
When 45-year-old Feng Shaofeng and 45-year-old Qiao Zhenyu are in the same frame! only to find out what is the domineering that height brings to men

When 45-year-old Feng Shaofeng and 45-year-old Qiao Zhenyu are in the same frame! only to find out what is the domineering that height brings to men

In July 2024, the summer entertainment industry will be in full swing, and major video platforms and the film industry will launch eye-catching new works. Mango TV's "Chinese Restaurant", "Escape Room" and "Flowers and Boys" have been launched, and new films such as "Silent Killing" and "Catching Dolls" have also appeared in movies. Of particular interest is the sci-fi blockbuster "Under the Inhuman", which will be released on July 26, which combines elements of zombies and superpowers, and has attracted the expectations of a large number of fans.

"Under the Alien" has a strong lineup, with powerful actors such as Feng Shaofeng, Qiao Zhenyu and Hu Xianxu gathered together. A recent party brought the demeanor of the two leading actors, Feng Shaofeng and Qiao Zhenyu, into the spotlight, and their performance at the event became a hot topic.

When 45-year-old Feng Shaofeng and 45-year-old Qiao Zhenyu are in the same frame! only to find out what is the domineering that height brings to men

At the party of "Under the Alien", the difference between Qiao Zhenyu and Feng Shaofeng's state is really obvious. Qiao Zhenyu's presence was simply the highlight of the event, and his appearance made the whole scene instantly lively. He is tall and tall, and his height of 1.82 meters makes him stand out from the crowd. Wearing a neat suit, he walked with the wind, and he raised the aura of the whole person. His performance on stage is very energetic, with smooth movements and light dancing, as if every step carries an aura of confidence. His smile is also particularly charming, with a slight smile in the corner of his eye, which makes people feel that he is not just performing, but completely immersed in the atmosphere of the event.

Many netizens discussed on social platforms: "Qiao Zhenyu is really handsome, his dancing posture makes people unconsciously move with him!" Another person commented: "His temperament really has nothing to say, he doesn't look like a 45-year-old at all, I feel that he will always be young." ”

And Feng Shaofeng on the side looked a little different. His performance was noticeably less eye-catching. Although he also tried to blend in with the atmosphere of the event, judging from his dancing, it was a bit stiff and not natural enough. Feng Shaofeng's height is 1.78 meters, although he is not short, but he seems a little deficient in front of Qiao Zhenyu. What's even more embarrassing is that his more "greasy" style, whether it is dress or demeanor, makes people feel a little outdated. The suit Feng Shaofeng was wearing didn't look so decent, even a little casual, and the whole image was a little out of touch with his state of activity.

When 45-year-old Feng Shaofeng and 45-year-old Qiao Zhenyu are in the same frame! only to find out what is the domineering that height brings to men

Height really became a clear point of contrast at this event. Qiao Zhenyu's height advantage completely makes him stand out from the crowd. He is 1.82 meters tall, and when he stands at the event site, his upright posture and natural aura are really eye-catching. Many people say that his presence is simply invincible, and every step he takes seems so powerful that it completely attracts everyone's attention. Netizens said: "Qiao Zhenyu's height is really too advantageous, he stands there, and his aura completely suppresses people!" Someone else commented: "Standing there, he seems to be able to feel a youthful wind, and this temperament is really irreplaceable." ”

In stark contrast to Qiao Zhenyu's tall is Feng Shaofeng. Although he also tried to behave appropriately at the event, his height of 1.78 meters was slightly inferior to Qiao Zhenyu. Feng Shaofeng's height seems to have become a shortcoming in this event, especially when he is in the same frame as Qiao Zhenyu. His performance was a bit of a struggle. Many netizens commented: "Feng Shaofeng's height is a little different, and he looks a little cramped. And his aura always seems to be incomparable to Qiao Zhenyu. Another person mentioned: "Although he is also working hard, I feel that his temperament is a little outdated and completely unable to keep up with the trend." ”

The audience's evaluation of Qiao Zhenyu was generally positive, and his natural performance and handsome aura at the event received a lot of praise. Qiao Zhenyu's every action and smile can arouse the audience's admiration, highlighting his charm as an actor.

When 45-year-old Feng Shaofeng and 45-year-old Qiao Zhenyu are in the same frame! only to find out what is the domineering that height brings to men

Feng Shaofeng's performance has caused a lot of negative comments. His greasy image and dull state at the event displeased many viewers. Although he tried to participate in the event with a serious attitude, the overall effect did not meet expectations, but exposed some problems in his image management.

Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng have also been busy as charity ambassadors lately, and they have put a lot of energy into supporting public welfare causes. For example, they participated in a large charity gala together to raise funds for underprivileged children. At the party, the two not only took the stage to give a touching speech, but also participated in the auction link, taking out some of their personal belongings for auction, and the proceeds were used to help those children in urgent need. Many netizens spoke highly of their actions.

When 45-year-old Feng Shaofeng and 45-year-old Qiao Zhenyu are in the same frame! only to find out what is the domineering that height brings to men

A netizen wrote on social platforms: "Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng are really caring, not only celebrities, but also actively participating in public welfare, I really think they are amazing!" Another netizen commented: "Seeing them donate money and auction at the party, I feel that what they are doing is not just superficial, but they really care about the disadvantaged groups in society." ”

In addition, Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng regularly visit orphanages and welfare homes, where they not only bring daily necessities, but also organize small entertainment activities for the children. For example, they planned a special party for the children in the orphanage, and Zhao Liying even cooked and prepared the children's favorite snacks. Feng Shaofeng organized a small theatrical performance, which brought a lot of joy to the children. Netizens also gave high praise to this hands-on approach. A netizen wrote: "They really work hard to do public welfare, and I feel very warm to see them interacting with children." ”

When 45-year-old Feng Shaofeng and 45-year-old Qiao Zhenyu are in the same frame! only to find out what is the domineering that height brings to men

They have also been involved in several community activities to promote environmental protection and health education. For example, they worked with some volunteers to clean up the garbage in the city and advocate for everyone to protect the environment. Their actions also struck a chord with many netizens. A netizen mentioned on the forum: "Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng are not only celebrities, they really use their actions to do public welfare, advocate environmental protection, and drive many people to join in." Another netizen also said: "They have really made a great contribution to the society by using their influence to promote public welfare." ”

These actions of Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng not only made them shine on the screen, but also became an example for everyone to learn from in real life. Netizens praised it, believing that their public welfare actions not only help those in need, but also make more people feel the power of public welfare.

When 45-year-old Feng Shaofeng and 45-year-old Qiao Zhenyu are in the same frame! only to find out what is the domineering that height brings to men

By comparing the performances of Feng Shaofeng and Qiao Zhenyu at the "Under the Alien" party, we can see how the impact of height and aura on men is significant. Qiao Zhenyu won the love of the audience with his vitality and temperament, while Feng Shaofeng was slightly inferior in image and performance. Although the two actors are the same age, their temperament and public impression are significantly different, and the contrast between height and style in the event is stark.

When 45-year-old Feng Shaofeng and 45-year-old Qiao Zhenyu are in the same frame! only to find out what is the domineering that height brings to men

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