
The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

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The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

The millennial twists and turns of the Jewish nation have always been an enduring topic in history.

Many people wonder why this nomadic people, who originated in the Euphrates River in eastern Arabian Peninsula and have been ostracized for thousands of years, are so "annoying".

The farmer bitten by a poisonous snake - where will the Palestinian nation go?

In fact, there are many stories in the history of Chinese civilization, all of which show striking similarities with the current situation of the Palestinian nation, and also indicate the end of the Palestinians. Let us look back at the history of the Jewish nation to understand why the history of the Jewish nation is inevitable.

The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

I. Seeds of the Diaspora: The Origins and Migrations of the Jewish People

In the distant 20th century B.C., a patriarch named Abraham led his tribe on a journey that changed history.

They set out from the fertile steppes on the banks of the Euphrates River and crossed the hot desert to reach the fertile land of Canaan, known as the "land of milk and honey." This land, which later became Palestine, is also the heart of what is now the Middle East.

Abraham's descendants lived and multiplied in the land, the most famous of whom was Jacob. However, as fate would have it, a great drought forced Jacob and his people south to Egypt to earn a living.

The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today
There, they were welcomed by the Hyksos, who ruled Egypt at the time. Jacob's twelve sons, who later became the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel, laid the foundation for the formation of the Jewish nation.

However, the good times were short-lived. Over time, the native dynasty of Egypt returned to power, and the former patrons became oppressors. The situation of the Jewish people deteriorated and they were eventually reduced to slavery.

Just as they were in despair, a man named Moses stepped forward. Led by this legendary figure, the Israel embarked on a forty-year arduous journey through the desert to their native land of Canaan.

During his long years of wandering, Moses issued the famous Ten Commandments, which established a system of rules for the Jewish people.
The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

After returning to Canaan, the Jewish people did not find peace. They had to engage in a series of wars with the local Canaanites for territory. However, this history also planted the seeds of future conflict, because the original inhabitants of the land have not completely disappeared, and their descendants are the Palestinians of today.

2. The Rise and Fall of Kingdoms: From Glory to Diaspora

In the 11th century B.C.E., faced with the threat of foreign enemies, the twelve tribes united and elected Saul as king.

After Saul, David succeeded him. Under his rule, the kingdom enjoyed unprecedented prosperity. David was not only a brilliant commander, but also a visionary king.

The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

It was not until the death of David's son, Solomon, that the kingdom soon split into the Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south.

In 721 BC, the northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire. Although Judah in the south survived temporarily, the good times were short-lived. In 586 B.C.E., the Neo-Babylonian Empire captured Jerusalem and destroyed Solomon's Temple, bringing down the Kingdom of Judah.

This war was the historical "Babylonian exile", which started countless years of wandering and fleeing of the Jewish people.

During the long years of the diaspora, the Jews endured numerous tribulations. They were oppressed under the Roman Empire and were frequently expelled and injured in medieval Europe.

The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

After the war, the surviving Jews faced the daunting task of rebuilding their homeland. After a long struggle and maneuvering.

On May 14, 1948, Israel, with the support of Western countries, finally achieved its restoration.

But the Jewish people were not satisfied with their status quo, and expansion and revenge quietly grew, and as Jewish immigrants continued to increase and Israel territory expanded, conflicts with local Palestinians intensified. The evolution of this situation has sown the seeds of long-term instability in the Middle East.

Then why is it said that the historical story of the mainland has predicted the end of the two nations?
The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

3. Mr. Dongguo and the Wolf: A realistic metaphor for an allegory

Among the ancient fables in the mainland, there is a well-known story of "Mr. Dongguo and the Wolf", originally known as "The Legend of the Wolf in Zhongshan".

This deceptively simple story contains a profound insight into human nature, but if you look back at the thousand-year-old history of the Jewish people and the restoration of the country, you will find that this story can be a mirror to understand the history of the Middle East today.

The story takes place in the middle of the Ming Dynasty and was written by the writer Ma Zhongxi. At that time, the dynasty was changing, the eunuchs were autocratic, and the government and the opposition were in turmoil.

A eunuch named Liu Jin gained power, and with other eunuchs he was known as the "Eight Tigers" and was domineering. At this critical moment, an official named Li Mengyang stepped forward and wrote a letter to impeach Liu Jin. However, Li Mengyang was arrested and imprisoned for this.
The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

Just when Li Mengyang was in prison, another official named Kang Hai stepped forward and took a huge risk to rescue Li Mengyang. Kang Hai's righteous act really helped Li Mengyang get out of danger.

However, the development was unexpected. When Liu Jin was finally overthrown, Kang Hai was implicated because of his contact with Liu Jin and was cut to the people.

At the critical moment, Li Mengyang chose to stand by and did not lend a helping hand to help Kang Hai.

This scene of En Jiang's revenge was skillfully transformed into a fable by Ma Zhongxi in "The Legend of the Wolf in Zhongshan". In the story, Mr. Dong Guo represents Kang Hai, while the wolf symbolizes Li Mengyang.

The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

Mr. Dongguo saved the wolf that was chased by the hunter out of kindness, but was almost bitten by the wolf. The story vividly reveals the dark side of human nature and also hints at the unforgiving reality within the imperial court.

On the surface, the parable is about betrayal between individuals, but if we look wider, we can see that it bears a striking resemblance to the Israeli-Palestinian contradiction.

Just as Mr. Dong Guo rescued the wolves, the Palestinians gave refuge to the Jews in their most difficult times. However, when the Jews established their own state, they began to oppress and expel the Palestinians, which is similar to the wolf being rescued and trying to eat Mr. Dongguo.
The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

IV. The Reincarnation of History: The Root of the Palestinian-Israeli Contradiction

Back in the early 20th century, when the Jewish people began a mass return to the Palestinian areas, their initial relationship with the local Arabs was not entirely antagonistic.

Many Palestinians were open to these newcomers, and some even offered help. Just like Mr. Dongguo's initial rescue of the wolf, the goodwill of these Palestinians has created the possibility for the two sides to coexist peacefully.

However, as Jewish immigration continued to increase, the situation began to change. After the establishment of Israel in 1948, the contradictions between the two peoples heated up sharply.

The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today
The nascent Israel state, in order to consolidate its security and expand its living space, began the expulsion and oppression of Palestinians. Isn't this scene like a wolf trying to eat Mr. Dongguo after escaping?

In the decades that followed, Israel continued to expand its territory through multiple conflicts, building Jewish settlements and restricting the freedom of movement of Palestinians.

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in the Jordan Strip live in dire straits, facing unemployment, poverty and humanitarian crises. This situation is similar to the suffering of the Jews during the Diaspora.

The irony of history, however, is that the victims of the past have become the perpetrators of today. Jews, who had experienced harm and displacement, are now pursuing similar policies towards Palestinians.

The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

The Palestinian struggle can also be seen as revenge for betrayal, to some extent. Just as Mr. Dong Guo finally managed to punish the ungrateful wolf, the Palestinians are resisting Israel's aggression in various ways.

Such a struggle is seen as a threat by Israel, but in the eyes of the Palestinians it is a struggle for survival and dignity.

What is even more thought-provoking is that this cycle of history seems to be difficult to break. Just as the nature of a wolf is difficult to change, Israel's expansion after the establishment of the state is inevitable. The Palestinian struggle will trigger a tougher response from Israel, creating a vicious circle.

The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today


From the diaspora history of the Jewish people, to the parable of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf, to today's conflict in the Middle East, we see a striking similarity in history.

While efforts have been made to mediate the conflict, progress has been slow.

The Jewish people should also recognize that ongoing conflict can only bring a lose-lose situation, and that a win-win situation can only be achieved if reconciliation is sought in good faith. Just as Mr. Dong Guo finally resolved the crisis through wisdom, we also look forward to finding a wise solution to the contradictions in the Middle East.

The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today

The lessons of history are just around the corner, and the key is whether we can draw wisdom from them to guide the present and shape the future. Always remember that peace is the only hope for humanity to survive. What do you think differently about this?


The story of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf bears a striking resemblance to the state of the Jewish people today
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