
16 dead and 130 wounded! Israel launched air strikes "in three directions", and the United States, Britain and France began to "choose sides"

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16 dead and 130 wounded! Israel launched air strikes "in three directions", and the United States, Britain and France began to "choose sides"

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The Middle East, a land known as the "cradle of civilization", is now mired in the quagmire of war, continuous conflicts, intertwined with historical grievances, religious contradictions and geopolitical games, like a huge vortex, ruthlessly involving neighboring countries and forces, and recently, a series of military actions by Israel have once again pushed the situation in the Middle East to the cusp, but also cast a heavier shadow on this turbulent land

Israel's raid on the Middle East has made waves again

Yemen under the cover of night, should be a quiet and peaceful scene, a deafening explosion broke the silence of the night, Israel warplanes, like ghosts in the night, cut through the long sky, launched a fierce attack on the intended target, the fire soared, the smoke billowed out, the once calm night instantly turned into purgatory on earth

16 dead and 130 wounded! Israel launched air strikes "in three directions", and the United States, Britain and France began to "choose sides"

The picture comes from the Internet

The Israel airstrikes targeted Houthi strongholds in Yemen's Hodeidah region, and multiple targets, including oil storage facilities and a power plant, were reportedly targeted and a raging fire broke out at the site, causing heavy casualties and property damage

Why did Israel spread the flames of war thousands of miles to Yemen? It all started with an attack in Tel Aviv a few days ago, when several drones suddenly appeared over Tel Aviv and launched attacks on targets in the city, causing casualties and damage to buildings, and Israel blamed the Houthis for the attack and vowed to retaliate

Analysts pointed out that Israel's airstrikes on Yemen were launched in retaliation for previous drone attacks by the Houthis, and on the other hand, they were also a warning to their backers, Iran, who Israel have long regarded Iran as the biggest threat to regional security and accused them of expanding their influence in the Middle East by supporting proxies such as the Houthis

Israel this operation is undoubtedly a dangerous escalation of the regional situation, which not only exacerbates the contradictions between the Israel and the Houthis, but also exacerbates the tension between the Israel and the Iran Israel

16 dead and 130 wounded! Israel launched air strikes "in three directions", and the United States, Britain and France began to "choose sides"

The picture comes from the Internet

Is it tough or helpless to fight against three?

On the same day that Israel launched air strikes on Yemen, Israel warplanes also launched air strikes against targets in southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip Israel

Israel airstrikes in southern Lebanon were reportedly targeted by Allah strongholds, Israel said the Allah had previously fired rockets at Israel Israel the action was a response to its provocations, while in the Gaza Strip, Israel warplanes launched airstrikes against Hamas militant targets, causing many casualties, and Israel said the airstrikes were in retaliation for the Hamas militants firing rockets at Israel

Within a day, Israel launched air strikes on targets in three different directions, demonstrating its ability and determination to "fight on multiple fronts." Behind this tough posture, it also reflects the grim security situation facing Israel

16 dead and 130 wounded! Israel launched air strikes "in three directions", and the United States, Britain and France began to "choose sides"

The picture comes from the Internet

For a long time, Israel has been in an "embattled" situation, and most of its neighboring countries and regions have a hostile attitude towards it and support anti-Israeli forces such as Palestine, and in recent years, with the continuous expansion of Iran's influence in the Middle East, Israel's security environment has deteriorated day by day

In the face of increasing external pressure, Israel has to adopt a tougher posture to safeguard its own security, and this method of "countering violence with violence" will not only not help solve the problem, but may further intensify the contradictions and put Israel in a more dangerous situation

Allies silent, Israel isolated?

After Israel launched air strikes against Yemen, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, the international community reacted differently, the League of Arab States issued a statement condemning Israel's military action and calling on the international community to take action to stop Israel's "acts of aggression", Russia, China and other countries also expressed concern about the situation in the Middle East and called on all parties concerned to exercise restraint and resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation

16 dead and 130 wounded! Israel launched air strikes "in three directions", and the United States, Britain and France began to "choose sides"

The picture comes from the Internet

In stark contrast to widespread international condemnation and concern, United States and some of its allies have remained silent on Israel's actions, United States State Department spokesman said only that United States had "taken note" of the reports but did not comment directly on Israel's actions

The silence of the United States and its allies has sparked speculation about whether Israel is losing the support of the international community, and United States has long been the Israel's staunchest ally, providing political, economic and military support, and in recent years, there have been some subtle changes in US-Israel relations as the United States global strategy adjusts and the Israel right-wing government continues to promote settlement construction and other policies

The fact that United States not publicly expressed support for the Yemen in the Israel may indicate that the United States is reassessing its relationship with the Israel and trying to distance itself from it, and if Israel continues its hardline course, it cannot be ruled out that United States will further reduce its support

Where is the Middle East puzzle headed?

16 dead and 130 wounded! Israel launched air strikes "in three directions", and the United States, Britain and France began to "choose sides"

The picture comes from the Internet

Israel's tough actions have once again pushed the situation in the Middle East to an even more dangerous brink. Is it towards peace, or is it plunged into greater conflict? It is difficult to give a definitive answer at this time

One thing is certain, that is, peace and stability in the Middle East are in the fundamental interests of the countries and peoples of the region and the common expectations of the international community

The international community should play an active role in promoting the Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiation process and resolving the question of Palestine, the root cause of the Middle East problem, and should also encourage countries in the region to strengthen dialogue and cooperation to jointly address the challenges of terrorism and extremism

It is hoped that all parties concerned will put regional peace and stability first, work in the same direction, resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, and jointly create a bright future for the Middle East

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