
Are people still using biogas digesters in rural areas? And why is it gradually "disappearing"?

With the improvement of rural living standards, why is the once popular biogas digester gradually fading out of people's sight? Today, let's explore the truth about the "disappearance" of the biogas digester and see what untold stories are hidden behind it.

Are people still using biogas digesters in rural areas? And why is it gradually "disappearing"?

In the countryside, the biogas digester used to be a beautiful landscape, and the round, black guy could always be seen in the small yard in front of every house. In recent years, with the advancement of the construction of new rural areas, the biogas digester has gradually "disappeared", what is the reason behind this?

Of course, we need to understand the role of the biogas digester first. A biogas digester is a device that uses organic wastes such as human and animal manure and crop straw for anaerobic fermentation to produce biogas. Biogas can be used for cooking, lighting, and biogas residue can also be used as fertilizer, which is both environmentally friendly and practical. However, with the advancement of science and technology and the change of lifestyle, farmers have begun to look for more convenient and efficient alternatives to energy and fertilizer.

Are people still using biogas digesters in rural areas? And why is it gradually "disappearing"?

On the one hand, with the popularization of rural power grids, electricity has become the main source of energy for farmers. Compared with biogas, electricity is more stable and convenient, and it does not require a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain the biogas digester. And with the development of new energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy, farmers have begun to try to use these clean energy sources to further reduce their dependence on biogas digesters.

On the other hand, the popularity of chemical fertilizers has also replaced the status of biodigne. Chemical fertilizer has the advantages of fast fertilizer efficiency, easy to use, and relatively cheap. In contrast, biodigestate is environmentally friendly, but it is slower to fertilize and more troublesome to use. Therefore, more and more farmers have begun to choose to use chemical fertilizers to replace biogas residue.

In addition to the above reasons, the digester itself also has some problems that are difficult to overcome. The construction and maintenance of biogas digesters requires certain skills and experience, and many farmers do not have the ability to do so.

Are people still using biogas digesters in rural areas? And why is it gradually "disappearing"?

The amount of biogas produced by the biogas digester is limited, which is difficult to meet the daily needs of farmers.

The biogas digester is easy to produce peculiar smell and pollution during use, which has a certain impact on the surrounding environment.

Therefore, there are many reasons why the digester is gradually "disappearing". Although biogas digesters once played an important role in rural life, with the change of times and the development of technology, they are gradually replaced by more convenient and efficient alternatives to energy and fertilizer. Nowadays, children don't know about the biogas digester, of course, we can't forget the contribution of the biogas digester to the cause of rural environmental protection, it allows us to see the power of farmers' industrious wisdom and environmental awareness.