
The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him


In this fast-paced era, we can always see all kinds of news on the Internet, some of which make people laugh and some of which touch the heart.

Today, I want to talk to you about a doctor named Li Sheng, whose story is like a shower in summer in the land of Wenzhou, which came suddenly, but it is unforgettable.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

Dr. Li Sheng: The stars of the medical world are as warm as ever

In the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Dr. Li Sheng is a well-known name.

He is not only a leader in the field of cardiovascular diseases, but also an indelible warmth in the hearts of patients.

He has been practicing medicine for decades, and he has witnessed countless ups and downs in life, but he has always maintained the humility and patience that he had when he first entered the industry.

When receiving consultations, he always smiles and answers every question of patients in the most simple and easy-to-understand language, as if he is dispelling the haze in the hearts of patients with a ray of sunshine.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

I remember an old woman once said, "Every time I see Dr. Lee, I feel as relieved as I see my own children." ”

Such a reputation is not a day's work, but Dr. Li Sheng's countless days and nights of hard work.

He never argues with patients because he knows that everyone who walks into the hospital carries with them a desire for health and a fear of the unknown.

His existence is to give the greatest comfort and strength to patients.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

Tragedy struck: an unjustified disaster

However, fate always seems to play tricks on people.

It was in such a hopeful medical hall that Dr. Li Sheng encountered a turning point in his life.

Early that morning, a 68-year-old man, filled with dissatisfaction and despair with the hospital, swung his sharp blade at the innocent Dr. Li.

It turned out that the man's wife had undergone coronary artery bypass surgery in the hospital 11 years ago, and although the operation was successful, the disease was relentless, and she eventually passed away.

This grief slowly fermented in his heart, and finally turned into a flame of revenge.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

At the moment of his murder, Dr. Li may have been immersed in the daily life of saving lives and helping the wounded, and he did not expect this sudden attack.

The reduced vigilance during the reception, coupled with the restrictions of the white coat, made him unable to dodge.

This scene is heart-wrenching and makes people reflect: how to ensure the safety of medical staff themselves while protecting lives?

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

Farewell in the Rain: The Angel's Last Ride

In the early morning of July 25, in the Wenzhou funeral home, a special farewell ceremony was underway.

The sky seemed to be weeping for this good doctor, dark clouds and drizzle, and every drop of rain was like a heavenly mourning for Dr. Li Sheng.

The citizens organized themselves and drove here in the early hours of the morning just to give Dr. Lee another ride before he died.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

In the funeral home, wreaths are like a sea, and each bouquet of flowers carries the sorrow and reluctance to Dr. Li.

In the farewell hall, the memorial slogan "Doctor's Benevolence, Boundless Love" at the top is particularly eye-catching, and in the large portrait below, Dr. Li is still smiling so warmly.

People hold fresh chrysanthemums in their hands and gently place them next to the body, and each petal carries endless sorrow and respect.

Some people wept silently, some prayed in low voices, and the whole space was filled with an indescribable sadness and solemnity.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

The Mourning Boom: The Transmission of Love and Memory

As early as July 21 and 22, the hospital and relatives held a public condolence meeting for Dr. Li Sheng.

In those days, despite the scorching sun, the enthusiasm of the citizens did not diminish in the slightest.

They lined up in a long line just to pay their last respects to the good doctor.

At the condolence meeting, cries and sighs were intertwined, but more than that, it was a nostalgia and praise for Dr. Li's deeds.

Those touching stories, like a summer breeze, blew away the irritability and anxiety in people's hearts.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

Social repercussions: learn from the pain and build harmony together

The death of Dr. Li Sheng is not only a tragedy for a family, but also a pain for the whole society.

People from all walks of life have expressed their concern and indignation over this incident.

People have begun to deeply reflect on the current situation of the doctor-patient relationship, calling for more practical and effective measures to ensure the safety of medical staff, and at the same time calling for patients and their families to give more understanding and respect to medical staff.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

Some experts pointed out that the conflict between doctors and patients often stems from information asymmetry and poor communication.

Patients are hungry for the best possible outcomes, while doctors are constrained by medical limitations and uncertainties.

To solve this problem, both parties need to work together to establish a more transparent and open communication mechanism, so that patients can fully understand their condition and treatment options during the medical treatment process.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

In addition, there are also calls from all walks of life to strengthen safety protection measures for medical staff, such as adding monitoring equipment and strengthening security forces.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

At the same time, psychological counseling and legal aid for patients should also be strengthened to ensure that they have channels to express their demands and protect their rights and interests when they encounter problems.

The farewell ceremony for Dr. Li Sheng's body was held, and many citizens went out in advance and lined up in the rain to say goodbye to him

The editor has something to say:

Let's remember Dr. Li Sheng's name and all his efforts and contributions.

At the same time, let us work together to contribute to the construction of a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.

May Heaven be free from sickness and strife, may every medical worker work in a safe environment, and may every patient be treated with understanding and respect.

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