
How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

With the continuous development of society, more and more people have begun to realize the importance of skills, and technical school education has gradually been valued. Compared with traditional liberal arts and science education, technical school education pays more attention to students' practical ability and lays a solid foundation for their career development. Despite the unique advantages of technical school education, it still faces a variety of problems and challenges.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

When it comes to technical schools, there are often stereotypes in society

They are considered to be the paths chosen by students who are temporarily behind on the road to the high school entrance examination, as if they are synonymous with the edge of academic achievement, and are full of doubts about the quality of teaching and the ability of students. However, in this misunderstood land, many principals and teachers adhere to a simple but firm educational philosophy: "Men are not afraid of difficulties, women have the courage to surpass", this eight-character motto is actually a deep expectation of students' perseverance and courage to challenge themselves, rather than a biased view in the literal sense.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

Looking back at history, since the promulgation of the Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China in 1986, which established the cornerstone of nine-year compulsory education, to the revision of the law in 2006, the sunshine of free compulsory education has shone across the country, which is not only a great leap forward in the national education policy, but also an affectionate commitment to every child's dream and future. It ensures that every child, regardless of their origin, has the precious right to equal access to education.

However, when these teenagers and girls, who are about 15 or 6 years old, complete their junior high school studies and stand at the first important crossroads in their lives, they are not only faced with increasing age, but also with deep thinking about their future path choices. This first life diversion is not only a test of their past learning achievements, but also an exploration and choice of infinite possibilities for the future. It requires every teenager to find a balance between ideals and reality, and to take their own steps bravely, whether it is to continue their studies or choose a technical school, which is an important step towards a more independent and mature self.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

So, when we take another look at technical schools and their students, it's a good idea to put aside our prejudices and understand their stories and dreams with a more open and inclusive mind.

For children who have an early understanding of their parents' expectations and are full of enthusiasm for their studies, graduating from junior high school is the starting point for them to enter a higher academic palace, and they will enter the high school of their choice with a thirst for knowledge, continue to deepen their passions, and lay a solid foundation for stepping into their dream university and exploring the wider world. It is a bright and challenging path that leads them to a leap of mind and ability.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

However, not all students will be able to navigate this academic path. For those students who have not been able to shine academically for the time being, technical schools have become another fertile ground for them to grow. Here, they turn to practical skills that will prepare them for a future career in society. Although this choice is not "mainstream" in the traditional sense, it also carries expectations and efforts for the future.

These children, at the age of youth, bid farewell to the protection of their families in advance, stepped into the door of the technical school, and began the journey of independent life. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, in the midst of the torrent of adolescence, their minds are like the rising sun, both radiant and full of variables. At this stage, intellectual immaturity is intertwined with curiosity about the world, making their judgments of right and wrong, good and evil often seem vague.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

In such an environment, the throbbing and exploration of adolescence manifest itself in different forms. Some children quietly bloom the flowers of their first love under the subtle attraction between the opposite sex; Some are troubled by the concept of "face" and lose their way in the comparison and competition among peers; What's more, for the sake of so-called "justice" or vanity satisfaction, on impulse, he was involved in the whirlpool of school bullying and solved the problem with violence, which eventually led to irreparable consequences.

Therefore, we should pay more attention and guidance to these children who grow up in technical schools.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

The reason why technical schools are often criticized by parents and regarded as a hotbed of learning and self-indulgence is complex and multidimensional

On the one hand, unsatisfactory academic performance naturally becomes the target of public criticism; On the other hand, this negative impression is exacerbated by disorderly behavior on campus. So, in the face of such a situation, one has to ask: Are school administrators turning a blind eye to this? Why have they failed to curb these practices?

In fact, it would be biased to place the blame squarely on the group of teachers. The uniqueness of technical school students lies in the fact that they often lack enthusiasm for traditional academic paths, and even when teachers strive to personalize instruction and understand each student's needs, they often find it difficult to stimulate their inner motivation to learn.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

What is even more worrying is that some students choose to avoid school as a coping strategy, making up various excuses to leave school, or even blatantly skipping classes to avoid class. What's more, they form small gangs, stage violent clashes in hidden corners of the campus, collude with bad actors outside the school, and put campus security in a precarious place.

After school, the barbecue stalls around the campus are a different scene, where all kinds of students gather, alcohol and hustle and bustle, and youthful faces blurred in drunkenness. The low-cost hotels in the neighborhood have become havens for young boys and girls in love seeking privacy, and are often overcrowded despite the worrying environment.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

In the face of this series of challenges, technical school managers undoubtedly need to take on heavier responsibilities

Strengthening campus management is not only responsible for the individual growth of students, but also a response to social expectations. Strictly enforce rules and regulations and create a positive school culture so that parents can regain trust and trust their children's future with confidence. Only in this way can technical schools get rid of prejudice and become a cradle for cultivating skilled talents, rather than a synonym for laissez-faire.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

There is a profound saying in the education circles: "There are students who cannot be taught, and there are teachers who are not good at teaching." "It profoundly reveals that the essence of education lies in the transformation of methods and attitudes, especially in the face of adolescence, which is a sensitive and complex stage of growth. Adolescent children, their hearts are like a flower, both beautiful and fragile, they pay special attention to self-image and "face", and the waves of the inner world are often indescribable. Therefore, as class teachers, our role is far more than just imparting knowledge, but also the guide and guardian of students' hearts. We should use the wisdom of psychology to observe the mood fluctuations and psychological changes of each student in detail, intervene in a timely manner, prevent the occurrence of potential crises, and ensure that children move forward steadily on the road of growth.

This view is by no means groundless, and the real-life cases are shocking. Taking the tragedy on November 28, 2023 at the North Campus of Yangling Vocational and Technical College as an example, an avoidable trivial matter of life caused irreparable consequences due to impulsiveness and loss of control, which not only took away the young life, but also plunged the family involved into endless pain and remorse. This is not only a pity for individual lives, but also a profound torture of educational responsibility. It warns us that the university must not neglect or slack off in the face of violence and conflict on campus, and must take effective measures to strengthen management and give priority to prevention.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

In addition, when it comes to adolescent education, the field of sex education has been marginalized for a long time, and the consequences of its absence cannot be ignored

In a school environment that is separated from the close supervision of the family, adolescents' exploration and experimentation with sex are often accompanied by risks and uncertainties, as evidenced by the frequent occurrence of unwanted pregnancies and other problems. As educators and parents, we have the responsibility and obligation to provide children with scientific, comprehensive and timely sex education, help them establish correct sexual concepts, learn to protect themselves, and avoid tragedies.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

Therefore, parents' prejudice and worries about technical schools are actually a deep reflection on the current situation of education. To change this situation, we need to start from many aspects: first, to improve the quality of teachers and strengthen the application of their psychology and pedagogical knowledge; the second is to strengthen campus safety management and establish and improve prevention and intervention mechanisms; the third is to promote the popularization of sex education and fill the gaps in education; Fourth, strengthen home-school cooperation, form a joint educational force, and jointly create a healthy, safe and harmonious growth environment for children. Only in this way can we enable every child to take courageous steps in the journey of life and confidently meet the challenges of the future.

"Men don't die, women don't die", this eight-character motto actually contains deep care and expectations for technical school students

The deeper meaning of this is to warn boys not to get involved in any life-threatening behavior, especially in the context of frequent violent clashes in the former technical school environment, the school and teachers tried their best to avoid tragedy, maintain the peace of the campus, so as not to damage the reputation, but also for the precious and future of every young life. As for "women don't give birth", it is a gentle reminder to girls that at the age of youth and ignorance, physical and mental immaturity, they should consciously resist the impulse brought by early love and avoid the dilemma of unmarried pregnancy, because this is not only about personal reputation, but also may cast a shadow on the child's future due to the lack of parenting conditions.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"

While this principle demonstrates the importance it attaches to the basic safety of students, its bottom line is somewhat conservative. In the face of deeper problems such as students' truancy and unethical behavior, if they only stop at maintaining the minimum order and ignore the shaping of students' hearts and the guidance of values, then these young people will eventually face more severe challenges and costs after entering society. Therefore, the educational mission of the technical school is far more than guarding the bottom line, but also awakening the positive energy in the hearts of students through in-depth ideological education, fundamentally solving behavioral deviations, and making the campus a pure land that nourishes the soul and enlightens wisdom.

It is worth noting that the path of student growth is by no means something that teachers can achieve on their own. As the first teacher of the child, parents teach by word and deed, and carefully guide, which plays an irreplaceable role in shaping the child's values and behavioral norms. Only when parents and schools work together to form a joint force can we more effectively correct students' deviant behaviors, jointly cultivate young people in the new era who have both knowledge and skills, and noble morals, and contribute wisdom and strength to the development of the country.

How messy is a technical school? Many teachers and principals generally demand: "Men do not die, women do not give birth"


Technical school education is an indispensable part of education, and every technical school student has a unique shining point, and has the opportunity and right to realize their dreams. We should contribute to the reform and development of technical school education, so that more people can realize the importance of skills, so that technical school students can have more choices and development opportunities in a diversified education system, and jointly write a better future for education.

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