
The past of educated youth: Back then, she was the stupid daughter of the educated youth, but later everyone found out that she was not stupid at all

On January 7, 1969, on a cold morning, Zhang Jimei and other intellectuals gathered at Jinan Railway Station, preparing to embark on a journey to the countryside to Junan County. This day is an important turning point in Zhang Jimei's life, she will leave the familiar city and go to a completely unfamiliar rural environment to start a new life.

In the train station, the voices of people are boiling, and the educated youths are carrying simple luggage, and their faces are full of youthful vitality and longing for the future. Zhang Jimei is no exception, although she has apprehension about the unknown life in her heart, she is driven by a sense of responsibility and mission. She knows that this is an opportunity to respond to the call of the state, go to the countryside, and accept the re-education of poor and middle peasants, and it is also an opportunity to temper herself, understand the national conditions, and serve the people.

The past of educated youth: Back then, she was the stupid daughter of the educated youth, but later everyone found out that she was not stupid at all

With a long whistle of the train, Zhang Jimei and other educated youths stepped on the train to Junan County. In the carriage, everyone talked to each other, sharing their experiences and hopes for the future. Zhang Jimei sat by the window, looking at the scenery flying by outside the window, and her heart was full of complicated emotions. She thought of her parents at home, of the city life she was leaving, and of the challenges of rural life.

After several hours of travel, the train finally arrived in Junan County. The educated youths got out of the car and were warmly greeted by local cadres and farmers. Zhang Jimei felt an unprecedented warmth and cordiality. She knew that this would be where she would live for the next few years, and that the people here would be her friends and teachers.

The past of educated youth: Back then, she was the stupid daughter of the educated youth, but later everyone found out that she was not stupid at all

In Junan County, Zhang Jimei and other educated youths were assigned to different production teams. Zhang Jimei's production team is located in a remote mountainous area, and the conditions are very difficult. They lived in simple adobe houses, ate coarse grains, and worked hard every day. But Zhang Jimei did not flinch, she firmly believes that only through personal experience can she truly understand rural life, truly learn knowledge, and truly grow into a useful person.

During the days of the production team, Zhang Jimei and other educated youths participated in various farm work, such as plowing, sowing, and harvesting. These jobs are a new challenge for Zhang Jimei, who has lived in the city since she was a child. She learned how to use farm tools, how to work with the land, and how to communicate and work with farmers. In the course of labor, Zhang Jimei deeply experienced the hard work and simplicity of the peasants, and also felt the hardships and difficulties of rural life.

The past of educated youth: Back then, she was the stupid daughter of the educated youth, but later everyone found out that she was not stupid at all

In addition to farm work, Zhang Jimei also participated in local cultural activities and political studies. Together with the intellectuals, she organized theatrical performances, publicized the party's policies, and disseminated scientific knowledge. These activities not only enriched the cultural life of the rural areas, but also enabled Zhang Jimei to have a deeper understanding of the actual situation in the rural areas and the thoughts and feelings of the peasants.

During her days in Junan County, Zhang Jimei experienced many unforgettable moments. Once, she and a few educated youths helped an old farmer harvest rice, and although the weather was hot and labor-intensive, everyone worked together and finally successfully completed the task. The old farmer gratefully invited them to his home and made a sumptuous dinner with home-grown vegetables and grain. Zhang Jimei ate that meal very fragrantly, and she felt the simplicity and enthusiasm of the rural people.

Another time, Zhang Jimei participated in the flood fighting and rescue with the educated youths in an emergency gathering at night. It was a thunderstorm night, and the river swelled, threatening the safety of the village. Regardless of their personal safety, Zhang Jimei and other intellectuals worked with the villagers to build an embankment for flood control, and after a night of hard fighting, the village was finally saved. At that moment, Zhang Jimei deeply realized the strength of the collective and the importance of unity.

In the life of Junan County, Zhang Jimei not only learned agricultural knowledge, but also learned the wisdom of life and the philosophy of life. She began to understand that life is not only the prosperity and convenience of the city, but also the simplicity and tenacity of the countryside. She began to realize that everyone is a member of the country and should contribute to the construction and development of the country.

With the passage of time, Zhang Jimei and other intellectuals gradually adapted to life in the countryside, established deep friendships with local farmers, and found their own value and place in the vast world of the countryside. Despite the difficult living conditions, they have always maintained an optimistic attitude and written their own chapter with youth and sweat.

Zhang Jimei and seven other intellectuals were assigned to Lijiazhai No. 4, a remote mountain village in Junan County, Shandong Province. Their arrival was warmly welcomed by the local villagers, but they also faced a new set of challenges and adaptation issues. Due to the limited accommodation in the village, they were arranged to stay in their hometowns temporarily, which provided them with an opportunity to gain insight into local life and culture.

Zhang Jimei and four female intellectuals were assigned to Aunt Li's home, while four male intellectuals were arranged in Uncle Zhang's home. Mrs. Li's house is a typical rural adobe house, which is shabby but neatly clean. The furniture in the house is simple, with a large kang taking up most of the room, and the kang is covered with a thick straw mat, which is a traditional bed in the northern countryside. Next to the kang is a small stove with a large iron pot on it, which is where Aunt Li cooks.

On the night they first arrived in Lijiazhai, Aunt Li enthusiastically prepared a sumptuous dinner for them, with home-grown corn, sweet potatoes, pickled pickles and some fresh vegetables. Although it was simple, Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals ate with relish and felt the warmth of home. After dinner, Mrs. Li sat with them on the kang and chatted with them in non-standard Mandarin, telling the stories and customs of the village.

Early the next morning, Zhang Jimei and the other educated youths were woken up by Aunt Li and began their first day of life in the countryside. Aunt Li taught them how to use the stove to make a fire, how to boil water, and how to cook rice. These seemingly simple chores are a new challenge for young people who are accustomed to urban life. Zhang Jimei and the others studied hard, and although they were in a hurry at first, they quickly mastered the essentials.

In the following days, Zhang Jimei and the educated youths began to work together with the villagers of the four teams of Lijiazhai. They participated in the fields and learned how to use farm tools, how to sow and harvest. In the process of labor, they experienced the hard work and sweat of the farmers, and also felt the close connection with the land. Whenever the sun sets, they drag their tired bodies back to Aunt Li's house, and Aunt Li always prepares a hot meal and greets them with her kind smile.

With the passage of time, Zhang Jimei and the educated youths gradually integrated into the life of Lijiazhai. They began to try to participate in village gatherings and festivals with the villagers, and experienced the traditional culture and customs of the countryside. During the Spring Festival, they helped to paste Spring Festival couplets and make dumplings, and felt a strong festive atmosphere. During the Dragon Boat Festival, they learned to make zongzi and participated in dragon boat rowing. These experiences gave them a deeper understanding of the traditional culture of rural China.

In the communication with the villagers, Zhang Jimei and the educated youth also learned a lot of life wisdom and survival skills. They learned how to use local resources, how to use every drop of water and every grain of food sparingly. They also learned how to deal with emergencies in the countryside, such as how to deal with sudden rainstorms and how to keep warm in winter.

However, life is not always smooth sailing. In a sudden flash flood, Zhang Jimei and the educated youths showed their bravery and unity. Together with the villagers, they risked their lives to rescue livestock and crops trapped by the floods. In this incident, Zhang Jimei deeply realized the difficulties of rural life, and cherished every day in Lijiazhai even more.

During their time in Lijiazhai, Zhang Jimei and the educated youths not only learned agricultural skills, but also learned how to live in harmony with nature and how to establish deep friendships with the villagers. They begin to understand that no matter where they are, they should respect the local culture and customs, and they should do their best to help others and contribute. These experiences will be a valuable asset for their lives.

Zhang Jimei was known as the "silly girl" among the intellectuals and villagers, a nickname that was initially due to some misunderstandings and naïve behavior. When she first arrived in Lijiazhai, Zhang Jimei knew nothing about the lifestyle and customs of the countryside, and some of her behaviors seemed a little out of place and even a little silly to the villagers.

Once, Zhang Jimei saw the children in the village playing hide and seek, and she joined the game curiously. But because she was not familiar with the environment in the village, she was quickly found, and her movements were a little clumsy, causing the children to laugh. This scene was seen by several fellow villagers, who joked in dialect: "This stupid girl from the city can't even hide and seek." Since then, "Silly Girl" has become Zhang Jimei's nickname in the village.

Another time, when Zhang Jimei was helping to harvest wheat, because she was not familiar with the technique of using a sickle, she was not only slow, but also accidentally cut her own hand. The villagers hurriedly helped her bandage, and at the same time half-jokingly reminded her: "Silly girl, be careful in your work, don't be too anxious." Although Zhang Jimei felt embarrassed, she also realized that she needed more study and practice.

As time passed, Zhang Jimei began to work hard to adapt to rural life, and she humbly learned various farm work and life skills from her fellow villagers. She learned how to use farm tools such as sickles and hoes, how to identify various crops and wild plants, and how to use traditional soil to cure diseases. Although she still inevitably made some small mistakes in the process, her diligence and progress gradually won the recognition of the villagers.

However, the nickname of "silly girl" has not disappeared because of Zhang Jimei's progress, but has become a kind of affectionate title. The villagers began to appreciate her straightforwardness and sincerity, and she was always helpful and did not care about personal gain or loss. For example, once an elderly man in the village fell ill, Zhang Jimei took the initiative to take care of the elderly, helping the elderly with housework and chatting with the elderly until they recovered. This incident made the villagers look at Zhang Jimei with admiration, and they began to think that this "silly girl" was actually very smart and sensible.

Zhang Jimei's innocence and kindness also make her very popular among the educated youth. She often helps other educated youths solve small problems in life, such as teaching them how to sew and mend clothes and how to make simple home-cooked dishes. Although her actions were simple, they warmed everyone's hearts. The educated youth began to feel that Zhang Jimei's "stupidity" is actually a rare innocence and kindness.

At a village party, Ms. Zhang volunteered to perform a dance she had learned in the city. Although her dance steps were not professional, her confidence and enthusiasm were contagious to everyone present. After the performance, the villagers applauded warmly, and someone shouted: "Look, how well our silly girl dances!" At that moment, Zhang Jimei felt an unprecedented sense of accomplishment and belonging.

As time went by, Zhang Jimei's life in Lijiazhai became more and more handy. She began to participate in some decision-making and activities in the village, such as helping to develop a plan for planting crops and participating in environmental protection activities in the village. Her opinions and suggestions are often valued and adopted by the villagers. She proved with her actions that even a "silly girl" can shine in the countryside.

Zhang Jimei's story has become a good story in Lijiazhai, and she has changed people's perception of her with her own efforts and sincerity. Her experience tells us that everyone has their own characteristics and strengths, and as long as we bravely face challenges and keep learning and improving, we can earn the respect and recognition of others. And the nickname "silly girl" has also changed from a derogatory label to a praise for Zhang Jimei's innocent and kind qualities.

Zhang Jimei's life in Lijiazhai gradually got on the right track, she not only became more and more proficient in farm work and housework, but also gradually showed her wisdom and kindness. However, life is always challenging, especially when it comes to dealing with relationships. Zhang Jimei's beauty and kindness attracted the attention of some young men in the village, and they began to express their affection for her in various ways, which made her feel both embarrassed and helpless.

Once, Xiao Li, a young man in the village, secretly put a bouquet of wildflowers in front of Zhang Jimei's window at night. Early the next morning, when Zhang Jimei found this bouquet of flowers, she was both moved and confused. She knew Xiao Li's intentions, but she didn't have special feelings for him. In order not to hurt Xiao Li's self-esteem, but also to avoid unnecessary trouble for herself, Zhang Jimei decided to deal with this problem in an ingenious way.

She found Xiao Li and sincerely expressed her gratitude, and at the same time told him that she was currently more focused on work and study, and had no plans to consider personal feelings for the time being. She also encouraged Li to devote her energy to improving her skills and knowledge, so that there will be more opportunities and possibilities in the future. Although Xiao Li was a little disappointed, he was moved by Zhang Jimei's sincerity and wisdom, and finally accepted her advice and decided to focus on his own development.

A similar situation happened to several other young men, and Zhang Jimei handled it in the same way, maintaining both her own principles and the friendly relationship with them. This approach not only won the respect of the villagers, but also made other educated youths look up to her.

In addition to dealing with personal problems, Zhang Jimei also actively helps other educated youths solve practical difficulties. At that time, the educated youth were faced with the opportunity to recruit workers to the city, but the number of places was limited and the competition was very fierce. Zhang Jimei's two friends, Xiao Wang and Xiao Liu, both hope to seize this opportunity to change their fate. However, they feel very anxious and helpless due to the lack of necessary social experience and connections.

After learning about their situation, Zhang Jimei decided to help in any way she could. She first encouraged them to prepare and improve their skills and qualities. At the same time, she also used her good relationship with the village cadres and villagers to win more opportunities for them to show. At a theatrical evening in the village, Zhang Jimei specially arranged for Xiao Wang and Xiao Liu to perform a wonderful dance, which won unanimous praise from everyone.

Zhang Jimei also used the knowledge and experience she had accumulated to help them prepare for the interview. She taught them how to introduce themselves, how to answer common interview questions, and even simulated several interview scenarios so that they could be more calm and confident in real interviews. With the help of Zhang Jimei, Xiao Wang and Xiao Liu finally passed the interview and got the opportunity to recruit workers into the city.

Zhang Jimei's actions not only helped Xiao Wang and Xiao Liu, but also let other educated youths see her ability and kindness. Her selflessness and wisdom have given them more courage and confidence in the face of difficulties and challenges. Zhang Jimei also experienced the joy and satisfaction of helping others, and she began to realize that although the power of the individual is limited, as long as everyone works together, infinite possibilities can be created.

In her days in Lijiazhai, Zhang Jimei proved with her actions that wisdom is not only the ability to solve problems, but also a power that can influence and change others. Her kindness and wisdom have won her wide respect and love among the educated youth and fellow villagers. Her story inspires more people to pay attention to and help others, to brighten their own lives and the lives of others with wisdom and kindness.

Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals' lives in Lijiazhai gradually got on the right track, and they established a deep relationship with Captain Li's family. Captain Li is the leader of the village, and his wife Aunt Li is a warm-hearted person, and the kindness and enthusiasm of their family make Zhang Jimei and other female intellectuals feel the warmth of home.

When they first arrived in Lijiazhai, Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals knew nothing about rural life, and it was Captain Li's family who taught them how to adapt to life here. Aunt Li taught them how to use the stove to make a fire, how to cook simple food, how to sew clothes, and how to make simple daily necessities. Under the patient guidance of Aunt Li, Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals gradually learned these basic life skills.

Captain Li gave them great help in farm work. He patiently taught them how to use farm tools, how to identify different crops, and how to sow and harvest. Under the leadership of Captain Li, Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals participated in the village's spring ploughing, summer planting, autumn harvest and winter storage, and their farm skills have been greatly improved.

As time passed, Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals became closer and closer to Captain Li's family. They not only help each other in life, but also support each other spiritually. Whenever there is a major event or festival celebration in the village, Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals always actively participate, preparing food and decorating the venue with Captain Li's family, and enjoying the joy of the festival together.

On the eve of a Spring Festival, Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals decided to prepare a special gift for Captain Li's family. They used their expertise to make some handicrafts, such as woven baskets, hand-painted fans, etc., and also wrapped a hearty meal of dumplings under the guidance of Aunt Li. When they delivered these gifts to Captain Li's family, Aunt Li was moved to tears and said repeatedly: "You are really our good daughters. ”

In addition, Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals are also actively involved in the public affairs of the village. At the suggestion of Captain Li, they set up a group of educated youths to organize cultural activities and public welfare activities in the village. Using their knowledge and skills, they set up evening schools for the children in the village, teaching them basic cultural knowledge and life skills. They also organized the women of the village to learn sewing and weaving, improving their manual skills and contributing to the economic development of the village.

In their common life, Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals also gradually learned about the difficulties of Captain Li's family. As the leader of the village, Captain Li shoulders a lot of responsibility and pressure. His family is also often busy with the affairs of the village. Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals saw it in their eyes and kept it in their hearts, and they did their best to help Captain Li's family share some housework and farm work as much as possible, so that they could have more energy to deal with the affairs of the village.

This deep relationship and the spirit of helping each other make Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals' life in Lijiazhai full of warmth and hope. They began to deeply realize that mutual understanding and support between people, whether in the city or in the countryside, is the most valuable asset in life. They also firmly believe that as long as everyone is united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome, and there is no dream that cannot be realized. Every day in Lijiazhai, Zhang Jimei and the female intellectuals are using their own actions to write their own chapter of youth.

Zhang Jimei's life in Lijiazhai gradually became richer, she not only became more and more proficient in farm work, but also began to give full play to her own expertise in culture and education. Captain Li has two daughters, the eldest daughter Li Hong is of school age, but because there is no school in the village, she can only help with household chores at home. Although the youngest daughter Li Fang is still young, she is full of desire to learn. Seeing this situation, Zhang Jimei decided to use her cultural knowledge to teach Captain Li's daughters to read and write.

Zhang Jimei's idea was warmly welcomed by Captain Li's family. Mrs. Li is especially happy, she knows the importance of education for children, but due to her limited education level, she has not been able to meet the learning needs of her daughters. Zhang Jimei's arrival is like a godsend gift for her.

Zhang Jimei began to find time to teach Li Hong and Li Fang to study in addition to her daily farm work. She started with the basics of pinyin and Chinese characters, and used simple pictures and stories to help them memorize. She also brought some old books and newspapers for Li Hong and Li Fang to read to improve their language skills. Under Zhang Jimei's patient teaching, the two girls made rapid progress in their studies, and their thirst for knowledge became stronger and stronger.

As her studies progressed, Zhang began to teach more in-depth content, such as simple mathematics and natural science. She uses the natural environment of the village as teaching material, teaching them to learn about various plants and insects, and to understand their growth patterns and habits. This practical teaching method not only allows Li Hong and Li Fang to learn faster, but also gives them a deeper understanding of the world around them.

In the process of studying, the friendship between Zhang Jimei, Li Hong and Li Fang is also deepening. They are not only teachers and students, but also become friends who talk about everything. Zhang Jimei will share with them her life experience in the city and tell them about the novelties of the outside world. Li Hong and Li Fang will also tell Zhang Jimei the stories and legends of the village, giving her a deeper understanding of the culture and history of the place.

Zhang Jimei also encouraged Li Hong and Li Fang to give full play to their strengths and interests. She found that Li Hong had a strong interest in painting, so she taught her some basic painting skills and encouraged her to record the beauty and life of the village with her brush. Li Fang, on the other hand, is particularly sensitive to music, so Zhang Jimei taught her some simple songs and rhythms, so that she could find happiness in singing.

As time passed, Zhang Jimei's teaching achievements began to show. Li Hong and Li Fang have not only significantly improved their cultural knowledge, but also greatly enhanced their self-confidence and social skills. They began to dare to express their opinions in front of the villagers and participate in various activities in the village. The people in the village were amazed by the change in the two girls and praised Zhang Jimei's teaching.

Zhang Jimei's behavior not only helped Captain Li's family, but also had a positive impact on the entire village. Her approach has inspired villagers to take education seriously, and many families have begun to encourage their children to learn about culture. Zhang Jimei also advocated the establishment of a night school in the village to give more children the opportunity to receive education. With her efforts, Lijiazhai has gradually formed a positive learning atmosphere.

By teaching Captain Li's daughters to read and write, Zhang Jimei not only enhanced the relationship with the Li family, but also promoted the development of culture and education in the whole village. With her knowledge and enthusiasm, she ignited the flame of knowledge in the hearts of children, and also brought more hope and possibilities to Lijiazhai. Driven by Zhang Jimei, the people of Lijiazhai began to believe that knowledge and education are important forces to change destiny and create the future.

At the suggestion of Captain Li, Zhang Jimei and other educated youths decided to set up a literacy class for members at the Zhiqing Point, which was later affectionately called the peasant night school by the villagers. The idea was inspired by Zhang Jimei's experience in teaching Captain Li's daughters to read and write, and she realized the power of education and the importance of raising the literacy level of the entire village.

Captain Li saw the effectiveness of Zhang Jimei's teaching, and he knew the importance of knowledge to change the backward appearance of rural areas. He put forward this suggestion, hoping that through the form of night classes, more villagers will have the opportunity to learn basic cultural knowledge and improve their quality of life and production skills.

Zhang Jimei and other educated youths responded positively to Captain Li's proposal, and they began to prepare for the opening of the night school. First of all, they conducted a detailed survey of the situation in the village to understand the cultural level and learning needs of the villagers. They then developed a lesson plan and curriculum to ensure that the content was both practical and easy to understand.

The location of the evening school was chosen in a spacious room in the Educated Youth Point. In order to create a good learning environment, the educated youths painted the walls and decorated the classrooms by themselves, and also made some simple teaching utensils, such as blackboards, chalk, etc. They also used their own resources and collected some old books and newspapers as teaching materials.

The curriculum of the evening school is very close to the actual life of the villagers. In addition to basic literacy and numeracy, it also includes some knowledge of agriculture, health and daily living skills. Zhang Jimei and other intellectuals took turns as teachers, and they used vivid language and vivid examples to make the class lively and interesting.

News of the evening school quickly spread in the village, and many villagers showed great interest. On the first day of class, the classroom was filled with young men, middle-aged women, and even some elderly people from all corners of the village. With a thirst for knowledge, they listen attentively and actively participate in interactions.

Zhang Jimei pays special attention to stimulating the villagers' interest in learning in teaching. She encouraged the villagers to ask questions and share their experiences and insights during their studies. She also organized a number of group discussions and practical activities for the villagers to deepen their understanding and application of knowledge in practical operations.

As the night school continued, the villagers' enthusiasm for learning became higher and higher. They began to take the initiative to use their spare time to learn, even in the field to discuss what they had learned. The learning atmosphere in the village has gradually become stronger, and the quality of life and production skills of many villagers have improved significantly.

The successful opening of the night school not only improved the cultural quality of the villagers, but also strengthened the connection between the educated youth and the villagers. The villagers have more respect and trust for the educated youth, and the educated youth have a deeper understanding of rural life and culture. This kind of relationship of mutual assistance and mutual learning makes Zhang Jimei and other intellectuals feel very pleased and proud.

Captain Li saw the positive changes brought about by the night school and expressed high praise for Zhang Jimei and other intellectuals. He believes that night school is not only an educational work, but also a kind of spiritual poverty alleviation, which stimulates the inner motivation of the villagers and helps them find the power to change their lives.

Zhang Jimei and other intellectuals have also grown and exercised a lot in the teaching of night schools. They learned how to communicate with different groups of people and how to adapt their teaching methods to the actual situation. They have a deeper understanding that education is a long-term and arduous task that requires patience, wisdom and sustained effort.

The night school has become a shining highlight of Lijiazhai, which not only illuminates the road of knowledge of the villagers, but also illuminates the spiritual world of the educated youth. Here, everyone is working hard to build a more civilized and progressive countryside in their own way. And Zhang Jimei and other intellectuals are an indispensable part of this process.

Zhang Jimei's literacy work not only achieved remarkable results in Lijiazhai, but also gradually attracted the attention of the commune leaders. Her efforts and achievements were recognized and supported by the commune, and her name began to spread in the commune and the wider region, becoming a representative of exemplary educated youth.

The leaders of the commune spoke highly of Zhang Jimei's work, believing that she had not only improved the cultural quality of the peasants, but also promoted social progress and economic development in the rural areas. In recognition of her contributions, the commune awarded her a certificate of honor, and publicized her deeds throughout the commune to encourage more educated youths to learn from her.

Zhang Jimei's literacy work has received more resources and support. The commune provided her with more teaching materials and equipment, and also sent other educated youths with educational experience to join her team to jointly promote the development of literacy education. The addition of these new blood makes the teaching quality and teaching content of the evening school more rich and professional.

With the expansion of the influence of night schools, more and more villagers have begun to pay attention to and participate in literacy education. Zhang Jimei and her team have developed a variety of courses according to the different needs of the villagers, such as agricultural technology, household economic management, health care, etc., to meet the learning needs of different groups. These courses not only improve the quality of life of the villagers, but also enhance their sense of participation and responsibility in rural development.

Zhang Jimei also pays attention to integrating literacy education with practical work. She encouraged the villagers to apply what they have learned to agricultural production and daily life to improve production efficiency and quality of life. She also organized various practical activities, such as agricultural skills competitions and health knowledge lectures, so that the villagers could consolidate and deepen their knowledge in practice.

Zhang Jimei's exemplary role has inspired more educated youths to devote themselves to rural education and cultural construction. Many educated youths began to follow her example and carry out literacy education and other cultural activities in their villages, forming a powerful force for the cultural progress of the countryside. These activities have not only improved the cultural quality of the peasants, but also promoted social harmony and economic development in the rural areas.

The commune leaders paid more attention and support to Zhang Jimei's work. They realized that literacy education is an important way to realize rural modernization and a key measure to improve the living standards of peasants. As a result, they integrated literacy education into the commune's development plan and provided more policy and financial support.

Zhang Jimei's influence was not confined to the commune. After her deeds were reported by the media, they attracted wide attention from all walks of life. Many educators and volunteers in urban areas have become concerned about rural education, and they have supported rural education in various ways, such as donating teaching materials and providing distance learning services.

Zhang Jimei's literacy work has become a model for the important role of educated youth in promoting social progress in rural areas. With her actions, she proved that even in the difficult rural areas, as long as there is determination and hard work, extraordinary achievements can be created. Her story has inspired more people to devote themselves to rural education and cultural construction, and contribute to the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

Under Zhang Jimei's leadership, Lijiazhai's night school has become a place full of energy and hope. Every evening, the villagers gather here to learn knowledge, exchange ideas, and pursue a better life together. It is not only a temple of knowledge, but also a starting point for dreams. Zhang Jimei and other intellectuals have sown seeds of hope here, and I believe that in the near future, these seeds will definitely take root and sprout and bloom beautiful flowers.

In addition to her remarkable achievements in literacy education, Zhang Jimei's life in Lijiazhai also faced the handling of personal emotional problems. As a young and knowledgeable woman, Zhang Jimei naturally attracted the attention of some young people in the village. However, she is clear about her goals and responsibilities and does not intend to let personal emotional problems affect her work and life. Therefore, she used wisdom and strategy to skillfully deal with these emotional issues and avoid unnecessary entanglements.

When dealing with personal emotional issues, Zhang Jimei first remained calm and rational. She understands that any hasty decision can have long-term consequences. Therefore, she always faces these suitors with a mature and steady attitude. When a young man expressed his affection to her, Zhang Jimei always expressed her position in a polite and firm way, which did not hurt the other party's self-esteem, but also clearly conveyed her current decision not to consider personal feelings.

Zhang Jimei is also good at using her wisdom to resolve embarrassing situations. Once, a young man from the village publicly confessed to her at a rally, which attracted everyone's attention. Faced with this sudden situation, Zhang Jimei did not panic, but used humor and wit to ease the atmosphere. She first thanked the youth for their kindness, and then skillfully diverted the topic and directed everyone's attention to the public affairs and cultural activities in the village, avoiding possible embarrassment and misunderstanding.

In addition, Zhang Jimei also diverted everyone's attention from personal emotional issues by actively participating in public affairs and cultural activities in the village. She organized and participated in various theatrical performances, knowledge competitions and public welfare activities, which not only enriched the cultural life of the villagers, but also showed her talent and ability. These activities allowed the villagers to see Zhang Jimei's multi-faceted nature, and also made the suitors realize that she is not only an object of affection, but also an independent individual with her own ideals and pursuits.

Zhang Jimei also attaches great importance to unity and cooperation with other educated youth. She knows that as a team, young people should support each other and face various challenges together. When dealing with personal emotional issues, Zhang Jimei always maintains communication with other educated youths and listens to their opinions and suggestions. This open and honest attitude not only enhances the cohesion of the educated youth team, but also makes Zhang Jimei more calm and confident when dealing with emotional problems.

Zhang Jimei's actions were understood and respected by the commune leaders and villagers. They saw Zhang Jimei's maturity and wisdom in dealing with personal emotional problems, and also saw her dedication and enthusiasm for work and career. These qualities have won Zhang Jimei wide respect and recognition in Lijiazhai, and also made her a representative of a model educated youth.

Through wisdom and strategy, Zhang Jimei skillfully handled personal emotional problems and avoided unnecessary entanglements. Her story teaches us that in the face of relationship problems, we should remain calm and rational and deal with them with a mature attitude. At the same time, we can also divert our attention, resolve embarrassment, and show our versatility and independence by actively participating in social activities and strengthening teamwork. In this way, we can not only deal with personal emotional problems, but also win the respect and recognition of others, and realize our own values and ideals.

In 1975, China's social environment was undergoing subtle changes, and for the educated youth who had settled in the countryside, it seemed to herald some new possibilities. Zhang Jimei and two female intellectuals, Xiao Wang and Xiao Liu, have significantly improved their knowledge and ability after several years of training and growth in Lijiazhai. Thanks to Zhang Jimei's contribution to literacy education and her active performance in the village, the three of them were given the opportunity to recruit workers to the city, which was an important turning point in their lives.

For Zhang Jimei and her family, working in the city is not only a change in their living environment, but also an opportunity to realize their self-worth and pursue higher goals. During their time in Lijiazhai, they not only learned how to work on the farm, but also how to educate and help others, which made them more mature and confident. They are eager to be able to exert their abilities on a broader stage and make greater contributions to society.

After entering the city, Zhang Jimei and the others were assigned to different jobs. Zhang Jimei works as a technician in a factory, Xiao Wang works as a nurse in a hospital, and Xiao Liu works as a teacher in an elementary school. Although the nature of their work varies, they all apply the experience they have accumulated in the countryside to their new jobs, and their performance is excellent, which is recognized by their colleagues and leaders.

While working in the city, Zhang Jimei and her sisters did not give up the opportunity for self-improvement. In China, the gaokao system was reinstated, which provided them with a way to further their studies and development. Zhang Jimei and her sisters realized that entering the university through the college entrance examination can not only improve their knowledge level, but also lay a solid foundation for their future careers.

They began to use their spare time to revise for exam preparations. Due to the need to work during the day, they had to fight at night and overcome all kinds of difficulties. Zhang Jimei and the others encouraged each other, helped each other, and faced the pressure and challenges in the process of preparing for the exam together. Their persistence and hard work were finally rewarded in the college entrance examination. All three were admitted to a university in Jinan with excellent grades, realizing a gorgeous transformation from educated youth to college students.

This process is not easy, Zhang Jimei and her sisters not only have to deal with the pressure of work, but also face the hardships of reviewing and preparing for the exam. But they always believe that knowledge and education can change their lives, and they are willing to work for a better future. Their stories have been told in the village and in the factory, inspiring more people to pursue their dreams.

Returning to Jinan, for Zhang Jimei and her family, is not only a geographical return, but also a spiritual home. They brought their valuable experience in the countryside and factories to the university campus, as well as their hopes for the future. Here, they will receive a more systematic education, broaden their horizons, and lay a solid foundation for achieving their life goals.

Zhang Jimei's experience is the epitome of many educated youths in that era. Their stories tell us that no matter what the circumstances, with strong faith and unremitting efforts, we can overcome difficulties and realize our dreams. They have proved with their actions that the power of knowledge is infinite, the opportunity of education is precious, and personal struggle and effort are an important way to realize self-worth and social progress.

Years later, Zhang Jimei and her young friends were reunited at a party. They sat around and recalled the days when they were in the countryside, the hard and youthful time. Although the years have left traces on their faces, the life of the educated youth experienced together has become the most precious youth memory in their hearts.

The venue for the meeting was chosen in a quaint restaurant, with black-and-white photos of that era hanging on the walls and playing songs from that era, making people feel as if they had traveled back in time to that special era. Zhang Jimei, Xiao Wang, Xiao Liu, and several other educated youth friends hugged each other tightly as soon as they met, and their excitement was indescribable.

They began to talk about their life in the countryside at that time, from the initial discomfort to the later integration, from the hard work in the farm to the teaching in the night school, every experience was talked about by them. Zhang Jimei recalled how she changed from a city girl to a young man who can skillfully use farm tools and understand the laws of crop growth. She recounts how she overcame the language barrier and forged a strong friendship with the villagers.

Xiao Wang shared her experience of working in the hospital, telling how she provided medical services to the villagers and treated many patients in poor rural conditions. Her words were filled with nostalgia for that experience and gratitude to the villagers.

Xiao Liu recalled her days of teaching in primary school, and she talked about how she stimulated children's interest in learning and how she established a deep teacher-student friendship with them. Her eyes flashed with love for education and longing for her children.

They also recalled the days when they recruited workers to the city together and prepared for the college entrance examination together. Although it was full of pressure and challenges, it was also the most fulfilling and rewarding time of their lives. They encouraged and supported each other, faced difficulties together, and finally realized the transformation from educated youth to college students.

In their memories, they also talked about their growth and changes. After graduating from university, Zhang Jimei became an engineer, and she applied the knowledge and experience she learned in the countryside to her work, and achieved remarkable results. Xiao Wang continued her studies in the medical field and became a doctor, and her medical skills were recognized by patients and peers. Xiao Liu devoted herself to education and became an educator, and her educational philosophy and teaching methods were loved by students.

Their conversation was full of laughter, emotion and tears. Although the life of educated youth in those years has gone away, it has left an indelible mark in their hearts. They are proud of that experience and feel lucky to have such a special memory of their youth.

The gathering was held in a pleasant and warm atmosphere, and they agreed to get together often in the future, continue to keep in touch, and reminisce about those unforgettable years together. They know that no matter what the future holds, that experience and that friendship will be the most precious treasure of their lives.

Zhang Jimei's story is a history full of challenges and growth, and her experience not only shows her personal tenacity, wisdom and love for life, but also epitome the educated youth generation of that era. From the city to the countryside, and then from the countryside to the city, Zhang Jimei's life trajectory reflects the adaptation and struggle of the educated youth in different environments.

Perseverance is one of the most striking features of Zhang Jimei's story. Like other educated youth, with curiosity about the unknown life and response to the call of the country, she resolutely stepped on the train to the countryside. In the face of the hard rural life, she did not flinch, but chose to face it bravely. Whether working in the fields or teaching at night school, she has shown an indomitable spirit. Her tenacity not only helped her adapt to life in the countryside herself, but also inspired those around her.

Wisdom and strategy are also not negligible in Zhang Jimei's story. When dealing with personal emotional issues, she skillfully avoided unnecessary entanglements with a mature and rational attitude. Her wisdom is not only reflected in the handling of her personal life, but also in her contribution to rural education. Through night school education, she not only improved the cultural quality of the villagers, but also promoted the social progress and economic development of the countryside. Her wisdom and strategy have enabled her to achieve remarkable results in her work and life in the countryside.

The love of life is the most moving part of Zhang Jimei's story. Whether it is in the harsh environment of the countryside or the busy life in the city, she has always maintained her love for life and vision for the future. She loves education, loves helping others, and loves making a difference in the lives of others through her own efforts. Her love not only allows her not to give up easily in the face of difficulties, but also makes her more determined and persistent in achieving her goals.

Zhang Jimei's story also shows the sense of social responsibility of the educated youth. She and her friends not only strive to improve themselves at the personal level, but also actively contribute to the social level. Through education, medical care and other means, they help rural areas improve their living conditions and raise their living standards. Their actions not only changed their own lives, but also had a profound impact on rural society.

The spirit of unity and cooperation is also fully reflected in Zhang Jimei's story. Whether it is collective labor in the countryside or work in the city, she is well aware of the importance of unity and cooperation. She and her young friends support each other to face challenges and achieve goals together. Their solidarity has not only allowed them to succeed on an individual level, but also to make a positive impact on a social level.

Zhang Jimei's story is a microcosm of the educated youth generation, and her experience and achievements have not only won her respect and recognition for herself, but also set an example for the educated youth of that era. Her story tells us that no matter what difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we have perseverance, wisdom and strategy, and a love of life, we can overcome them and achieve our goals and dreams. Her story inspires more people to pursue their ideals, contribute to society, and realize their own values.