for Fu Zuoyi to contact the Communist Party. In the days that followed, Fu Dingyi frequently shuttled between the two sides, delivering messages and coordinating details.

Finally, on January 31, 1949, Fu Zuoyi led the Kuomintang troops in Beiping City to declare an uprising. Beiping, the ancient city, was peacefully liberated without bloodshed.

This peaceful liberation not only avoided a tragic battle, preserved the historical and cultural city of Beiping, but also laid an important foundation for the establishment of New China. And all this is inseparable from Fu Dingyi's wisdom and hard work.

When Mao Zedong learned the news of the peaceful liberation of Beiping, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. He said to the comrades around him: "Teacher Fu deserves to be my good teacher!" He made a great contribution to the peaceful liberation of Peking this time! "

In this way, Fu Dingyi used his wisdom and courage to write a strong stroke at the turning point of Chinese history. He was not only an excellent educator, but also a great patriot. His deeds will always be remembered by future generations.

The fragrance of peach and plum is spring breeze and rain

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Fu Dingyi did not stop there. He is well aware that the strength of a country requires not only political unity, but also the development of education. So, he devoted all his energy to the cause of education.

In 1950, Beijing Normal University welcomed a special guest. This guest was none other than our old friend Fu Dingyi. He was invited to this prestigious university to give a presentation to young students.

The auditorium was packed, and students were eagerly awaiting a glimpse of the legendary educator. Fu Ding stepped into the podium and looked around, a smile of relief on his face. He spoke, "Students, do you know? All of you here are the hope of New China. "

The opening remarks immediately caught everyone's attention. Fu Dingyi continued: "I want to talk to you today about what kind of qualities you should have as an educator. He told the story and shared his years of teaching experience and experience.

Fu Dingyi emphasized that an excellent educator should not only have profound knowledge, but also have noble moral character. He said: "What you will be educating in the future is the next generation of the motherland. Your words and actions will have a profound impact on your students. Therefore, you should not only teach, but also educate people. "

The students listened attentively and nodded their heads in agreement from time to time. Fu Dingyi's words touched them deeply. One student couldn't help but raise his hand and ask, "Mr. Fu, how do you think we should face the challenges of New China?" "

Fu Ding smiled and said, "Good question." New China has just been founded, and everything is waiting to be rebuilt. What we need is not only knowledge, but also the spirit of hard work. You need to apply what you have learned and apply what you have learned to your work. Only in this way can we contribute to the construction of New China. "

These words were met with warm applause. Fu Dingyi's report not only pointed out the direction for the students, but also stimulated their patriotic enthusiasm. After the presentation, many students gathered around Fu Dingyi and asked questions.

Spy: You're a Red Bandit teacher, so I'll arrest you! Fu Dingyi: Then you are going to arrest Principal Jiang?

Fu Dingyi patiently answered every question until nightfall. When he walked out of the lecture hall, he did not forget to tell the students: "Remember, you are shouldering the heavy responsibility of rejuvenating China. I hope that you can become the pillars of New China. "

The impact of this presentation goes far beyond the confines of Beijing Normal University. Soon, colleges and universities across the country invited Fu Dingyi to give a speech. He traveled all over the country and spread his educational philosophy to all parts of the country.

In 1952, an important opportunity was presented to Fu Dingyi. The education department of the People's Republic of China is planning a major reform that it hopes will improve the level of education throughout the country. They invited Fu Dingyi to participate in the work.

Fu Dingyi gladly accepted the invitation. He knew that this was a rare opportunity to put his educational philosophy into practice. He devoted a great deal of time and energy to researching the experience of education at home and abroad and formulating reform plans.

At an important meeting, Fu Dingyi put forward his own views. "Our education can't just stop at books," he said. What we want to cultivate is all-round development of talents, who have both knowledge and ability, and also have noble moral character. "

This point of view sparked a lively discussion among the participants. Some agree, others question. An official asked, "Elder Fu, your idea is very good, but how to implement it?" "

Fu Dingyi was not in a hurry and elaborated on his thoughts. He proposed to reform the curriculum, increase practical courses, and strengthen moral education. He also suggested that it is necessary to change the single examination evaluation method and establish a more comprehensive evaluation system.

Fu Dingyi's proposal was supported by the majority. In the end, these suggestions were adopted and became an important part of the education reform in New China. This reform has laid a solid foundation for the educational undertaking of New China.

With the passage of time, Fu Dingyi's educational philosophy has been widely practiced throughout the country. More and more schools are starting to focus on holistic development and no longer just focus on grades. Students not only acquire knowledge, but also participate in various social practice activities to develop comprehensive skills.

In 1955, Fu Dingyi received a special invitation again. This time, it was his student, Mao Zedong, who now the country's leader, invited him. Mao Zedong wanted to catch up with his teacher and listen to his views on the development of education in New China.

Fu Dingyi happily went to the appointment. In the living room of Zhongnanhai, the teachers and students met each other and felt very cordial. Mao Zedong asked straight to the point: "Teacher, what do you think of the development of our education career?" "

Fu Dingyi smiled and said, "There is progress, but there is still a long way to go. He frankly pointed out some problems in the current education, such as the large gap between urban and rural education, and the shortage of teachers.

Mao Zedong listened attentively and nodded from time to time. He said, "The teacher is right. We will definitely pay attention to these issues. Then he asked, "What do you think we should do next?" "

Fu Dingyi thought for a while and said, "I think we should increase investment in education, especially in rural areas. At the same time, it is necessary to attach importance to teacher education and train more outstanding teachers. He also suggested that educational innovation should be encouraged to make education more suitable for the development needs of New China.

Mao Zedong agreed with Fu Dingyi's suggestion. He said, "Teacher, we will definitely consider these suggestions of yours seriously. The education cause of New China still needs a lot of guidance from old educators like you. "

This meeting is not only a reminiscence between teachers and students, but also an important discussion on the direction of education development in New China. Fu Dingyi's suggestion pointed out the direction for the educational cause of New China.

In this way, Fu Dingyi continued to shine on the educational stage of New China. With his wisdom and experience, he made great contributions to the education of New China. His educational philosophy has influenced generations of educators and has become a monument in the history of education in New China.

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