
Writer Lao She almost divorced his virtuous wife Hu Jieqing, what made him return to the family?

As a famous writer, outstanding language master and people's artist, Lao She has worked hard all his life, creating masterpieces such as "Camel Xiangzi", "Four Generations in the Same Hall" and "Teahouse".

Readers commented on Lao She: He is both traditional and modern, humorous, but also full of sadness and helplessness, and his voice is the same as that of modern people.

It's just that while his career is developing rapidly, Lao She's family life is also full of twists and turns.

On the one hand, he has a virtuous wife who takes care of the family for him and reduces his worries. On the other hand, he has a confidante who is in harmony with his soul, which makes him full of enthusiasm for life and creative inspiration.

In order to be with his confidante, he even had the idea of breaking up with his wife, what made him return to the family?

Writer Lao She almost divorced his virtuous wife Hu Jieqing, what made him return to the family?


The famous writer Lao She was born in Beijing in 1899, and was named Shu Qingchun because he was born in Lichun. Parents hope that this child can bring spring and hope to the whole family, and hope that his future will be bright.

It's a pity that in the troubled times at the end of the Qing Dynasty, such hope can only be regarded as a "luxury".

When Lao She was still an infant, his father, a Manchu protector, was killed in the battle of the Eight-Nation Alliance against the city of Beijing, and after that, the family could only rely on his mother to wash people's clothes to make ends meet.

Because of this, although Lao She is talented, he suffers from no opportunity to study.

It wasn't until he was 9 years old that Lao She entered a private school under the sponsorship of Master Zongyue and officially began his academic career. During this time, he was forced to drop out of school due to financial difficulties.

In 1913, at the age of 14, Lao She was admitted to the publicly-funded Beijing Normal School, and now he finally no longer had to worry about tuition fees.

After graduating, Lao She taught and published articles under the pseudonym "Sheyu".

With the hardships of childhood, excellent talent, and perseverance, he quickly opened up his career in the world of writing. At the age of 31, Lao She was hired as a professor by Qilu University and became a well-known young talent.

Although it was smooth sailing in his career, Lao She was a blank in his emotional life, and he was regarded as an "older leftover man" in that era.

Colleagues and friends were anxious about him and tried their best to introduce him to a blind date.

In 1930, Lao She met Ms. Hu Jieqing, who was still studying in the Chinese Department of Beijing Normal University, and they quickly came together because of their common hobbies and living habits (both Manchus).

In the years after marriage, Hu Jieqing gave birth to two children for Lao She one after another, and took on the responsibility of taking care of Lao She's mother, and the whole family was happy.

But when their third child was born, the war broke out.

Writer Lao She almost divorced his virtuous wife Hu Jieqing, what made him return to the family?


As a writer and teacher with a sense of justice, Lao She was very painful, on the one hand, he knew that he should go to the front line to serve the motherland, and on the other hand, he could not bear to leave all his family behind.

What to do?

During those days, Lao She often sighed in a low voice to the window: "The night vision is too white to collect the light, and there is no battlefield to serve the country...... and there is no battlefield" while reciting poems and swaying tears.

Hu Jieqing saw Lao She's reaction in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. She understands her husband's pain, although she longs for a happy married life, but how can there be a home without a country?

So when Lao She said, "Qing, there is something I can't discuss with you......", Hu Jieqing immediately said: "Don't worry, you can leave with confidence, everything in the family has me." As long as I don't get killed, I will definitely be able to bring up my children and give my mother a pension! ”

Lao She was so moved that she couldn't say a word, just choked up and called her name: "Qing, Qing......"

On November 18, 1937, Lao She went all the way south from Jinan Railway Station, arrived in Wuhan via Xuzhou and Zhengzhou, and began an eight-year life in exile during the Anti-Japanese War.

Hu Jieqing stayed at home, relying on the meager income of being a middle school teacher, trying to support her mother-in-law and raising three young children.

Although life is extremely hard, Hu Jieqing has never thought of giving up.

In 1942, Lao She's mother passed away, and Lao She, as a son, failed to come back to mourn, and all the aftermath was handled by Hu Jieqing alone.

In 1943, Hu Jieqing heard that Beiping was going to run out of food, and considering the livelihood of the whole family, she finally made up her mind to go to Chongqing and join her husband Lao She.

In order to make up for the travel expenses, Hu Jieqing reluctantly sold the house left by his mother. Along the way, the mother and son kept changing cars, finding a place to live, and trying to find ways to avoid the heavy investigation of the Japan military police.

When passing through Bozhou, in order to rush to the city before the city gate was closed, Hu Jieqing pulled the child to run wildly, and even fell into a big pit. But she got up strong and kept running.

In this way, after more than 50 days of ups and downs and twists and turns, the mother and son finally arrived in Chongqing.

What Hu Jieqing never expected was that her husband Lao She refused to see them, and let them wait in the hostel for more than 20 days.

Writer Lao She almost divorced his virtuous wife Hu Jieqing, what made him return to the family?


Why didn't Lao She want to see his wife and children? It turned out that as early as 1938, Lao She got acquainted with Zhao Qingge, a young female writer and painter who was 24 years old at the time.

Zhao Qingge was born in a small bureaucratic family in Xinyang, Henan Province, because she lost her mother at an early age, her personality is very independent and stubborn.

When she was 15 years old, Zhao Qingge was dissatisfied with her stepmother's arrangement to "drop out of school and marry", so she resolutely left home and went to Kaifeng to study.

In the years since, Zhao Qingge has grown into a famous female writer and painter step by step with her outstanding talent.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Zhao Qingge participated in the All-China Association of Literary and Art Circles to Resist the Enemy, and began to actively promote the idea of the Anti-Japanese War while writing patriotic drama scripts. It was also at this time that she had the opportunity to work with the famous writer Lao She.

The two collaborated on the creation of two dramas, "Tiger Roar" and "Peach and Plum Spring Breeze", which achieved huge social repercussions.

Because of tacit cooperation and mutual appreciation, the two gradually developed special feelings for each other and quietly began to live together.

Now that Hu Jieqing is here with a child, where should the relationship between Shu and Zhao go?

Lao She didn't know how to face his virtuous wife and beloved confidante, so he could only drag Hu Jieqing and avoid it.

Lao She was in pain and entanglement, and Zhao Qingge was also uncomfortable. She has always been high and arrogant, how can she be willing to be the third party of someone else's marriage?

Without waiting for Lao She to propose to break up, Zhao Qingge took the initiative to leave. Before leaving, she left Lao She eight words: "Each city is based on one city, and we will never see each other." ”

After that, Zhao Qingge never married, and created works such as "Infinite Sorrow of Falling Leaves", "Bridge", "Falling Leaves", "Smoke of the Mountains" and "Willows on the Moon", which were highly praised.

And Lao She, who returned to the family, also got the understanding of his wife Hu Jieqing.

Writer Lao She almost divorced his virtuous wife Hu Jieqing, what made him return to the family?

Zhao Qingge

For many years afterward, Hu Jieqing washed his hands and made soup, took care of his family, and at the same time studied painting seriously to find his own value in life.

In 1950, Hu Jieqing apprenticed to Qi Baishi, and was taught by an old artist, learned superb painting techniques, and his painting level reached a higher level.

After that, Hu Jieqing continued to produce good works and became a well-known painter.

Her painting "Purple and Red" was presented as a national gift to President Ho Chi Minh of Viet Nam.

When Hu Jieqing recalled his life in his later years, he once said emotionally: "I have a good family, my husband has been engaged in writing all his life, and he has a pair of connoisseur eyes. ”

Writer Lao She almost divorced his virtuous wife Hu Jieqing, what made him return to the family?

In his later years, Hu Jieqing was born


As a well-known patriotic writer, Lao She's life is full of ups and downs. His spirit of unrepentant dedication for the country and the people is worthy of our respect, and the emotional entanglement between him and the two women is also worthy of the world's vigilance.

Of course, Lao She loves his wife Hu Jieqing, and this love is mixed with respect, appreciation and responsibility, but it lacks some passion.

As for his confidante Zhao Qingge, Lao She is passionate and appreciative, but this relationship is destined not to be long-term.

Thankfully, all three of them eventually returned to their own tracks, and each had a life path that would no longer deviate.

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Writer Lao She almost divorced his virtuous wife Hu Jieqing, what made him return to the family?

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