
The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

In Ganxigou Village, Shiqian County, there is a story that has been sealed by the dust of time, that is, the Red Army jumping off the cliff. The story has been widely circulated in the local area, but few people have been able to tell the story in full. Yang Youzhu, as a staff member of the Shiqian County Party History Research Office, is full of strong interest in this period of history. He decided to go deep into the village of Ganxi Trough to dig up this forgotten history, hoping to restore the truth of the incident.

Yang's investigation was not easy. The remote location of Ganxichao Village, the inconvenient transportation situation, and the fact that the villagers are always wary of outsiders make his investigation work full of challenges. However, Yang Youzhu was not discouraged by this, and he firmly believed that only by going deep into the villagers could he truly understand this history.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

With Yang Youzhu's unremitting efforts, he gradually gained the trust of the villagers. He found that whenever the Chung Yeung Festival came, the villagers would hold a mysterious worship ceremony. This ritual is different from the ordinary traditional festival celebration, it is more solemn, and even carries an indescribable sadness. The villagers were tight-lipped about the details of the ceremony, and were reluctant to reveal too much even to "their own people" like Yang Youzhu.

Yang Youzhu realized that this worship custom may have some connection with the Red Army's cliff jumping incident. He began to delve deeper into the origins and significance of the custom. After consulting a large number of historical sources and local chronicles, he found that the custom may have originated sometime after the Red Army's cliff jumping. At that time, in order to commemorate the heroic sacrifice of the Red Army soldiers, the villagers spontaneously formed this worship custom. However, with the passage of time, the specific meaning and form of this custom were gradually forgotten by the villagers, leaving only a vague memory and an unspeakable sorrow.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

As Yang Youzhu's investigation deepened, he began to try to communicate with the villagers on a deeper level. He found that although the villagers knew very little about the Red Army's cliff jumping, their admiration for the Red Army soldiers was sincere and profound. In their hearts, the Red Army soldiers were heroes, the pride of their hearts. Therefore, whenever the Chung Yeung Festival comes, they will express their nostalgia and respect for these heroes in their own way.

Yang Youzhu's investigative work was full of hardships, but he never gave up. He knows that this history is of great significance to Shiqian County and even the whole country. He hopes that through his own efforts, more people can understand this history and remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country and the people.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

In the course of Yang Youzhu's investigation, he also discovered some interesting phenomena. For example, the villagers of Ganxigou Village use some special items in their worship rituals, such as red ribbons and yellow chrysanthemums, which have special symbolic meanings in their culture. In addition, they chant ancient songs during the worship ceremony, which are simple but full of affection and power.

Yang Youzhu's investigation continues, and he hopes to uncover more secrets behind this worship custom through more efforts. He believed that only by truly understanding this custom can we better understand the Red Army's cliff jumping incident and better inherit and carry forward this history. Although his work is difficult, he firmly believes that if he persists, he will be able to succeed.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

In Yang Youzhu's investigation, he also found some touching stories. For example, some villagers' ancestors have witnessed the heroic scene of the Red Army jumping off the cliff, and they have passed down these stories from generation to generation. Although these stories may be transformed in the process of transmission, they still give us a sense of the faith and courage of the people of that era. Yang Youzhu hopes that by recording these stories, more people will understand the tragedy and greatness of the Red Army's cliff jumping incident.

Yang Youzhu's investigation continues, and his footsteps never stop. He believes that through his own efforts, he will be able to restore this period of history and let more people remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country and the people. Although his work is difficult, he firmly believes that if he persists, he will be able to succeed.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

Yang Youzhu's investigation in Ganxi Trough Village gradually deepened, and he found a key person - the old man Cai Yingju. Cai Yingju is an elder in the village and one of the few elderly people who witnessed the Red Army's cliff jumping. Yang Youzhu visited Cai Yingju several times, hoping to get more secrets from him about the disappearance of the Red Army Guard Regiment.

When the old man Cai Yingju first saw Yang Youzhu, he seemed a little hesitant and hesitant. His eyes revealed a deep heartache for that period of history, as well as infinite respect for those Red Army soldiers who died heroically. However, with Yang Youzhu's patience and sincerity, the old man finally opened the conversation box and began to tell the story of the long-sealed past.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

Sleepy Niu Mountain, an inconspicuous hill near the village of Ganxi Trough, hides the secret of the disappearance of the Red Army Guard Regiment. According to the old man Cai Yingju's recollection, the Red Army fought a fierce battle with the enemy near Sleepy Niu Mountain. The Red Army Guards Regiment, in order to cover the retreat of the main forces, heroically fought to the death with the enemy. After the battle, the fighters of the rearguard regiment mysteriously disappeared, and no one knew their whereabouts.

Yang Youzhu gradually uncovered a corner of this history through the narration of the old man Cai Yingju. He learned that the disappearance of the Red Army Guards Regiment was not for nothing. During the battle, the fighters of the rearguard regiment, in order not to drag down the main forces, chose a steep mountain road to retreat. However, the rugged mountain roads and the pursuit of the enemy led to the heroic sacrifice of many warriors during the retreat, which eventually led to the disappearance of the rearguard regiment.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

The villagers remain silent about this history, partly because of heartache and their reluctance to touch that tragic memory again; On the other hand, it was also out of respect for the Red Army soldiers, who did not want that period of history to be misunderstood or misinterpreted by the outside world. In their hearts, the Red Army soldiers were heroes, they were the pride of their hearts, and they wanted to preserve this dignity through silence.

In the narration of the old man Cai Yingju, Yang Youzhu felt the complex emotions of the villagers about that period of history. They are both grieved and proud. It is sad that so many young lives have been sacrificed in battle; Proudly, their sacrifice was exchanged for peace and prosperity in the country. This complex emotion makes the villagers choose to be silent when facing the outside world.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

Yang Youzhu's investigation did not end because of Cai Yingju's narration. On the contrary, he has strengthened his determination to restore this period of history. He began to study more deeply the topography of the Sleepy Niu Mountain, hoping to find the route of the retreat of the Red Army Guard Regiment in those years. At the same time, he is also looking for possible ruins or relics, hoping to provide more evidence for this history.

In the course of Yang Youzhu's investigation, he also discovered some touching details. For example, when the old man Cai Yingju told the story of the Red Army Guard Regiment, he often mentioned the names and deeds of some soldiers. These warriors showed great courage and wisdom in battle, and their stories deeply touched Yang Youzhu. He hoped that by recording these stories, more people would know about the bravery and greatness of the Red Army soldiers.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

Yang Youzhu's investigative work was full of hardships, but he never gave up. He knew that this period of history was of great significance to Ganxigou Village and even the whole country. He hopes that through his own efforts, more people can understand this history and remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country and the people. Although his work is difficult, he firmly believes that if he persists, he will be able to succeed.

In Yang Youzhu's investigation, he also found some thought-provoking phenomena. For example, when villagers tell stories about the Red Army, they often mention the deep friendship between the Red Army and the local people. These friendships were fully manifested in the fighting, and many Red Army fighters, at the last moment of their lives, were still fighting to protect the safety of the local population. This deep friendship gave Yang Youzhu a deeper understanding of the close ties between the Red Army and the people.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

In 1934, the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's encounter in Trapped Niu Mountain was a history full of tragedy and heroism. As a witness to this period of history, Cai Yingju's memory is like a living history book, recording the heroism and greatness of those Red Army soldiers.

In Yang Youzhu's many visits, the old man Cai Yingju slowly unfolded his memories. In the year, the Red Army engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy near the Sleepy Niu Mountain. In the face of an enemy several times their size, the Red Army soldiers fought bravely without fear. They are well aware that they shoulder not only the victory in the battle, but also the responsibility to protect the people. In battle, the Red Army soldiers preferred to die rather than harm the people, they preferred to sacrifice themselves rather than let innocent civilians suffer.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

At the height of the battle, the fighters of the Red Army Guards Regiment were driven by the enemy to the edge of the cliff of Sleepy Niu Mountain. In the face of a desperate situation, they did not choose to surrender or escape, but chose the most heroic path - collective cliff jumping. The old man Cai Yingju recalled that the scene at that time was shocking, and the Red Army soldiers jumped off the cliffs one by one, and there was no fear on their faces, only firmness and determination. They used their lives to interpret what loyalty is and what sacrifice is.

A trace of tears flashed in the old man's eyes, and his voice became a little choked. He said that the figures of those Red Army soldiers are still clearly imprinted in his mind. Their figures, like an inextinguishable light, illuminate that dark history. Their sacrifice is not only for the victory of the battle, but also for the happiness of the people and the future of the country.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

The villagers' admiration for these martyrs is heartfelt. They knew that these Red Army soldiers died to protect them. Therefore, every year during the Chung Yeung Festival, the villagers will spontaneously organize memorial activities to commemorate those heroic martyrs. The memorial is not only a ceremony, but also a spiritual inheritance. In this way, the villagers hope that future generations will remember the heroic deeds of those martyrs and the sacrifices they made for the country and the people.

During the memorial activities, the villagers will prepare some simple offerings, such as flowers, fruits, wine, etc., and place them in front of the tombs of the martyrs. They also light incense and candles and pray silently to express their sorrow and respect for the martyrs. Some villagers even sing old songs, which are full of nostalgia and admiration for the martyrs. Although these songs are simple, they can deeply touch people's hearts and make people feel the heaviness and tragedy of that period of history.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

In the narration of the old man Cai Yingju, Yang Youzhu felt the deep feelings of the villagers for the martyrs. They are not only commemorating those martyrs, but also inheriting a spirit, a spirit of sacrifice for the country and the people. This spirit is the backbone of the Chinese nation and should be remembered and inherited by every Chinese.

Yang Youzhu's investigation did not end because of Cai Yingju's narration. On the contrary, he has strengthened his determination to restore this period of history. He began to study the topography of Sleepy Niu Mountain more deeply, hoping to find the specific location of the Red Army soldiers who jumped off the cliff. At the same time, he is also looking for possible ruins or relics, hoping to provide more evidence for this history.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

In the course of Yang Youzhu's investigation, he also discovered some touching details. For example, when the old man Cai Yingju told the story of the Red Army, he often mentioned the names and deeds of some soldiers. These warriors showed great courage and wisdom in battle, and their stories deeply touched Yang Youzhu. He hoped that by recording these stories, more people would know about the bravery and greatness of the Red Army soldiers.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

Secondly, the strategic shift of the Red Army was also aimed at finding new space for survival and development. In the course of a long period of guerrilla warfare, the Red Army has accumulated rich combat experience and formed a set of tactics and strategies suited to its own characteristics. Through the strategic shift, the Red Army could establish revolutionary base areas in new areas and continue the revolutionary struggle.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

Before the Long March, the Red Sixth Army Corps undertook an important historical mission as an advance team. Their main task was to pin down the enemy and buy time for the transfer of the main forces. On the way to the west, the Red Sixth Army fought a number of fierce battles with the enemy, successfully attracting the enemy's attention and creating favorable conditions for the transfer of the main forces.

The westward expedition of the Red Sixth Army was not only a strategic shift, but also a severe test of the Red Army's will and combat effectiveness. On the way to the west, the Red Sixth Army faced an extremely difficult environment and was surrounded by the enemy. Not only do they have to fight the enemy, but they also have to overcome the difficulties brought by the natural environment, such as high mountains, large rivers, severe cold, hunger, etc. However, with firm conviction and tenacious will, the soldiers of the Red Sixth Army overcame one difficulty after another and fulfilled the historical mission entrusted by the party and the people.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

The Western Expedition of the Red Sixth Army was also an exploration and practice of the Red Army's strategy and tactics. During the westward expedition, the Red Sixth Army flexibly used various tactics such as guerrilla warfare and movement warfare in light of the actual situation, effectively striking at the enemy and preserving its own strength. Their successful experience provided a valuable reference for the subsequent Long March.

The Western Expedition of the Red Sixth Army Corps was a tempering and sublimation of the spirit of the Red Army. On the way to the west, the soldiers of the Red Sixth Army showed the spirit of revolutionary heroism that was not afraid of sacrifice and dared to win. With their actions, they interpret what loyalty is, what is bravery, and what sacrifice is. This spirit became a powerful driving force for the Red Army to overcome all difficulties and achieve final victory.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

Although the Red Sixth Army's westward expedition was full of difficulties and challenges, its significance was very significant. It not only bought valuable time for the transfer of the main forces, but also accumulated valuable experience for the Long March of the Red Army. More importantly, the Western Expedition of the Red Sixth Army demonstrated the heroism and greatness of the Red Army and inspired countless revolutionaries to fight for the realization of communist ideals.

The Western Expedition of the Red Sixth Army is a history full of legends. Its story has been praised and remembered by future generations. The soldiers of the Red Sixth Army used their blood and lives to write a glorious chapter in the history of the Chinese revolution. Their spirit will always inspire us to make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

As a monument in the history of the Chinese revolution, the spirit of Sleepy Niu Mountain has been remembered and inherited by future generations for its profound connotation and lofty spiritual value. This spirit not only has an indelible place in history, but also still plays an important role in inspiring people and promoting social progress in the new era.

First of all, in order to commemorate the spirit of Sleepy Cow Mountain, the local government and people have established a monument in Sleepy Cow Mountain. This monument is not only a tribute to the memory of that tragic history, but also a tribute to the heroic and fearless spirit of the Red Army soldiers. The monument is inscribed with the heroic deeds of the Red Army soldiers and their noble spirit of sacrificing their lives for the good of the country and the people. Every year, thousands of people come here to pay homage to the monument, remember the martyrs, and receive spiritual baptism.

The Red Army Guard Regiment mysteriously disappeared, three investigations were fruitless, and 70 years later, the mountain villagers revealed the truth

Secondly, the place name of Sleepy Niu Mountain has also changed because of this history. Originally, it was just an ordinary mountain name, but after the heroic incident of the Red Army soldiers jumping off the cliff en masse, the name Sleepy Niu Mountain was given a new meaning. It is no longer just a geographical indication, but also a symbol of spirit, a force that inspires people to keep moving forward. Today, Sleepy Niu Mountain has become an educational base, attracting people from all over the country to visit and study.

More importantly, the spirit of Sleepy Niushan still plays an important role in the new era. In the great struggle of poverty alleviation, the spirit of Sleepy Niushan has inspired the local cadres and masses to move forward bravely despite difficulties. Following the example of the Red Army soldiers, they carried forward the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice and daring to win, overcame one difficulty after another, and achieved the goal of shaking off poverty and becoming rich.

In the new era, we can see a moving picture: the cadres go deep into the grassroots, eat, live and work with the masses, understand the practical difficulties of the masses, and help them solve problems in production and life; Carrying forward the spirit of self-reliance and hard work, the villagers gradually got rid of poverty and embarked on the road to prosperity through the development of characteristic industries and the improvement of infrastructure.

The inheritance of the spirit of Sleepy Niushan is not only reflected in the change of the material level, but also in the improvement of people's spiritual outlook. In Sleepy Niu Mountain, both the elderly and children can tell the stories of the Red Army and sing the songs of the Red Army. These stories and songs have become the spiritual wealth of the people of Sleepy Niushan, and also become a source of strength for them to face difficulties and meet challenges.

The inheritance of the spirit of Sleepy Niushan is also reflected in the popularization and deepening of education. The local school takes the spirit of Sleepy Cow Mountain as an important teaching content, and through various forms of educational activities, students can understand the history and feel the spirit. In the process of learning and inheriting the spirit of Sleepy Niushan, the students cultivated patriotic feelings and enhanced their sense of responsibility and mission.

The inheritance of the spirit of Sleepy Niushan has also received extensive attention and support from all walks of life. Many literary and artistic workers have created a large number of excellent literary and artistic works, such as novels, movies, TV dramas, etc., based on the spirit of Sleepy Niu Mountain. Through vivid storylines and distinctive characters, these works allow more people to understand the spirit of Sleepy Niushan and feel its profound connotation and charm.

The inheritance of the spirit of Sleepy Niushan is a continuous process. With the development of the times, the spirit of Sleepy Niushan is also constantly enriched and developed. Under the new historical conditions, the spirit of Sleepy Niushan has been endowed with a new connotation of the times, such as reform and innovation, courage to explore, etc. These new connotations of the times make the spirit of Sleepy Niushan more in line with the development requirements of the times, and more vital and influential.

The inheritance of the spirit of Sleepy Niu Mountain is a long-term and arduous task. It requires the joint efforts of each and every one of us, and requires us to continue to study and practice, and to constantly carry forward and magnify. Only in this way can the spirit of Sleepy Niushan shine more brightly in the new era and inspire us to make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Commemorating the martyrs of the Red Army jumping off a cliff is not only a respect for the history of blood and fire, life and death, but also a responsibility and commitment to the future. As a concentrated embodiment of the heroic deeds of the Red Army's cliff-jumping martyrs, the spirit of Sleepy Niu Mountain plays an irreplaceable role in educating future generations, inheriting history and stimulating national pride.

First of all, commemorating the Red Army's martyrs who jumped off a cliff is a profound remembrance of history. History is the best textbook, it tells us where we came from and where we are going. The martyrs of Sleepy Niu Mountain, with their lives and blood, paved a road to victory for us. Their sacrifice is a vivid portrayal of the Chinese nation's indomitable spirit of self-improvement. Through the commemoration activities, we can let more people know about this history, feel the heroism and greatness of those martyrs, and cherish today's peace and prosperity even more.

Secondly, the spirit of Sleepy Niushan plays an important role in educating future generations. In the context of the new era, the spirit of Sleepy Niushan has been endowed with new connotations and values. It tells us that no matter how the times change, the spirit of heroic struggle and selfless dedication for the interests of the country and the people will never become obsolete. Through various forms of educational activities, such as classroom teaching, theme class meetings, social practice, etc., we can pass on the spirit of Sleepy Niushan to the next generation, cultivate their patriotic feelings, and enhance their sense of responsibility and mission.

Thirdly, the spirit of Sleepy Cow Mountain plays an important role in inheriting history. History is the memory of the nation and the bond of cultural inheritance. As an important chapter in the history of the Chinese revolution, the spirit of Sleepy Niu Mountain carries rich historical information and cultural connotations. By establishing monuments, memorial halls, holding commemorative activities, publishing relevant books, etc., we can pass on this period of history, so that more people can understand and remember the heroic deeds of those martyrs, so as to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the nation.

Finally, the spirit of Sleepy Cow Mountain is of great significance in inspiring national pride. The martyrs of Sleepy Niu Mountain are the pride and pride of the Chinese nation. They used their lives to interpret what loyalty is, what courage is, and what sacrifice is. This spirit is an important part of the spirit of the Chinese nation and the soul of our nation. By commemorating the martyrs of the Red Army jumping off the cliff and carrying forward the spirit of the trapped Niu Mountain, we can stimulate the pride and self-confidence of the whole nation, enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of the nation, and provide a powerful spiritual impetus for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

It is a long-term and arduous task to commemorate the martyrs of the Red Army who jumped off the cliff and carry forward the spirit of the trapped Niu Mountain. It requires the joint efforts of each and every one of us, and requires us to continue to study and practice, and to constantly carry forward and magnify. Only in this way can the spirit of Sleepy Niushan shine more brightly in the new era and inspire us to make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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