
Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

A round-faced aunt with short curly hair is slowly pushing the cleaning cart through the corridor. She was wrapped in a triangular headscarf, and although her figure looked a little thick due to her age, it did not hinder her from moving neatly. She hummed a minor tune, even slightly lively.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

Today her task is to clean the front hall and hall. The top male idol outside the door, surrounded by a bunch of cameras, announced the news that he was about to work here. In the midst of the uproar of the crowd, a bottle of sulfuric acid suddenly splashed towards him, and the aunt walked like a fly, and quickly used a mop to open the suspect's weapon.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

The prosecutor who rushed to the scene rotated half a circle around her and used an umbrella to block the second splash of sulfuric acid for her.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

Falling, hugging, looking at each other, slow-motion replay, at first glance, the Korean drama is still the same Korean drama, and the routine of heroes saving beauty has not changed at all. It's just that when the faces of the woman and the man flashed at the same time, the audience was shocked to realize that this was the heroine.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

Korean dramas are getting more and more magical. Netflix's newly launched "Her Days and Nights" is not about a woman who has returned to her youth, but about Li Meizhen, a young woman who is cursed by a cat. She had to carry the skin of a 50-year-old middle-aged woman during the day.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution
Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

In the play, 55-year-old Korea actress Li Yanyan and "drunken woman" Jung Eun-di play the two faces of Lee Mi-jin - during the day, she is a middle-aged woman who works hard; At night, she reverts to a beautiful and youthful urban woman.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ Zheng Endi once starred in "Drunkard City Women", picture: "Her Days and Nights".

In the multiple anxieties of keeping her job, being riddled with curses, and covering up her identity, Li Meizhen began her double-sided life, "hiding in Tibet" and "lying repeatedly". With its quirky setting, the ratings of "Her Days and Nights" have climbed from 4% to 9.4% since its launch, and even once became the TOP2 of the global viewing ranking of Netflix's Korean drama channels.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ Netflix's official website

Can you imagine what the affair between a cute aunt in her 50s and a young prosecutor's boss would look like? Can't imagine, so even more curious. Not to mention, she also has to be responsible for dealing with top male idols and creating a "ridiculous" love triangle.

Wall knocks and affectionate hugs have come one after another, the screenwriter has "crazy" a new track, and Li Yongyin's unpretentious performance has added too many jokes to the story.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution
Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ According to the high attention of "Her Days and Nights", the blue ocean of sweet pet dramas for the elderly may not be a joke, and there is something to talk about. Picture: "Her Day and Night"

Here, being funny is not vulgar. Although the plot is absurd, behind the magic, there is an irony of reality.

From the very beginning, the appearance of the heroine was a large-scale "failed life" show. Before being cursed, Lee Mi-jin couldn't find a job after graduating from college. She stumbled on the civil service exam for 8 years, but she failed repeatedly, and the more she took the exam, the more she failed.

finally entered the interview process, and was ridiculed by the interviewer as the "oldest one" among the same batch of candidates, and was miserably defeated.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

Li Meizhen knew that her parents' biggest expectation for her was to "find a serious job", and she was sick and rushed to the hospital when she failed the civil service examination, and she believed in job search scams, and as a result, all the savings that her parents had accumulated for half of her life were "played" at once.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

I don't know if the actor himself is a powerful person, or if the burnout of modern people is already common to everyone, obviously Zheng Endi in "Drunkard City Women" is very beautiful, but when she comes to this drama, no matter how beautiful a woman is, there is only a sense of depression left all over the ground.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

In the comment area, some people criticized the heroine's "stupidity", and some people ridiculed the conspicuous nasolabial folds on her face.

However, these things that the audience cannot tolerate are actually reflecting the current job search environment in Korea. The economy cannot "fly", the jobs that society can provide are becoming fewer and fewer, and young people are slowly being worn out to the point that they have lost their spirit.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution
Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

The heroine's education is obviously good, and she has been working hard, but she has never been truly recognized. In the civil service interview, although she won the first place in the ability and physical fitness test, and also has a variety of job skills that she has honed in her part-time job, she is still considered a "failure" because of her age.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

It is very interesting that after turning 50 years old, Li Meizhen is like a fish in water on the aunt track. She took advantage of the identity of a missing aunt to take the elderly civil service examination under the name of "Lin Shun". Among a group of old people, she was really picked because she was "young".

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution
Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ Finally succeeded in "employment", Li Meizhen cried with joy. Picture: "Her Day and Night"

With the aging of the population, the contradictory reality of the employment difficulties of young people and the need for the elderly to stay in the workplace has become the black base of this drama.

According to a May report by Korea's World Times, the 40-somethings known as the "pillars of Korea's economy" are retreating from the job market, with 79,000 fewer people over the age of 40 employed than in the same period last year.

Meanwhile, in January, Hello Tea reported that the average age of workers working in manufacturing in Korea is growing rapidly, with 599,000 people over the age of 60, up 51,000 from the previous year and surpassing the younger generation for the first time.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

Unemployed at the age of 40 and reemployed at the age of 60; 40 years old is seen as old, and 60 years old seems to feel less so. Behind the unbelievable view of age is the persistence and attachment of East Asian society to "young culture".

Teasing, ridiculing, questioning, when all the negations point to growing age, the interviewer avoids aging and has an indelible fear of it. Li Meizhen may have also questioned herself, whether not being young enough is also a fault.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

Dou Wentao once mentioned a point of view in "Round Table School". He believes that the concept of youth and old is actually a kind of collision between history and modernity.

In the past, in societies that have not experienced industrialization, people worship "old", and increasing age means barriers to experience, knowledge, and knowledge; However, the new era is coming unprepared, everyone is looking forward to the avant-garde, avant-garde, and new, and we no longer worship the "old", in fact, we are afraid of our own backwardness.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Going by Boat"

After becoming a 50-year-old middle-aged woman, although Li Meizhen has the ability to type nearly 1,000 words a minute as always, and can handle Excel and even coding with ease, when she was promoted to assistant prosecutor in a daze, she still had to suffer a lot of side eyes.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

The boss deliberately arranged all kinds of useless work and difficult takeaway tasks in an attempt to dissuade this "aunt". In their eyes, Li Meizhen's age and appearance often make them feel uneasy. They always feel that "she can't do it" or "how well she can do it", and it may even cause trouble.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

The frustrated heroine did not vent her anger on others, but attributed it inward, believing that it was all "her own fault". She yelled, "Why turn me into a hopeless old man? Why does time go so fast? The reality of labor magically displayed in the play makes people feel bitter.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

The tyranny of time is embodied in the fact that time has become both the baton of life and the highest standard of value.

Age has become a subtle criterion for judgment. Although the elderly are constantly advocated for re-employment in the play, the jobs provided to them by the unit are either cleaning toilets or arranging flower beds. Among the hired "interns" are retired police officers, military personnel, and businessmen, all of whom had a wealth of experience in the first half, but now they are also willing to feel lucky to have a stable job as a civil servant.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

"Her Day and Night" is funny, but after laughing, the thief screenwriter keeps trying to tell you, "Times have really changed."

There are still a lot of problems, the male protagonist who is a prosecutor is difficult to practice the ideal creed, and the female protagonist with excellent work ability cannot find a job. When young people abandon love and filters, run towards pragmatism, and have always been good at dream-making idol dramas, they are used by screenwriters to analyze reality.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution
Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

The beauty magic of the heroine of the idol drama has also been broken. Depicting the romantic love of young men and women who are still in the flowering season is the main theme of popular idol dramas.

55-year-old Li Yinyin, who once played the housekeeper who secretly hid her husband in the secret room in "Parasitic Beast", she has interpreted all kinds of villains, mothers, and actresses, and is a golden supporting role in the old drama, but according to the previous standards, she is unlikely to become the heroine.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ Li Yongyin starred in a supporting role in "Mother".

From a professional household of aunts and aunts to counterattacks as the protagonists, Li Yanyin's road to attack is very pleasant. The screenwriter used a very magical technique to make a unified ridicule of the labels such as age, middle-aged woman, and young job seeker in the secular definition.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

How to deal with growing old may be a missing lesson for modern people.

When screenwriters no longer glorify and praise youth too much, punish and belittle old age, when heroines can no longer try to return to youth, but find the meaning of life in aging, they are also resisting the ancient social context, making up for the imagination of time and life.

The alienation of age brings about the wilderness of the mind. In an age-bound world, no one is the true winner.

Aunt sweet pet drama, a young Korea who hard-controls the involution

▲ "Her Day and Night"

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