
is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

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is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

It is said that cooking is the most taboo, and the cooking skills of netizens have refreshed my cognition again and again, brushed up on a netizen, and suddenly wanted to boil lemon honey, squeezed ten catties of lemons, and boiled them directly in an iron pot, and the good lemon honey directly became ferrous citrate solution

Sure enough: rotten cook + whim = alchemist

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

After being busy for a long time, the excess lemons were solved, the pot was replaced, the money was spent, and I was tired

If there is a Wolong, there must be a phoenix chick, and some netizens share Hangzhou food matcha egg filling, every step of the operation is beyond my expectations

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

First, fill the eggs with matcha sauce, then put them in a pot and cook them, take them out and pour some matcha juice into the bowl. Let's see for ourselves [awkward laughter]


Are the people of Hangzhou really offended the king of the stove, Hangzhou is no longer a food desert, it has directly become a food prefecture, after reading the sharing of netizens, I just want to say respect everyone's taste, remember to cook must not be whimsical!

It's as outrageous as the loofah fried fritters in our university cafeteria, I don't know how to research it [awkward laugh]

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

Haha, I have a fight with my mother, and the kelp stewed pork ribs man has a flash of inspiration and adds honey

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

I'm still thinking that corn ribs aren't normal, click on it to take a look at the candy corn [awkward laughter]

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

Who dares to eat? You can't even figure out who you are after eating this thing

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

Durian stewed chicken is very sweet, I don't know if it is made up or not, but it is stewed with the soft layer of the inner wall of the shell, and it does not need to be stewed with durian meat! And this color is not quite right, how is it purple [vomiting blood]

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

I haven't eaten the root of the ear, is there any effect of this?

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

In order not to waste it, it is also racking your brains, maybe you have heard of spicy black bean soy milk? My mother first fried the black beans and chili peppers, which were too spicy for anyone to eat, and in the good character of cherishing food, she picked them out one by one and beat them into soy milk for us to drink [melted]

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

Put oil first and then put seasonings to lock in water, the first time I heard about putting instant noodles, even if it is to absorb water, it has to be vermicelli [tears]

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

It's all like this, why don't you just make it into siu mai [slap in the face]

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

It's delicious just to look at the color, I don't dare to put my mouth down, so let's peel it off [tears]

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

It's all my favorite food, just put it together... The eyes are black

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

A dish tastes sweet and sour, and the inventor is simply a genius!

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

It's really black-eyed and black-eyed, may I ask if your sideline is a wizard

is a vicious cook, cooking is the most taboo, and netizens' cooking skills have once again refreshed my cognition

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