
Uncle helped Deng Tai'a hundreds of millions of times, how many times did he help Xu Fengnian? Nail Zhao Xuansu to open the road to repay his kindness

Deng Tai'a, this name is spread in the rivers and lakes, and his story has been praised by countless people, but few people really know him. He is a chivalrous man with uncertain whereabouts, extraordinary skills, wisdom and bravery, but the most praised is his affectionate and righteous character.

Kindness is often more important than money, it is an invisible bond that connects trust and respect between people. Deng Tai'a knows this very well, and he values kindness more than life. Whenever someone helped him, even if it was a small help, he would remember it and be ready to repay the favor.

His code of conduct is simple but firm: the grace of a drop of water is reciprocated by a spring. This is not only a moral constraint, but also a deep understanding and respect for human nature. In Mrs. Deng's view, kindness is no matter how big or small, and every kindness is worth cherishing and reciprocating. Therefore, he often inadvertently helps those who have helped him, even if the other party has forgotten this kindness.

Uncle helped Deng Tai'a hundreds of millions of times, how many times did he help Xu Fengnian? Nail Zhao Xuansu to open the road to repay his kindness

Mrs. Deng's help is often unassuming and not showing off. He doesn't like to show off his martial arts in front of others, and he won't use his kindness to blackmail others. His help was always just right, neither excessive nor lacking, always giving the most appropriate support when it was needed most. This kind of low-key and precise help has earned him the reputation of "Silent Hero" in the rivers and lakes.

Once, by chance, Mrs. Deng rescued an old man who was in prison. The old man was originally a famous man in the rivers and lakes, and he was imprisoned because he was framed. Mrs. Deng not only helped him clear his grievances, but also helped him regain his freedom. The old man was grateful and wanted to repay Mrs. Deng, but Mrs. Deng just said lightly, "It's just a help, don't take it to heart", and drifted away.

Uncle helped Deng Tai'a hundreds of millions of times, how many times did he help Xu Fengnian? Nail Zhao Xuansu to open the road to repay his kindness

However, this kindness did not disappear because of Mrs. Tang's understatement. A few years later, when Deng Tai'a was in danger and was besieged by a group of powerful enemies, the old man suddenly appeared and single-handedly helped him repel the enemy. Afterwards, the old man said to Deng Tai'a: "I can't repay you for helping me back then, and I can help you out of the siege today, which can be regarded as repaying the kindness of the year." Mrs. Deng smiled slightly and didn't say anything, but she had a deeper understanding of this kindness in her heart.

This character of Deng Tai'a also influenced many of his friends and followers. They have learned to help and support each other in the rivers and lakes, forming an indescribable tacit understanding and trust. This kind of trust and tacit understanding has made Deng Tai'a's circle of friends wider and wider, and it has also made his position in the rivers and lakes more and more stable.

Uncle helped Deng Tai'a hundreds of millions of times, how many times did he help Xu Fengnian? Nail Zhao Xuansu to open the road to repay his kindness

In the disputes and struggles in the rivers and lakes, Deng Tai'a has always maintained his principles and bottom line. He will not betray his friends because of temporary interests, and he will not give up his beliefs because of the temptation of power. His persistence has earned him respect in the rivers and lakes, and has also allowed him to always get unexpected help in the face of difficulties and challenges.

The story of Deng Tai'a is like a wonderful martial arts novel, full of legend and the brilliance of human nature. He used his actions to interpret what is the real chivalrous spirit and what is the real kindness return. His story has inspired generations of sons and daughters to pursue their own ideals and realize their own values.

Uncle helped Deng Tai'a hundreds of millions of times, how many times did he help Xu Fengnian? Nail Zhao Xuansu to open the road to repay his kindness

In Mrs. Tang's world, kindness is not just a simple return, but also a deep emotional bond, the most sincere connection between people. He used his actions to let this kindness spread in the rivers and lakes, and let this emotion take root in people's hearts. His story continues, and his kindness is still being passed on......

Deng Tai'a, a chivalrous man who has made a name for himself in the rivers and lakes, his story is full of legends. However, beneath his glorious exterior lies an unknown background. Deng Tai'a was originally the illegitimate son of the Wu family, an identity that was difficult to talk about under feudal etiquette. His childhood was not happy, and he lived in the Wu family but did not get the love and respect he deserved, until Wu Su appeared.

Uncle helped Deng Tai'a hundreds of millions of times, how many times did he help Xu Fengnian? Nail Zhao Xuansu to open the road to repay his kindness

Wu Su, a heroine of the Wu family, she is not only strong in martial arts, but also has a benevolent heart. She found out about Mrs. Tang's situation and decided to lend a hand. Under Wu Su's protection, Deng Tai'a was able to escape those dark days, and he was adopted by Wu Su and became her apprentice. Wu Su not only gave him the warmth of his family, but also taught him advanced martial arts.

Deng Tai'a's gratitude to Wu Su is like the water of a river, bottomless. He knew that without Wu Su, he would not be where he is today. He practiced hard, not only to live up to Wu Su's expectations, but also hoped that one day, he would be able to repay her kindness with his own strength. However, fate always seems to like to joke, and just when Deng Tai'a's martial arts are becoming more and more sophisticated, and he is ready to repay Wu Su, the bad news of Wu Su's death came.

Wu Su's death was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Deng Tai'a. He felt deeply guilty and powerless for failing to give Wu Su the support she deserved when she needed it most. This guilt, like a thorn, pierced deep into his heart, keeping him awake at night and unpleasant to eat. He began to reflect and blame himself for why he had not noticed Wu Su's illness earlier, and why he was not capable of saving her life.

Mrs. Deng's guilt has not lessened with the passage of time, but has become heavier and heavier. He began to look around for a famous doctor, hoping to find a way to treat Wu Su, even if it was a glimmer of life. He has traveled all over the country, visited all the famous mountains and rivers, but never found anything. Every disappointment made his guilt even deeper.

However, Mrs. Tang did not give up because of this. He knew that what Wu Su valued most during her lifetime was justice and benevolence, and she hoped to help more people and make more people happy. So, Deng Tai'a decided to repay Wu Su's kindness with his own actions, and he began to go around to help those in need, and use his own strength to realize Wu Su's wishes before his death.

Deng Tai'a's behavior soon spread in the rivers and lakes, and his reputation also rose. Many people began to come to him in the hope of getting his help. Mrs. Tang never refuses, he always does his best to help everyone in need. His good deeds have made many people feel warmth and hope, and also made Wu Su's name more widely spread in the rivers and lakes.

In Mrs. Deng's heart, there is always a belief, that is, to use his own actions to make up for the guilt of Wu Su. He knew that no matter how much he did, he would not be able to save Wu Su's life, but he believed that as long as he could continue to do chivalrous deeds and continue to help others, it would be the best reward for Wu Su.

In Deng Tai'a's heart, Wu Su's figure has always lingered. Whenever there was a dead of night, he would always think of Wu Su's voice and smile, and her teachings and expectations for him. He knew that he couldn't let Wu Su down, and he couldn't let her kindness go to waste. Therefore, he worked harder to help others and to fulfill Wu Su's wishes.

Deng Tai'a's life can be said to have been spent under the influence of Wu Su. Her teachings, her expectations, her kindness were deeply imprinted in his heart. He used his actions to interpret what is true gratitude and what is true return. His story, although it does not have a perfect ending, is full of the brilliance and warmth of human nature.

Xu Fengnian, a well-known knight in the rivers and lakes, his story is full of adventures and challenges. Throughout his adventures, the name of Deng Tai'a has remained with him as his most reliable supporter and ally. Deng Tai'a, a hidden master, every time he helps, it shows his deep friendship with Xu Fengnian.

In Xu Fengnian's adventure, Deng Tai'a's first help was in Emperor Wu City. Emperor Wu City, a place full of mystery and danger, has a cloud of masters in the city, and there are countless martial slaves. In order to complete an important task, Xu Fengnian had to enter this crisis-ridden city. However, he soon found himself in a difficult situation, and the strength of the warrior slaves was so strong that he could barely cope.

Just when Xu Fengnian was in a desperate situation, Deng Tai'a appeared. He was like a bolt of lightning, piercing the gloom of Emperor Wu City, and defeating those martial slaves with lightning speed. Deng Tai'a's action not only saved Xu Fengnian from danger, but also made Xu Fengnian full of respect and gratitude to him. Deng Tai'a's martial arts are strong and thoughtful, he can always appear at critical moments and give Xu Fengnian the help he needs most.

In addition to the rescue in Emperor Wu City, Deng Tai'a also gave Xu Fengnian a sword. This sword is not only an extremely sharp weapon, but also a symbol of Deng Tai'a's friendship with Xu Fengnian. The sword body is cold and shining, and the hilt is engraved with exquisite patterns, and every detail reveals Deng Tai'a's intentions and care. Xu Fengnian knew the weight of this sword, and he regarded it as a treasure and wore it on his body at all times in case of emergency.

In Xu Fengnian's adventure, Deng Tai'a's third help was in the battle against Zhao Xuansu. Zhao Xuansu, an ambitious villain, with his strong strength and cruel methods, is a big rival of Xu Fengnian in the rivers and lakes. In a fierce duel, Xu Fengnian almost lost to Zhao Xuansu, and the situation was precarious. At this moment, Deng Tai'a stepped forward again, and he fought side by side with Xu Fengnian against Zhao Xuansu.

The addition of Deng Tai'a not only enhanced Xu Fengnian's combat effectiveness, but also gave him great courage and confidence. The tacit cooperation between the two of them seems to have a heart, every attack is accurate, and every defense is as solid as a rock. With the help of Deng Tai'a, Xu Fengnian finally succeeded in defeating Zhao Xuansu and maintaining justice and peace in the rivers and lakes.

Every time Mrs. Deng helped, it showed his deep friendship with Xu Fengnian. He not only appeared when Xu Fengnian needed help the most, but also stepped forward at Xu Fengnian's most dangerous moment. His behavior is not only out of friendship with Xu Fengnian, but also out of adherence to justice in the rivers and lakes. Deng Tai'a's spirit made Xu Fengnian full of respect and gratitude for him.

In Xu Fengnian's adventures, Deng Tai'a has always been an indispensable character. His presence not only provided strong support for Xu Fengnian, but also gave Xu Fengnian more courage and confidence in the face of difficulties and challenges. Every time Mrs. Deng helped, Xu Fengnian deeply felt the power and warmth of friendship.

The relationship between Deng Tai'a and Xu Fengnian has long gone beyond ordinary friendship, they are more like brothers and comrades-in-arms. In the wind and rain of the rivers and lakes, they support each other, rely on each other, and face one challenge after another together. Every time Mrs. Deng helped, Xu Fengnian was even more convinced that as long as Mrs. Deng was there, he would be fearless and move forward bravely.

Every time Mrs. Deng helped, it was not only a help to Xu Fengnian, but also a maintenance of justice in the rivers and lakes. His behavior inspires Xu Fengnian to keep moving forward, constantly challenging himself, and constantly pursuing higher goals. Throughout Xu Fengnian's adventures, Mrs. Deng has always been the most reliable supporter and the most trusted ally. Their story continues, and their friendship continues......

Mrs. Deng, this name has long been not only a name in the rivers and lakes, but also a legend. Not only did he come to Hsu's aid in his personal crises many times, but he also played a key role in the broader battle. His existence is like a solid barrier, protecting Xu Fengnian and the peace and justice of the entire rivers and lakes.

In the battle of Rejecting the North City, Deng Tai'a's peerless swordsmanship played a vital role. Rejection of the North City, an ancient city located in the north, has been a battleground for soldiers since ancient times. The terrain here is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it has always been the gateway to the north. However, this time the battle was different from the past, as the enemies were not only mortals, but also powerful immortals.

The power of the immortals is mysterious, and their very existence is a great threat. In this battle, the power of the immortals almost put the northern city in a desperate situation. Although Xu Fengnian was brave, in the face of the attack of the immortals, his strength seemed a little inadequate. Just when the situation was precarious, Mrs. Deng appeared.

Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship has already reached the peak of the realm. His swordsmanship is not only lightning fast, but also unmatched in precision and power. In the battle of Rejection North City, he single-handedly killed one immortal after another. His sword light was like a meteor, piercing the night sky and illuminating the battlefield. Every time the sword light flickered, it was accompanied by the fall of an immortal.

Deng Tai'a's action not only shocked the enemy, but also boosted his own morale. His swordsmanship is like a rousing battle song, inspiring every warrior to forge ahead. Under the leadership of Deng Tai'a, the warriors of the Northern City seemed to be infused with infinite strength, and they charged bravely and swore to defend this ancient city to the death.

Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship not only played a key role in battle, but also played a decisive role in strategy. His presence greatly hindered the enemy's offensive. Although the power of the immortals was strong, under Deng Tai'a's sword, their power seemed to become less terrifying. Each of Deng Tai'a's swords accurately hit the enemy's vital points, making them unable to exert their due strength.

In the battle of the Northern City, Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship not only cut down the immortals, but also cut off the enemy's morale. The light of his sword was like a sharp blade, cutting through the confidence and courage of his enemies. Every flicker of the sword light filled the enemy's heart with fear and unease. Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship is not only a means of attack, but also a kind of spiritual oppression.

Every time Deng Tai'a made a move, it showed his deep friendship with Xu Fengnian. He knew that Xu Fengnian was not only his friend, but also the hope of the entire Jianghu. He is willing to use his own strength to protect Xu Fengnian and protect the peace and justice of the entire rivers and lakes. Deng Tai'a's spirit made Xu Fengnian full of respect and gratitude for him.

In the battle of the Rejection of the North City, Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship became an insurmountable barrier. His existence allowed Xu Fengnian to devote himself to the battle without worries. Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship is not only a symbol of strength, but also a spiritual inheritance. He used his swordsmanship to interpret what is true chivalry and what is a real hero.

Every time Mrs. Deng made a move, Xu Fengnian deeply felt the power and warmth of friendship. He knew that as long as Deng Tai'a was there, he would be able to move forward fearlessly and bravely. Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship, like a ray of light, illuminated Xu Fengnian's adventure and the future of the entire rivers and lakes.

In the battle of the North City, Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship became a kind of legend. His name, like a sword light, is engraved in the heart of every warrior. His existence is not only a symbol of strength, but also a spiritual inheritance. Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship, like a passionate war song, inspires every warrior to move forward bravely and defend this ancient city to the death.

Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship, like a ray of light, illuminated Xu Fengnian's adventure and the future of the entire rivers and lakes. His existence allowed Xu Fengnian to devote himself to the battle without worries. Deng Tai'a's swordsmanship is not only a symbol of strength, but also a spiritual inheritance. He used his swordsmanship to interpret what is true chivalry and what is a real hero. His story continues, and his swordsmanship is still being passed on......

Deng Tai'a, a chivalrous man famous for his swordsmanship in the rivers and lakes, has a unique personality and a unique style of acting. In terms of his attitude towards kindness, he has his own set of principles: "If you owe one or two, you should pay back the gold mountain". This sentence is not only his commitment to kindness, but also the embodiment of his philosophy of life. He believed that kindness was priceless and should be reciprocated with the utmost sincerity and generosity.

In daily life, this generosity and uncaring personality of Deng Tai'a is vividly expressed. He never cares about personal gains and losses, and always treats people and things around him with an open-minded heart. His character has won him wide respect and love in the rivers and lakes.

Once, when Mrs. Tang was dining in a tavern, she found that she had forgotten to bring silver taels. Faced with the situation, he did not show the slightest embarrassment or anxiety, but instead approached the issue with a relaxed attitude. He smiled and said to the tavern owner, "Boss, I went out in a hurry today and forgot to bring money, can I use this flying sword as collateral?" With that, he untied a delicate flying sword from his waist and placed it on the table.

The tavern owner looked at the flying sword, and saw that the sword body was radiant, obviously not ordinary. He knew Deng Tai'a's reputation, and he also knew that the sword was worth far more than the price of a meal. The boss hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Deng Daxia, where are you, your name is like thunder, it is our honor to invite you to a meal, you should take this sword." "

Deng Tai'a insisted on keeping the flying sword, he said: "Boss, this is my principle, I can't let you suffer." Although this sword is not worth much, it is also my heart, please accept it. At the insistence of Mrs. Deng, the boss had no choice but to accept the flying sword.

This incident quickly spread in the rivers and lakes and became a good story. People have admired Deng Tai'a's generosity and magnanimity, and his personality makes his image in the rivers and lakes more distinct. He not only shows his chivalrous spirit in big things, but also reflects his personality charm in the little things in daily life.

This personality of Mrs. Tang also influenced many of his friends and followers. They have learned to be considerate of gains and losses in their dealings with others, and they have learned to treat others with a tolerant and generous heart. This spirit has spread in the rivers and lakes and has become a virtue and a fashion.

In the life of Mrs. Tang, there are many more such examples. His attitude towards kindness is not only reflected in his help to others, but also in his attitude towards life. He always faces everything in life with an optimistic and positive attitude, and he is able to maintain a peaceful heart in good times and bad.

Deng Tai'a's personality makes him a unique existence in the rivers and lakes. His name, his story, and his spirit have all become a beautiful landscape in the rivers and lakes. With his actions, he interprets what is true chivalry and what is true generosity.

In the body of Deng Tai'a, we can see a spiritual pursuit that transcends the material. He does not value money and material gains and losses, but more values the emotion and trust between people. His attitude has won him the respect and admiration of people in the rivers and lakes.

This personality of Deng Tai'a also allows him to remain calm and calm in the face of difficulties and challenges. He will not waver in his beliefs because of temporary gains and losses, and he will not change his principles because of the temptation of the outside world. His firmness and persistence have made him a trustworthy person in the rivers and lakes.

Every shot and every choice of Deng Tai'a reflects this personality of his. He uses his actions to influence and infect the people around him, so that more people can learn to treat life and others with a tolerant and generous heart. His story continues, and his spirit is still being passed on......