
Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

"Looking back at the bleak place, returning, there is no wind and rain and no sunshine." Dong Yuhui's ancient poem seems to indicate the new journey he is about to usher in.

Just now, Dongfang Selection issued a blockbuster announcement: Dong Yuhui officially resigned and acquired "Walking with Hui", from then on, this Internet celebrity will lead a new team and open his own independent chapter!

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures


Dong Yuhui's announcement makes people feel emotional. Not long ago, Dong Yuhui was still excitedly updating his personal profile, indicating his new identity in "Walking with Hui", but no one expected that this would become a prelude to his independence from the East. At this moment, "Walking with Hui", which has just moved into the new office area, announced the shocking news: Yuhui will officially become the boss of "Walking with Hui" and lead the new team to a more brilliant future!

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

Dong Yuhui's farewell letter: Feeling nostalgic for the past and looking forward to the future

Dong Yuhui released an affectionate farewell letter in the announcement, expressing his emotion and reluctance to grow up with Hui in the past seven months. From the initial rush to the current boom, this journey has touched him deeply. In the letter, Yuhui sincerely thanked all the people who gave support, especially Mr. Yu and Mr. Sun, for their help, which he cherished.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

"At that time, we had just started the company, and it was really busy." In the letter, Yuhui recalled the difficulties of the start-up company. He mentioned that during that time, he and his team were racking their brains for every detail of the company, and every day was as tense as a war. However, it is this kind of tension and busyness that has made "Walking with Hui" today's glory.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

Yuhui specifically mentioned a special experience - in the years of Dongfang Selection, he was touched by the warmth of the team. Not long ago, he looked through an old video in which his colleagues celebrated his birthday and made him feel the joy and warmth of the past. "Watching that video, I felt like I was back in those carefree days." Yuhui sighed in the letter.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

He also mentioned that although he left the Eastern Selection, those days when he fought side by side are still vivid. "Although our entrepreneurial path is bumpy, every step is inseparable from your support." Yuhui expressed his deep feelings for his former colleagues in simple words, and this feeling turned into a sincere thanks.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures
Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

This farewell letter is not only a review of the past, but also a look forward to the future. Yuhui said that although he is about to face new challenges independently, he still has a grateful heart and looks forward to a bright future. This new beginning makes him full of hope and motivation, and he also hopes that everyone can continue to support his new career, so that "Walking with Hui" can go more stable and brilliant.

Walk with Hui in the new office area debut: a touching moment from a film interview

On July 24th, the new office area of "Walking with Hui" ushered in the first film interview that was eye-catching, especially in this interview, Yuhui had a wonderful conversation with Mai Jia, Chen Sicheng and Liu Haoran. During the interview, there were not only in-depth film discussions, but also poignant behind-the-scenes stories, especially in an experience shared by Chen Sicheng, which deeply touched everyone present.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

Chen Sicheng talked about the filming process, mentioning that Liu Haoran had to strictly control his diet and even reduce sleep in order to achieve the best shooting state for the needs of the role.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures
Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

He described Liu Haoran's tall figure as a huge effort and sacrifice. This experience makes people feel sad, because this kind of self-demand is almost extreme.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

Yuhui is deeply touched by this, and he himself has experienced similar difficult times. He has also experienced exhaustion and emotional lows in the face of work pressure and personal challenges.

When hearing Chen Sicheng tell Liu Haoran's experience, Yuhui couldn't help but reveal his inner resonance. He recalled his hardships at work, and for various reasons, he felt the same physical and psychological pressure as Liu Haoran. These feelings made Yuhui particularly moving in the interview, and his experience with Liu Haoran resonated deeply, allowing people to see his emotional and real side.


This interview not only made people see the difficulties behind the creation of the film, but also made people feel the deep friendship between Yuhui and the guests. Through such an in-depth exchange, everyone not only appreciated the charm of film art, but also felt the mental journey of Yuhui on this entrepreneurial road. This kind of sincere sharing makes people more aware of those who work silently behind the glamorous and glamorous, as well as the hard work they put into their dreams.

The crying boy grew up

Dong Yuhui's farewell is not only a statement, but also a true portrayal of his growth. Looking back at the few moments of his breakdown, we see his side as a sincere and emotional person. These tears not only reflect his inner world, but also reflect the pain and warmth he experienced growing up.

2022: Farewell to New Oriental

During a live broadcast in 2022, Yuhui suddenly shed tears. His tears were not for a specific event, but for a deep reluctance to give up on his former colleagues. At that time, Yuhui recalled the old days of New Oriental in the live broadcast room, and expressed his gratitude and nostalgia for the colleagues who had worked together. Behind the tears is his cherishing of the past years and his deep friendship with his former partners. This scene profoundly shows Yuhui's deep affection for the past years and infinite nostalgia for those who have accompanied him.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

December 2023: An emotional goodbye

In December 2023, in the farewell after the "Little Composition" incident, Yuhui collapsed again. The emotional fluctuations of that moment are not only a farewell to personal experiences, but also a farewell to an era. His emotions are like a rushing river, releasing all kinds of past experiences and feelings together. That scene was undoubtedly heart-wrenching, and Yuhui's tears were not only the expression of personal emotions, but also his affectionate farewell to his dreams and years of hard work. This farewell let us see the fragility and strength in his heart.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

Guangxi Tour: Invited Again

After an outfield event in Guangxi, Yuhui lost control of his emotions again. Although he had left the Oriental Audition, when he was invited back to that familiar place, the unforgettable feeling of old love came back to his heart. His uncontrollable tears reflect his deep feelings for the past and his love for the work he once had. At this moment, Yuhui's emotional expression is not only nostalgia for the past, but also thoughtful consideration for the future.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

Oriental Selection Annual Meeting: The Last Collapse

In the annual meeting of Oriental Selection, Yuhui was invited to the live broadcast room. Faced with the last emotional release, he finally couldn't control himself, and tears couldn't stop flowing. This scene is his last farewell to Dongfang Selection, and it is also his last emotional expression of all the past years. Under the influence of alcohol, his inner world becomes more and more transparent, making people deeply feel his cherishing of the past and his affectionate confession of the future.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

These tears are not only the expression of personal emotions, but also the true portrayal of Dong Yuhui's growth. Behind each collapse is his deep nostalgia for the past years and his firm belief in the future path. He has grown from a crying boy to a mature leader, and these experiences have undoubtedly become valuable assets on his life path.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

Dong Yuhui resigned from Dongfang Selection and acquired "Walking with Hui", marking that he officially entered a new career stage. This decision not only demonstrated his courage and determination, but also laid the foundation for future success. For Yuhui, this is both a farewell and a new life, with his cherishing of the past and his expectations for the future, opening his glorious chapter.

"Flowing water does not compete for the first, what is fought for is endless." Let's pay attention to Yuhui's new journey in "Walking with Hui", and look forward to more excitement from him!

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

Written at the end: Yuhui's growth and our future

Dong Yuhui's growth process is not only a wonderful chapter for him, but also a mirror in the depths of each of our hearts. As he said in his farewell letter, although the past years were full of tears and reluctance, it is these experiences that have shaped him to be more mature and determined today.

Yuhui uses his tears and growth to tell us that in the face of life's ups and downs, whether it is success or setbacks, we need to face them with a positive attitude. Every tear is a mark of growth, and every goodbye is a new starting point. As he said, "The past is history, and the future is worth looking forward to." ”

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

In these times of change, each of us faces different challenges and choices. Dong Yuhui's story inspires us not to be afraid to say goodbye to the glory of the past, nor to be afraid of the unknown in the future. Learn to draw strength from every experience and embrace new journeys with a grateful heart.

Although the road ahead is full of challenges, as long as we are like Yuhui, firm in our beliefs and brave in moving forward, we will be able to usher in our own bright moment. Let us remember his teachings together, pursue our dreams with our hearts, and let every effort and perseverance become a witness to our growth.

Have you experienced similar pain and growth in your own journey? Feel free to share your stories and insights in the comment area, and let's discuss and grow together. Yuhui's farewell is a new beginning, and the road ahead extends under our feet. Let us take hope and courage to move towards a brighter tomorrow.

Dong Yuhui resigned from the Oriental Selection, Yuhui sent a long message to say goodbye, reviewing the collapse of the four pictures

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