
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

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Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao, and Zheng Hao did not show weakness, and replied directly: I said, I'm angry with you! This is all about you and me, but it's really full of gunpowder. It is said that there are many stories in the art circle, but what is going on with this one?

Is there really an irreconcilable contradiction, or is it a momentary conflict of will? Let's analyze and analyze on this stage, and listen to everyone's opinions, maybe we can taste something different.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

Recently, the public conflict between Mr. Zheng Hao of Deyun Club and the Yang family has become the focus of attention in the entertainment industry. The cause of the incident originated from Mr. Zheng Hao's remarks in the live broadcast, and he used words like "three indiscriminate", which instantly caused a huge controversy on the Internet. The wording was undoubtedly like a spark that ignited a powder keg, and fans on both sides quickly became involved in a heated argument. The Internet was suddenly filled with gunsmoke, and various voices came and went, arguing endlessly.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

Delving deeper into this conflict, it is not difficult to find that there are many deep-seated problems. As a public figure, Mr. Zheng Hao's words and deeds will undoubtedly be magnified and scrutinized. In public, every choice of word can have a significant impact on one's own image and public opinion. The particularity of the live broadcast environment allows speech to spread quickly and is difficult to retract, which requires public figures to be cautious in their words and deeds.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

And this incident also reflects the fierce competition in the industry. In the increasingly competitive cross talk circle, how to maintain their own advantages and characteristics, and at the same time participate in the competition in a legitimate and reasonable way, has become an important topic in front of every practitioner.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

We need to think deeply about this conflict and make some reasonable suggestions. First, there is the issue of the balance between the restrictions on speech and the freedom of expression of public figures. While public figures have the right to freedom of expression, this freedom is not without boundaries. Their statements tend to be more impactful, so they need to be responsible for their words, and they should be more cautious in expressing their opinions and avoid using words that can cause controversy and misunderstanding.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

Second, the competition mode and industry self-discipline in the cross talk circle need urgent attention. Competition should be based on the improvement of artistic standards and the innovation of works, rather than suppressing opponents through inappropriate remarks or malicious attacks. An effective self-discipline mechanism should be established within the industry to standardize the behavior of practitioners and create a healthy and positive competitive environment.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

Third, the attitude of the public towards such incidents is also crucial. We should not blindly follow the trend and be easily swayed by emotions, but should analyze and judge with a rational and objective attitude. At the same time, we should also pay attention to cultivating a good atmosphere of public opinion to avoid the breeding and spread of online violence. Finally, when reporting such incidents, the media should assume their social responsibilities, follow the principles of truthfulness, objectivity and impartiality, not exaggerate or distort facts, and guide the public to view and deal with such issues correctly.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

Looking forward to the future of the cross talk stage, what we expect to see is that the artists will win the love and respect of the audience with their exquisite skills and good morality. As a traditional art, cross talk should take inheritance and innovation as its own responsibility to bring more excellent works to the audience.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

Only by constantly improving their professional quality and infecting the audience with wonderful performances and noble morals can artists gain a long-term foothold on the stage. At the same time, it should become the mission of every cross talk artist to convey positive values through their works and bring positive impact to society.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

There are indeed many controversies about this conflict and the development of the cross talk stage in the future, and the views of all parties collide fiercely, which makes people think deeply. There is a strong belief that public figures should enjoy more liberal freedom of expression in certain specific circumstances in order to maintain their individuality and unique artistic style. They argue that artistic creation often needs to break through the convention, and need to be free from constraints to a certain extent, in order to show unique charm and creativity.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

If public figures are excessively restricted, their inspiration and desire for expression may be suppressed, resulting in a work of art that becomes cookie-cutter and lacks innovation and vitality. For example, in some occasions involving artistic discussions and cultural exchanges, public figures may use bolder rhetoric in pursuit of deeper and sharper views. At this time, if you are too harsh, it may hinder the collision of ideas and the progress of art.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

There are also those who have a very different view. They feel that industry self-regulation is difficult to implement effectively and must rely on external supervision and regulation. There are various interest relationships and complex interpersonal networks within the industry, and the self-regulatory mechanism is easily disturbed and undermined by various factors. It is difficult to ensure that all practitioners can strictly follow the rules by relying on the industry alone.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

External supervision has stronger authority and fairness, and can effectively restrain bad behavior. For example, some cross talk actors may deliberately create controversial topics or make inappropriate remarks in pursuit of momentary popularity and attention, and without strong external regulation, this phenomenon may intensify and have a serious negative impact on the entire industry.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

As for the cultivation of rational attitudes of the public, some people have even raised doubts. In the current complex network environment, information spreads rapidly, it is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and various emotions are easily incited and amplified. Many people often find it difficult to remain calm and objective when facing hot events, and are easily swayed by one-sided information and extreme views.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

Moreover, real-life stress and anxiety also make people more likely to be impulsive and emotional online. Cultivating a rational attitude in society requires long-term education and guidance, which is quite difficult to implement in the current fast-paced, information-exploding era.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

These controversies reflect different perspectives and concerns about the conflict and the future development of the cross talk industry. How to find a balance between protecting the creative freedom of public figures and maintaining social order and good customs, how to establish a practical and effective industry normative mechanism, and how to improve the rational cognitive level of the public are all important issues that need to be solved urgently.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! Yang Shaohua posted a number of videos with the connotation of Zheng Hao! Zheng Hao replied: I said, I'm angry with you

The conflict between Mr. Zheng Hao of Deyun Club and the Yang family is not just a simple verbal dispute, it reflects many deep-seated problems in the entertainment industry and the cross talk industry. How to solve these problems and guide the healthy development of the industry requires the joint efforts and thinking of each of us.

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