
Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Who said that there is only glitz and glitz in the entertainment industry? Listen to me tell me a legend! Today, let's talk about Wang Jie, who was once the top king, but is now caught in the mystery of "poisonous and dumb". His life is simply more exciting than the movie: from the abandoned bitter child, to the generation of kings in the Chinese music scene, to the mysterious incident of sudden loss of voice. This once dominant music superstar is now a mystery. What was it that made him fall from the altar? Is it the dark side of human nature, or is it the merciless trickery of fate? Let's uncover this long-lost past and take a look at the untold story behind this legendary figure.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Difficult formative years

Fate always likes to play tricks on those who are destined to be extraordinary. Wang Jie's childhood was like a bitter love drama, which made people want to shed tears when they watched it.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Think about it, a little boy should have grown up happily under the care of his parents, but because of his parents' discord, he became an abandoned "superfluous person". At that time, Wang Jie was afraid that he never dreamed that he would become the top king of the Chinese music scene in the future, right?

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?
"There was no warmth in my childhood, only fists and verbal abuse."

This is what Wang Jie once said from the bottom of his heart. The combination of mother's fists and kicks, the divorce of parents, and the abandonment of Hong Kong at the age of 12 are enough to crush any child. But as the saying goes, "how can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain", this painful experience has exercised Wang Jie's strong character.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Fate always favors those who are prepared. When Wang Jie was at his most desperate, a kind music teacher appeared. He discovered Wang Jie's musical talent and brought him into the palace of music. Since then, music has become the most important reliance in Wang Jie's life.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

You see, that's the magic of fate. It first gives you a slap in the face, allowing you to experience the warmth and coldness of the world; And then it gives you a glimmer of hope and rekindles your love for life. Doesn't Wang Jie's story tell us: no matter how difficult it is, we must believe that life will eventually turn around?

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

A soaring career

Speaking of Wang Jie's rise, it is simply an inspirational blockbuster. Think about it, isn't it a miracle that a "wild roader" who was expelled from school at the age of 17 became famous at the age of 25?

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

1987 was a turning point for Wang Jie. He met Bole - music producer Li Shouquan. Just like Cinderella met the fairy godmother, Wang Jie's life has been hanging since then.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?
"I will always remember that day, after listening to my demo, Li Shouquan's eyes lit up and said, 'Young man, you will become a big star.'" "

That's right, Wang Jie has indeed become a big star, and he is a superstar! His debut novel, A Game, A Dream, was simply out of nowhere, with a sales record of 18 million copies that has not been broken to this day. Can you believe it? A newcomer, the first album sold so much, this is simply an open life!

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

In the following days, Wang Jie was like a hanger, singing all the way. "Forget You Forget Me", "Annie", every song is a classic among the classics. The live concert was even full, and even the "Four Heavenly Kings" were crushed by him.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Wang Jie's success tells us a truth: as long as you are talented, there will always be a day when you will be discovered. However, remember that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Wang Jie's ability to soar to the sky is not only due to luck, but also his persistence and hard work in music over the years.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

A low point in life

However, life is like a roller coaster, with highs and lows. When Wang Jie's career was booming, life gave him a blow to the head.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

The first is the family crisis. Wang Jie's wife, Mo Qiwen, suffered from severe postpartum depression after giving birth. Do you know how scary postpartum depression can be? It was a nightmare! And Wang Jie can't be by his wife's side all the time because of his busy work. This feeling of powerlessness can only be experienced by those who have experienced it.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?
"I was really helpless, with the pressure of my career on the one hand, and the crisis of my family on the other, and I felt like I was about to collapse."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Jie's career also suffered a heavy blow. The UFO record company he worked for suddenly went out of business. Think about how bad it feels to be that you're at the pinnacle of your career and suddenly your company goes out of business?

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

What's worse is that Wang Jie himself has anorexia. This is no small matter! For a singer, the body is the capital. Anorexia not only affects physical health, but also seriously affects the state of the voice.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

You see, career, family, health, the three pillars of life are all out of order. If it's you, can you bear it?

However, remember that life is like testing you. Only those who have withstood the test can achieve greater success. Wang Jie's low period may have laid the groundwork for his later "poisonous and dumb" incident.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Mysterious "poisonous mute" incident

Speaking of Wang Jie, I have to mention the incomprehensible "poisonous and dumb" incident. This incident is like a suspense movie, and no one knows the truth until now.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

In 2001, during an intermission of a performance, Wang Jie drank a "poisonous" drink. Since then, his once beautiful voice has disappeared. Imagine how terrible it is for a singer to lose his voice!

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?
"At that moment, I felt like the whole world was falling apart. My throat, my life, was ruined. "

As soon as this incident came out, the entire entertainment industry exploded. Everyone is speculating, who poisoned it? Is it peer jealousy? Or is there someone deliberately retaliating?

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Some people say that Nicholas Tse did it, because Wang Jie's success made him jealous. However, Nicholas Tse then suffered a "deliberate" car accident, which made people wonder if it was Wang Jie's revenge. There are still people who suspect that it is Alan Tam, but what about the evidence?

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

What the truth is, I'm afraid only Wang Jie himself knows. However, this incident raises a profound question for us: how many unknown dark sides are there in this competitive entertainment industry?

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Today's Wang Jie

Time flies, time flies. The former top king is now a 64-year-old man.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

In 2018, Wang Jie released a farewell album "This Game, This Dream". Does this name remind you of his famous work "A Game, a Dream"? Yes, life is like a dream, and in the blink of an eye, the high-spirited young man back then is now gray-haired.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?
"I've seen through this circle and now I just want to live a peaceful life."

Today's Wang Jie is far away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry and lives a reclusive life. Although he has a wealthy female friend by his side, the identity of the once powerful "Heavenly King" may never be reproduced again.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

However, remember that the legend of Wang Jie will never be forgotten. His story, his singing, will forever remain in our memory.

Netizens are hotly discussed

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens believed:

"Wang Jie's experience is so inspiring! Rising from suffering and becoming a top heavenly king is a spirit of struggle that we can learn from. "
Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Some netizens also said:

Although Wang Jie has now retired from the entertainment industry, his songs are still must-have KTV golden songs. This is the proof of strength! "
Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Some netizens questioned the "poisonous and dumb" incident:

"I think the 'poison and dumb' incident is a bit suspicious. If you were really poisoned, why didn't you call the police? Is there something hidden? "
Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Some netizens expressed sympathy:

Regardless of the truth, Wang Jie's experience is indeed very sympathetic. How painful it is for a singer to lose his voice! "
Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

There are also netizens who look at this matter from a positive perspective:

Although Wang Jie suffered misfortune, he did not give up. Even after losing his voice, he still struggled to create. This spirit is really admirable! "
Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

These comments reflect everyone's different views on the Wang Jie incident, and also reflect the public's understanding of the complexity of the entertainment industry.

Write at the end

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

Looking back on Wang Jie's life legend, we can't help but sigh: life is really full of ups and downs. From a suffering boy to a top king, and then to the mysterious "poisonous mute", Wang Jie's experience can be called a "living textbook" in the entertainment industry.

Nicholas Tse doesn't have to take the blame anymore, Wang Jie's "mystery of poison and dumbness", what's going on?

His story teaches us that success never comes overnight, it requires us to stay strong in the face of adversity and humble in good times. At the same time, Wang Jie's experience also shows us the complexity and cruelty of the entertainment industry.

Finally, I would like to ask you a question: if you were Wang Jie, after going through so many ups and downs, how would you view your life? Will you choose to continue to work hard in the entertainment industry, or will you choose to retire like Wang Jie now? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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