
Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

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Edit|Breeze Erliang

In the past two days, an angry thing has happened in Anhui!

A million-dollar Internet celebrity actually beat up the takeaway brother and spat at others, as soon as this matter came out, it exploded directly and quickly appeared on the hot search.

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

One of the protagonists of this incident is an 18-year-old delivery boy who has just graduated from high school. This kid probably wants to run a part-time job to earn some extra money, subsidize his family, or save some pocket money for himself.

Who would have thought that just because of the wrong delivery of a takeaway, a nightmare would be. On that day, the takeaway brother delivered the takeaway to the place according to the address. As a result, it was sent to the wrong place!

When he found out about his mistake, he hurried back to get the takeaway back. But who would have thought that instead of understanding and tolerance, he would be greeted by a nightmare.

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

This Internet celebrity, wearing a hospital gown and carrying something in his hand, looks arrogant. As soon as the takeaway brother spoke, before he could say a few words, the Internet celebrity was anxious, and the swear words were one after another, which made people's ears hurt when they heard it.

The takeaway brother was aggrieved, so he cried and argued a few words. This Internet celebrity can be poured well, and when he goes up, he kicks the little brother to the ground directly. This is not the end, he also viciously spit a mouthful of thick phlegm in the little brother's face, and then left without looking back.

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

At that time, there were many people around, and they were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. When they reacted, they accused this Internet celebrity of going too far. But what about Internet celebrities? Ignore it at all, that's called a "chic".

The little brother was lying on the ground, crying so badly, his body curled up together, and he cried and lost one of his shoes. I kept muttering "He insulted my ......". The people around him were so distressed, but they didn't know how to comfort this child.

As soon as this matter was exposed, netizens were angry! jumped out one after another to complain for the takeaway brother. Someone said: "The delivery man is a service person, not a slave, and it is understandable to be in a hurry to scold people when delivering the wrong meal, but it is too much to insult people!" ”

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

Some people are worried: "This child has suffered such a big crime at such a young age, what a shadow will he leave in the future!" ”

Everyone followed the clues and found that this arrogant and domineering person was actually a game Internet celebrity with millions of fans. It is said that he stopped broadcasting for a period of time, saying that he was going to have surgery.

At that time, the child who delivered the food had delivered a bowl of wontons in the wrong place and delivered it to the man's bedside. This Internet celebrity didn't know who ordered it, so he didn't dare to eat it.

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble
Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

Later, the Internet celebrity's daughter-in-law came to deliver the meal, and she also said that she didn't order it herself. As a result, after more than an hour, the wontons were all lumped, and the man threw them in the trash.

At this time, the takeaway brother came back to pick up the wrong meal he delivered, and the man said that he threw away the trash. It's good now, the powder keg between the two is ignited, and we don't know exactly what was said, anyway, the conflict started.

Some people say that it was this takeaway brother who first spoke unforgivingly, said ugly things, and then ran away. This manly man is not angry, so he gets up and chases.

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble
Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

Some people also said that it was the man who scolded the delivery man first, but the delivery man didn't talk back and left aggrievedly, but the man still didn't give up, and even kicked the person down.

This Internet celebrity saw that the matter was getting bigger, and he also came out to respond. He said that this thing is not what everyone sees, the video was pinched and removed, but he didn't make it clear what was going on, so he wanted everyone to understand and understand.

Some netizens really relented, thinking about not scolding first, in case there is a reversal. Unexpectedly, the reversal didn't wait, what I was waiting for was more explosive news.

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble
Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble
Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

Someone posted a chat record suspected of being complained about by this Internet celebrity and a friend. In that record, the Internet celebrity swore a lot of swearing, and said that this matter was a smugness.

He said that he deliberately spit out a large sticky phlegm, and spit out two mouthfuls in a row. was invited by the police to the police station to mediate and asked him to pay 1,200 yuan, but he was still disdainful and shouted: "Two mouthfuls of spit are worth 1,200?" ”

In the end, the boss of Meituan came to ask for face, and he lost 600 yuan. is still smug there, constantly scolding and swearing. This face, and the humility he had seen when he responded before, were simply heaven and earth.

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble
Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

Although some netizens speculated that this revelation may not be true, maybe someone is rubbing traffic. But if you look at the usual virtues of this Internet celebrity, he was very short-tempered when he recorded the video live, and he said that he liked to "pretend", and the things he sent were very angry.

Therefore, most netizens don't believe this Internet celebrity's nonsense at all, and public opinion condemns him one-sidedly. Everyone said that with his virtue, it would not be unjust to block it!

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble
Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

Netizens are so one-sided and angry! They all accused this man of being too unqualified, no matter how angry he is, he can't be so insulting! What's more, the takeaway brother is still a child who has just graduated from high school, and he encountered such a thing when he first entered the society.

There are also calm netizens pondering that this is in the hospital, and there is still a detention needle in his hand, indicating that the man himself is sick. Then he spat in people's faces, does this belong to the malicious spread of infectious diseases?

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble
Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

You said that this Internet celebrity has so many fans, why don't you know to lead by example and spread some positive energy? If he can be more tolerant and generous, don't be so unforgiving, maybe he can get a good reputation.

But it's good that he did things so desperately that he completely ruined his reputation. What this society needs is tolerance and understanding, not to add insult to injury, let alone swear and lack of virtue.

Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble
Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble
Outsmart oneself! The game Internet celebrity spat in the face of the delivery man, and he was betrayed by himself when he wanted to quibble

Let's be human, we have to have a little conscience, a little kindness, don't rely on being a little famous and a little fan to do nonsense. Otherwise, sooner or later, it will be spurned by everyone and eliminated by society!

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If there is any copyright or personal infringement issue, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible. If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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