
My ex-husband died of illness, and I wanted to take my son back, but my husband: With me without him, my mother-in-law slapped herself three times in a row

Text: Yo Yo Xiaolu, Material: Lin Fang

"Statement: The material of the article comes from life, but it is higher than life, the storyline is purely fictional, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, for the majority of netizens to read smoothly, use the first person narration, please read rationally"

That day, I received a call from my ex-mother-in-law and learned the news of my ex-husband's death, and I was silent for a long time.

It is said that a husband and wife are a hundred days a day, although I hate my ex-husband, but now that he is gone, all the hatred in my heart for him seems to have suddenly dissipated.

Although the ex-mother-in-law did not speak directly on the phone, it is not difficult to guess from her words that she and her ex-father-in-law are not in good health and have long been too busy to take care of themselves, and they can't keep up with either the economy or energy.

My ex-husband is gone, and it is really difficult for them to have a child, especially when the child cries and shouts on the phone and says that he misses me, I feel even more uncomfortable, so I plan to take my son to take care of me.

When my current husband and I proposed that we want to take the child with us, my husband, who has always been understanding, said, "With me or without him, you can do it yourself"

I looked at my husband sadly, and I never thought that such cruel words would come out of my husband's mouth.

I was silent for a long time, and my husband continued, "Don't blame me for being ruthless, when we got married, we said that we couldn't take children, and we had to fulfill our original promises."

When I divorced my ex-husband, my son was left with my father, and I never thought that my ex-husband would leave so suddenly, and now that he is gone, I can't leave the child alone.

I almost prayed, "Husband, it used to be before, and now it is now, Xiaoyuan's father is no longer here, and I am his mother, can I watch him and no one cares?" So am I still qualified to be a mother? ”

"Xiao Yuan has his grandparents in charge, what kind of fun are you fooling around, at most, let's give more child support as compensation."

"It's already pitiful for the child to have no father, you don't know how sad my heart was when he cried and shouted on the phone and said that he missed me, I was selfish once before, and now I don't want to be so selfish"

Now that I think of my selfish behavior, I feel shameless to be a mother, and I want to slap myself.

My ex-husband died of illness, and I wanted to take my son back, but my husband: With me without him, my mother-in-law slapped herself three times in a row

The picture comes from the Internet

When I divorced my ex-husband, the child was only 6 years old, in fact, as a mother, I was absolutely unwilling to go to the point of divorce until I had no choice but to do so.

My ex-husband and I met in the factory, and I was willing to associate with him because I saw him honest and reliable, and I married my ex-husband's family after a year of dating.

After my ex-husband and I got married, I went back to my hometown to develop, and it didn't take long for me to get pregnant, because the fetus was unstable during pregnancy, and I had several bad experiences, so I quit my job for a long time and went home to have a baby.

After the child was born, because my mother-in-law had to help my eldest brother's family take care of the child, and my child was not taken care of, I had to take care of the child myself.

It's just that in the past few years of raising children, my ex-husband and I have been in constant friction.

It is said that poor couples mourn everything, this is really true, I feel that my ex-husband's reliability before marriage is his disguise, he only gives me a small part of my salary every month as living expenses, the child has to drink milk powder, I have to cook three meals a day, these money is not enough to spend, fortunately I still have some savings before marriage, otherwise I have to drink the northwest wind.

Because of money, my ex-husband and I quarreled for three days, and my idea of divorce was awakened again and again, but looking at the child in my arms, I still forced myself to dispel this idea.

When the child was 6 years old, the monthly living expenses given by my ex-husband increased a lot, and I thought that he might have woken up and wanted to continue the marriage.

But it didn't take long for me to find out that he was messing around with the woman outside, and I felt guilty, so I gave more living expenses, and I suddenly felt that I was so ridiculous, and I couldn't put sand in my eyes, so I filed for divorce with my ex-husband.

At that time, I had a terrible thought in my heart, I would never let him have a good time, let him marry the woman outside with peace of mind, so I gave up the custody of my son, I took it for granted that my ex-husband had a son, and no woman wanted to marry him, and I just wanted to take revenge on him like this.

On the day I parted from my child, the child cried heartbreakingly and kept telling me not to leave him, I was sad, but I still left.

Things turned out to be as I expected, the woman he was outside broke up with him because he had a son, and I was very happy.

After two years like this, I met my current husband, he is the first marriage, and he is also a very good person, I was very happy on the day he proposed to me, but he made a request, that is, he hoped not to take my son home in the future.

I did feel a little uncomfortable hearing this.

But thinking that my in-laws took good care of my son, I really didn't need to worry much, and it would be good for me to go over to see my son more in the future, so I agreed to my husband's request.

I got married not long after the current one, but half a year after we got married, my ex-husband passed away, and my in-laws were not in good health and couldn't take care of the children, so I thought about bringing my son back.

But my husband, who has always been understanding, lost his temper with me and accused me of breaking my promise.

I admit that I did not do well in this matter, but I gave up custody because I wanted to take revenge on my ex-husband, and separated the son who depended on me from me, I have been selfish once, and I don't want to make a mistake again, otherwise what qualifications do I have to be a mother.

I said to my husband sadly, "Husband, it's my fault to break my promise, but the child is not wrong, now that he has no father, I can't be so ruthless and let him have no mother"

My husband threw his head aside angrily, and I felt anxious for a while, even if my husband wanted to divorce me this time, I didn't want to give up the child.

At this moment, my mother-in-law, who had been sitting next to me, suddenly came to her face with three loud ear scrapers, not only me, but my husband was also stunned.

It happened so suddenly that we barely reacted.

It wasn't until my mother-in-law said the next words that I understood her good intentions.

The mother-in-law said, "I slapped myself these three times just to punish myself for giving birth to such an impersonal son"

After she said this, she said to her husband again, "Son, my mother taught you to be loving since you were a child, but now you are so cruel to a child, do you have a good conscience?" ”

Mother-in-law's words, I was very moved, before because I was a second marriage, my mother-in-law actually did not approve of my marriage with my husband, and then at the insistence of my husband she reluctantly agreed, I always thought that she didn't like me, now because of the child's affairs, she actually made such a move, my cold heart finally felt the kindness from my mother-in-law.

After being silent for a while, my husband finally nodded and agreed to let me take my son home.

My ex-husband died of illness, and I wanted to take my son back, but my husband: With me without him, my mother-in-law slapped herself three times in a row

The picture comes from the Internet

My son may have come to our house for the first time, he is a little timid and does not dare to speak loudly, and when he eats, I put the dishes in the bowl.

My mother-in-law is very enthusiastic about this child, and every day after eating, I take my son out for a walk, sometimes I can't be busy, my mother-in-law helps him bathe, takes him to sleep, after a long time, he has become dependent on his mother-in-law, and his courage has become a lot, and he lets his grandmother take him out to play all day long.

In the third month after my son came, I was pregnant, and my mother-in-law was even more overjoyed, and she told me to take care of myself, and leave my son to her to take care of.

Seeing that my mother-in-law was so affectionate to her son before, I trusted her very much.

Since then, my mother-in-law has taken her children to and from school every day, rain or shine, and when the child is sick, she is basically the mother-in-law's care all night long, and my mother-in-law treats her son as if he were her own grandson, and I am very moved.

But the son is also a good boy who knows how to repay the grace, in the summer vacation when he was 10 years old, he and a male classmate in the same class went out to participate in an event, and earned a bonus, he used the money, let me take him to buy a massager to massage the neck, he said that his mother-in-law's neck is uncomfortable, he wants to send a massager to make grandma comfortable.

After receiving this massager, the mother-in-law praised the child for being sensible and not in vain, and she had to hang the massager around her neck for half an hour every night.

When relatives came to the house as guests, my mother-in-law naturally introduced them and said, "This is Xiaoyuan, my grandson" Every time at this time, I was very moved.

Once, a relative was drunk, and he happened to talk about Xiao Yuan, which probably meant that Xiao Yuan was someone else's child, and my husband raised someone else's child, and he couldn't raise him, so let's send him away quickly.

I was so angry that my face was red, and I was about to go up to him to reason, but my mother-in-law stopped me and gave me a reassuring look.

Next, the mother-in-law directly took a glass of water and poured it on his head.

The mother-in-law said, "Although the visitors are guests, they are all for educated people, and if you can't learn to respect my children, then you are not welcome in my family."

My mother-in-law's performance at that time, I thought it was too sassy, like an old general who was pointing out the country, and later, our family didn't have any contact with that relative.

At that time, I was still guilty, after all, it was because of Xiaoyuan's incident that my mother-in-law fell out with her relatives, because my mother-in-law has always been very interested in relatives.

The mother-in-law had an indifferent attitude, she said, "No one can say that my family Xiaoyuan, the child I bring, know what kind of character he is"

But to tell the truth, since Xiaoyuan came to the house, her husband's status with her mother-in-law has plummeted.

Once, because of a trivial matter, my husband yelled at Xiaoyuan, and my mother-in-law came over with a broom and angrily lectured her husband, "If you dare to yell at Xiaoyuan in the future, I will sweep you out of the house."

Under the threat of my mother-in-law, my husband ran into the bedroom in a gray manner, and I watched the play with relish.

My ex-husband died of illness, and I wanted to take my son back, but my husband: With me without him, my mother-in-law slapped herself three times in a row

The picture comes from the Internet

After my second daughter went to kindergarten, my mother-in-law returned to her hometown, and she came to the city every once in a while, bringing a lot of snacks that her son liked, which was more loving than her own granddaughter.

I said, "Mom, this kid is going to be spoiled by you."

Mother-in-law's mouth raised, "Xiaoyuan is my eldest grandson, I don't hurt anyone", she said to her husband on the side, "The two children must be treated equally, if I find out that you treat Xiaoyuan poorly, I will not be polite to you"

My husband said helplessly, "Okay, okay, your old man has spoken, how dare I disobey?"

My husband is not afraid of heaven and earth, but he is afraid that her mother will get angry, she will get angry, this fire is difficult to extinguish, and it will be the husband who is unlucky at that time, and the husband is self-aware, so he naturally does not dare to offend his mother-in-law.

Over the years, although my husband's attitude towards his son has been lukewarm, he has never treated her badly, and he will have a share of the son when he buys food or toys for his daughter, and the son has no blood relationship with him, he can do this, I am already satisfied.

When my son was admitted to college, my mother-in-law sold her gold jewelry to make up for my son's tuition, and my son's eyes were swollen from crying because of this.

In fact, it was not the turn of her mother-in-law to sell her gold jewelry, but not long before her son's college entrance examination, her daughter was found to have a heart problem, and she spent a lot of money on surgery.

After the mother-in-law knew the importance of academic qualifications from relatives, she insisted that her son go to undergraduate, and in order to make up for her son's tuition, she sold the gold jewelry she had collected for many years.

At that time, after we knew, I really felt ashamed, and my son also blamed himself for it, regretting that he didn't go to school well before, and now he wants his grandmother to sell his jewelry to make up for the tuition.

The son also said that in the future, he must buy a lot of gold jewelry for his mother-in-law, so that she can change her belt every day.

The smile on her mother-in-law's face became even happier, and she touched her son's head and said, "Xiaoyuan, grandma, as long as you are good, those jewels are not rare, anyway, sooner or later they will be put into the ground, it is better to sell them and do something meaningful."

My son really didn't disappoint us, although he only graduated from three books, but because of a few good internships in the summer, he found a good job just after graduation.

He used the first salary he was given to his grandmother a gold chain, although it was relatively thin, but his mother-in-law regarded it as a treasure, and carried the chain in his hand every day, and when he met someone he knew, he had to show the gold chain and say that it was given by his eldest grandson, and his friend said, "Your grandson is really filial"

The mother-in-law smiled like a flower, and her husband pouted on the side, "Mom, can you keep a low profile, this chain is taken out by you every day to show off, and it depends on whether it is willing or not."

The mother-in-law was not to be left behind, and replied, "I think you are jealous, my eldest grandson gave me a gift, but he didn't give it to you, you are purely red-eyed."

Even though her husband was able to argue, she was helpless by her mother-in-law's words, leaving only one sentence, "You can just talk about it" and left.

The mother and son are really non-stop day by day, but the family atmosphere is also really good, and it can bring a lot of happiness to people.

Every year on her mother-in-law's birthday, her son will buy her a piece of gold jewelry as a birthday gift, and he really did what he promised before, so that his mother-in-law's jewelry is not the same every day.

My ex-husband died of illness, and I wanted to take my son back, but my husband: With me without him, my mother-in-law slapped herself three times in a row

The picture comes from the Internet

I never thought that such a good person as my mother-in-law would suffer from lung cancer, and the doctor said that my mother-in-law was old, and in fact, surgery could only prolong her life, but whether to do it or not depends on the family's decision.

My mother-in-law didn't want to waste this money, and my husband and I didn't have much money, so if we had to have surgery, we would definitely have to go into debt.

The son insisted on having surgery on his mother-in-law, crying and saying that he wanted his grandmother to live and that he would have surgery as long as he could live for one more month.

The son took out his savings from 6 years of work and insisted on operating on his mother-in-law, and he originally planned to use the money to buy a house, but now he may have to give it all to the hospital.

The mother-in-law refused, she said with red eyes, "Xiaoyuan, grandma knows that you are a filial child, but this is all your hard-earned money over the years, grandma knows that she doesn't have many days to live, why waste this money"

Xiao Yuan cried and prayed, "Grandma, I don't care, as long as you have surgery, you will be fine soon, obedient, okay, promise me to cooperate with the doctor for surgery"

I listened to it on the sidelines, choked up for a while, for so many years, Xiao Yuan's feelings for her mother-in-law have been in my eyes, of course, my mother-in-law is good to Xiao Yuan, and it is worth Xiao Yuan's desperate efforts.

In the end, my mother-in-law agreed to do the operation, and that day, our whole family sent my mother-in-law into the operating room, and after a long wait, my mother-in-law finally came out, and when the doctor said "the operation was successful", I saw my son slumped to the ground with excitement.

I silently prayed in my heart that my mother-in-law would recover soon after the operation.

My mother-in-law recovered really well at the beginning, but it didn't take long for the cancer cells to metastasize again, in fact, we all know that according to my mother-in-law's current situation, time may be running out, so we can only take it home and take it home.

Xiao Yuan was on a business trip at the time, and after hearing the news, he was silent for a long time, and finally he said with a crying voice, "Mom, send grandma home"

The next day, Xiaoyuan rushed back, he took a month's long vacation, and came back to accompany his mother-in-law.

Although the child had no previous experience in taking care of the elderly, after taking care of him for two days, he was doing a good job.

At that time, my husband and I had to go to work, and my mother-in-law was basically taken care of by Xiaoyuan, and he learned the dishes that my mother-in-law liked to eat, and when the sun was good, he took my mother-in-law to the nearby park for a walk.

At night, Xiao Yuan set up a simple small bed in his mother-in-law's room, and Xiao Yuan took care of his mother-in-law when she got up at night.

In the first half month of my mother-in-law's departure, my appetite was very bad, basically what I ate and what I vomited, for my mother-in-law's eating problem, Xiao Yuan tried her best, but unfortunately my mother-in-law's appetite was too poor.

Once, I went to the kitchen to look for something, and saw Xiao Yuan squatting on the ground crying, I was very distressed, and asked him what happened, Xiao Yuan said with red eyes, "Mom, I feel so useless, I can't cook the dishes that grandma likes to eat"

I thought to myself, this kid is too filial, and he is digging into the horns of the bull.

So I comforted my son and said, "Xiaoyuan, it's not your problem, grandma, she just has a bad appetite for the time being, maybe it won't be like this when her appetite gets better after a while."

Xiao Yuan raised his head and looked at me and asked, "Mom, really, will Grandma really get better?" ”

I know that my mother-in-law actually doesn't have much time left, but when I saw my son's hopeful eyes, I couldn't help but lie, "That's for sure, Xiaoyuan is so well-behaved and so filial, grandma will definitely be reluctant to leave you."

It's only been half a month, Xiao Yuan has lost weight visibly because of taking care of his mother-in-law, but seeing him enjoying himself, although I feel distressed, I can't say anything.

When my mother-in-law left, it happened to be at night, and suddenly there was lightning and thunder that day, which woke us all up, and my husband and I got up to see how my mother-in-law was doing.

As soon as we reached the bedroom door, my son suddenly cried loudly, "Mom, grandma is dying"

My mother-in-law walked peacefully, because her beloved grandson was always by her side, and our family gave her her one last ride.

When her mother-in-law was dying, she also had regrets, she said, "It's a pity that I haven't seen Xiaoyuan get married and start a family, and I blame me, I regret spending the money that Xiaoyuan bought a wedding house."

This year is the fourth year of her mother-in-law's death, Xiao Yuan finally got married, and after the wedding that day, Xiao Yuan drove his daughter-in-law to visit his mother-in-law in his hometown.

I think that my mother-in-law's wish has finally come true, and her beloved grandson has finally started a family, and I wish my mother-in-law all the best over there, we are all fine, don't miss it.