
Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!


"The Glory of the Country" is finished: Yang Zili is now reviewing and looking forward to his current history

Yang Zi and Li's performance in the costume drama "National Beauty" has sparked heated discussions, and finally after 201 days of filming, this high-profile drama has been completed. The news made many fans excited, and they left messages on social media to celebrate. Fans said in the comment area that they are looking forward to meeting as soon as possible, and they are very much looking forward to the wonderful interpretation of the roles of He Weifang and Jiang Changyang.

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

Everyone's mood reached its peak at this moment, and it seemed that they had begun to fantasize about the various plots in the play. At the finale scene of the crew, Yang Zi and Li Xian were obviously very happy, and it seemed that all the fatigue disappeared at this moment. Netizens ridiculed: "Finally liberated, Li Xian no longer has to be wrapped into zongzi." ”

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

Another netizen sighed: "I feel hot when I see it, who can stand the high temperature of thirty or forty degrees and wear heavy costumes." This light-hearted banter made the mood in the comment section cheerful, and everyone shared their expectations for the role while celebrating the finale.

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

Yang Zi's role He Weifang has attracted much attention

As the heroine of this drama, Yang Zi's role He Weifang has attracted the attention of many people. Fans discussed the setting of He Weifang's role on social platforms, and everyone expressed their expectations for this "legendary woman of the Tang Dynasty".

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

Someone mentioned: "He Weifang is really the goddess in my heart, and her story must be very exciting." Some netizens added: "The early publicity made me full of curiosity about this role, and I don't know what kind of twists and turns she will experience." ”

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

Li Xian's image of Jiang Changyang

It is also worth paying attention to Jiang Changyang played by Li Xian. Netizens are full of expectations for his role, and some people joked: "Li Xian can be handsome in front of the sun, and his costume style must be eye-catching." ”

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

This ridicule triggered a response from many fans, and everyone expressed their expectation to see Li Xian's handsome performance, and some people even began to share their fantasies: "I hope Jiang Changyang can have a lot of plays!" It must be very enjoyable to see Li Xian jumping around. ”

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

Challenges and perseverance during the filming process

During the 201-day filming, the crew faced a number of challenges. The heat, heavy costumes, and long hours of filming all tested the endurance and perseverance of the cast and crew.

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

Although the process was arduous, everyone's efforts paid off in the end. Netizens also expressed their appreciation for the crew in the comments: "It's hard work, everyone is amazing, it's worth looking forward to!" "This voice of support gives everyone involved the motivation to keep going.

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

Looking forward to the release of "The Glory of the Country".

With the completion of "The Glory of the Country", netizens have begun to look forward to the release of this drama. Some said: "We must go online soon!" Can't wait! Another part of the netizens complained about the difficulty of waiting: "We have waited too long, don't let us down again." This mixture of anticipation and anxiety made the atmosphere in the comment section even more enthusiastic.

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

Regarding the release time of this drama, everyone has also speculated. Some netizens suggested: "Why don't you put some trailers in advance to mobilize everyone's mood." The idea sparked a deeper discussion, with people imagining what the best moments would be shown if there was a trailer, and some even came up with their own shooting ideas to make the discussion more interesting.

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

The Final Argument: Is It Really Something to Expect?


The completion of "The Glory of the Country" has aroused everyone's expectations, but some people have put forward different views in the discussion. Some netizens think: "Expectations are good, but what is filmed may not be satisfying." This view caused a heated debate, and everyone expressed their opinions.

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

"No matter how good the actor is, if the plot drags on, it will be in vain." This concern about the quality of the plot sparked more discussions, and everyone began to share their expectations and dissatisfaction with the plot. At this moment full of anticipation, how to balance the expectations of the series with the possibility of reality has become a hot topic for everyone.

Is there a secret behind the finale? The filming process of "National Beauty" made Yang Zi and Li Xian embarrassed!

Different voices continue to emerge in the comment area, either expectantly or cautiously, making the whole discussion full of vitality and vitality. In a relaxed atmosphere, everyone continued to debate the future of this drama, as if the story of "The Glory of the Country" had quietly unfolded in their hearts.

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