
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look

A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look
A few signs before the old man died, collect them and take a look

Li Yuesheng and the old man's signs before death: affectionate memories of Shanghai in the Republic of China

During the Republic of China, Shanghai was a city full of mystery and legend. In this prosperous and noisy place, there lives a young man named Li Yuesheng. He was a suave scholar with a keen interest in ancient traditions and mystical numerology. Recently, however, he has been touched by the condition of an elderly man in his family, who is his beloved grandfather.

Li Yuesheng's grandfather was a kind and wise old man who had experienced countless ups and downs and witnessed the changes in Shanghai. However, the years are unforgiving, and his grandfather's body is getting weaker and weaker, and Li Yuesheng's heart is full of worries. He often waited by his grandfather's bedside, observing every subtle change in his grandfather, and silently praying in his heart that his grandfather would recover.

One day, Li Yuesheng met an elderly scholar on the street. Xiangshi's eyes were like torches, and he stared at Li Yuesheng at a glance. He grabbed Li Yuesheng's sleeve and said mysteriously: "Young man, I see that there is a heroic spirit between your eyebrows, but you seem to have some worries." Is there someone in the family who is unwell? ”

When Li Yuesheng heard this, his heart moved, and he told Xiangshi about his grandfather's condition. After hearing this, the Xiangshi pondered for a moment and said, "Young man, although I am not a skilled doctor, I have also heard some signs about the old man before he died. Perhaps, I can give you some inspiration. ”

Li Yuesheng listened to it and hurriedly asked Xiangshi for advice. Xiangshi said slowly: "Before the old man dies, there are often some signs. For example, they may suddenly become unusually quiet and no longer talk to their family members as they normally would. They may lose their appetite and even refuse to eat; Their breathing will become weak and irregular; Also, they may suddenly recall things from the past, as if they were saying goodbye to this world. ”

Li Yuesheng listened to it, and realized something in his heart. He began to carefully observe every subtle change in his grandfather, trying to find the signs in them. However, when he returned home and saw his grandfather's kind and tired face, his heart was filled with contradictions and struggles.

As time passed, Li Yuesheng discovered that his grandfather did have some signs that Xiangshi said. He became unusually quiet and no longer talked to his family as he normally would; His appetite is noticeably reduced, and he even refuses to eat at times; His breathing also became weak and irregular. Whenever he saw his grandfather's tired and helpless eyes, Li Yuesheng's heart would swell with an inexplicable grief.

However, although Li Yuesheng had a premonition of his grandfather's death, he could not accept this cruel reality. He often sat alone on his grandfather's bedside in the dead of night, staring at his grandfather's kind face, his heart full of helplessness and self-blame. His inner monologue is full of pain and struggle: "Why did my grandfather leave me? He's the most important person in my life! What can I do to keep him? ”

One day, Li Yuesheng was flipping through an ancient book about Chinese medicine in a bookstore. Suddenly, he saw a description of the old man's signs before he died. This description is strikingly similar to the signs that the Shoshi said! An inexplicable impulse surged in Li Yuesheng's heart, and he decided to do his best to save his grandfather's life.

He began to inquire about the cure for his grandfather's illness, and even spent a lot of money to buy some valuable medicinal herbs. However, despite all his efforts, his grandfather's health showed no signs of improving. Whenever he saw his grandfather's tired and helpless eyes, Li Yuesheng's heart would swell with an inexplicable despair.

Just when Li Yuesheng was about to give up, his grandfather suddenly spoke. He said in a faint and trembling voice, "Yuesheng, I know that my body is no longer good. Don't worry about me anymore, let me go in peace. ”

After Li Yuesheng heard this, an indescribable grief surged in his heart. He held his grandfather's hand tightly, tears glistening in his eyes. He began to realize how useless and ridiculous his efforts had been. He understood that birth, old age, sickness and death are the natural laws of life, and no one can change them.

However, although Li Yuesheng had understood this truth, he could not accept the death of his grandfather. He began to silently pray in his heart that his grandfather would recover, and even began to doubt his own abilities and worth. His inner monologue is full of pain and struggle: "Why am I so incompetent? Why can't I keep my grandfather's life? ”

Just when Li Yuesheng was about to collapse, Su Wan appeared. Su Wan is a gentle and lovely woman with bright eyes and long black hair. When she appeared in front of Li Yuesheng for the first time, she said in a gentle but firm tone: "Yuesheng, I know you are in pain now. But you must understand that birth, old age, sickness and death are the natural laws of life, and no one can change them. You have to accept this reality and let your grandfather go with peace of mind. ”

Li Yuesheng listened, and a warm current surged in his heart. He began to realize how senseless and ridiculous the struggles and pain he had been suffering all the time. He understood that he should accept his grandfather's death and let him finish the last journey of his life with peace of mind.

Accompanied by Su Wan, Li Yuesheng began to gradually accept the death of his grandfather. He was no longer anxious about his grandfather's illness, but began to accompany him through the last journey of his life. He used to sit on his grandfather's bedside, chatting with him about the past and reminiscing about the good times. Whenever he saw his grandfather's kind and satisfied smile, Li Yuesheng's heart would swell with an inexplicable sense of relief.

Finally, on a sunny morning, my grandfather passed away peacefully. Li Yuesheng held his grandfather's cold hand, and his heart was full of grief and reluctance. However, he also understood a truth: birth, old age, sickness and death are the natural laws of life, and no one can change them. What I can do is to cherish the people in front of me and accompany them through every journey of life.

At his grandfather's funeral, Li Yuesheng shed tears of sadness. But he also understood a truth: tears can't change reality, and what he can do is to face life strongly and move on. He began to cherish his relationship with Su Wan even more, and tried to repay her companionship and care with his actions. And the memories of the old man's signs before his death also became part of their love testimony and was forever imprinted in their hearts. This experience not only allowed Li Yuesheng to gain love and growth, but also made him understand the true meaning and value of life. He began to cherish everything in front of him more, and used his actions to interpret the power of love and life.

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