
watched the elderly played by Wu Jiayi! only then did I understand how much Yang Zishan's acting skills in "20 Years Old Again" are stretched

watched the elderly played by Wu Jiayi! only then did I understand how much Yang Zishan's acting skills in "20 Years Old Again" are stretched

Recently, the finale of the costume drama "Sauvignon Blanc 2" has made many fans feel regretful, because the vacancy of modern dramas has made the audience a little bored. In order to fill this gap, Tencent Video launched a new drama "Please, She in the Body", which tells an interesting soul swap story.

The launch of this drama has given everyone a new focus on the performance of the actors. In particular, the comparison of Wu Jiayi and Yang Zishan's acting skills in different dramas has sparked a lot of discussions. Let's take a look at the difference between the performances of these two actors.

watched the elderly played by Wu Jiayi! only then did I understand how much Yang Zishan's acting skills in "20 Years Old Again" are stretched

Wu Jiayi, the new generation of actors born in the 90s, although her name doesn't sound loud enough, her acting skills are really eye-catching. Her role as Qu Manting in "Fire Military Academy" is impressive. The character of Qu Manting looks like a weak little white rabbit on the outside, but her lines and performance are like the roar of an evil dragon. Wu Jiayi shows the character's character to the fullest, and her words and deeds are full of power. Especially when Qu Manting quarrels with others in the play, Wu Jiayi's domineering performance really makes people feel that she is not just acting, but completely integrated into the world of the character.

Transferred to "Please, She in the Body", Wu Jiayi's performance is still eye-catching. In this drama, she plays Liu Xiuying, an elderly person with a strong personality, and the soul swap setting in the play gives her the opportunity to show the different youth and vitality of the elderly. Wu Jiayi brought a lot of surprises to the audience through this drama. In some intense fight scenes, her performance feels very natural. Every change in her eyes and every line can make people feel the real emotions of the character, and this performance is really admirable.

watched the elderly played by Wu Jiayi! only then did I understand how much Yang Zishan's acting skills in "20 Years Old Again" are stretched

Especially the rivalry between Wu Jiayi and the old drama bone Yang Kun makes people even more impressed by her acting skills. Through subtle changes in expression, she expresses complex emotions very well. The slightest frown on her brow and the change in her eyes can make people feel the struggle and pain in her heart. Her performance is not only based on skill, but also on her deep understanding and real commitment to the role. Every detail seems so natural, making people feel that she is really fully integrated into the world of Liu Xiuying's character.

Watching her performance, you can clearly feel her dedication to the role, her acting skills are not just superficial performances, but fully show the inner world of the character. Wu Jiayi obviously has a solid professional training background and talent, coupled with her own strong expressiveness, which makes her able to achieve the ultimate in detail in each role, which brings a deep impression to the audience.

watched the elderly played by Wu Jiayi! only then did I understand how much Yang Zishan's acting skills in "20 Years Old Again" are stretched

Compared with Wu Jiayi, Yang Zishan's performance is a little inferior. Yang Zishan debuted as a singer before, and later transformed into an actor, but in "20 Years Old Again", her acting performance was a little disappointing. Although the theme of the movie's soul swap is very innovative, Yang Zishan's performance in the film did not bring the desired effect. The character she plays, Mengjun, has a stiff facial expression and a lack of natural expression of emotion. Her movements and expressions in the film feel like they are deliberately performing, and they don't achieve the desired effect.

Although Yang Zishan tried a lot of different actions in "20 Years Old Again", showing an effort to attract attention, the audience's feedback was not as expected. Her acting skills often give people a stiff feeling, as if she is deliberately concave rather than naturally blending into the character. Some netizens commented that her actions in the film looked like she was constantly posing, and although the movements were varied, they all carried a sense of contrivedness. For example, in a scene where Yang Zishan was fighting with her opponent on stage, her expression changed and looked a little stiff, as if she was deliberately squeezing out a smile. Someone wrote on the social platform: "Yang Zishan's performance is really a little embarrassing, every time she tries to express her emotions with movements, it feels like a hard concave posture, and there is no natural feeling at all." ”

watched the elderly played by Wu Jiayi! only then did I understand how much Yang Zishan's acting skills in "20 Years Old Again" are stretched

Another netizen also mentioned: "I feel that Yang Zishan is like taking a script in the movie, acting one by one, and not integrating the emotions of the characters into it at all." Her smile is very forced, and she always looks like she is posing for a photo when she acts. Some viewers even compared her with Wu Jiayi, and felt that Wu Jiayi's performance was obviously more natural and smooth. Some netizens commented: "The naturalness that Wu Jiayi showed in "Please, She in the Body" dwarfed Yang Zishan's acting skills in "20 Years Old Again". Wu Jiayi's every expression and movement is very real, making people feel that she is really that character. ”

Some netizens concluded: "After watching Yang Zishan's performance, I think her performance is really blunt, and there is no way to compare with Wu Jiayi's natural acting skills." In this movie, Yang Zishan feels that she is deliberately showing herself more than playing a role. These comments show that Yang Zishan's acting skills have been challenged, and although she tries hard to show herself, the naturalness of her performance and the recognition of the audience need to be improved.

watched the elderly played by Wu Jiayi! only then did I understand how much Yang Zishan's acting skills in "20 Years Old Again" are stretched

Netizens' opinions on this drama are a little complicated, and the discussion is hot. Regarding Yang Zishan's performance, many people felt that it was not as expected, and some netizens complained directly on social platforms: "I think the plot of this drama is okay, but Yang Zishan's acting skills are really dragging its feet." Her expression was always so stiff that it felt unreal, and in some places it even made me play. ”

Some netizens feel that although there are no major problems with the script and director, the performance of the actors has greatly reduced the attractiveness of the entire series. Someone wrote in the comment area: "The storyline of this drama is actually quite interesting, but Yang Zishan's acting skills are disappointing." She is indeed inferior to Wu Jiayi in character building, and I feel that she is more 'acting' roles rather than 'living' roles. ”

watched the elderly played by Wu Jiayi! only then did I understand how much Yang Zishan's acting skills in "20 Years Old Again" are stretched

There are also quite a few different voices on the overall evaluation of the series. Some viewers felt that the performance of other actors in the play also made people feel bland, and some commented: "Except for Yang Zishan, the performance of other actors is not much surprising, especially in the supporting roles, some of them are quite mediocre." The highlights in the play are basically focused on Wu Jiayi. ”

Another netizen paid attention to the costumes and sets in the play, and felt that these aspects were not bad: "Although the performance of the actors is a little disappointing, the costumes and scene layout in the play are quite textured, which can be regarded as adding a lot of points to the series." ”

The difference between Wu Jiayi and Yang Zishan's acting skills is obvious. Wu Jiayi won the appreciation of the audience with her professional background and solid acting skills, while Yang Zishan was criticized for her poor performance. If Yang Zishan can devote more energy to improving her acting skills, maybe she will have a better performance in the future. But for now, focusing on her music career may be more in line with her characteristics.

watched the elderly played by Wu Jiayi! only then did I understand how much Yang Zishan's acting skills in "20 Years Old Again" are stretched

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