
Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

In the spring of 1943, the Japanese army launched a large-scale attack on the Soviet-Chinese anti-Japanese base areas, and the New Fourth Army faced a severe test. At this critical moment, a shocking news came: Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led more than 600 of his subordinates to defect to the Japanese army! This sudden "mutiny" caused an uproar in the anti-Japanese camp, and the fighters were furious. However, what is puzzling is that Su Yu, the leader of the New Fourth Army, was unusually calm and even faintly happy about this. Is Tang Jingyan really a rebel or is there something else hidden? Why was Su Yu so calm about this seemingly catastrophic event?

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

From student to general: Tang Jingyan's revolutionary road

In 1904, Tang Jingyan was born in an ordinary family in Rugao, Jiangsu. Although his family background is ordinary, he was admitted to Nantong Commercial School with his own efforts. At school, Tang Jingyan accidentally found that someone had deducted students' food fees without permission.

A sense of justice drove him to speak out against such behavior, but he was expelled from the school for trumped-up reasons. This setback did not bring down Tang Jingyan, but inspired the spirit of resistance in his heart.

At the age of 17, Tang Jingyan was admitted to Shanghai East Asia Sports College. After graduating three years later, he joined the Kuomintang army with the dream of serving the country. Tang Jingyan soon took up the posts of supervisory committee member and propaganda officer at the Kuomintang Rugao County Party Department.

However, the huge gap between reality and ideals made Tang Jingyan deeply disappointed. He found that the soldiers in the Kuomintang ranks were not actively trained, were often lazy, and liked to spend their days drinking with military salaries. Tang Jingyan was deeply dissatisfied with this, and inevitably revealed some "inappropriate" remarks in his daily life.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Tang Jingyan was arrested and imprisoned by the Kuomintang on charges of "collaborating with the Communist Party". Tang Jingyan, who was able to get out of prison after several setbacks, was confused for a while, but his inner desire to serve the motherland made him quickly regroup. The Communist Party has always adhered to the policy of joint resistance against Japan, which deeply attracted Tang Jingyan.

After many hardships, Tang Jingyan finally joined the New Fourth Army as he wished and became a soldier under Su Yu. Tang Jingyan and Su Yu hit it off at first sight, both of them were straight-tempered, and they would say anything directly, and they could talk very well. Tang Jingyan fought bravely on the battlefield and soon made great achievements.

Soon after, Tang Jingyan was promoted to the head of the Tonghai Self-Defense Regiment. Under his leadership, the Tonghai Self-Defense Regiment has repeatedly performed miraculous feats on the battlefield of resistance against Japan, and is affectionately called "soup ball" by the local people. Tang Jingyan's revolutionary career seems to have entered a new stage.

However, a turning point in fate soon came. In the spring of 1943, the Japanese army invaded the Soviet-central region where General Su Yu was stationed. The Japanese army originally thought that it would be easy to take this area, but they did not expect that under the leadership of General Su Yu, the soldiers of the New Fourth Army bravely resisted the enemy and caused heavy losses to the Japanese army.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

The upper echelons of the Japanese army were troubled by this, so they came up with the idea of "using China to contain China." They set their sights on Tang Jingyan for "rebellion". Tang Jingyan was chosen for two reasons: first, Tonghai County, where Tang Jingyan was located, was geographically important, and the Japanese army urgently needed to use it as a new stronghold; The second is that Tang Jingyan once served in the national army, and the Japanese army thought that his will might not be firm enough.

The Japanese army sent Jiang Songping, a well-spoken agent, to persuade Tang Jingyan to surrender. After Jiang Songping and Tang Jingyan talked for a few words, Tang Jingyan was very moved. Tang Jingyan said to Jiang Songping that he needed time to think about it, Jiang Songping heard the overtones in his words and knew that things had an eyebrow.

After several rounds of bargaining, Tang Jingyan proposed to Jiang Songping the conditions for surrender: to retain the original unit structure and continue to garrison in the same place. After considering it, the Japanese army agreed to Tang Jingyan's request. On April 15, Tang Jingyan led more than 600 people under his command to defect to the Japanese army.

Surrender to the enemy or undercover: the spy war drama opens

The Japanese attack was like a sharp sword, aiming directly at the heart of the Soviet-Chinese anti-Japanese base area. In the spring of 1943, General Su Yu and his soldiers of the New Fourth Army faced unprecedented challenges. The Japanese originally thought that they could easily take this area, but they did not expect that the stubborn resistance of the New Fourth Army would cause them heavy losses.

The war reached a stalemate, and the upper echelons of the Japanese army began to rack their brains to find a breakthrough. They came up with an insidious idea: to implement the strategy of "using China to contain China" and disintegrate the forces of the New Fourth Army from within.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

The eyes of the Japanese army quickly locked on Tang Jingyan, the head of the Tonghai Self-Defense Regiment. Tang Jingyan was chosen for two reasons: first, the geographical location of Tonghai County was very important, and the Japanese army urgently needed to use it as a new stronghold; The second is that Tang Jingyan had served in the Kuomintang army, and the Japanese army thought that his position might not be firm enough.

In order to persuade Tang Jingyan to surrender, the Japanese army sent a well-spoken spy Jiang Songping. After Jiang Songping and Tang Jingyan met, the two started a seemingly ordinary but hidden dialogue. Tang Jingyan said to Jiang Songping that he needed time to think about it, and this sentence made Jiang Songping hear that things were going on.

After several rounds of bargaining, Tang Jingyan proposed to Jiang Songping the conditions for surrender: to retain the original unit structure and continue to garrison in the same place. After considering it, the Japanese army agreed to Tang Jingyan's request, which they considered to be an acceptable price.

On April 15, this shocking news spread throughout the Soviet-Chinese base area: Tang Jingyan led more than 600 people under his command to defect to the Japanese army. This news was like a bombshell, causing an uproar among the anti-Japanese ranks.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

Many fighters were incredulous, they could not understand how a regimental commander who had once heroically resisted the enemy could make such a choice. For a time, a chorus of bitter scolding sounded in the anti-Japanese base areas, and people were filled with righteous indignation at Tang Jingyan's "mutiny" behavior.

However, Tang Jingyan's actions did not stop there. In the process of taking refuge, he actually had a "bloody conflict" with Su Yu's troops. This move made the Japanese army very happy, and they thought that Tang Jingyan was sincerely surrendering to them.

What's even more unexpected is that Tang Jingyan also brought his family to the Japanese-controlled area. This series of actions greatly reduced the vigilance and mustardiness of the Japanese army, and they began to believe that Tang Jingyan had indeed betrayed the Communists.

Tang Jingyan's "mutiny" dealt a big blow to the New Fourth Army. On the one hand, they lost an important anti-Japanese force; On the other hand, this incident also had a negative impact on the morale of other troops.

However, just when everyone thought that Tang Jingyan had become an out-and-out traitor, an unexpected situation happened. General Su Yu, the supreme leader of the New Fourth Army, reacted unusually calmly to this incident, and even faintly joyed.

Su Yu's reaction confused the people around him. In the face of such a serious mutiny, why was Su Yu, as a commander, not only not angry, but also a little happy? This question hangs over everyone's mind like a fog.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

Just when people were talking, Su Yu called a meeting of several cronies. The meeting was kept secret, but the expressions on the faces of the participants showed that they seemed to have reached some kind of consensus. After the meeting, Su Yu ordered that Tang Jingyan's relevant information be kept strictly confidential and that the matter should not be discussed at will.

At the same time, in the area controlled by the Japanese army, Tang Jingyan began his "new life". He actively cooperated with the work of the Japanese army and behaved like a real "traitor". The Japanese army was very satisfied with Tang Jingyan's performance and soon gave him more power and trust.

Tang Jingyan took advantage of these convenient conditions and began to frequently enter and exit important places of the Japanese army. He observed, memorized, and memorized everything he saw. At the same time, he also took the initiative to get close to other Japanese puppet officers, trying to inquire for more information.

In this process, Tang Jingyan behaved cautiously, for fear of revealing his feet. He reminds himself every day to be vigilant and not to slack off. In this way, Tang Jingyan gained a firm foothold in the Japanese-controlled area and became a trusted "traitor".

Darkness Chen Cang: Su Yu's earth-shattering plan

Tang Jingyan's "mutiny" caused an uproar in the Soviet-Chinese anti-Japanese base areas, but General Su Yu appeared unusually calm. The scheming general had long since seen through the Japanese army's tricks and devised an even more sophisticated counter-strategy.

Su Yu knew very well that the Japanese army was struggling to find a breakthrough, and the Tonghai Self-Defense Group happened to be their coveted target. Faced with this situation, Su Yu decided to make a plan and let Tang Jingyan pretend to join the enemy, but in fact he was lurking inside the enemy.

In order to ensure the success of the plan, Su Yu personally approached Tang Jingyan and explained to him in detail this dangerous but important task. Tang Jingyan agreed without saying a word, and he expressed his willingness to sacrifice everything for the anti-Japanese cause, even if it was his own reputation.

Next, Su Yu and Tang Jingyan began to carefully plan this "mutiny" drama. They discussed a variety of details, including how to engage with the Japanese, how to show sincerity in surrendering, and how to establish an intelligence network in enemy-occupied territory.

In order to make this scene more realistic, Su Yu even arranged a "bloody conflict". He ordered his troops to pursue Tang Jingyan when he "surrendered to the enemy", and the two sides fought a real battle. This move not only dispelled the doubts of the Japanese army, but also made Tang Jingyan's position in the eyes of the enemy more credible.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

After the plan began to be implemented, Su Yu was extremely angry at Tang Jingyan's "rebellion" on the surface, and even ordered Tang Jingyan's family to be severely punished. But in fact, he secretly arranged for someone to move Tang Jingyan's family to a safe place.

In order to further increase his credibility, Su Yu also spread some rumors that were unfavorable to Tang Jingyan within the base area. He made it rumored that Tang Jingyan had always had the idea of defecting to the enemy, but he never found the opportunity. These rumors soon reached the ears of the Japanese army, making them even more convinced of Tang Jingyan's "loyalty".

At the same time, Su Yu also secretly set up a special intelligence group within the New Fourth Army. The task of this team is to maintain secret contact with Tang Jingyan and receive important information from him.

In order to ensure the security of communication, Su Yu personally designed a complex code system. This system uses some special words in the local dialect, plus some seemingly ordinary everyday words, to form a unique cryptographic language.

Su Yu also designated several secret intelligence handover points. These locations may seem ordinary, but in fact they are extremely hidden. Some are in the middle of nowhere, while others are hidden in the corners of bustling markets. Each location has a dedicated person in charge who regularly checks for new information deliveries.

In order to deal with possible unexpected situations, Su Yu also formulated a number of emergency plans. If Tang Jingyan's identity is exposed, or contact is interrupted, how to rescue him? What should the Japanese do if they suddenly change their tactics? Su Yu took these questions into account one by one.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

Throughout the implementation of the plan, Su Yu has always maintained a high degree of vigilance. He knew very well that once there was any mistake, not only would the plan fall short, but Tang Jingyan's life would also be threatened. Therefore, he personally interrogates the work of the intelligence team on a daily basis to make sure that everything is under control.

As time went by, Tang Jingyan sent back more and more information, and it became more and more important. From the adjustment of the deployment of the Japanese army to their battle plans, from the internal contradictions of the enemy's top brass to their logistical supply situation, this information provided great help to the operation of the New Fourth Army.

Su Yu used this information to thwart the Japanese army's offensive attempts many times. He skillfully set traps to lure the Japanese into taking the bait and then delivering a heavy blow. The Japanese commanders were puzzled as to why every one of their actions seemed to be known to the New Fourth Military first.

As the war progressed, Su Yu's earth-shattering plan began to show great power. The New Fourth Army not only successfully blocked the Japanese offensive, but also won major victories in many battles. The Soviet-Chinese anti-Japanese base areas were not only not destroyed, but became more consolidated.

However, this thrilling spy war drama is far from over. Tang Jingyan's situation in the enemy-occupied area is still dangerous, and his identity may be revealed at any time. Su Yu must always be vigilant and ready to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations that may arise.

This "fake surrender" action carefully planned by Su Yu not only demonstrated his superb military strategy, but also embodied the fearless spirit of the communists who did not hesitate to sacrifice their personal reputation for the victory of the anti-Japanese war. In this war without gunpowder, Su Yu used his wisdom and courage to write a wonderful stroke in the history of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

Undercurrents: The final battle at the pinnacle of spy warfare

As time passed, Tang Jingyan's status in the Japanese army grew, but with it came dangers. The Japanese military top brass began to be suspicious of this "traitor", they felt that Tang Jingyan's performance was too perfect, but it seemed a little unreal.

One day, the head of the Japanese secret service suddenly found Tang Jingyan and said that he wanted to talk to him. Tang Jingyan was shocked, but he still remained calm on the surface. During the conversation, the leader of the Japanese army made a request: he hoped that Tang Jingyan would lead his troops to attack an important stronghold of the New Fourth Army.

This request put Tang Jingyan in a dilemma. If it refused, it would inevitably arouse the suspicion of the Japanese army; If you agree, you may really hurt your own compatriots. Tang Jingyan had an idea, suggested that he needed time to prepare, and asked the Japanese army to provide detailed maps and information.

The leader of the Japanese army agreed to Tang Jingyan's request, but at the same time secretly strengthened his surveillance. Tang Jingyan knew that he was dancing on the tip of the knife, and the slightest carelessness would lead to a catastrophe. He took a huge risk and reported the situation to Su Yu through secret channels.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

After Su Yu received the news, he immediately realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He quickly gathered his generals and devised a well-thought-out plan. Su Yu decided to set up a big trap, not only to protect Tang Jingyan's safety, but also to deal a heavy blow to the Japanese army.

According to the plan, the New Fourth Army ostensibly withdrew from that stronghold, but in fact laid a net around it. Su Yu also deliberately left some "valuable" documents to lure the Japanese army to take the bait. At the same time, he also sent an elite unit to ambush the Japanese army in the road.

On the day of the operation, Tang Jingyan led his troops to cooperate with the main force of the Japanese army to advance to the target stronghold. On the way, he deliberately slowed down his march to buy time for the ambush troops of the New Fourth Army. At the moment when the main force of the Japanese army entered the ambush circle, the New Fourth Army suddenly launched a fierce attack.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the Japanese army was taken by surprise and suffered heavy losses. Tang Jingyan took advantage of the chaos to lead his troops to "counter the water" and joined the siege of the Japanese army. This turn of events completely disrupted the deployment of the Japanese army, and they were encircled by the New Fourth Army.

Just when the Japanese army was about to be annihilated, Tang Jingyan was suddenly hit by a stray bullet. He fell in a pool of blood and shouted with his last strength: "Down with Japan imperialism!" This scene was watched by many, including the Japanese army leader who once doubted him.

After the battle, the New Fourth Army achieved a brilliant victory. Tang Jingyan was rushed to the hospital and his life was in danger. Su Yu personally came to visit the hospital, holding Tang Jingyan's hand, with tears in his eyes. He said: "Lao Tang, you have made great contributions, and the party and the people will never forget your contributions!" "

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

Just when everyone thought that Tang Jingyan would die heroically, a miracle happened. After the efforts of the doctors, Tang Jingyan miraculously survived. When he finally woke up, he found that his bedside was full of comrades and chiefs who had come to visit.

Su Yu came to the hospital again, and this time he brought good news: his superiors decided to award Tang Jingyan the title of "Special Meritorious Hero" in recognition of his outstanding contributions to this operation. Although Tang Jingyan's body was weak, his eyes flashed with tears of relief.

As Tang Jingyan's true identity was revealed, the entire Soviet-Chinese anti-Japanese base area boiled. People who once criticized him came to apologize and praise him as a true hero. Tang Jingyan said that he just did what a Communist Party member should do.

This thrilling spy war not only dealt a heavy blow to the strength of the Japanese army, but also greatly enhanced the prestige of the New Fourth Army. More importantly, it demonstrated to the people of the whole country the wisdom and courage of the anti-Japanese forces under the leadership of the Communist Party.

Su Yu summed up the operation: "In a brutal war, sometimes we have to use some unconventional means. However, no matter what strategy we adopt, our original intention is always for national liberation and for the interests of the people. Comrade Tang Jingyan's deeds are the best proof of this. "

This textbook-level spy war operation has become a legend in the history of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. It not only embodies the superb strategic wisdom of the communists, but also shows their noble character of being willing to sacrifice their personal reputation for the sake of the great interests of the nation. Tang Jingyan's story has also become a banner to inspire future generations.

Tang Jingyan, the commander of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to join the Japanese army, why was Su Yu very happy?

Years later, when someone asked Tang Jingyan if he regretted his original choice, the old hero smiled and said, "If I went back in time, I would have made the same choice." Because in those days, there was nothing more important than defeating the Japan invaders. These words expressed the voice of a generation of anti-Japanese heroes, and also became the best footnote to those beacon years.

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