
A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. instructed the removal of some of Vice President Sarah and former President Rodrigo Duterte's personal bodyguards.

Sarah's office and police confirmed the incident.

The move may be related to the power struggle between the two families, and Marcos Jr. intends to show control over the military and police departments.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

Previously, Marcos Jr. had already made moves against the Duterte family.

Sarah's security team used to have more than 430 people, and although police personnel have been transferred, military security has not been moved.

Next year's midterm elections could further intensify tensions, and if there is violence against Sarah, it could trigger civil unrest.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

Let's turn our attention to Sarah first.

You see, after Sarah became vice president, she attached great importance to her own security work, and deliberately separated her own security team and established a new vice presidential security team.

At one point, it was over 430 people, so imagine how spectacular it was! But to this day, most of the military's security personnel are still at their posts and have not been evacuated.

Push forward a few more months, and the Philippine political scene has set off another wave.

Marcos Jr. decisively dismissed 35 police officers, including seven chiefs, from Davao City, the home of the Duterte family.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

This is no small matter!

It's like cutting off an important branch of a big tree on the Duterte family's turf, greatly weakening the Duterte's control over the local police system.

The power contest and conflict of interests behind this are really like a fog, which is difficult to see.

Next, let's focus on the transfer of Sarah's security personnel.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

The transfer of 75 police officers was a major blow to Sarah's security system.

Come to think of it, 33 of those 75 people were Sarah's own people who brought her all the way from Davao City.

Not only do they have a tacit understanding at work, but they also have a deep emotional connection.

Now that they have been transferred, can Colonel Rachka, the head of the Vice-President's Security Team, not be anxious and worried?

His worries were like a heavy stone that weighed on his heart and made it difficult for him to sleep.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

So why is this happening?

It turned out that Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. instructed the Philippine military and police department to make the decision.

They removed some of the personal guards protecting Vice President Sarah and former President Rodrigo Duterte, including 75 officers from the Philippine Vice President's Security Protection Group.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

The officers were transferred to the Metro Manila Police Department, with the stated justification for strengthening patrols in the capital.

Not only that, but even the official security team of Sarah's father, former Philippine President Lao Du, did not escape the fate of being transferred.

Philippine National Police Chief Mabil came out to explain that this is because the Manila regional police force is insufficient, and a large number of police officers need to rotate and rest, so such a transfer arrangement has to be made.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

It was also emphasized that Sarah's office had not been informed in advance.

But ah, friends, let's think about it, and the timing of this happened so coincidentally, the day after Marcos Jr.'s State of the Union address.

Does this not make people think so much?

Many people believe that this is clearly Marcos Jr. "knocking" Sarah to show the outside world that he has strong control over the military and police department.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

Let's dig deeper into the reasons behind this.

You know, the Duterte family has many enemies in the Philippines.

Although the "war against narcotics" vigorously promoted by Lao Du during his tenure of office has achieved remarkable results and brought a certain degree of tranquility to society, it has also inevitably touched the interests of some people, thus forming deep enmity with certain forces.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

With next year as the Philippines is in the middle of the elections, this is a crucial time.

Lao Du is also ambitious to take Sarah's two brothers to run for the Senate.

Think about it, can the contradiction between the two Madu families not be further intensified?

It is likely that Marcos Jr., in order to gain a stronger position in the election and suppress the power of his opponents, will push the military to further withdraw security personnel.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

However, although the Marcos family to which Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. belongs and the Duterte family to which Sarah belongs have completely broken up.

Sarah didn't even attend the president's State of the Union address, half-jokingly referring to herself as a "designated survivor."

But we must be soberly aware that if violence against Sarah does occur, the consequences will be unimaginable.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

You must know that the Philippine political arena has always been very violent, and violent incidents against politicians occur almost every year.

Once Sarah encounters an accident, it is likely to cause huge turmoil in the Philippines, and all aspects of social order and economic development will be seriously impacted.

Therefore, this big drama in Philippine politics is still in full swing, and the future direction is full of countless variables and uncertainties.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

Let's wait and see what thrilling plot will be staged next.

Friends, let's make a bold guess about how the battle between the two Madu families will end in the end?

After a fierce contest, the two sides finally shook hands and made peace and jointly made suggestions for the development of the Philippines?

Or will they continue to fight each other and make this political struggle more intense?

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

As vice president, Sarah's situation can be described as difficult and delicate.

On the one hand, he has to deal with pressure from the president, and on the other hand, he has to stabilize his own camp and plan for the political future of his family.

And Marcos Jr., when making these decisions, may also have his own considerations and trade-offs.

The people of the Philippines are also full of anxiety and worry in this political situation.

What they want to see is that politicians can work together to improve the country's economy, law and order, and other issues, rather than getting bogged down in endless power struggles.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

After all, only with political stability and social harmony can everyone's life get better and better.

From an international perspective, the political dynamics of the Philippines have also attracted much attention.

Other countries will inevitably take into account the political situation within their countries when cooperating and communicating with the Philippines.

The unstable political environment may affect international investment, trade cooperation and many other aspects.

A few days after Trump's assassination, the personal guards of Duterte's father and daughter were suddenly transferred overnight

The struggle in Philippine politics is far from over, and the future is full of challenges and opportunities.

How the Madu family can resolve their conflicts, achieve political reconciliation, or find a balance in their struggles to find a viable path for the country's development will be the focus of our continued attention.

Let us hope that the Philippines will be able to get out of this political whirlpool as soon as possible and usher in a better tomorrow.

I wonder what you think and expect about this political situation in the Philippines? Feel free to continue the conversation.

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