
Career reimbursement! Reporter: Sano Haishu pleaded guilty and will be sentenced to 5 years in prison for sexual assault & without parole

Career reimbursement! Reporter: Sano Haishu pleaded guilty and will be sentenced to 5 years in prison for sexual assault & without parole

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2024-07-26 00:06Posted on the official account of United States Live Bar

Career reimbursement! Reporter: Sano Haishu pleaded guilty and will be sentenced to 5 years in prison for sexual assault & without parole

Live broadcast on July 25 Bild reported that reporter Andreas Schmidt revealed that multiple sources confirmed that Mainz's new recruit and Japan international Sano Kaishu has pleaded guilty to sexual assault.

Journalist Andreas Schmidt said: "We know from multiple sources that Sano has pleaded guilty. The victim said that she was apparently unable to express her offer at the time, possibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs. ”

"I think at the moment it looks like Sano's sporting career is over, and if the charges are confirmed, he faces five years in prison without parole."

Saishu Sano (23), who moved to Mainz from Kashima Antlers this summer, was arrested by the police on July 14 for sexually assaulting a woman in her 30s with two other men at a hotel in Tokyo, and Kashima's legal department believes that the transfer deal was completed on July 4, so Mainz still needs to pay a transfer fee of 4 million euros and has no right to claim compensation from Kashima Antlers.

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  • Career reimbursement! Reporter: Sano Haishu pleaded guilty and will be sentenced to 5 years in prison for sexual assault & without parole

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