
Just because she took a plate of walnuts, her daughter-in-law, who was 4 months pregnant, was scolded by her mother-in-law and beaten by her husband

My name is Lao Wang, I am 38 years old and I am from a small county in Henan. Two weeks ago, I came to Shanghai with my wife, Xiaohong, and two children, hoping to find a place in this bustling metropolis.

With dreams and modest savings, we rented a small rental house. There was only a bed and a table in the room, but we all felt it was only temporary. We believe that as long as we work hard, everything will be fine.

Just because she took a plate of walnuts, her daughter-in-law, who was 4 months pregnant, was scolded by her mother-in-law and beaten by her husband

However, the reality is harsh. Two weeks later, I still haven't found a job. Every day, I go out early and return late, and I walk all over the streets and alleys, but I always eat behind closed doors.

"I'm sorry, we need to have a Shanghai hukou."

"I'm sorry, you're a little older."

"Sorry, we're only hiring experienced people."

Listening to these cold rejections, my heart sank day by day.

When I got home, looking at the expectant eyes of my wife and children, I could only barely squeeze out a smile: "Wait, there will be good news." "

To save money, we eat instant noodles every day. One pack in the morning and one in the evening, with an occasional egg. It felt fresh for the first few days, but soon, the voices of complaints began to appear.

"Dad, I don't want to eat noodles anymore." Son Xiao Ming said with a frown.

"Yes, Wang, the children need nutrition." His wife Xiaohong couldn't help but complain.

I looked at the steaming instant noodles on the table, and my heart was like a knife. I know it's not the way to go. But what can I do?

I can't believe that the beautiful dream I had before coming to Shanghai has now become a dilemma of being accompanied by instant noodles every day.

That night, I couldn't sleep for a long time. Lying on the cramped bed, listening to the even breathing of my wife and children, my heart was filled with self-blame and anxiety.

I began to wonder if I had made the right decision. Isn't it too hasty? Is it overestimating your own abilities? Is it underestimating the competitive pressure in Shanghai?

The thought of the little savings I had left at home made me panic even more. What can we do if we can't find a job anymore?

Early the next morning, I started a new day of job hunting. This time, I decided to try my luck further afield.

I got on a bus to the suburbs. Outside the car window, Shanghai's high-rise buildings are disappearing, replaced by factories and construction sites.

Just because she took a plate of walnuts, her daughter-in-law, who was 4 months pregnant, was scolded by her mother-in-law and beaten by her husband

Suddenly, I saw a food stall on the side of the road looking for workers. I quickly got out of the car and ran over.

"Boss, are you still looking for people here?" I asked breathlessly.

The boss looked me up and down: "It's a move, but you don't look like you're doing this." "

I hurriedly said, "I can learn anything, just give me a chance." "

The boss hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Okay, you try it first." The salary is paid daily, 50 yuan a day. "

I was happy that although the salary was not high, it was at least a start.

When I got home, I told my wife and children the news.

"50 dollars a day?" Xiaohong said with some dissatisfaction, "This is too little." "

I smiled wryly and said, "It's better than nothing." Besides, it's only temporary. "

Son Xiao Ming suddenly said, "Dad, I'll go find a job tomorrow." I can go and hand out flyers. "

When I heard this, I was both moved and saddened. My son is only 12 years old, and he should go to school carefree, but now he has to worry about his family.

I touched Xiao Ming's head: "No, Dad will figure it out." You just have to study hard. "

From the next day, I went out before dawn every day and didn't come back until late at night. The work is very hard, often standing for more than ten hours. But every time I think that my wife and children are still waiting for me at home, I grit my teeth and persevere.

However, a salary of 50 yuan a day is really a drop in the bucket. Even with frugality, our savings are dwindling day by day.

Red begins to become more and more irritable. One day, she finally couldn't help but explode.

"Lao Wang, when will we stop eating instant noodles?" She cried and said, "The children are all thin, I feel distressed!" "

I was speechless and could only hold her silently.

At this moment, Xiao Ming and his sister Xiao Li ran in from outside.

Just because she took a plate of walnuts, her daughter-in-law, who was 4 months pregnant, was scolded by her mother-in-law and beaten by her husband

"Dad, Mom, look!" Xiao Ming said excitedly, "We made money!" "

Xiaohong and I looked at the money in the children's hands in amazement.

It turned out that Xiao Ming and Xiao Li took advantage of our inattention and secretly went to the gate of the community to distribute flyers. Although they only earned 20 yuan, they had a proud smile on their faces.

Looking at the smiling faces of the children, I suddenly felt a pang of shame. Even the children are working hard, so why should I give up?

That night, our family had a family meeting.

"Dad, we're not afraid of hardship." Xiao Ming said seriously, "As long as we are together, we will definitely be able to get through it." "

Xiaoli also nodded: "Yes, Dad." We believe in you. "

Listening to the children's immature but determined voices, my eyes moistened. I looked at Xiaohong, and her eyes were also shining with tears.

"I'm sorry, Wang." Xiaohong took my hand, "I shouldn't have complained. Let's do it together. "

I took a deep breath and felt the support and trust of my family. I know that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as we are united, we will definitely break through the world.

From that day on, our whole family took action.

I continued to work at the food stall while using my evenings to learn new skills. Xiaohong also got a job as a supermarket cashier. Although the salary is not high, at least it can reduce the burden on the family.

The children were not idle. Xiao Ming and Xiao Li go to the gate of the community every day after school to distribute flyers. Although they didn't make much, I was touched by the pride on their faces.

Slowly, our lives have changed for the better. Although we still have to eat instant noodles regularly, we have been able to improve our food once in a while.

One day, while working at a food stall, I met an unexpected person.

"Lao Wang? It's really you! A familiar voice came.

When I looked up, it turned out to be my little old Li in my hometown. He is now a project manager for a construction company and has been in Shanghai for 10 years.

Seeing my situation, Lao Li was very surprised: "How did you fall to this point?" "

I smiled wryly and told him about my experience during this time.

After listening to this, Lao Li patted me on the shoulder: "Brother, your courage is commendable. But there's no way out for you to do odd jobs like this. Our company is hiring recently, do you want to give it a try? "

I looked at Lao Li in surprise: "Really? But... I don't have any experience. "

Lao Li smiled and said, "It's okay, start from the grassroots level." As long as you are willing to learn and work, there will always be opportunities. "

In this way, I quit my job at the food stall and started working as a small worker in Lao Li's company. Although the work is still hard, the pay is much better than before, and there are opportunities to learn and advance.

Every night when I get home, I teach Ming and Li what I have learned on the construction site. Seeing the children listening attentively filled my heart with hope.

Xiaohong is also becoming more and more comfortable working in the supermarket. She often brings back some food that is about to expire, which has greatly improved our food.

Slowly, instant noodles are no longer the protagonist of our table. We started to be able to afford to buy fresh vegetables and meat.

Looking at the changes on the dining table, Xiao Ming said happily: "Dad, we finally don't have to eat noodles every day!" "

I smiled and touched his head: "yes, it's all the result of our whole family working together. "

However, just when our lives were just improving, an unexpected blow struck.

That day, I accidentally fell off the scaffolding while working on the construction site. Although not life-threatening, he fractured his right leg and needed to stay in bed for at least two months.

The news came like a bolt from the blue, shattering the hope we had so hard to build.

Lying in the hospital bed, my heart was like a knife. What will my family do without my salary? Rent, living expenses, children's tuition, all these all need money.

Xiaohong came to the hospital every day to take care of me, but I could see the worry and exhaustion in her eyes.

"Lao Wang, don't worry." Xiaohong said with a smile, "I have already told the supermarket manager that I will work for a few more hours." "

I looked at her distressedly: "Xiaohong, I'm sorry, I'm useless..."

Xiaohong interrupted me: "Don't say that. We are a family, sharing ups and downs. You can recuperate with peace of mind, and we will figure out the rest. "

At this moment, Xiao Ming and Xiao Li also came to the hospital.

"Dad, we have an idea!" Xiao Ming said excitedly.

It turned out that the children planned to use the weekends to open "after-school tutoring classes" in the community. Xiao Ming is responsible for teaching mathematics, and Xiao Li is responsible for teaching Chinese.

"We've already handed out flyers, and several kids have signed up!" Xiaoli said proudly.

Listening to the children's plans, I couldn't help but cry. When did our children become so sensible?

And so, in the two months that I was recuperating from my injuries, the whole family went into action.

Xiaohong works more than ten hours a day, and Xiao Ming and Xiaoli hold tutoring classes at home on weekends. Even Lao Li often visited me and brought some books on architecture to encourage me to study more during my recuperation.

Slowly, I realized that instead of knocking us down, the accident brought our whole family closer together. We encourage each other, support each other, and face difficulties together.

Two months later, I was finally discharged from the hospital. After returning to the company, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my business ability had improved a lot because of this period of study. Lao Li saw it in his eyes and decided to give me a chance to be an assistant.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been a year since we came to Shanghai.

Now, I have been promoted from an ordinary worker to a project assistant. Xiaohong also became a team leader in the supermarket. The children's grades are at the top of the school, and their "tutoring class" business is getting better and better.

Although our lives are not rich, they are much better than when we first arrived. We no longer need to eat instant noodles every day, but can often go to a small restaurant in the neighborhood to enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal.

I think back to that night a year ago, when my family was huddled in a cramped rental house, worried about facing a table of instant noodles. And now, we have the ability to rent a bigger house, and the children finally have their own little world.

One night, our whole family sat around the table and enjoyed a rare family dinner.

"Dad, do you remember when we first came to Shanghai?" Xiao Ming asked suddenly.

I smiled and nodded, "Of course I do." At that time, we ate instant noodles every day. "

Xiaoli playfully said: "Now we don't have to eat instant noodles anymore!" "

Xiaohong held my hand, tears flashing in her eyes: "Lao Wang, thank you for bringing us to Shanghai." It was tough at first, but we got through it. "

I looked at her affectionately: "No, thank you. It was your support and trust that gave me the courage to persevere. "

Looking at the sumptuous dishes on the table and the happy smiling faces of my family, I suddenly realized that our Shanghai dream has finally come true.

Maybe we're not very rich yet, maybe we still have a long way to go. But I believe that as long as we are united as a family, there is no difficulty that we cannot overcome.


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