
Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

In a cemetery in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, four kneeling statues of Japan soldiers stand quietly, silently witnessing the vicissitudes of nearly 80 years. These statues are not only a historical imprint of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but also a sensitive topic in diplomatic relations between China and Japan. In 1995, a multibillion-dollar foreign investment in Yunnan was made on the condition that the statues be removed. Faced with attractive economic benefits, the Yunnan provincial government resolutely refused. To this day, the Japanese side still strongly demands the removal of these statues, while the Chinese side has put forward three conditions. What's the story behind these four statues? Why is there such a heated controversy?

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

The Great Wall of Flesh: The Burma Highway and the Expeditionary Force

In 1937, the iron hooves of Japan imperialism broke the tranquility of China. In the midst of the war, Chiang Kai-shek called for the whole people to resist the war.

In order to alleviate the pressure on the European battlefield, European and American countries have continuously sent military supplies to China. In order to transport these supplies, the Chinese government decided to build a number of international communication routes.

Among them, the Yunnan-Burma Highway came into being. Yunnan Provincial Chairman Long Yun proposed to Chiang Kai-shek the "Plan for the Construction of the Yunnan-Burma Highway and the Yunnan-Burma Railway."

Chiang Kai-shek quickly put the construction of the Burma Highway on the agenda. In 1937, construction of the 1,146.1-kilometer-long highway began.

In the face of such a huge amount of work, Long Yun understands the importance of things. He requisitioned peasants from various counties in western Yunnan to build roads on a voluntary basis.

After nine months of hard work, the Yunnan-Myanmar Highway was finally completed and opened to traffic ahead of schedule. This highway became an important lifeline of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

However, the pace of aggression by the Japan army did not stop. They successively captured Taiyuan, Jinan, Shijiazhuang and other important military towns.

Shanghai fell, Nanjing fell, and 300,000 compatriots were brutally killed in the Nanjing Massacre. The iron hooves of the Japan army have almost covered most of China's rivers and mountains.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

In the face of such a predicament, the Chinese nation has shown a tenacious spirit of resistance. Even after suffering, the Chinese people remained indomitable.

In 1938, after the Battle of Wuhan, the Sino-Japanese battlefield entered a stalemate. In order to end the war as soon as possible, Japan occupied almost all important cities and transportation arteries in China.

Only the southwest and northwest, as well as some areas of central China and the vast rural areas, remain in China's hands. However, the Chinese military and civilians have always adhered to the belief that "if we do not fight to the last soldier, we will never admit defeat."

In 1941, Japan moved to the Pacific theater and occupied Southeast Asian countries. They are trying to cut off China's last vital route, the Yunnan-Burma Highway.

In response to Japan's actions, China and Britain signed the Agreement on the Mutual Defense of the Burma Road. China recruited 100,000 expeditionary troops to Burma.

This heroic expeditionary force rushed to the battlefield of a foreign country without hesitation. At the beginning of the war, they did not even have decent weapons and equipment.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

However, as soon as the expeditionary force entered Burma, the British lost their main position in Rangoon. The retreat of the British army left the expeditionary force in a situation of isolation.

Despite the difficult situation, the expeditionary force fought bravely and achieved a great victory in Ringanqiang. However, due to the retreat of the Anglo-Burmese army, Chiang Kai-shek finally ordered the expeditionary force to withdraw to the country.

On May 28, 1942, 292 Japanese soldiers occupied Tengchong City without firing a single shot. Tengchong patriots discussed anti-Japanese matters one after another.

On July 2, Zhang Wende, who was over the age of six, was ordered to be appointed as the county magistrate generously. They held a "meeting to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the 7 · War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression" at the head of the Jietou and sounded the clarion call for an all-out march against Japan.

The Japanese army, who had taken the initiative, launched a frantic counterattack. Over the next two years, more than 13,000 innocent people died on the streets.

The Japanese army did whatever they wanted in Tengchong City and built many fortifications. The city became an important stronghold of the Japanese army along the Burma Highway.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

On May 11, 1944, the 20th Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force launched the Tengchong counteroffensive. In the face of strong fortifications, the expeditionary force was fearless.

When they thought of the suffering people in Tengchong City, they were filled with strength. Defending the country is the mission of every soldier.

At Gaoligong Mountain, the expeditionary force engaged in fierce battles with the Japanese army. They fought hard for 9 days and 9 nights, and finally forced the Japanese army to retreat.

With their stubborn will and extraordinary courage, the expeditionary force took the positions around Tengchong. After more than a month of bloody fighting, they finally formed a coalition against Tengchong.

However, the toughest battle is yet to come. The Japanese army was well equipped with everything from aircraft and artillery. They built strong fortifications in Tengchong City.

Capturing Tengchong was a difficult task for the expeditionary force. But in order to save the people in the city and defend China's transportation arteries, the expeditionary force resolutely threw itself into this tough battle.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

Tengchong Attack and Defense: The Story Behind the Four Kneeling Statues

On June 14, 1944, the expeditionary force launched a general attack on Tengchong City. The Japanese army had built strong fortifications in the city, and the expeditionary force faced a formidable challenge.

The Japanese troops in the city resisted stubbornly, and they used every inch of land, every house to defend. The soldiers of the expeditionary force had to advance step by step, exchanging their flesh and blood for every inch of land.

The battle lasted for two whole weeks, and the city of Tengchong was filled with gunsmoke and gunfire. With astonishing courage and determination, the officers and men of the expeditionary force broke through the Japanese defense line little by little.

On June 26, the expeditionary force finally entered the city. The Japanese were forced to retreat to several pillboxes in the northwest corner and put up a stubborn resistance. The expeditionary officers and men besieged these pillboxes and prepared to launch a final charge.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

At this moment, a Japan officer walked out of the pillbox and raised a white flag. This move surprised the officers and men of the expeditionary force.

Subsequently, four Japan officers walked out of the pillbox and knelt in front of the expeditionary force. They hung their heads down, their caps clenched in their hands, and their expressions were full of repentance and submission.

This scene shocked everyone present. The once arrogant and domineering Japan invaders are now kneeling down and begging for surrender.

The commander of the expeditionary force, General Li Gengen, stepped forward. He looked at the four kneeling Japan officers, and his heart was mixed.

General Lee Gen ordered the soldiers to receive the surrendered Japanese troops. The four Japan officers were taken away for interrogation.

The Battle of Tengchong ended with an important victory for the Chinese Expeditionary Force. This is not only a military victory, but also a spiritual victory.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

After the war, General Li Gengen deeply felt the historical significance of this scene. He decided to preserve this moment forever for posterity.

On November 16, 1944, General Li Gengen built a cemetery in Tengchong. The name of this cemetery is modeled after the Sun Yat-sen Cemetery in Nanjing.

In the cemetery, General Li Gengen ordered four kneeling statues to be shaped. The four statues are based on the four surrendered Japan officers.

The image of the statue is ordinary, with no distinguishing features. They hung their heads, their expressions filled with deep remorse.

The clothes on the statue's body and the hat in its hand are vaguely visible in the style of Japanese soldiers. These statues of Japanese soldiers, without specific identities, became symbols of war crimes.

General Li Gengen hopes that through these statues, future generations will not forget the national shame. At the same time, it also shows that justice will eventually triumph over evil.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

These four kneeling statues stand in the cemetery, silently telling the tragic history. They became witnesses of the Battle of Tengchong and a symbol of the spirit of China's War of Resistance.

As time passed, these four kneeling statues gradually attracted more attention. They are not only witnesses of history, but have also become a sensitive topic in Sino-Japanese relations.

The Japan side is uncomfortable with the presence of these statues. They believe that the statues tarnish Japan's national image.

However, for the Chinese, these statues are an important part of the history of the Anti-Japanese War. They represent the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation.

In 1995, an unexpected event brought the statues back into the spotlight. A huge amount of foreign investment was aimed at Baoshan City, Yunnan Province.

This investment amounted to billions, which was tantamount to a windfall for Baoshan City at that time. Such a huge investment is enough to change the economic landscape of the entire region.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

However, this investment comes with a surprising condition. The investor demanded the removal of the four kneeling statues in the cemetery.

This condition immediately sparked a heated controversy. For the Yunnan provincial government, this is a difficult choice.

On the one hand, huge investments can greatly promote local economic development and improve people's livelihood. On the other hand, the removal of the statue is equivalent to erasing an important piece of history.

Faced with this dilemma, the Yunnan provincial government made a surprising decision. They did not hesitate to refuse the investment.

This decision was unanimously supported by the local people. In their view, history and national dignity are more important than economic interests.

This decision of the Yunnan Provincial Government once again demonstrates the determination of the Chinese people to safeguard the truth of history. It also brought the story of these four kneeling statues to widespread attention again.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

The kneeling controversy: a contest between history and reality

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is the 21st century. The cemetery that stands in Baoshan, Yunnan Province, still quietly tells the dusty history.

The four kneeling statues have become more and more vicissitudes under the baptism of the years. They are like monuments, witnessing the spirit of the Chinese nation's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

However, the existence of these statues has become a sensitive topic in the relations between China and Japan. The Japan side has repeatedly expressed strong dissatisfaction.

They believe that these statues damage Japan's national image and demand that China remove them. Such demands have sparked strong opposition from the Chinese public.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

For the Chinese, these statues are not only a witness to history, but also a symbol of national dignity. The demolition of the statue is tantamount to a denial of history.

The two sides have launched several rounds of negotiations on this. The Japanese side put forward various reasons in an attempt to persuade the Chinese side to remove the statue.

They claim that the presence of the statue is not conducive to the development of relations between the two countries. It is also said that these statues will have a negative impact on the Japan people.

In the face of pressure from the Japanese side, the Chinese government has taken a firm attitude. They said the statues were part of history and should not be erased.

The Chinese side has put forward three conditions as a precondition for discussing this issue. These three conditions formed the basis for subsequent negotiations.

The first condition is that the emperor of Japan will formally apologize to the Chinese people. This demand is directed at Japan's attitude towards its responsibility for the war.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

The Chinese side believes that only when the supreme ruler of Japan formally apologizes can he truly admit his historical mistakes. This condition touched a sensitive nerve in Japan.

The second condition is that the Japan government officially recognize the Nanjing Massacre. This condition is also related to historical truth.

The Nanjing Massacre was a heinous crime committed by the Japanese army in China. Acknowledging this historical fact is an important step for Japan to reflect on its war crimes.

The third condition is that the Japan Government formally recognizes Diaoyu Dao as China's inherent territory. This condition relates to the question of territorial sovereignty.

The dispute over the Diaoyu Islands has always been a difficult problem in Sino-Japanese relations. The Chinese side hopes to resolve the territorial dispute between the two countries through this condition.

These three conditions can be said to be to the point. They cover sensitive topics such as history and territory, and point to the core issues of Sino-Japanese relations.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

The Japanese side is very troubled by these conditions. In their opinion, these requirements are too harsh to accept.

The two sides have launched several rounds of negotiations on this. However, due to the wide divergence of positions, there has been no substantive progress in the negotiations.

The Japanese side insisted on the removal of the statue, while the Chinese side insisted on its position. The diplomatic tussle has reached an impasse.

At the same time, this issue has also sparked extensive discussion at home and abroad. There is support for the preservation of the statue as necessary to preserve the historical truth.

It is also believed that in order to improve Sino-Japanese relations, the removal of the statue could be considered. Various opinions are fiercely contested on the Internet.

Historians have also joined the discussion. They analyze the significance of these statues from a historical perspective, providing professional insights to the public.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

Some historians point out that the statues are not only witnesses to history, but also anti-war symbols. They are a reminder of history and peace.

Other scholars take a cultural heritage perspective. They believe that the statues have become an important cultural heritage and should be protected.

With the passage of time, this issue has gradually become a difficult problem in Sino-Japanese relations. It involves many aspects such as history, politics, diplomacy, etc.

Both governments are aware that dealing with this issue requires wisdom and patience. Any hasty decision could spark even greater controversy.

As a result, the parties put the issue on hold for the time being. Four kneeling statues still stand in the cemetery, silently watching the changes of the times.

They have become a symbol of the contest between history and reality. Everyone who comes to visit will be deeply touched by this history.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

The story of these four kneeling statues is like a mirror, reflecting the complex historical grievances between China and Japan. It is a reminder that history should not be forgotten, let alone tampered with.

Kneeling Turmoil: A Contest between History and Reality

In 2023, a sudden turmoil once again pushed the four kneeling statues to the forefront of public opinion. During a visit to China, a senior Japan official publicly demanded that the Chinese government remove the statues.

The senior official claimed that the statues have seriously hurt the feelings of the Japan people and hindered the normal development of relations between the two countries. His remarks immediately sparked huge repercussions in both China and Japan.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry responded quickly. At a regular press conference, the spokesman said that these statues are witnesses to history and cannot be denied or tampered with.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

At the same time, the Chinese side reiterated the three conditions previously proposed. Only if the Japanese side meets these conditions will the Chinese side consider discussing the issue of the statue.

The comments of senior Japan officials caused an uproar on Chinese social media. Countless netizens commented expressing their anger and dissatisfaction with the remarks.

Some netizens launched an online campaign to "protect the four kneeling statues". In just a few days, the topic has garnered hundreds of millions of views and millions of discussions.

At the same time, some historians and experts have spoken out. They elaborated on the significance of these statues from a historical and cultural perspective.

In an interview with the media, a well-known historian pointed out that these statues are not only witnesses to history, but also cherish peace and warn of war.

Just as the storm of public opinion intensified, an unexpected news came. A group of Japan folks spontaneously organized a trip to Yunnan to visit the statues.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

Among this group of Japan are the descendants of World War II survivors and pacifists. They hope to promote mutual understanding between the two peoples by witnessing history with their own eyes.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately aroused widespread concern among the people of China and Japan. Many people expressed their support for this people-to-people exchange event.

However, there are also concerns about this. They are worried that this event may trigger new contradictions and controversies.

Just as the Japan private delegation was about to depart, an even bigger piece of news shocked everyone. The Japan Prime Minister suddenly announced that he would personally visit Yunnan.

The Japan prime minister said that he hoped that through this visit, he would personally understand history and make efforts to improve Sino-Japanese relations.

This news was like a bombshell, which instantly detonated the field of public opinion. The media in China and Japan have carried out large-scale reports.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

Some analysts believe that this is a signal that the Japan government has softened its attitude on the historical issue. Others believe that this could be a diplomatic game.

In any case, this decision of the Japan prime minister has undoubtedly brought new possibilities for solving the problem of the four kneeling statues. The Chinese Government welcomes this.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the hope that through this visit, the Japanese side will be able to correctly understand and deal with historical issues.

Under the watchful eye, the Japan Prime Minister finally arrived in Yunnan. He first visited the Tengchong Defense War Memorial Hall.

In the memorial, the Prime Minister of Japan listened carefully to the docent's introduction and nodded from time to time. His expression was serious, as if he was thinking deeply.

After the visit, the Prime Minister of Japan came to the four kneeling statues. In front of the statue, he paused for a long time, his expression complicated.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

Finally, the Prime Minister of Japan bowed deeply. This scene was captured by reporters at the scene and quickly spread around the world.

Subsequently, the Prime Minister of Japan delivered an important speech. He acknowledged the great suffering that Japan inflicted on the Chinese during World War II.

Although the word "apology" is not used, it is already the clearest statement by the Japan government to date.

The Japanese Prime Minister also said that history education will be strengthened in Japan so that the younger generation can have a correct understanding of history. This speech evoked tremendous repercussions in China and Japan.

The Chinese Government welcomes this and believes that this is a positive signal for improving Sino-Japanese relations. However, the two sides have not yet reached an agreement on the handling of the four kneeling statues.

Upon his return home, the Japan prime minister immediately faced strong criticism from right-wing forces. They believe that the prime minister's actions are detrimental to Japan's national dignity.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

On the other hand, the visit also sparked a discussion about historical perceptions in Japan. Many Japan are beginning to revisit this history.

In China, public opinion has reacted mixed to the Japan Prime Minister's statement. Some see this as a positive start, while others see it as far from enough.

For a while, the discussion on how to deal with the four kneeling statues became a hot topic again. Various opinions are fiercely contested on the Internet.

At a time when public opinion is stirring, the Chinese government has made a surprising decision. They announced that they would hold an international exhibition in Beijing entitled "Remembering History, Cherishing Peace".

The exhibition will feature replicas of the four kneeling figures, as well as historical artifacts and photographs from the Anti-Japanese War in China. The Chinese Government invites representatives of other countries to attend the opening ceremony.

The decision was seen as an ingenious response by the Chinese government to the historical issue. It has not only adhered to its own stand, but also left room for the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations.

Four statues of Japan forever kneeling in China, the Japanese side strongly demanded their demolition, and the Chinese side: three conditions

At this point, the story of the four kneeling statues continues. It has become more than just four statues, but also a complex historical symbol, carrying the emotions and memories of the two peoples.

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