
Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth


1. Monica · Bellucci: The "known" trilogy

1, "Don't Look Back"

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Synopsis: Released in 2009,

Rating: 6.3

Recommendation index: ★ ☆★☆★☆★☆ ★

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Highlight Video:

"The truth! Don't look back: Monica Bellucci plays a car accident girl, and the truth of rebirth is pain! ”

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Jenny, who has run into walls everywhere, will naturally not give up her determination to find the truth.

Even, there is a voice inside her that controls her, controlling her to use her beauty to get the truth she wants. It seems that our favorite goddess Monica · Bellucci, even in a depressing thriller, has to stage an anticipatory and a little creepy breakthrough scene for her friends who love her, but unfortunately, it backfired in the end.

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

After discovering Jenny's plan, the insider left Jenny's house in a fit of rage. This left Jenny, and the strange beings in her body, not getting the answers they wanted. However, that night, Jenny found a little girl outside the window who was exactly like the one in the photo. So, she follows the little girl to a strange room that déjà vu arose. The little girl had disappeared as if she had never appeared, leaving Jenny to watch everything in the room. The room was set up as it was strange and familiar, and suddenly, memories flashed through Jenny's mind, and it made her seem to remember something!

Before you know it, a series of memories are flooding in!

Sure enough, there was another person in her body, a beautiful girl who was dead, but lived forever in her blood. The girl was a good friend of her childhood, and they were tragically involved in a car accident.

Moreover, Jenny is still saved, and her friend is no longer saved.

2, "How Deep Do You Love Me"

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Introduction: Released in 2005,

Rating: 6.2

Recommended index: ★ ☆★☆★☆★☆☆ ★

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Highlight Video:

"Monica Bellucci R-rated blockbuster, revealing the simple emotions between small people, makes people cry after watching it"

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With Daniella's gentle inquiry, the man sitting across from him came back to his senses.

Perhaps, this cramped man can bypass the beauty of a woman and truly appreciate the humility and insignificance of a woman's heart. Just a few days ago, in the dark corner of the city, who would have thought that who would accept that such a beautiful woman would be only a special service provider at the lowest level of society, which doomed her to loneliness and emptiness, as well as the humility and insignificance in her speech.

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

At this moment, Daniella, a special service provider played by Monica · Bellucci, is convincing the unattractive man in front of her to accept her services and take her home. When she learned that the man in front of her named Baron had unexpectedly won the lottery jackpot, they quickly hit it off and willingly went home together.

It's just that Daniela never dreamed that the seemingly simple and honest man in front of her, Baron, not only deceived her, but also touched the depths of her heart, and an extraordinary emotion began.

3. "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily"

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Synopsis: Released in 2000,

Rating: 8.9

Recommended index: ★ ☆★☆★☆★☆☆ ★

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Highlight Video:

"Suffocation! The Beautiful Widow: The Beautiful Legend of Sicily, Monica Bellucci Plays the Suffocating Widow"

Video highlights:

Desperate, Marlena staggered home.

She decides to cut off her proud long hair, and she wants to say goodbye to her former self. This is the determination of a woman who lives alone without protection, and after being slandered and slandered, and treated unfairly, she is alone and difficult to face everything.

She wants to change herself completely, she wants to adapt herself to the hypocritical way of life of the people in the small town behind the war; She wants to immerse herself in this hypocritical life; She wants to be protected and fed in this hypocritical way.

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Whether right or wrong, this is the most helpless choice for a woman who lives alone and is powerless to fight her fate.

When the more brightly dressed Marlena blended into the crowd, we couldn't help but think of the woman who rejected people thousands of miles away, and she really changed at this moment. The film once again echoes the plot descriptions before and after, as well as the character portrayals with huge contrasts before and after, and naturally makes Malena's change inevitable, revealing the darkness behind the war, and Marlena, who is unable to fight her fate alone, may only go with the flow to get a little respite and a glimmer of hope for survival under the hypocritical butcher knife raised by people.

2. Monica · Bellucci: The "Forgotten" trilogy

1. "Irrevocable"

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Introduction: Released in 2002,

Rating: 6.8

Recommended index: ★ ☆★☆★☆★☆☆ ★

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Video highlights:

Unfortunately, Alice's way of dealing with feelings is unwise.

This will only make her boyfriend Marcus no longer have scruples and go even more excessive. So when Alice discovers that her boyfriend is missing, she quickly understands what happened. So, she went to the lounge area on the second floor of the bar alone.

At this moment, she seems to be chatting happily with her friends, but in fact, she is thinking about an important matter. It turns out that just yesterday, Alice found out that she was pregnant. At this time, after her boyfriend Marcus "fooled around", he finally appeared next to Alice. He was in a state of playfulness, which instantly made Alice's mood fall to the bottom. In the past, Alice could have been indifferent to anything, but now she has to consider whether this man who has repeatedly touched her bottom line is worth trusting.

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

So, when her friend left, leaving only her and Marcus, Alice, who had never been angry about Marcus fooling around, without warning, was in a bad mood just now, and then suddenly ignited a wave of anger from the bottom of her heart, and she angrily accused Marcus of being unreliable. It seems that pregnancy has changed many of her minds, and she has to take many issues seriously.

Seeing the terrible state of her boyfriend Marcus, Alice finally didn't say anything about her pregnancy. She angrily leaves the bar alone, however, to the disgrieved Alice, what she does not expect is that she will suffer a painful tragedy.

2, "Love Affair"

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Synopsis: Released in 1991,

Rating: 6.5

Recommended index: ★ ☆★☆★☆★☆☆ ★

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Highlight Video:

"Monica Bellucci's work of extreme purity, the magnitude of the sacrifice, the suffocation, revealing the ugliness of human nature"

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These wealthy businessmen who want to get her heart only need to pay a small goal to have her time for four years.

However, when 20 wealthy businessmen with families were extremely longing, they sent Francesca a deposit, and the accident happened. Francesca's behavior was actually accused, which frightened this group of wealthy businessmen.

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Thankfully, Francesca was wise enough to calmly state a fact when questioned by the officer. Those who helped her were her husband's business partners, and they just felt that the orphan and widow were in great debt, so they were obliged to give a little financial support. Such an explanation is reasonable and unassailable, and the police officer can only close the case. At this point, the wealthy businessmen finally breathed a sigh of relief, where did they dare to mention the deposit again, and the deposit of a few small targets was naturally cheaper than Francesca.

In fact, all this is Francesca's little trick of "thieves shouting to catch thieves", because she wants to teach these rich businessmen with bad intentions a lesson, and more importantly, she is a good woman with a bottom line.

3, "Love Handbook 3"

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Synopsis: Released in 2011, it is forbidden to love a girl

Rating: 6.5

Recommendation index: ★ ☆★☆★☆★☆ ★

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Highlight Video:

"Monica Bellucci challenges twilight love, boldly interprets the girl's love for the old man, watch carefully, don't fall into it"

Video highlights:

At this moment, Xiaomei and Lao Luo have entered the best situation, the lights are flickering, the music is beautiful, and the two old men and girls, who have a good feeling for each other, but don't know how to go further, are using a special way to get closer to each other.

Xiaomei has been happily carried away, and Lao Luo has completely let go of himself and boldly enjoyed this crazy feeling. However, when Xiaomei asked Lao Luo to turn around, Lao Luo did not put down his hands, because there were pitted scars on his chest, which were all glorious marks left by the battle, these marks were hideous and terrifying, and they were not suitable for Xiaomei to see. However, he forgot that Xiaomei's father was also a soldier, and Xiaomei fell in love with him precisely because of his military temperament, so not only did she not care about the scars on Lao Luo's body, but would deepen her feelings for Lao Luo.

Thriller! Amazing! Taboo! Monica · Bellucci's mysterious six-part series, with scale and depth

Xiaomei slowly walked towards Lao Luo, love needs respect, she will respect Lao Luo, and will not force Lao Luo to do what he is not willing to do. When their definition of love combines understanding and tolerance, their hearts are finally close to each other for the first time, and their feelings are finally qualitatively sublimated. At this moment, Xiaomei and Lao Luo finally came together boldly.


Whether it is a "well-known" trilogy or a "forgotten" trilogy, it vividly embodies the three mysterious meanings of thriller, surprise and taboo, which can be said to have scale and depth. In short, Monica · Bellucci is worthy of the global goddess, and her two "trilogies", a total of 6 films, have already become a benchmark in film history and are worth savoring.

Brothers, I will share it here today, remember to share, like, and we'll see you next time.

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