
In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

Master Zhang is an experienced locksmith who is well-known in the community for his craft. On an ordinary evening in the year, he finished his day's work early, as usual, ready to enjoy a peaceful evening. However, at three o'clock in the morning, a rapid telephone ringing broke the silence of the night. Ms. Qin's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, and she asked Master Zhang to help open the lock.

"Master Zhang, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but I really can't help it, the door lock can't be opened, and I'm trapped outside." There was a hint of tremor in Ms. Qin's voice, it was obvious that she had tried many methods, but to no avail.

Although Master Zhang was woken up by the phone, he did not get angry, but immediately sobered up, he knew that at such a time, Ms. Qin needed help, not blame. "Don't worry, Ms. Qin, I'll come over here." Master Zhang quickly put on his clothes, picked up his toolbox, and did not forget to tell Ms. Qin to stay calm and not to mess with the lock before going out, so as not to cause more trouble.

In the dead of night, the streets are filled with only the occasional passing of cars and dim street lights. Master Zhang rode his electric car, shuttling through the streets in the early morning, thinking of Ms. Qin's anxious appearance, he couldn't help but speed up. He knew that for someone who was stuck outside at night, every minute felt like an hour.

Arriving downstairs at Ms. Qin's house, Master Zhang saw her standing at the door, holding a mobile phone in her hand, and her face was full of anxiety. Master Zhang stopped the car and walked forward quickly, "Ms. Qin, don't worry, I'll help you take a look." He comforted Ms. Qin as he carefully checked the door lock.

The door lock of Ms. Qin's house is an old-fashioned mechanical lock, which looks to be some years old. Master Zhang took out his tools and began to operate them skillfully. He first put his ear close to the keyhole, carefully listened to the internal mechanism of the lock, and then gently turned the tool to try to find the right unlocking point.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

Ms. Qin stood aside, watching Master Zhang's attentive appearance, and the anxiety in her heart slowly eased a little. She began to chat with Master Zhang about family life, it turned out that she came home late because she was working overtime at night, but she didn't expect the door lock to suddenly have a problem. "Master Zhang, you are really our savior, you can still come to help so late." Ms. Qin said gratefully.

While working, Master Zhang chatted with Ms. Qin, and the atmosphere gradually relaxed. He knows that unlocking is not only a technical job, but also a service to make customers feel at ease and trusted. After some hard work, only to hear a "click", the door lock finally opened.

Ms. Qin looked at the open door in surprise, "Master Zhang, you are so amazing, you opened it so quickly!" She excitedly shook Master Zhang's hand and thanked her repeatedly. Master Zhang smiled and waved his hand, "It's okay, this is what I should do." He reminded Ms. Qin that if she encounters a similar situation in the future, she can try some simple solutions first, and then look for him if it doesn't work.

Master Zhang packed up his tools and prepared to leave. Ms. Qin insisted on giving him some money as payment, but Master Zhang refused, telling Ms. Qin that it was his duty to help others and that no additional payment was needed. In Ms. Qin's repeated thanks, Master Zhang got on the electric car and disappeared into the night to continue his journey as a nocturnal ranger.

The story of Ms. Qin and Master Zhang can be said to be an indissoluble bond connected by a series of keys. Ms. Qin is a busy professional woman, busy at work, often working overtime until late at night, and her memory has become worse and worse as the pressure of work increases. She often had to turn to Master Zhang, a master lockpicker in the community, because she forgot to bring her key.

Master Zhang's craft is well-known in the community, he is not only highly skilled, but also kind and always helpful. The first time Ms. Qin asked Master Zhang to open the lock, it was because she was in a hurry to go to work, but found that the key was missing. At that time, she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, turning around and at a loss. At this moment, the neighbor recommended Master Zhang. After Master Zhang received the call, without saying a word, he immediately rushed to Ms. Qin's house, and opened the door lock after dividing five by two. Since then, Ms. Qin has become a regular customer of Master Zhang.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

As time went on, Ms. Qin went to Master Zhang more and more often, sometimes because she really forgot to bring her key, and sometimes because she accidentally dropped it into the sewer or was locked in the car. Each time, Master Zhang was able to solve the problem quickly and get Ms. Qin's life back on track. The relationship between them has gradually changed from the initial customer and service provider to friends.

Master Zhang knew Ms. Qin's situation well, he knew that Ms. Qin often worked overtime, and he also knew that she sometimes forgot to bring her keys due to work pressure. Therefore, every time Ms. Qin called for help, Master Zhang always rushed to the scene as soon as possible and used his professional skills to solve the problem. He will also chat with Ms. Qin in the process of unlocking to relieve her anxiety.

Ms. Qin's gratitude to Master Zhang is beyond words. She often said that Master Zhang was not only her savior, but also a good friend in her life. With the help of Master Zhang, Ms. Qin's life has become smoother, and she no longer delays work because she forgot to bring her keys, nor is she troubled by locking.

Master Zhang's unlocking skills are also improving, he is not only proficient in various lock opening methods, but also learned some advanced unlocking skills. He was always able to solve problems in the simplest and quickest way, which surprised and admired Ms. Qin. In Master Zhang's lockpicking career, Ms. Qin's case is just a microcosm of it, but his dedication and professionalism to every customer have earned him a good reputation.

Over time, Ms. Qin has also gradually learned some simple lockpicking techniques in case she needs them. But whenever she encounters a really tough problem, she still doesn't hesitate to call Master Zhang's number. Because in her heart, Master Zhang is not only a locksmith, but also a trusted friend. This trust and friendship between them has gone beyond a simple service relationship and has become an integral part of life.

Master Zhang is a veteran of lockpicking, and his reputation spreads through the community. No, it was late at night again, Ms. Qin's phone rang again, with a hint of anxiety and helplessness in her voice, "Master Zhang, I forgot to bring the key again this time, can you please help me again?" "

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

When Master Zhang heard this, although he was a little helpless, he understood more. He knew that Ms. Qin was busy with work and stressed, and it was inevitable that she would be negligent. He comforted Ms. Qin softly, "Don't worry, Ms. Qin, I'll be there soon." "

Master Zhang put on his clothes, picked up his toolbox, and walked out of the house. In the night, his figure looked particularly determined. He rode an electric scooter and shuttled through the empty streets, heading straight for Ms. Qin's residence. He knew that for Ms. Qin, every minute of waiting was an ordeal.

Arriving downstairs at Ms. Qin's house, Master Zhang saw her figure, she was standing at the door, holding her mobile phone in her hand, and her face was full of anxiety. Master Zhang stepped forward and said with a smile, "Ms. Qin, don't worry, I'll help you take a look." "

He began to carefully inspect the door lock, which was a common anti-theft door lock with a complex structure, but it was not a problem for Master Zhang. He took out his tools and began to operate them expertly. He first put his ear close to the keyhole, carefully listened to the internal mechanism of the lock, and then gently turned the tool to try to find the right unlocking point.

Ms. Qin stood aside, watching Master Zhang's attentive appearance, and the anxiety in her heart slowly eased a little. She began to chat with Master Zhang about family life, "Master Zhang, thank you so much for coming to help me so late." "

While working, Master Zhang chatted with Ms. Qin, and the atmosphere gradually relaxed. He knows that unlocking is not only a technical job, but also a service to make customers feel at ease and trusted. While operating, he explained some simple lockpicking skills to Ms. Qin, "Ms. Qin, if you encounter this situation in the future, you can try this method, maybe it can help you." "

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

After some hard work, only to hear a "click", the door lock finally opened. Ms. Qin looked at the open door in surprise, "Master Zhang, you are so amazing, you opened it so quickly!" She excitedly shook Master Zhang's hand and thanked her repeatedly.

Master Zhang smiled and waved his hand, "It's okay, this is what I should do." He reminded Ms. Qin that if she encounters a similar situation in the future, she can try some simple solutions first, and then look for him if it doesn't work. He knew that Ms. Qin's gratitude came from the bottom of her heart, but he hoped that Ms. Qin could solve the problem by herself and reduce unnecessary trouble.

Master Zhang's figure gradually faded away, but what he left to Ms. Qin was not only an open door, but also a peace of mind and trust. With his professional skills and sincere service, he has won Ms. Qin's respect and gratitude. At night in this city, Master Zhang is like a bright light, illuminating Ms. Qin's way home.

Master Zhang's hands were dexterous and steady, and he was engrossed in operating the tools, with only the subtle sound of the lock cylinder turning in his ears. Ms. Qin stood aside, nervously watching Master Zhang's every movement, waiting for the moment when the door lock was opened. At this moment, with a slight "click", the lock was finally opened. Ms. Qin breathed a sigh of relief, and a relieved smile appeared on her face.

However, at the moment when the door slowly opened, an ominous premonition suddenly surged into Master Zhang's heart. A figure suddenly burst out of the door, holding a sharp katana, the light of which flickered in the dim hallway light. Ms. Qin screamed and subconsciously took a few steps back, while Master Zhang almost instinctively raised the tools in his hand, trying to fend off this sudden attack.

The man's movements were unusually fast, he brandished his katana, and with a fierce force, he rushed straight at Master Zhang. Although Master Zhang's reaction was quick, in this kind of hand-to-hand combat, the tools in his hand seemed a little inadequate. In a violent slash, Master Zhang's fingers were unfortunately cut off by a katana, and blood instantly stained his hands and tools.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

The severe pain made beads of sweat the size of beans appear on Master Zhang's forehead, but he didn't flinch because of this. He knew that now was not the time to give up, and Ms. Qin's safety was more important than anything else. Holding back the pain, he quickly pulled a screwdriver out of the toolbox with his other hand, trying to use it to fend off the man's attack.

Ms. Qin was panicking, she wanted to help Master Zhang, but she didn't know what to do. She screamed for help, hoping someone would hear and come to their aid. Master Zhang used a screwdriver to resist the man's attack, and at the same time loudly told Ms. Qin, "Quick, call the police!" "

Ms. Qin came back to her senses at this time, and she quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed. After hearing Ms. Qin's description, the officer on the other end of the phone immediately notified the nearby police. At this time, the struggle between Master Zhang and the man continued, and although Master Zhang was extraordinary, he was obviously at a disadvantage after losing his fingers.

Just then, sirens were heard in the distance, and the police were approaching quickly. The man, hearing the sirens and seeming to realize that the situation was not good, hesitated for a moment, then suddenly turned around and tried to flee the scene. Seeing this, Master Zhang, regardless of his injuries, threw the screwdriver at the man with all his strength, hoping to prevent him from escaping.

Ms. Qin witnessed all this from the sidelines, and her heart was full of gratitude and worry. I am grateful that Master Zhang has protected her safety regardless of his own safety; What worries is Master Zhang's injury, the broken finger, and the blood that keeps gushing out. She knew that Master Zhang needed immediate treatment.

The sirens were getting closer, and the police soon arrived at the scene. They quickly took control of the situation, subdued the man and took him away. Ms. Qin hurriedly stepped forward and supported the crumbling Master Zhang, "Master Zhang, how are you?" We need to get to the hospital! "

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

Master Zhang's face was pale, but he still remained sober, "I... I'm fine, call the police first...", his voice was weak, but still firm. Ms. Qin nodded, she knew that Master Zhang was a true hero, and he used his courage and wisdom to protect her safety.

The police conducted a preliminary investigation at the scene and recorded the confessions of Ms. Qin and Master Zhang. Subsequently, they helped Ms. Qin to take Master Zhang to the hospital. In the ambulance, Ms. Qin held Master Zhang's hand tightly, her eyes were full of tears, "Master Zhang, you must hold on, we will be fine." "

Master Zhang nodded slightly, although the pain made him almost unable to speak, his heart was full of determination. He knew that he had done his best, and the rest could only be left to the doctor and fate. On this extraordinary night, Master Zhang used his actions to explain what courage and responsibility are. And Ms. Qin will always remember this ordinary hero who stood up in times of crisis.

The moment Master Zhang's fingers were cut off by a katana, the sharp pain made his forehead instantly covered with cold sweat. He gritted his teeth, trying not to make a sound, but the pain that pierced his heart made his face pale. Ms. Qin witnessed all this from the sidelines, she panicked, her voice trembling, "Master Zhang, you... Are you okay? "

The doorman of the community heard Ms. Qin's screams and immediately ran over. When he saw Master Zhang's injury, he didn't say a word, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed. "Don't worry, the ambulance will be there soon!" The doorman shouted reassurance, while using his experienced eyes to quickly assess Master Zhang's injuries.

Although Master Zhang was seriously injured, his consciousness was still clear. He knew that now was not the time to panic, and he needed to stay calm and wait for the ambulance to arrive. He used his remaining hand to hold the injured hand tightly, trying to slow down the flow of blood. Ms. Qin was on the side, gently pressing Master Zhang's wound with a tissue, hoping to relieve him of some pain.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

After the doorman made the call, he immediately ran back to the duty room and brought a first aid kit. He skillfully bandaged Master Zhang's wounds simply to minimize blood loss. "Master Zhang, you hold on, the ambulance will arrive soon." The doorman was bandaging and encouraging Master Zhang.

Ms. Qin's mood calmed down a little, and she looked at the doorman gratefully, "Thank you, thank you so much." There was a choked sobs in her voice, and it was clear that she was frightened by what had just happened.

Soon, the sound of the ambulance's horn pierced the night sky, and the ambulance sped into the community. The medical staff quickly got out of the car and conducted a preliminary examination of Master Zhang. Their movements were professional and swift, and they quickly lifted Master Zhang into the ambulance.

Ms. Qin and the doorman followed the ambulance, and their hearts were extremely heavy. In the ambulance, the medical staff carried out further treatment for Master Zhang, and their movements were skillful and steady, trying their best to alleviate Master Zhang's pain.

Ms. Qin sat next to Master Zhang and held his hand tightly, "Master Zhang, you must hold on, we will be at the hospital soon." Her voice was full of concern and concern.

Although Master Zhang was in unbearable pain, he still tried to squeeze out a smile, "I... I'm fine, don't worry. His voice was weak, but still firm.

Ambulances sped through the night, sirens echoing through the empty streets. Master Zhang's heart was full of gratitude, he was grateful to Ms. Qin for her concern, grateful to the doorman for her timely help, and even more grateful to the medical staff for their professional treatment.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

The hospital arrived soon and Master Zhang was quickly taken to the emergency room. The medical staff began an intense and orderly treatment work. Ms. Qin and the doorman waited anxiously outside, their hearts full of worry.

Although Master Zhang's injuries were serious, he knew that with so many people caring about him and helping him, he would definitely survive this hurdle. On this extraordinary night, Master Zhang used his courage and persistence to show the brilliance of humanity. And Ms. Qin and the doorman, as well as all the medical staff, have become his strong backing.

Master Zhang's finger amputation surgery was performed in a tense and orderly atmosphere in the hospital. In the operating room, under the shadowless lamp, the doctors wore sterile surgical gowns, masks and gloves, and concentrated on the operation. Master Zhang was lying on the operating table, although the general anesthesia made him feel no pain, but he was still a little uneasy in his heart.

Outside the operating room, Ms. Qin and the doorman waited anxiously. Time passed minute by minute, and every second seemed like an hour to them. Ms. Qin looked at the door of the operating room from time to time, silently praying for Master Zhang in her heart, hoping that the operation would go smoothly and that his fingers would be restored to their original state.

After hours of emergency surgery, the doctors finally walked out of the operating room. They took off their masks with tired but satisfied expressions on their faces. Ms. Qin and the doorman immediately stepped forward and eagerly inquired about the operation.

"The surgery was successful, and the severed finger has been retrieved, but there is uncertainty about whether it will be able to regain function in the future." The attending doctor answered their questions in a calm tone, "Master Zhang's finger has been severely damaged, and although we have tried our best to repair it, it will take time and a certain amount of luck for the nerves and blood vessels to regenerate. "

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

Ms. Qin and the doorman listened to the doctor's words, feeling both relieved and worried. Fortunately, the operation was successful, and Master Zhang's fingers had hope of being recovered; The concern is the restoration of future functionality, after all, for a locksmith, the dexterity of the fingers is crucial.

Master Zhang was pushed out of the operating room, and although his face was still a little pale, it was much better than before. Ms. Qin and the doorman immediately stepped forward and asked him how he felt with concern. Master Zhang smiled slightly, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern." His voice, though still a little weak, had regained some strength.

In the days that followed, Master Zhang began a long road to recovery. He needs to undergo physiotherapy to stimulate the nerves and muscles of his fingers through a series of rehabilitation exercises, hoping to gradually restore the function of his fingers. This process is undoubtedly difficult and long, but Master Zhang did not give up, he firmly believes that as long as he persists, there will always be hope.

Ms. Qin and the doorman also often visited Master Zhang in the hospital, brought him some daily necessities, chatted with him, and encouraged him to maintain a positive attitude. They knew that Master Zhang needed not only physical healing, but also spiritual comfort and support.

As time passed, Master Zhang's fingers gradually gained some sensation, and although the movements were not very flexible, it was already a very good start. Doctors have been positive about the progress of his recovery, believing that he has great hope of regaining most of his functions.

Master Zhang's tenacity and optimism have touched everyone around him, and his story has become a good story in the community. It is said that Master Zhang is not only a skilled locksmith, but also a brave and indomitable warrior who faces difficulties. He used his own experience to tell us that no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we have faith and courage, we will definitely be able to overcome them.

Ms. Qin's mood that night can be said to be mixed. She was worried about her friend's safety, so she hurriedly called Master Zhang for help. Ms. Qin's phone was very uneasy when she knocked on her friend's house and went unanswered. She knew that her friend had not been in good health recently, and if something happened, the consequences would be unimaginable.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

So, Ms. Qin thought of Master Zhang. She remembered that Master Zhang once helped her pick the lock, and he was highly skilled and reliable. She didn't think much about it, and immediately dialed Master Zhang's phone. Although Master Zhang on the other end of the phone was woken up by the late-night call, he immediately agreed when he heard Ms. Qin's anxious tone.

Master Zhang quickly rushed to the address that Ms. Qin had said. Ms. Qin waited anxiously downstairs, and when she saw Master Zhang's figure, she was like seeing a savior. "Master Zhang, thank you so much, my friend may have had an accident, I can't contact her." Ms. Qin's voice was full of worry.

Master Zhang nodded and motioned for Ms. Qin to lead the way. They came to the door of a friend's house, and Master Zhang began to carefully check the lock. Ms. Qin waited anxiously on the sidelines, silently praying in her heart that her friend would be safe.

Just as Master Zhang was about to open the lock, Ms. Qin suddenly realized a problem - she might have brought it to the wrong place. A wave of guilt and anxiety suddenly surged in her heart, "Master Zhang, I... I may have taken it in the wrong place. There was a tremor in her voice.

Master Zhang stopped what he was doing, turned his head to look at Ms. Qin, "Brought the wrong place?" There was a hint of surprise in his voice, but no blame.

Ms. Qin nodded, "I... I was too worried about my friend, probably too nervous, and misremembered the address. Her face was full of apologies.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

Master Zhang smiled slightly, "It's okay, it's okay if you're fine." Let's go back to the correct address. His voice was full of understanding and tolerance.

Ms. Qin looked at Master Zhang gratefully, "Master Zhang, you are really good. There was a choked sore in her voice.

They immediately set off to the correct address. On the way, Ms. Qin kept apologizing to Master Zhang, and Master Zhang kept comforting her and telling her not to take it to heart.

After arriving at the correct address, Master Zhang started the work of unlocking again. This time, he was more skillful and quickly unlocked the door. Ms. Qin nervously pushed open the door, only to see her friend sitting in the living room unharmed, watching TV.

It turned out that my friend's mobile phone was out of battery, and her ears were not very good, so she didn't hear Ms. Qin's knock on the door and the phone ringing. Seeing Ms. Qin and Master Zhang, the friend was very surprised, but also very happy.

The big stone in Ms. Qin's heart finally landed, and she looked at Master Zhang gratefully, "Master Zhang, this time it's really thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do." "

Master Zhang smiled and waved his hand, "It's okay, Ms. Qin, it's my duty to help others." His voice was full of warmth and kindness.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

This experience made Ms. Qin's admiration for Master Zhang even greater. She knows that Master Zhang is not only highly skilled, but also has a helpful heart. And Master Zhang, because of this experience, is even more convinced that his work is meaningful, can help others, and bring peace of mind and warmth to others.

That night, Master Zhang was urgently summoned by Ms. Qin, and because she was worried about her friend's safety, she mistakenly took Master Zhang to her friend's house to unlock the lock. Master Zhang didn't ask too much, he understood Ms. Qin's worries and quickly rushed to the scene. In the night, they stood in front of their friend's house, and Master Zhang took out his tools and began his skillful lockpicking work.

Ms. Qin stood aside, looking around nervously, silently hoping that her friend would be safe. At that moment, the door suddenly opened, and a figure rushed out of the room, wielding a shiny katana in his hand. This man was a friend of Ms. Qin's, and he mistakenly thought that there was a thief in his home, and out of an instinctive reaction of self-defense, he launched an attack on Master Zhang.

Master Zhang was taken aback by the sudden attack, and he instinctively raised the tools in his hand to try to resist. But the sharpness of the katana was not comparable to the ordinary tools in his hand, and as a result, Master Zhang's fingers were unfortunately cut off, and the blood immediately stained the ground red.

Ms. Qin screamed, she didn't expect that she was worried about her friend's safety, but she accidentally put Master Zhang in danger. Her friend was also stunned, realizing that he might have misunderstood the situation, and he immediately put down the katana in his hand and watched in horror at what was happening in front of him.

"I... I didn't mean to, I thought there was a burglar in the house! The man's voice trembled, and he looked at Master Zhang's injured hand, feeling extreme guilt and panic.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

Although Master Zhang was in unbearable pain, he still tried his best to stay calm, he knew that now was not the time to blame, and he needed to treat his wounds as soon as possible. "Quick, help me stop the bleeding, and then call an ambulance." Although Master Zhang's voice was weak, it revealed a hint of firmness.

Ms. Qin quickly came back to her senses, and she followed Master Zhang's instructions and pressed the wound tightly with her clothes to try to slow down the blood flow. Her friend immediately called 120 for emergency help.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, Master Zhang sat on the stairs with Ms. Qin and his friend by his side, both of whom felt very guilty. Although Master Zhang was seriously injured, he still comforted them, "It's okay, it's not your fault, it's just an accident." "

The ambulance soon arrived at the scene, and the paramedics quickly treated Master Zhang and sent him to the hospital. In the hospital, Master Zhang underwent emergency surgery, and the doctors did their best to get his severed finger back.

Despite the success of the surgery, it is still unknown whether Master Zhang's fingers will be fully functional. He lay on the hospital bed, looking at his bandaged hands, and his heart was mixed. He knows that as a lockpicker, the dexterity of his fingers is crucial to him. But he also understands that there are always unforeseen accidents in life, and he must face them strongly.

Ms. Qin and her friends often visit Master Zhang in the hospital, and they feel very guilty about Master Zhang's injuries, while also expressing their admiration for his bravery and tolerance. After the story of Master Zhang spread in the community, many people were touched by his story, and his strength and optimism became a topic of discussion.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding the future, Master Zhang did not give up hope. He believes that as long as he doesn't give up, he will one day be able to pick up the tools again and continue the lockpicking work he loves. And Ms. Qin and her friends, because of this incident, cherish each other's friendship even more, and know how to support and understand each other in life.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

After Master Zhang's finger was cut off with a katana, it is still unknown whether he will be able to regain function in the future despite undergoing emergency surgery. This sudden blow cast a shadow over his life and career.

As a locksmith, Master Zhang's craft is well-known in the community. His fingers are nimble and steady, and he is able to handle a wide range of complex locks with ease. But now, his fingers are tightly wrapped in bandages, making even the most basic movements difficult. In the dead of night, Master Zhang lay on the bed, looking at his injured hand, and couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

In life, Master Zhang also faced many inconveniences. What used to be an easy chore is now extremely difficult. Even if it is simple to carry things and put on clothes, it takes several times more time and energy than usual. He began to try to adapt to life with his other hand, but each attempt made him frustrated.

The professional impact is even more direct and far-reaching. Lockpicking requires a high level of dexterity and precision for the fingers, and Master Zhang's injury forced him to temporarily say goodbye to the work he loved. He didn't know when he would be able to pick up the tools again and when he would be able to solve the lock problem for the residents of the community again. This uncertainty left him feeling anxious and lost.

Ms. Qin and her friends often come to the hospital to visit Master Zhang, and their hearts are filled with guilt and sympathy when they see Master Zhang's plight. They tried their best to help Master Zhang with some daily affairs, hoping to take some of the pressure off him. But Master Zhang knew that he couldn't rely on the help of others forever, and he needed to find a way to get himself back on his feet.

At the hospital's rehabilitation center, Master Zhang began his arduous rehabilitation training. The physiotherapist developed a detailed rehabilitation plan for him, including various finger extensions, grip strength training, and fine motor exercises. Every training session made Master Zhang feel pain and exhaustion, but he never gave up. He knew that it was only through relentless effort that it would be possible to restore the function of his fingers.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

As time passed, Master Zhang's fingers gradually gained some sensation and mobility. While there is still a long way to go before a full recovery, these small improvements give him hope and motivation. He began to try to use his injured hand to perform simple movements, such as holding a pen and chopsticks, and although the movements were clumsy, each attempt was a step towards recovery.

Master Zhang's story spread in the community, and many were touched by his tenacity and courage. They came to the hospital to visit Master Zhang and brought him flowers and words of encouragement. The love and support from the community makes Master Zhang feel warm and empowered.

Faced with a possible long-term disability, Master Zhang's life and career have been greatly affected. But he was not crushed by the difficulties, but chose to face and fight bravely. He believes that as long as he doesn't give up, he will one day be able to overcome difficulties and rediscover his life and career. In the process, Master Cheung has not only earned the respect and admiration of the community, but also become an inspiring role model.

What happened to Master Zhang made Ms. Qin and her friends feel very guilty and remorseful. They knew that if it weren't for their own misunderstanding, Master Zhang would not have suffered such an injury. They were even more heartbroken when they heard the news that Master Zhang might face a long-term disability.

After discussion, Ms. Qin and her friend decided to bear all of Master Zhang's medical expenses and provide some compensation. They knew that none of this could make up for the damage suffered by Master Zhang, but at least they could express their sincerity and apologies.

When Ms. Qin and her friend made this offer to Master Zhang, Master Zhang was silent. He knows that his future life and career will face great challenges, and these medical expenses and compensation can alleviate his stress to a certain extent. But at the same time, I want to say that he also feels helpless, because he hopes to recover his health and return to the work he loves.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

After some thought, Master Zhang finally accepted Ms. Qin and her friend's proposal. He knew that they were also well-intentioned and wanted to be able to help him a little. And he understands that he needs this support to face his future life.

Ms. Qin and her friend immediately took action, they contacted the hospital, found out about Master Zhang's medical expenses, and promised to bear all the expenses. In addition, I would like to say that they also provided Master Zhang with a compensation payment, hoping to bring some improvement to his life.

Master Cheung expressed her gratitude to Ms. Qin and her friends for their generosity. He knew that they didn't mean to hurt him, and that they had done their best to make up for the mistake. He doesn't want them to be burdened with too much psychological burden, and he prefers to be able to recover his health as soon as possible and return to his job.

After receiving the help of Ms. Qin and her friends, Master Zhang's rehabilitation treatment was better guaranteed. He can focus more on his rehabilitation and not worry about medical bills. At the same time, I would like to say that he also has more time and energy to think about his future and find a new lifestyle and job that suits him.

Although Master Zhang's heart was still full of helplessness and confusion, he also saw a glimmer of hope. He believes that with enough support and help, he will be able to overcome the difficulties in front of him and find a new path of his own.

Ms. Qin and her friends also often visit Master Zhang in the hospital, where they are concerned about his recovery and encourage him to maintain a positive attitude. The misunderstandings and estrangements between them have been eliminated and replaced by a deep friendship and trust.

Master Zhang's story spread through the community, and many were touched by his tenacity and optimism. They came to the hospital to visit Master Zhang and brought him flowers and words of encouragement. The love and support from the community makes Master Zhang feel warm and empowered.

In 2018, the locksmith helped to open the lock, and after opening the door, 7 fingers were cut off, beauty: I didn't say it was my house

In the process, Master Zhang, Ms. Qin, and her friends have all experienced growth and change. They have learned to face difficulties, to take responsibility, and to cherish their friendship with each other. Although the road ahead is still full of challenges, they believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to overcome difficulties together and meet a better tomorrow.

As Master Zhang's recovery progressed slowly but firmly, the discussion in the community about the events of that night was far from subsided. While sympathizing with Master Zhang's plight, people also began to raise some questions. Why did Ms. Qin mistakenly take Master Zhang to a friend's house to pick the lock? Why would a man carry a knife in his own home, mistakenly believing that a thief was invading? These suspicions seem to point to deeper security issues.

First of all, Ms. Qin's concerns, while well-intentioned, lacked the necessary caution in her actions. She didn't check her friend's safety by other means, such as contacting friends, family, or neighbors, so she rushed to turn to the lock. This not only brought unnecessary trouble to himself, but also brought danger to Master Zhang. This reminds us to care about others while also making sure that our actions do not have unintended consequences.

Secondly, the man's behavior of carrying a knife in his own home reflects his extreme vigilance for personal safety. While this vigilance is necessary to some extent, it also exposes a question: how do we balance personal safety with a reasonable response to emergencies? What steps should we take to protect ourselves at home without overreacting to the point of harming innocent people?

In addition, I would like to say that this incident has also sparked a discussion about community safety. Residents began to think about how to strengthen the safety management of the community to prevent similar incidents from happening. Do I need to install more surveillance cameras? Should property management strengthen safety management education for residents? These measures may require a concerted effort of residents, property owners, and relevant departments.

At the same time, it is also very important for individuals to raise awareness of security. We should learn how to protect ourselves in an emergency, but also how to avoid harm caused by misunderstandings. For example, when you encounter an unusual situation at home, you should first confirm the situation through the cat's eye or doorbell system, rather than taking offensive action directly.

Although Master Zhang's story is unfortunate, it is also a wake-up call for us: while caring for others, I want to say that we also need to protect ourselves from tragedy caused by good intentions. Communities and individuals should pay more attention to safety and improve their ability to respond to emergencies through appropriate measures and education.

Although this incident is an isolated case, the problems behind it are universal. It reminds us that we need to remain calm and rational and take the right actions to keep ourselves and others safe, whether in our daily lives or in an emergency. Only in this way can we build a safer and more harmonious community together.

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