
Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer
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Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

In 2010, Tan Weiwei's music career ushered in an unexpected turning point. As a high-profile and powerful singer, she made a stunning appearance at the Vienna Musikverein and won the Golden Horse Award for Best Original Song.

However, just when her career was booming, a song called "Tan Moumou" pushed her to the forefront.

This song, written by Tan Weiwei and well-known musician Gao Xiaosong, was originally a deep reflection on her experience in the past three years. The lyrics use time as a clue to depict her personal feelings from 2006 to 2009.

But unexpectedly, this song has caused a huge controversy on the Internet.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Many netizens misunderstood the lyrics, believing that Tan Weiwei showed "contempt and dissatisfaction". What's more, the "Happy Girl" incident mentioned in the lyrics is interpreted as an insinuation against another singer, Shang Wenjie.

For a time, Tan Weiwei became the target of public opinion and suffered unprecedented criticism.

The Internet is full of accusations against her, and some people even call for her works to be banned. Tan Weiwei, who was once full of hope, seemed to have fallen into the abyss overnight.

In the face of overwhelming criticism, Tan Weiwei's heart was undoubtedly greatly impacted.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

However, even in the whirlpool of public opinion, Tan Weiwei still did not deny his creation. She firmly believes that she is the unique "Tan Moumou", although this persistence has cost her a lot.

This turmoil is not only a huge test for her career, but also a severe challenge to her personal will.

Just when everyone thought that Tan Weiwei would sink, this crisis became an important turning point in her life. It forced Tan Weiwei to re-examine her life and career, and also laid the groundwork for her future transformation.

This once sharp girl is about to experience a life-changing event.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Back to the roots: the germ of a musical dream and the death of his father

Tan Weiwei's music journey began in an ordinary family in Sichuan. As the only daughter in the family, she has been loved by her parents since she was a child. Although his family was not wealthy, Tan Weiwei's childhood was full of laughter.

Her father was a local arts and cultural promoter, and he had a deep love for music and was proficient in a variety of musical instruments. This passion for music was quietly planted in Tan Weiwei's young heart like a seed.

When he was 14 years old, a chance chance completely changed the trajectory of Tan Weiwei's life. When she first heard Li Na sing "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau", the deep and high-pitched singing voice was like a lightning bolt that hit her heart.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

From that moment on, the dream of becoming a singer took root in her heart.

However, the road to chasing your dreams has not been easy. When Tan Weiwei expressed his desire to participate in the singing competition to his father, he was politely refused. Her father thought that her appearance might be a disadvantage and did not approve of her participation in the competition.

But this did not extinguish the fire in Tan Weiwei's heart. She resolutely hid from her father and signed up for the competition of the art festival for primary and secondary school students.

On the day of the competition, 14-year-old Tan Weiwei stood on the stage and sang the extremely difficult song "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau". Her performance amazed the audience and completely changed her father's opinion.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Since then, his father has become Tan Weiwei's staunchest supporter. Not only did he buy his daughter's favorite band tapes, but he also taught her some musical instruments himself.

In order to support his daughter's musical dreams, the father even gave up his old job and switched to the more difficult transportation industry. Although he had been diagnosed with cirrhosis and his doctors told him to avoid exertion, he insisted on traveling on the transportation line for months in order to raise money for the expensive tuition fees of the conservatory.

However, fate tricked people. Just when Tan Weiwei was about to realize her dream, her beloved father died of illness on Chinese New Year's Eve in 1996. In the last moments of his life, my father did not even leave any last words, only a silent tear.

This sudden blow left Tan Weiwei, who was only 14 years old, with an incurable wound.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

The loss of her father not only took away the most important supporter in her life, but also cast a shadow on her young heart. Despite this, Tan Weiwei still held on to the tuition fees that his father exchanged for his life and was successfully admitted to the Sichuan Conservatory of Music.

However, in the days that followed, she often felt deep regret, thinking that if she could do it all over again, she would rather choose an ordinary path than touch those unbearable musical dreams.

This experience has become an indelible imprint on Tan Weiwei's life, and it has also become the driving force for her to continue to move forward on the road of music.

Darkest hour: Breaking with one's mother and growing up independently

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

The death of her father was a huge blow to Tan Weiwei, but fate did not seem to intend to give the young girl a chance to breathe. Not long after she entered her college career, 18-year-old Tan Weiwei encountered another major turning point in her life.

She found out that her mother had developed a relationship with a man named "Second Uncle Chen". This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Tan Weiwei, who is in adolescence.

She could not accept that her mother was so quickly invested in new affection, as if it were a desecration of her father's memory. Anger and a sense of betrayal drove her back home from school to try to find the man who had "destroyed" her family.

However, in the face of her daughter's anger, the mother did not choose to back down. She insisted on her choice and decided to be with "Second Uncle Chen". This conflict became a watershed moment in the mother-daughter relationship.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

From that moment on, Tan Weiwei no longer wanted to call his mother "Mom", but called her "Teacher Zhang" detachedly. Behind this title is Tan Weiwei's deep pain in his heart and his disappointment in his mother.

Tan Weiwei chooses to cut off contact with his mother and face the cruel reality alone. Even when her mother tried to repair the relationship many times, going to school or bars to look for her, Tan Weiwei always avoided her under various excuses.

The emotional gap between mother and daughter is getting deeper and deeper, as if falling into a frozen state with no hope in sight.

This experience left Tan Weiwei deeply traumatized, but it also shaped her strong and independent character. In order to escape the pain in her heart, she devoted all her energy to her music career.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

At school, she actively participated in the creation of school dramas and became one of the protagonists; Outside of school, she worked hard to hone her craft as a resident singer in a bar.

Tan Weiwei seems to use busyness to fill the emptiness in his heart and prove his worth with success. She does not allow herself to show weakness and is unwilling to confide her inner pain to anyone.

She uses a strong appearance to hide her inner vulnerability, and numbs her emotions with busy work.

Tan Weiwei in this period is like a small grass that grows stubbornly in the wind and rain. She had promised her mother that she would take on the responsibilities of a husband in the family; He also promised his grandmother that he would shoulder the responsibilities of his son.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

She portrayed herself as a "pillar" man, shouldering the burden of life alone.

This independence and strength have become the driving force for her to continue to move forward on the road of music in the future. However, under the strong appearance, Tan Weiwei still longs for the warmth of family affection in his heart.

This experience of breaking with her mother became an important turning point in her life, and also laid the groundwork for her future personality change.

The Path of Art: From Campus to Rise to the International Stage

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Despite the changes in his family, Tan Weiwei did not give up his musical dream. With her outstanding talent, she was successfully admitted to the Sichuan Conservatory of Music and started her artistic path.

On campus, Tan Weiwei not only focused on music learning, but also actively participated in various art activities, gradually showing his talents.

2005 became an important turning point in Tan Weiwei's career. This year she had the privilege of performing in a concert at the Musikverein in Vienna.

For a young Chinese singer, it is undoubtedly a great honor to appear in this world-renowned music palace. In the same year, she also played the heroine in the Chinese musical "Golden Sands", showing her multifaceted artistic talents.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

These experiences not only broadened her artistic horizons, but also made her stand out in the domestic music industry.

In the years that followed, Tan Weiwei's career was booming. She actively participates in various singing competitions and has won many awards. Although she only won a silver medal in a certain competition, this did not prevent her from establishing an influential position in the domestic music field.

She successfully held a solo concert and proved her strength and popularity.

Tan Weiwei's talent is not limited to the field of music. With her excellent acting skills, she starred in two hit TV series in a row, showing her potential in film and television.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Her hard work has paid off, not only winning important awards such as the Golden Horse Award for Best Original Song, but also appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times and becoming a familiar face to audiences across the country.

However, success did not make Tan Weiwei forget his roots and responsibilities. As her career progressed, her financial conditions improved dramatically. She used her income to buy a comfortable house for her grandmother in the town and did her best to take care of the elderly.

This kind of love for the family may be a kind of emotional compensation for the loss of the father and the break with the mother.

Tan Weiwei's success is not only reflected in business, but also in her relentless pursuit of musical art. Over time, her work has gradually revealed a deep cultural heritage.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Whether it is a musical work or a film and television role, it is full of unique artistic charm. She began to pay attention to the cultural connotation of her works, trying to convey deeper emotions and thoughts through her artistic creations.

It is particularly worth mentioning that Tan Weiwei sang "Don't Forget the Original Heart" at the Spring Festival Gala in 2017, which not only expressed her personal emotions, but also vividly interpreted her life process.

This song seems to be a summary of her past experiences, and it is also a kind of expectation for her future.

Tan Weiwei's artistic journey, from the campus to the international stage, is a process of constantly breaking through himself and pursuing excellence. She used her talent and hard work to cleave the waves in the ocean of music, and finally became an eye-catching and powerful singer.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Love and Redemption: The Transformation Brought About by Married Life

Tan Weiwei's life turned around not only in his career, but also in his love life. During the filming of the TV series "33 Days of Broken Love", she met actor Chen Yifei.

The two quickly established a stable relationship because of the drama. The appearance of this relationship is like a ray of warm sunshine shining into Tan Weiwei's slightly lonely life.

Chen Yifei's thoughtfulness and care deeply touched Tan Weiwei. He is like a dutiful nanny, taking care of the busy Tan Weiwei. When Tan Weiwei can't take care of eating due to his busy work, Chen Yifei always carefully prepares nutritious lunches.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

When Tan Weiwei was immersed in creation and recording, Chen Yifei often waited silently outside the recording room, no matter how late it was.

This sincere love gradually softened Tan Weiwei's hard shell. The "female man" who was once independent and strong and unwilling to show weakness has become more and more gentle and lovely under the nourishment of love.

She began to learn to express her vulnerability and to be more receptive to the care of others.

More importantly, this relationship made Tan Weiwei rethink the meaning of family affection. When she felt sincere love, she seemed to have realized her mother's original intention of choosing a new partner.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

She began to gradually let go and became more understanding and accepting of her mother's decision to find a new life partner.

In 2017, Tan Weiwei and Chen Yifei entered the marriage hall. Three years later, they welcomed a pair of lovely twin daughters and formed a happy family of four.

After becoming a mother, Tan Weiwei realized the greatness of maternal love more deeply. She began to take the initiative to repair her relationship with her mother, and every time she returned home, she would bring carefully selected gifts for her mother and "Second Uncle Chen".

The girl who used to stubbornly call her mother "Teacher Zhang" has finally learned how to love and how to forgive.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Marriage and family life have allowed Tan Weiwei to find inner balance. She began to learn to make trade-offs between career and family, and to spend as much time as possible with her children.

This transformation made her realize the greatness of her father's sacrifice for the family back then. She seems to have found a continuation of the love left to her by her father in her own life.

Tan Weiwei's changes are not only reflected in her family life, but also in her artistic creation. Her music begins to take on a more warm and soft side, as if it were a natural outpouring of inner feelings.

Tan Weiwei, who was once angular, became more mellow and calm under the nourishment of love and marriage.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

This marriage not only brought happiness and warmth to Tan Weiwei, but also became an important redemption in her life. It helped her heal the wounds of the past and rediscover the meaning and direction of her life.

Tan Weiwei's story shows us that the power of love and family is so powerful that it can change a person's heart and bring back the glory of a once wounded soul.

Reinvention and rebirth: the second spring of the career

After experiencing the emotional redemption brought about by his career and marriage, Tan Weiwei has made new breakthroughs and pursuits in artistic creation. She began to pay more attention to the cultural connotation of her works, whether it was music creation or film and television performances, showing a more mature and profound artistic charm.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Tan Weiwei's transformation was fully demonstrated after she participated in the program "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves". This stage made her the focus of public attention again, and also allowed the audience to see a new Tan Weiwei.

In particular, she sang "Mountains and Seas" with Wang Xinling, which aroused enthusiastic responses and once again proved her status as a powerful singer. This collaboration not only showcases Tan Weiwei's outstanding singing prowess, but also reflects her tacit understanding and innovative spirit of working with other artists.

Today's Tan Weiwei is no longer the stubborn girl with sharp edges and corners, but a mature woman full of warmth and wisdom. Her musical compositions began to show more layers and depths, reflecting her thoughts and perceptions of life.

At the recent Spring Festival Gala, Tan Weiwei's performance "Hundred Birds Return to the Nest" once again won warm applause and high praise from the audience. This song not only shows her superb singing skills, but also conveys a warm feeling for family and life.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Tan Weiwei's second career is not only reflected in her musical achievements, but also in her understanding and pursuit of art. She began experimenting with more diverse musical styles, blending different cultural elements to create works that were both deep and resonant.

At the same time, she is also constantly expanding her artistic field, in addition to music, she has also dabbled in film and television, stage plays, etc., showing a full range of artistic talents.

What's more, Tan Weiwei has found a way to balance career and family. She has learned to take time out of her busy schedule to spend time with her family and incorporate the warmth and feelings of life into her artistic creations.

This balance not only takes her career to the next level, but also enriches her life.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

Tan Weiwei's story tells us that the setbacks and pains in life can make people lose for a while, but sincere love and the warmth of family can heal the pain and make people find their way forward again.

At the same time, this experience can also make the artist's work more profound and full of vitality.

Today, Tan Weiwei is interpreting what true success is in his own way - not only in his career, but also in finding happiness and balance in life.

Her story will undoubtedly inspire more people to move forward on the road of life and pursue their dreams, while not forgetting to cherish the beauty in life.

Tan Weiwei: Her father died young, she broke up with her mother who was in love, and now her marriage has made her softer

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