
The delivery man was locked by the security guard, and the two sides have reconciled, and the name of the community where the incident occurred was pickpocketed, which is not simple

The Battle for the Dignity of a Delivery Rider: An Amazing Story of Chained Feet

In this fast-paced era, delivery riders have become an indispensable part of the city.


They shuttle through the traffic just to deliver a hot meal to the customer.

However, on July 23, 2024, a scene that occurred in a community in Wuhan made people sigh: which is more important, speed or dignity?

As the saying goes, "a porridge and a meal are hard to come by", but when the person who delivers the meal is treated as an "object", should we reflect: while pursuing efficiency, do we ignore human dignity?

1. Amazing scene: a delivery rider with his feet locked

In the scorching summer, the streets of Wuhan are still bustling.

The delivery man was locked by the security guard, and the two sides have reconciled, and the name of the community where the incident occurred was pickpocketed, which is not simple

At the gate of the Optics Valley Huijing Community, a shocking scene is being staged.

A delivery rider was locked by a community security guard with a long pair of pliers and couldn't move.

He was still carrying a takeaway that had not yet been delivered, and his face was full of helplessness and embarrassment.

This scene was filmed by an enthusiastic netizen passing by with a mobile phone.

In the video, the photographer couldn't help but ask, "Is this a dog?" Lock it up like this! The words were full of anger and incomprehension.

When questioned, the security guard gave the reason that "he broke into the post" and said that he had let him out, but he did not listen.

This enthusiastic netizen did not stop there, but continued to ask: "You can't treat him like this when he breaks into the post, he is a human being!" Do you have a bit of humanity! Finally, he also suggested that the takeaway brother call the police to deal with the matter.

2. The two sides of the story: responsibility and excess

The occurrence of this incident actually reflects a common contradiction in modern society: the conflict between efficiency and rules.

The delivery man was locked by the security guard, and the two sides have reconciled, and the name of the community where the incident occurred was pickpocketed, which is not simple

For delivery riders, time is money.

Every minute counts on their revenue and customer satisfaction.

Under this kind of pressure, in order to get the takeaway delivered as soon as possible, they may choose to "cut corners", such as breaking into unregistered neighborhoods.

And for community security guards, maintaining the safety of the community is their primary responsibility.

In the face of outsiders who enter without registration, it is reasonable to take certain measures.

However, the question is, are the measures taken by the security guards excessive? Locking a person's feet with pliers is undoubtedly a violation of the basic dignity of the human person.

As the enthusiastic netizen said: "He is a human being, he has human rights, even if he breaks into the post, he can't be treated like this." "

3. Social repercussions: Anger and sympathy from netizens

As soon as the video was released, it immediately caused an uproar online.

The delivery man was locked by the security guard, and the two sides have reconciled, and the name of the community where the incident occurred was pickpocketed, which is not simple

Many netizens strongly condemned the security guard's practice, believing that this behavior has exceeded the scope of normal duties and violated basic human rights.

Some netizens commented: "Where is this managing the community, it is simply insulting!" "

Another netizen said: "The takeaway brother's work is already very hard, and it is too much to suffer this kind of humiliation." "

At the same time, there are also many people who sympathize with the delivery riders.

A netizen wrote: "In order to send one more order, I risked being punished to break into the post, how helpless I was behind this." "

4. Aftermath of the Event: Reconciliation and Reflection

After the incident, the takeaway brother involved and the property personnel contacted the video shooter, hoping to delete the video to avoid unnecessary impact.

According to this netizen, the two sides have reached a settlement, and the security personnel have apologized and paid 1,500 yuan to the takeaway brother.

This result may seem peaceful, but it raises more thought.

One sociologist noted: "This rapprochement may be only superficial, and the deeper problems have not yet been resolved."

For example, how do you balance efficiency and rules? How can order be maintained while respecting the dignity of each person? All of this requires further reflection. "

5. Community Security: Excessive or Necessary?

After the incident, the community involved was picked up by netizens as Wuhan's Optics Valley Huijing Community.

The delivery man was locked by the security guard, and the two sides have reconciled, and the name of the community where the incident occurred was pickpocketed, which is not simple

It is understood that although this community is not large, the security factor is very high.

The community staff said that outsiders need to register at the security booth when entering and leaving the community.

When entering the community, the takeaway brother needs to park his car outside the community and register before entering.

If they forcibly break into the post without registration, in order to ensure the safety of the owner, they will take some coercive measures against the person who trespasses.

This strict management system not only ensures the safety of residents, but also brings great challenges to the service industries such as express delivery and takeaway.

The delivery man was locked by the security guard, and the two sides have reconciled, and the name of the community where the incident occurred was pickpocketed, which is not simple

A logistics industry expert said: "While pursuing safety, it is also necessary to consider the convenience of modern life.

Excessive security measures may affect the normal quality of life of residents. "

6. The dilemma of the food delivery industry: the game of speed and safety

This incident has also brought attention to the current situation of the food delivery industry again.

In the fierce competition, food delivery platforms often put huge time pressure on riders.

The delivery man was locked by the security guard, and the two sides have reconciled, and the name of the community where the incident occurred was pickpocketed, which is not simple

A netizen who used to work as a delivery boy shared: "The delivery time given by the platform is often unreasonable, and in order not to be fined, we can only take risks." "

Another delivery rider said: "We also know that it's not right to break into the job, but if we follow the rules every time, we may not even earn the minimum wage." "

In this situation, delivery riders are often caught between taking the risk of making sure they are delivered on time, or they can follow the rules but face customer complaints and reduced revenue.

7. Appeal: Respect and understanding to create a harmonious society

The occurrence of this incident reflects the many problems existing in our society.

It is not just a simple "breaking into the post" incident, but also a deep-seated issue related to human nature, dignity and social rules.

The delivery man was locked by the security guard, and the two sides have reconciled, and the name of the community where the incident occurred was pickpocketed, which is not simple

"We need to build a more inclusive, understanding society," one sociologist noted.

Whether it's a delivery driver, a security guard, or an ordinary resident, they should respect each other and understand each other's difficulties. "

At the same time, he also called on relevant departments and enterprises to face up to the problem: "Food delivery platforms should set more reasonable delivery times to reduce the pressure on riders.

Community properties should also explore more humane management methods, while ensuring safety, but also respecting the dignity of everyone. "

8. Revelation: Everyone deserves to be respected

Perhaps the biggest lesson from this incident is that no matter what a person's profession is, no matter what he does, he is first and foremost a human being and deserves the respect he deserves.

As one netizen said: "Maybe we should be more empathetic."

How would we feel if it was us who were locked up? If we are the security guard, how should we deal with the frequent trespassing? "

Through this reflection, we may be able to find a better way to uphold the rules while respecting the dignity of every human being.

[I have to say]

This incident of "food delivery riders being locked in their feet" is like a mirror that reflects the problems of our society.

It is not just a simple conflict, but a contest between efficiency and rules, dignity and responsibility.

In this fast-paced era, are we ignoring the value of people? In the pursuit of efficiency, have we forgotten to understand and respect each other? Let's work together to create a warmer and more humane society.

After all, there is true love in the world, and as long as we put our minds to it, we can find that balance.

Are you ready to contribute to the construction of such a society?

The delivery man was locked by the security guard, and the two sides have reconciled, and the name of the community where the incident occurred was pickpocketed, which is not simple

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