
Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

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Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

Follow me, every day has a good mood, good luck, and good things! Like and follow, start a lucky life!

"The moonlight is like silver, illuminating whose affection? Is it the infatuated scholar, or the courtesan who bravely pursues love? In the vast sea of folk tales, "The Legend of Chunxiang" is undoubtedly one of the bright pearls, it has crossed the times, touched the hearts of countless people, love is always the eternal theme in literary works, and "The Legend of Chunxiang" shows us the multiple faces of love, sweetness, bitterness, and more realistic helplessness

Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

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When love is clothed with power

Li Menglong, a handsome and chic, talented noble son, his appearance, like a dazzling sunshine, illuminates Chunxiang's originally ordinary life, he was born in a famous family, in a high position, is the ideal object in the hearts of countless girls, when love and power are intertwined, can it still maintain the original purity? Li Menglong's love for Chunxiang, is it a sincere dedication or a sense of superiority based on identity and status?

Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

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In the movie, director Kim Dae-woo unveiled the mystery of this love story for us from the perspective of Li Menglong's personal servant Fang Zi, through Fang Zi's eyes, we saw a more real and more complex Li Menglong, he will show a gentle and considerate side in front of Chunxiang, chanting poems against each other, flowers before the moon, and doing his best to be romantic, when the opportunity for career promotion is in front of him, he can give Chunxiang to others without hesitation, as if she is just an object that can be manipulated at will, such love, It's not so much a pleasure as a possession, a satisfaction of one's own desires

"Chunxiang, don't worry, I will definitely come back to pick you up," Li Menglong left such a promise, turned around and embarked on the road of chasing fame, for Chunxiang, this promise is more like a castle in the air, ethereal, unattainable, love, in the face of power, seems so fragile

Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

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Humble hope cannot be exchanged for equal love

Chunxiang, a courtesan from a humble birth, but has a face that captivates the country and a heart that longs for true love, before meeting Li Menglong, her world may only have endless darkness and despair, Li Menglong's appearance is like a dawn, bringing her hope and longing, the gap in identity, like an insurmountable gap, lies between them

Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

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Chunxiang admires Li Menglong's talent and demeanor, and is more eager to use his power to get rid of his humble background and change the trajectory of fate, she naively thinks that as long as she loves him enough, she can be treated equally, but the reality gave her a hard blow, Li Menglong can abandon her for the sake of her career, can treat her as a plaything, and can decide her fate at will, in Li Menglong's eyes, Chunxiang may be just a beautiful ornament, a trophy that can be shown off, but it is not a lover worthy of cherishing and respect

With the appearance of this Fangzi, it brought a trace of warmth to Chunxiang's cold heart, although Fangzi is only Li Menglong's servant, but his love for Chunxiang is sincere and warm, he will accompany Chunxiang silently when she is sad, will stand up when she is in danger, and is even willing to give up his life for her Can Chunxiang really accept this love without identity and status protection?

Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

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The perspective of a faithful servant provides a glimpse into the complexity of human nature

Fang Zi, a seemingly ordinary servant, has become an indispensable key figure in the movie, as a bystander, he witnesses the germination, development and final rupture of the love between Li Menglong and Chunxiang, he silently guards Chunxiang, gives everything for her, but never gets her sincere response

Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

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Fang Zi's "pure love" is a bright color in the movie, and it is also an exploration of the complexity of human nature, he may not have Li Menglong's handsome and chic, and he does not have his family background, but his love for Chunxiang is pure and selfless, he can give everything for Chunxiang, even at the expense of disobeying the master's orders, behind this "pure love", is there also a trace of inferiority and helplessness? He knew that Chunxiang loved Li Menglong, but he still chose to guard it silently, is this true love or a kind of self-touching?

In the movie, Fang Zi accidentally changed his fate because he helped Chunxiang find a shoe, this shoe seems to have become a symbol of fate, linking two people who originally had no intersection together, is the arrangement of fate really so coincidental? Perhaps, this is just Fang Zi's wishful thinking, and he is looking for a reasonable explanation for the love he can't get

Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

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The mirror of reality reflects the greed of human nature

Although the story of "The Legend of Chunxiang" takes place in ancient times, the theme it explores still has a strong practical significance, in today's society, the contradiction between love and bread, ideal and reality still exists, each of us longs for a pure and beautiful love, but the pressure of reality often makes us have to make compromises and choices

Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

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Haruka's choice may be a dilemma that many people will face, on the one hand, the temptation of a position of power, on the other hand, the desire for sincere love, how to choose? Li Menglong's "scum" is not an exception, in real life, we often meet such people, they regard love as a game, play with feelings, and ultimately hurt those who really give

The story of "The Legend of Chun Xiang" is like a mirror, reflecting the greed and selfishness of human nature, it reminds us that on the road to happiness, we must keep a clear head and not be blinded by desire, love is beautiful, but it should not be based on sacrificing oneself and hurting others

Korea costume movie recommendation "Fang Zi Biography"

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