
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look

What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look
What is Hair? A list of common hair items, increase your knowledge, collect it and take a look

In Shanghai during the Republic of China, in this metropolis where Eastern and Western cultures blended, prosperity and hustle and bustle, a young man named Li Yuesheng lived. Li Yuesheng is a young man full of curiosity and enthusiasm for life, he is keen to explore all the unknowns around him, whether it is novel scientific and technological inventions or ancient folklore, which can arouse his strong interest. One day, he heard the word "hair thing" for the first time during a casual conversation with an old Chinese medicine doctor, which immediately aroused his curiosity.

"Hey, old Chinese medicine doctor, what do you mean by this 'hair thing'? I've never heard of it when I'm so old. Li Yuesheng blinked his eyes and looked at the old Chinese medicine doctor with a look of curiosity.

The old Chinese medicine doctor explained with a smile: "Hair things, in short, are those foods that are easy to cause diseases or aggravate them. We Chinese pay attention to dietary therapy, food can not only nourish the body, sometimes also bring some side effects, especially for some people with specific constitutions. ”

Li Yuesheng listened to it with relish, and he thought to himself: It turns out that there is so much knowledge in food! I'm going to have to do some research, and maybe I'll be able to discover something new.

So, from that day on, Li Yuesheng began his "hair exploration journey". He walked the streets and alleys, asked for information about hair things, and specially bought a thick book of Chinese medicine, which he studied with pleasure every night.

Time passed day by day, and Li Yuesheng's understanding of hair things became deeper and deeper. He found that hair is not absolute, but varies from person to person. For example, for people with a hot constitution, it is easy to get angry when they eat hot foods such as mutton and dog meat; For people with a cold constitution, eating cold foods such as ice cream and cold drinks may cause diarrhea.

Li Yuesheng thought to himself: This hair thing is really a wonderful thing, I have to sort it out and make a list, which will be convenient to use in the future.

So, he began to organize the hair information he had collected. He made detailed classifications and annotations according to the nature, efficacy, and suitable groups of people of the food, and also deliberately marked them with pens of different colors to make it clear at a glance.

After some hard work, Li Yuesheng's "List of Common Hair Items" was finally born! He excitedly showed this list to the old Chinese medicine doctor, and the old Chinese medicine doctor was full of praise after reading it: "Yuesheng, you are really a caring person!" This list is so well done that everyone will be able to use it to guide their diet in the future. ”

Li Yuesheng listened to the praise of the old Chinese medicine doctor, and his heart was happy. He thought: This list is not only the result of my own exploration, but also a good thing that can help others. I have to promote it so that more people can understand hair and eat reasonably.

As a result, Li Yuesheng began to promote his "List of Common Hair Items" everywhere. He printed the list as a pamphlet and gave it to his neighbors for free. He also gave lectures in teahouses, markets, and other places where people gathered, explaining the knowledge of hair and the importance of proper diet.

Gradually, Li Yuesheng's name and his "list of common hair items" spread in Shanghai. More and more people have begun to pay attention to hair and healthy diet, and Li Yuesheng has become a well-known "diet therapy expert" on the beach in Shanghai.

However, just when Li Yuesheng's career was booming, he encountered an unexpected challenge. One day, a self-proclaimed "master of diet" approached him, claiming that his concept of dietery was more advanced and scientific than Li Yuesheng's.

This "food therapy master" questioned Li Yuesheng's "list of common hair products", he believes that the concept of hair products is outdated and unscientific, and modern people should pay more attention to nutritional combination and food composition analysis. He also pulled out a thick book on modern nutrition and tried to prove his point.

Li Yuesheng listened to the questioning of this "food therapy master", and couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart. He began to reflect on whether his philosophy and methods of diet therapy were really outdated. Is there really a need for more scientific and modern nutrition to guide diets?

After some careful consideration, Li Yuesheng decided not to give up his concept of dietary therapy easily. He believes that although modern nutrition has its scientific aspects, the concept of dietary therapy in traditional Chinese medicine is also a valuable asset that has been verified by thousands of years of practice. Although the concept of hair is simple, it contains profound theories of Chinese medicine and the wisdom of human body preservation.

As a result, Li Yuesheng began to study more deeply the combination of traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy and modern nutrition. He read a large number of TCM classics and modern nutrition books, and also consulted several well-known TCM experts and nutritionists. After a lot of hard work, he finally found a new way to combine TCM diet therapy with modern nutrition.

This method not only retains the essence of TCM dietary therapy, but also incorporates the scientific elements of modern nutrition. Li Yuesheng revised his "List of Common Hair Items" according to this method, making it more scientific and practical.

When Li Yuesheng appeared in public again with his new "List of Common Hair Items", he won even more enthusiastic applause and praise. His philosophy and methods of dietary therapy have not only been recognized by the Chinese medicine community, but also affirmed by the modern nutrition community.

Li Yuesheng thought to himself: It turns out that tradition and modernity are not opposites, but can be integrated and complement each other. As long as we explore and practice with our hearts, we will definitely be able to find the most suitable way for our own health preservation.

Since then, Li Yuesheng has been more determined in his path of dietary therapy. He continues to study the combination of traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy and modern nutrition, and constantly explores new dietary therapy methods and concepts. He also opened his own therapeutic diet clinic to help more people regulate their bodies and prevent diseases through a reasonable diet.

With his efforts, more and more people have begun to pay attention to TCM diet therapy and pay attention to dietary health. Li Yuesheng's name and his "list of common hair items" have also become a legendary story on the Shanghai Beach. Whenever people mention him, they give him a thumbs up and say, "What an amazing dietetic!" ”

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