
"Be a man and don't be a pig!" They were not convinced

author:Writer Chen Lan

Two days ago, seeing the speech of the Xiangtan high school student, it was really uncomfortable, and I posted a few words.

"Be a man and don't be a pig!" They were not convinced

Unexpectedly, there were really a lot of earth pig defenders running out, and they shook me back.

Even in the circle of friends, there is a friend I like very much, Ms. L, who left me seven or eight messages in one go, all of which spoke for the phoenix man.

Send out her message to share.

"I am more sensitive to this topic because my own father is also a phoenix man, from rural Sichuan in Beijing university married to my mother (my mother is a Beijing cadre family), one of my uncles is also a phoenix man admitted to Tsinghua, one of my cousin's husbands is also a phoenix man who has succeeded in his own business, these phoenix male husbands around me are all very smart and capable, good for their wives and children." So I don't understand why I should scold young people who are born poor but work hard again and again? Is it so objective? Is there a factual basis? ”

"You are a writer I respect. I don't like the word Phoenix Man. No one should be labeled. Anyone who was born poor but worked very hard deserves our respect. People born into poor families are not necessarily selfish and cowardly, they may also be brave, strong and kind. People born into wealthy families can also be harsh and selfish. They are all individuals, they are all examples, and they should not be generalized. ”


After reading it, I think that our views are not divergent in nature.

My reply is as follows:

"Did your dad use your mom's family as a resource?" If not, he is not an earth pig. ”

"I've never defined being born poor as necessarily being harsh and selfish, although the relative probability is greater. More is the establishment of tutoring and self-worth. ”

As I wrote in yesterday's article, women are more likely to integrate into modern urban civilization than men, and it is easy for men to find their place in new communities and environments.

However, teenagers like Zhang Xifeng who have successfully learned poisonous chicken soup and even begun to beat chicken blood to send chicken soup, if they can't relax a little, be peaceful, and learn to respect others - respect others, that is, treat themselves as people - I am afraid that on the road ahead, the probability of setbacks is greater.

Ms. L's father should be about the same age as my father's mother.

They are the same age and companion of the republic, and they all have a strong idealistic temperament.

Therefore, although Ms. L's father was born poor, he was studious, intelligent and self-motivated, and later grew up to be a scholar, treating his wife and daughter kindly, respecting both parents, fulfilling his duties and obligations as a man to the family and the country, and being a great father in the daughter's heart.

Such a man, of course, should become a model for more men.

However, compared with such men, some men's pig faces are really cunning and depraved.

The key to the disgust of the earth pig is that he treats himself as a pig and treats a woman (and the woman's whole family) as his dish.

This is a foul-smelling value that runs through many homes, regardless of rural and urban areas, and it is very disgusting.


The word pig and cabbage became popular and began with a paragraph.

"Be a man and don't be a pig!" They were not convinced

"One day my mother asked me if your girlfriend had a scar on her chest."

"As I ate, I subconsciously said, 'No.'"

"My mom turned around and said to my dad, 'Our pig arches someone else's cabbage."

"Be a man and don't be a pig!" They were not convinced

Most people laugh and laugh when they hear this passage, but I don't feel comfortable.

The spontaneous pride of "my mother" in this passage - her own pig arch occupies someone else's cabbage, as if this is an achievement and victory.

The role setting of pigs and cabbages is itself a materialization of women.

It also reinforces the "male hunting consciousness" that I have repeatedly criticized in many articles.

At the heart of such a foul-smelling value is that men come out hunting and women are prey.

Women are little cabbages that grow in the ground, either you take them or I take them. Whoever gets it wins is the winner in life.

No matter what means, whether it is through the reading of the superior, the book has its own golden house, and the beauty of the hug is regarded as the highest reward in life; or through the inferior point of robbery, robbing the girl of others to go home as the lady of the village; or forcing the woman to obey herself, marry the chicken and marry the dog with the dog.

In essence, all three are a foul-smelling core: not to treat women as people, but as a piece of Tang monk meat, as their own life prizes, life achievements and life resources.

What if an 18-year-old girl said, I'm studying to catch a golden turtle?

I'm afraid I'm going to be scolded to death.

That's what I hate.

Modern women, increasingly disgusted, are also this.

"We'd rather be single than be coveted, and we don't want to be labeled cabbage and then plotted how to eat us."


If nothing else, let's talk about two cases.

One is the case of the prototype of "Double Sided Tape".

After the murderer killed his wife, he had no intention of repenting. He said: "Marrying her is for her and her family to bring me and my family's resources, and now she doesn't give them, so what is the use of keeping her?" ”

"Be a man and don't be a pig!" They were not convinced

This case is really not an isolated case.

The worst case was Dong Gangbiao of Changshu Institute of Technology.

"Be a man and don't be a pig!" They were not convinced

Image from the web

Well, I wrote his name, and even if he came to sue me, the case would have to be brought up again.

Dong Gangbiao is a phoenix man.

And Dong Gangbiao's wife, Xu Yili, is a girl from the intellectual family of Zhishu Dali.

Dong Gangbiao was born into poverty, his mother Liu Xiuying has been married many times, single with 3 children (a very tough old lady),

After he finished college, he entered changshu Polytechnic Institute to teach, and the counterattack of life began when he chased xu Yili, another teacher in the same college.

Dong Gangbiao was poor and white, and he could have lived peacefully with Xu Yili in the dormitory arranged by the school, but Dong Gangbiao's mother, Liu Xiuying, joined in, turning this ordinary marriage of young men and women into a threesome, and then into a nightmare.

Liu Xiuying insisted on living with her younger son, and put her bed next to her son's marriage bed, and the three of them slept in the same bed.

Xu Yili really couldn't stand it.

The Xu family paid for a house of more than 100 square meters.

The generous Xu family even wrote only the name of their son-in-law on the property deed.

It is nothing more than hoping that the son-in-law and the mother-in-law will treat their daughters kindly.

But the house became a catalyst for his daughter's life.

Liu Xiuying lived in the house purchased by her daughter-in-law's family and continued to toss her daughter-in-law every day.

Xu Yili could no longer bear the torture and filed for divorce from her husband, Dong Gangbiao.

Once divorced, Dong Gangbiao will lose a lot of things, and the house is likely to be taken back.

Liu Xiuying immediately began her murder plan.

When Dong Gangbiao "happened" to travel, the gasoline she prepared spilled on Xu Yili, the gasoline splashed into her eyes, the contact lenses melted, and Xu Yili suddenly couldn't see anything clearly and slipped to the ground.

Liu Xiuying then picked up the prepared knife and slashed her head and neck dozens of times, cutting until only one skin was left. (What kind of hatred is this, and what is the relationship between her and his son?!! )

The most pitiful detail is that after Xu Yili's mother arrived at the scene, she saw her daughter who was almost separated, and dialed 120, hoping that her daughter would still be saved. (Tears)

"Be a man and don't be a pig!" They were not convinced
"Be a man and don't be a pig!" They were not convinced

Because of the letter of understanding from the victim's relatives (issued by Dong Gangbiao), Liu Xiuying was not sentenced to death. (This is what she expected, she often watches legal programs)

Dong Gangbiao has custody of the child because he is the father, and the parents-in-law who have lost their daughter have no way to get back the property.

That's it.

No legendary revenge.

Nor is there a legendary retribution.

Dong Gangbiao, because he had a house and a title, was said to have remarried soon.

It is estimated that there will inevitably be a second child.

Liu Xiuying's precise calculations—no one knows whether her son was involved in the calculations—helped her younger son complete a super counterattack, wiping out Xu Yili's life by eating dry, and giving her son everything he couldn't have in the past.

This is the most miserable cabbage family in history.

It is also a tragic case that has always been difficult for me to reconcile.

I don't believe that the deceased can leave with peace of mind, I don't believe that there is no retribution for death, this case will be recalled every three to five minutes, I hope to hear Dong Gangbiao's "good news" one day.


Can understand the "fighting spirit" of some "phoenix men" who are eager to get ahead.

In the past, the difference between urban and rural areas spanned decades, and the past was as insurmountable as a natural graben.

A person with urban household registration, whether a man or a woman, cannot marry a person with a rural household registration.

Because, if a man marries a woman with a rural hukou, the children born must also be with the rural hukou.

When a woman marries a man with a rural hukou, she will move to the countryside, and she or her children will squat in the countryside.

At that time, the countryside was far from the urban area.

Urban household registration has a ration, a work arrangement, can enter the factory to recruit workers, eat national meals, and have a pension.

At that time, there was nothing in the countryside, so they could only plane food in the soil, and earlier they ate by work, and their lives were bitter, and there was no guarantee when they were old.

However, now that the reform and opening up has been more than 40 years old, the difference between urban and rural areas has become less obvious.

Population can move, migrate, employ and develop freely.

The leap of classes also has a channel.

Normal people can improve their situation through their own efforts, and then improve their children's future.

What decent, wealthy family is not the work of generations?

I studied and went on my own, I wanted to choose a good marriage, there was nothing wrong with it, and people went to a higher place.

Then you also see, what does the woman want?

Most girls, regardless of urban and rural areas, are nothing more than looking for partners who are "good-looking, genuinely love themselves, stable, gentle, sympathetic, have a legitimate career, and can have good co-parenting".

Translated, it is two people, each treating each other as a person, running a small life well, and bringing up children.

Such a family, as long as it operates stably for three generations, the descendants will inevitably live well.


However, how do some native pigs pig?

Take a look at this.

"How Rural Men Conquer Bai Fumei Eight Steps".

This post,

It has caused panic among female groups and has also caused a large number of men to like it.

A man asked, "Will it be easier for a rural man to get married if he is admitted to the civil service?" ”

The next Gao Zan's answer was to guide him step by step how to go through the "eight steps" to arch cabbage.

"Be a man and don't be a pig!" They were not convinced

Step 1: Learn to hide yourself. Rural habits are difficult to change, such as son preference, Voldemort, such as filial piety to parents first, such as helping their poor relatives. He didn't say "change your habits," but he said, "Hide yourself." Isn't that cheating?

Step 2: You must be "I will never die after giving birth to a daughter", but you must say: "I want to have a girl in the future." ”

Third, do what you like, improve your compulsion, read more foreign books, and watch more foreign movies. ——He is not really to improve his own taste, nor is he really to develop his own life hobbies, in order to be able to deceive the woman, to make up for the movie! Such intentions really make people shudder.

Fourth: Aim at leftover women of 28-30, let them understand not to pick men's looks, after all, "work and appearance can not be combined."

Fifth, use the characteristics of "people are poor and not poor" to win the other parents and win sympathy and even good feelings.


To the eighth step: anti-guest-oriented, the early stage is enough, once married, have children, it is best to have a second child, you can squeeze resources and money to the fullest. In case the parents-in-law discover the true face, you can also use "feeling poor and loving the rich" to shirk responsibility.

You see, even the hat with a rake upside down is ready.

Motivations, strategies, means, and retreats were all arranged.

The ugly face of the earth pigs, so clear, does anyone still think that they are also pitiful?

Does anyone else think they're okay?


There is a passage in "Journey to the West", Tang Monk was caught by the monster, Sun Wukong went to inquire, the little monster said, put in the hole, to wait for the day to clear, take it out and blow it carefully, wash it clean. Sun Wukong became angry: "Has my master ever offended you?" Do you want such a calculation to eat him?! ”

In the same way, has Bai Fumei ever offended you? Want to eat them with such calculations?

But, in the eyes of some earth pigs, you were born into a normal, decent, and wealthy family, which is original sin.

They don't blame their parents for not working hard enough, nor do they blame themselves for not working hard enough for three generations. Nor do they look at the history of other people's homes, nor do they believe that by virtue of honesty, diligence, and integrity, they can have their own families and have a happy life.

They are paranoid that as long as they have outstanding performance in a certain aspect, such as an exam, such as Fan Jinzhong, then all the good things will fall down and fall on their heads.

However, in modern civilized society, this is not the law.

Fan Jinzhong held up the natural that immediately someone sent money and gifts to women, and in modern civilized society, women are not property. Women do not represent resources, she is like you, are all lifted in the exam!

You think you're going to have a mouthful of earthy English and you're going to make her look up at you? But you don't know that people have been reading a second foreign language since they were young?

Do you think that if you take the civil service exam, everyone's sister and family will go up to the house to find you as a golden turtle son-in-law?

Pull it down...

People who are poor are not afraid, their hearts are poor, that is really rotten.

Low income is not terrible, low values, that is to destroy three generations.

Dong Gangbiao's mother said that the daughter-in-law should wash and brush at home, obey the mother-in-law's orders, serve her husband well, and dare to resist, that is, damn.

She has a more absolute hand, who does not listen to her, just throw around the school: "You bully my rural people!" You bully me for not having culture! You're bullying my old wife! ”

Such a mother, the son Dong Gangbiao who was raised, where can the values be advanced?

"Be a man and don't be a pig!" They were not convinced

TV series "Double Sided Tape"


Therefore, soil is not soil, it is not important. Three generations up, all are mud legs.

Pigs are not pigs, that's the key.

Is it to raise children to be responsible, loving and personality-minded people, or to cultivate a villain who is mercenary and hides the dog and fly camp?

The difference lies in these two sentences.

"I was born a mountain, not a stream,

I want to look down on the mediocre ravines at the top of the peaks.

I was born to be a master, not a mustard,

I stand on the shoulders of great men in defiance of lowly cowards! “


"I'm going to the cabbage in Arch City!"

I'm sorry, Dong Gangbiao, the predecessor of the earth pig, has come,

From now on

Seeing the earth pig, we can only turn it into a pot of fragrant pork head meat.