
Teague: I respect James so much! He's almost 40 years old and still a top five supergiant!

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Teague: I respect James so much! He's almost 40 years old and still a top five supergiant!

A tribute to the legend: James, the myth of immortality in basketball

Former opponent Teague's admiration: James, a supergiant who is still standing at nearly forty

In a report on July 25, NBA veteran and James' former opponent Teague expressed deep respect for the basketball superstar who is about to enter his age. He mentioned that in the warm-up game for the United States men's basketball team to prepare for the Olympic Games, James always faced adversity and always performed at a key moment in a unique gear to turn the tide and save the whole team. Such a performance undoubtedly covered up the shortcomings of some All-Star teammates in international competitions, and naturally conquered all peers.

Teague was overwhelmed with emotion, saying that at the age of 36, he could only play in the retirement league BIG3 and suffered a groin strain. He couldn't understand why James could maintain such a high competitive condition at such an advanced age, and was even recognized as a top five supergiant in the league. Teague speculates that it may have something to do with the fact that James spends millions of dollars a year on body maintenance. But he admits that he is far from being able to compare with James in this regard, and even finds it difficult to spend $100,000 on his body.

Former teammate Rivers Jr.'s emotion: James, a leader who leads by example

Meanwhile, James' former teammate Rivers Jr. also gave the veteran a heartfelt compliment on another show. He mentioned that James always leads by example, sets the tone for the team, and whether it is in training or games, he will give it his all and prove his worth with practical actions.

Rivers Jr. specifically mentioned that in the Olympic warm-up game, James's style of play once again proved his leadership status. He was filled with emotion and said it was incredible that James would be 40 years old and still be able to dominate the game at the Olympics. He believes that there will be no second player like this in the basketball world in the future, and James' basketball talent and leadership temperament are unique.

Nick Wright's praise: James, the best player in the United States men's basketball team

In addition to former teammates and former rivals, celebrity Nick Wright also expressed high praise for James on the podcast. He said that although he loves United States, he pays more attention to James' individual performance than watching the entire United States men's basketball team. Because James' performance is incredible, he is not only the best player of the United States men's basketball team, but also a superstar who is recognized by his opponents as the only one in the ranks.

Nick Wright mentioned that the United States men's basketball team relied on James' excellent play to win two consecutive narrow games. He believes that in the current basketball world, no one is better than James. Neither Tatum, Curry, nor Edwards can compare to James. Even Edwards himself knows that his achievements in basketball are nowhere near as good as James'.

James's ageless legend: a timeless myth in basketball

To sum up, whether it is a former teammate, a former opponent or a basketball celebrity, they all expressed deep respect and praise for James who is about to be 40 years old and still maintain such a high competitive condition. They agreed that James is an immortal myth in the basketball world, and that his talent, leadership temperament and professionalism are unmatched.

James has proven his worth by not only turning the tide in the game and saving the whole team, but also setting an example for the younger players by leading by example in his daily training. His basketball acumen and professionalism are breathtaking, and they are full of anticipation for his future basketball career.

James, who is about to enter the age of no doubt, still maintains such a high level of competitive condition and spirit, which is undoubtedly a miracle in the basketball world. His presence not only inspires countless young players to work hard, but also makes us cherish every game and moment brought by this basketball legend even more. James, the immortal myth of basketball, will continue to write his own saga with his talent and passion.

Honoring the Legend and Witnessing the Immortality: James, you are still our basketball myth

As a veteran basketball fan, I often consider myself lucky. Because I have witnessed the rise and glory of basketball superstars one after another, and have accompanied them through the peaks and lows of their careers. But among them, there is one player who has become an eternal myth in basketball with his incredible talent and tenacity, and he is LeBron ·.

The admiration of his former opponent Teague made me admire James even more

When I heard Teague's admiration for James, an indescribable emotion welled up in my heart. As a former-for-tat opponent with James in the ring, Teague's words are undoubtedly full of sincerity and respect. He mentioned that even though he is almost 40 years old, James can still save the whole team with a unique performance in the warm-up game of the United States men's basketball team. This makes me admire James even more because his basketball talent and leadership temperament have transcended the limitations of age and time.

Teague also mentioned that he could spend millions of dollars a year on physical maintenance to maintain such a high level of competitive fitness. It made me think deeply that James's success is not only because of his talent and talent, but also because of his love for basketball and his strict requirements for himself. This kind of dedication and pursuit of basketball makes me admire this basketball superstar even more when he is about to enter the age of no doubt.

Rivers Jr.'s emotion made me see James's charisma as a leader

And Rivers Jr.'s feelings for James made me feel more deeply James's charisma as a leader. He mentioned that James always leads by example and sets the tone for the team. Whether it's in training or in competitions, he will give his all and prove his worth with practical actions. This style of leadership by example has undoubtedly made his teammates trust and rely on him more.

I've also seen James train and play on the sidelines. His focus, his hard work, and his hard work all made me deeply feel his love for basketball and his desire to win. This spirit has undoubtedly infected his teammates as well, making them train and compete harder.

The praise of Nick Wright made me even more convinced of James's basketball status

And the famous Nick Wright's praise of James made me even more convinced of James's status in the basketball world. He said that although he loves the United States men's basketball team, he pays more attention to James's individual performance than watching the whole team play. Because James' performance is incredible, he is not only the best player of the United States men's basketball team, but also a superstar who is recognized by his opponents as the only one in the ranks.

I've felt that way before, too. When I'm watching a game from the sidelines, my eyes are always drawn to James. Every move, every shot, every pass, makes me cheer and cheer for him. Because I know that the basketball superstar, who is about to turn 40, still has unparalleled basketball talent and leadership qualities.

James' legend of immortality is our basketball myth

Looking back on James' career, I can't help but sigh at his ageless legend. From a young boy who first entered the league to a basketball superstar who is now about to enter the age of confusion, James has written a basketball myth of his own with his talent, hard work and love.

His presence not only inspires countless young players to work hard, but also makes us fans cherish every game and moment he brings to life. Because we know that this immortal myth in the basketball world is using his talent and passion to write an eternal basketball legend for us.

Discussion: Will there be such a basketball myth after James?

Finally, I would like to lead to a topic of discussion: will we still see such basketball myths after James? As basketball grows and changes, future players will undoubtedly have more opportunities and challenges. But to become a basketball myth like James, you need not only talent and talent, but also love, hard work, and perseverance.

So, will there be the next James in basketball in the future? Who will he be? How will he write his basketball myth? As fans, we are undoubtedly full of anticipation and curiosity. But no matter how the future changes, we should cherish the immortal myth of basketball in front of us - LeBron · James. Because he used his talent and passion to write an eternal basketball legend for us.

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The Myth of Basketball, Ode to James

Watching James's game, feeling the legend of his immortality, his heart is surging, and he is full of poems.

Superstar James, gifted,

Young and heroic, basketball on the road.

The years have passed in a hurry, and they are about to step away,

However, its style is still the same, and the field is dominant.

Former opponent Teague, admiration after admiration,

It is said that it is nearly forty, and it is still in the super giant.

The critical moment is to save the United States team,

Cover up your teammates and conquer your peers.

Rivers Jr., James exemplar,

Lead by example and set the tone for the team.

Train hard and play more flawlessly,

Almost forty is still fierce, dominating the Olympics.

Famous mouth Wright praised, eyes focused on Zhan,

The best player is also recognized by the opponent.

The number of votes is unique, and no one can compare,

Curitatum, all under it.

The myth of immortality, created by James,

Talent and leadership, no one can match.

When he first joined the alliance, he was a young man,

Now it is not confusing, and the legend is still being written.

The game is changing, James is majestic,

When the critical moment comes, it can always turn the tide.

Two warm-up games, adversity showed heroism,

A unique performance to save the United States basket.

Body Secrets? Or millions,

However, he loves baskets more than money.

Strict self-demand, the pursuit of endless,

Therefore, it has become a myth, and the basketball world lives on.

The charisma of the leader, James is fully displayed,

Lead by example and be trusted by your teammates.

Train hard and be more involved in the game,

The spirit infects the masses and creates brilliance together.

The hearts of the fans are surging, witnessing this legend,

Cherish every moment and thank Zhan for bringing it.

Who can follow this in the basketball world in the future?

Looking forward to a new myth that will recreate this splendor.

After James, who can be called a myth?

Talent needs, but also love plus.

Work hard for a long time to become a superstar,

On the road of basketball, we continue to create brilliance.

Looking back on his career, he has a lot of feelings,

James' name will forever be remembered in basketball history.

The legend of immortality, inspires all the young,

Work hard to chase your dreams on the basketball court.

Our generation of fans, lucky to witness this,

James's demeanor will always be in my heart.

May its basketball road be new and brilliant,

The myth of immortality is forever celebrated.

The world of basketball, because of Zhan is more exciting,

Thank you for your efforts to bring this feast.

The future is unpredictable,

But I hope to see this myth again.

The name of James is forever recorded in the annals of history,

The legend of immortality inspires everyone's hearts.

May it always be maintained, and this grace and appearance,

On the road of basketball, new brilliance.

In the last word, James is forever,

The myth of basketball is irreplaceable.

Thank you for your efforts to bring this feast,

May it be glorious forever and the basketball world forever.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】