
Loyal slave Zhang Qun: Served Chiang Kai-shek for 64 years, and at the age of 100, he was caught and scolded for scandalous things

In the turbulent Chinese politics of the 20th century, Zhang Qun was a unique and complex figure. Beginning in 1911, he served Chiang Kai-shek for 64 years, setting a record for the longest period of allegiance. However, this veteran of Huan Hai, who has been on standby for a long time, does not have a particularly good reputation. When he was 100 years old, he was scolded in front of him for his past scandals, and he was speechless. Zhang Qun's life is not only a persistent pursuit of power, but also a constant compromise of personal morality.

Zhang Qun, the figure who would later rise to prominence in Chinese politics, was born in Huayang County, Sichuan, in 1889. His father, Zhang Hanxia, was a staff member, and his family was quite wealthy. If it weren't for the arrangement of fate, Zhang Qun would probably be like his father, working as a staff member in Chengdu Mansion and living a leisurely life.

However, the wheels of history roll forward. In 1906, Zhang Qun, who was only 17 years old, was admitted to the Baoding Military Academy. This step set him on a completely different path in life. Two years later, he went east to Japan to study, and met Chiang Kai-shek for the first time on a ship.

This encounter was fateful. The two hit it off at first sight and had a good conversation. Zhang Qun was impressed by Chiang Kai-shek's rich military knowledge, and marveled that his two-year military academy career was not as good as Chiang Kai-shek's. As everyone knows, Chiang Kai-shek's level is actually not much higher, but he studied artillery, while Zhang Qun is an infantry major.

While studying in Japan, both Zhang Qun and Chiang Kai-shek were assigned to intern in the Japan Army. The internship took place in Takata, Japan, where the winters were bitterly cold. Zhang Qun was born in warm Sichuan, where can he endure this kind of suffering. He complained all day long.

But he found that Chiang Kai-shek never complained. Even if he was deliberately insulted by his superiors, he didn't confront him in person, and he didn't say much behind his back. This kind of perseverance deeply touched Zhang Qun. From then on, his admiration for Chiang Kai-shek grew day by day.

In 1911, the Xinhai Revolution broke out. Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Qun both returned to China and participated in Chen Qimei's uprising in Shanghai. Chiang Kai-shek was sent to Hangzhou to take charge of the 5th Regiment of the Shanghai Army, and Zhang Qun became its staff officer. In this way, they started a 64-year "monarch and minister encounter".

Soon after, the two changed their alliance and became brothers with different surnames. This brotherhood became one of the important reasons for Zhang Qun's loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek in the future. However, fate is always full of drama. Chiang Kai-shek had to flee to Japan for refuge because of the assassination of Tao Chengzhang.

During Chiang Kai-shek's refuge, Zhang Qun acted as his head of the regiment. He did his best to help Chiang Kai-shek gather his subordinates, laying the foundation for Chiang's comeback in the future. During this period, the revolution was at a low ebb, and both Zhang Qun and Chiang Kai-shek were forced to run from place to place to earn a living.

Loyal slave Zhang Qun: Served Chiang Kai-shek for 64 years, and at the age of 100, he was caught and scolded for scandalous things

It wasn't until 1926 that the situation changed dramatically. Chiang Kai-shek seized the military power of the Kuomintang and became the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expeditionary Army. When the news reached Zhang Qun's ears, he did not hesitate to give up his official position in the Beiyang government and went to Guangzhou single-handedly to defect to Chiang Kai-shek.

Chiang Kai-shek was thrilled to see his old friend. He hugged Zhang Qun and said, "It's great that you've come to Guangzhou, and I'm still sending people to look for you everywhere." As long as we are in the same boat, the great cause of the Northern Expedition will surely succeed. These words made Zhang Qun's blood boil.

In the past few years, the two have embarked on different paths. Chiang Kai-shek focused on the development of the military circles, first as the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy, and then as the commander of the Northern Expeditionary Army, fighting against Wang Jingwei and Hu Hanmin, and becoming a Kuomintang military boss. Zhang Qun, on the other hand, has been engaged in diplomatic and liaison activities.

Zhang Qun's strength lies in figuring out personnel and analyzing the situation. He just showed his skills at the liaison and diplomatic levels, and gradually made a name for himself. Chiang Kai-shek was in need of such talents, and the arrival of Zhang Qun filled the gap in this regard. Brotherly love, so the love is getting closer.

After the Northern Expedition began, Zhang Qun soon made a great contribution to Chiang Kai-shek. During the attack on Wu Peifu, Zhang Qun came forward to persuade Sun Chuanfang not to unite with the Wu clan. The old warlords of Beiyang originally had their own ghosts, and Zhang Qun had a bad tongue, and he actually agreed to say that Sun Chuanfang would not send troops to stop him. This move allowed Chiang Kai-shek to break through each one.

Allegiance to Chiang: Zhang Qun's sixty-four years of spring and autumn

The Northern Expeditionary Army was in full swing, and Zhang Qun played an important role in it. He not only liaised with Chiang Kai-shek, but also took the initiative to help him solve the problem of military spending. At that time, the Northern Expeditionary Army was short of funds, and Zhang Qun came forward to ask Huang Ying, another righteous brother, to contribute 1 million yuan in military expenses.

After playing and spending it again, Zhang Qun didn't say a word, and paid out of his own pocket to fund Chiang Kai-shek. This move moved Chiang Kai-shek. In that turbulent era, it was a godsend to have such a talented and loyal staff.

Chiang Kai-shek had many enemies in the party at that time, and the opposition was like a wolf. The civil and military officials under him also have a lot of grass on the wall, and they are the ones who see the wind and the rudder. Only Zhang Qun has always stood on Chiang Kai-shek's side from the beginning to the end.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek went into the field for the first time. At that time, many people abandoned Chiang one after another, lest they avoid it. Zhang Qun was different, he took the initiative to go to Shanghai to show his loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek. This move deeply moved Chiang Kai-shek, and he trusted Zhang Qun even more.

As Chiang Kai-shek's position gradually stabilized, Zhang Qun's career was also smooth sailing. He successively held important positions such as Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the Executive Yuan. In these positions, Zhang Qun always maintained his loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek.

Some people say that Zhang Qun is like a shadow of Chiang Kai-shek. Wherever Chiang Kai-shek went, he followed. Whatever Chiang Kai-shek said, he did. This kind of unconditional loyalty was rare in the political arena of the time.

Loyal slave Zhang Qun: Served Chiang Kai-shek for 64 years, and at the age of 100, he was caught and scolded for scandalous things

Zhang Qun has a characteristic, that is, he does not form a party faction. Within the Kuomintang, there were many factions, and there were frequent struggles for power. But Zhang Qun has always remained neutral and does not participate in any factional struggles. His only position was to stand on Chiang Kai-shek's side.

This practice has made Zhang Qun have many fewer enemies in the party. But at the same time, it also made him lose his political fundamentals. Everything about him was built on Chiang Kai-shek's trust.

Another characteristic of Zhang Qun is that he is obedient. No matter what orders Chiang Kai-shek ordered, he would carry them out to the letter. Even if he sometimes feels that it is not appropriate, he will not object to it in person, but silently complete the task.

This attitude made Chiang Kai-shek very relieved. When dealing with some difficult issues, Chiang Kai-shek often chose Zhang Qun as his representative. Because he knew that Zhang Qun would definitely do what he wanted.

However, this unconditional allegiance also made Zhang Qun lose the ability to make independent judgments on some major decisions. Sometimes, in order to curry favor with Chiang Kai-shek, he would do something that violated his conscience.

For example, on the issue of diplomacy with Japan, Zhang Qun has made controversial decisions on many occasions. Although these decisions were in line with Chiang Kai-shek's intentions, they caused a lot of criticism at home and abroad.

Still, Mr. Zhang stuck to his approach. He believes that as long as it is Chiang Kai-shek's intention, it must be right. This almost blind loyalty has allowed him to maintain a stable position in the political arena.

For 64 years, from 1911 to 1975, Zhang Qun worked for Chiang Kai-shek. This time span covers almost the entire Republic of China period. During these long years, Zhang Qun witnessed the most turbulent period in China's modern history.

He accompanied Chiang Kai-shek through major historical events such as the Northern Expedition, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War. No matter how the situation changed, Zhang Qun always maintained his loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek. This loyalty made him one of Chiang Kai-shek's most trusted aides.

However, this loyalty also cost Zhang Qun dearly. In order to follow Chiang Kai-shek, he gave up many opportunities. This includes the possibility of higher official positions, as well as the opportunity to make a better name in history.

In the eyes of many people, Zhang Qun is a "loyal slave". All his life, he served Chiang Kai-shek. This kind of evaluation may be a bit harsh, but it is not unreasonable. Because in that special era, it was indeed difficult for people like Zhang Qun to get rid of the role of "slave".

Merits and demerits: Zhang Qun's political scene

Zhang Qun's achievements in the political arena were not limited to his loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek. As a statesman, he left his mark on both foreign and domestic affairs. However, just as there are two sides to the coin, Zhang's political career has been fraught with controversy and contradictions.

In the field of diplomacy, Zhang Qun can be said to be in charge. In 1928, he began his diplomatic career as Minister of Foreign Affairs. At that time, China was on the cusp of aggression by foreign powers, and its diplomatic work was full of difficulties.

After Zhang Qun took office, he immediately set about handling diplomatic relations with other countries. He first signed a new tariff agreement with United States, which won China's tariff autonomy. This move has greatly enhanced China's status in the international arena.

Not only that, but Zhang Qun also managed to restore diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. At that time, the Soviet Union provided a lot of support to the Chinese Communist Party and had strained relations with the Nationalist government. Zhang Qun successfully defused this crisis through skillful diplomacy.

However, Zhang Qun's performance in diplomacy with Japan has caused a lot of controversy. After the September 18 Incident in 1931, Japan invaded northeast China. Faced with this situation, Zhang Qun advocated a "policy of non-resistance." He believed that China was not strong enough at that time and was not suitable for a head-on conflict with Japan.

This policy, although to some extent avoided a larger war, also allowed Japan to expand unscrupulously in the northeast. As a result, many believe that Zhang's actions are a betrayal of national interests.

In terms of internal affairs, Zhang Qun has also made a lot of achievements. In 1935, he became the premier. Since taking office, he has actively promoted economic reforms and worked hard to improve people's livelihood. Under his auspices, China made certain progress in both industry and agriculture.

Zhang Qun also pushed for education reform. He believes that in order to rejuvenate the Chinese nation, we must start with education. Therefore, he vigorously developed compulsory education and improved the quality of the people. These measures have laid the foundation for China's modernization.

However, when Zhang Qun dealt with some sensitive issues, he also revealed his lack of political skill. For example, he took a tough stance in dealing with the student movement, which led to a further deterioration of the situation. This caused his popularity among the intellectuals to plummet.

In 1937, the all-out war of resistance broke out. Zhang Qun was once again appointed as foreign minister. At this critical juncture, he made great efforts to garner international support. He has visited Europe and the United States many times, calling on the international community to support China's war of resistance.

Zhang Qun's diplomatic efforts have won China a lot of international support. In 1943, under his instigation, China, the United States and Britain signed the Cairo Declaration, which confirmed China's international status in the post-war period. This is an important milestone in the history of China's diplomacy.

Loyal slave Zhang Qun: Served Chiang Kai-shek for 64 years, and at the age of 100, he was caught and scolded for scandalous things

However, Zhang Qun is too weak when dealing with some specific issues. For example, when negotiating with Britain and the United States to revoke extraterritoriality in China, he made a number of concessions. This caused strong discontent in the country.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, Zhang Qun continued to hold important positions in the government. However, at this time, the Nationalist Government was already facing a grim internal and external situation. The civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party broke out, and government corruption became increasingly serious.

Faced with this situation, Zhang Qun seems to be powerless. Although he put forward some reform proposals, none of them were effectively implemented. In the eyes of many, he has become a representative of the old school.

In 1949, the Nationalist government retreated to Taiwan. Zhang Qun followed Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan and continued to hold important positions. During his time in Taiwan, Zhang Qun was mainly responsible for diplomatic work. He has worked tirelessly to achieve international recognition.

However, with the changes in the international situation, the position of the Republic of China in the international community has become increasingly embarrassing. Zhang Qun's diplomatic work has also become more and more difficult. Despite this, he still stood his ground and refused to bow to reality.

Later years followed: Chiang's last years in Taiwan

In 1949, the Kuomintang regime retreated to Taiwan, and Zhang Qun came to the island with him. In Taiwan, he remained loyal to Chiang Kai-shek and continued to work for him. Chiang Kai-shek also had special trust in this old friend, and let him take the post of "senior minister of the presidential palace".

This position may seem lofty, but in fact it is more of an honorary title. But Zhang Qun did not care about these false names, he only cared about how to continue to serve Chiang Kai-shek. During his time in Taiwan, Zhang Qun was mainly in charge of diplomatic work, running around for international recognition.

At that time, the international situation was changing, and Taiwan's situation was becoming increasingly difficult. Zhang Qun led a diplomatic team to lobby around in an attempt to maintain the Republic of China's international standing. They traveled all over Europe and the United States, and even to some small countries in Africa and Latin America.

Loyal slave Zhang Qun: Served Chiang Kai-shek for 64 years, and at the age of 100, he was caught and scolded for scandalous things

It is a pity that the international situation does not depend on the will of man. With the founding and development of the People's Republic of China, more and more countries choose to establish diplomatic relations with the mainland. Zhang Qun's diplomatic work is like sailing against the current, and it is becoming more and more difficult.

Despite this, Zhang Qun still did not give up. He insisted that as long as one country recognized the Republic of China, it would continue to work hard. This persistent spirit moved Chiang Kai-shek very much. In a private conversation, Chiang Kai-shek praised Zhang Qun as a "model of loyalty."

In 1975, Chiang Kai-shek died. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Zhang Qun. He followed Chiang Kai-shek for 64 years and had long tied his fate to Chiang's. Chiang Kai-shek's departure seemed to have drawn an end to Zhang Qun's life.

At Chiang Kai-shek's funeral, Zhang Qun, as one of the most senior followers, undertook important ceremonial work. He personally covered Chiang Kai-shek's coffin with the national flag, a scene that was seen by many as the end of an era.

After Chiang Kai-shek's death, his son Chiang Ching-kuo took over as leader. Zhang Qun showed the same loyalty to the young leader. He continued to serve as Senior Minister in the Presidential Office, providing advice and support to Chiang Ching-kuo.

However, times have changed. Chiang Ching-kuo began to implement a localization policy and promoted a large number of local talents in Taiwan. As an older generation of provincials, Zhang Qun's role in the political arena has become increasingly marginalized.

Despite this, Zhang Qun still stood his ground. He opposes Taiwan independence and adheres to the "one-China" principle. He is still able to exert some influence on some major decisions.

In 1988, Zhang Qun died at the age of 103. His life spanned almost the entire history of the Republic of China. From the Northern Expedition to the War of Resistance Against Japan, from the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War to the retreat to Taiwan, Zhang Qun has always stood on the cusp of history.

Zhang Qun's funeral was of a very high standard, and then President Lee Teng-hui personally attended the ceremony to mourn. This is not only a personal respect for Zhang Qun, but also a farewell to that bygone era. With the death of Zhang Qun, the last important figure of the Chiang Kai-shek era also stepped down from the stage of history.

Looking back on Zhang Qun's life, I have to say that it is full of ups and downs and legends. He has grown from an ordinary international student to an important figure in China's modern history. The trajectory of his life reflects the ups and downs of modern Chinese history to some extent.

Zhang Qun followed Chiang Kai-shek all his life, which left a controversial mark on his history. Some praised him for his loyalty and reliability, while others criticized him for his lack of independence. In any case, his experience is worth studying and pondering.

In his later years in Taiwan, Zhang Qun began to organize his memoirs. He hopes to leave some record of that tumultuous history through his own perspective. This memoir was later published and became one of the important sources for the study of modern Chinese history.

Zhang Qun's later life was relatively peaceful. Except for the occasional official event, he spends most of his time at home. He likes to read, write, and occasionally receive some old friends. In the eyes of these old friends, Zhang Qun has always maintained an elegant demeanor.

Although he is far from the center of power, Zhang Qun still cares about state affairs. Whenever a major incident occurs, he learns about the situation through various channels. Sometimes, he would also write letters of advice and send them to the presidential palace.

After Zhang Qun's death, Taiwan society received mixed reviews of him. Some see him as a model of loyalty, while others criticize him as an accomplice to authoritarian politics. To a certain extent, this controversy reflects the different views of Taiwan society on history.

In any case, Zhang Qun's life is closely linked to modern Chinese history. His experience provides us with a unique perspective on that magnificent history. Although he is gone, his story is still worth exploring and reflecting on.