
What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason


In the city of Kunming on July 22, a sudden tragedy was heartbreaking. Kunming, a city known for its Lucky Star Chinese Restaurant, has been overshadowed by the accident in recent years. The news of the fall of the billboard instantly enveloped the whole Kunming in grief. This incident not only touched the hearts of countless people, but also forced us to reflect on the safety hazards of urban management. As the saying goes: "There are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck." "Such a sudden tragedy makes us have to think about a question: behind the prosperity of modern cities, are there hidden safety hazards that we ignore?

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason


At about 10 o'clock in the evening of July 22, on a street in Panlong District, Kunming City, a huge shop sign suddenly fell in the hot summer night, hitting the citizens who were passing by without warning. That night, the summer heat of Kunming made the night market on the streets crowded, many families chose to eat out, and children also played in the square, which was originally a joyous scene. However, at such a lively moment, disaster fell from the sky, and the billboard fell to the ground, which instantly changed the fate of many people.

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

According to eyewitness accounts, the billboard was huge in size, and the impact of the fall was extremely strong, weighing heavily on several children and adults passing by. The situation was chaotic, with many injuries, especially a few children in critical condition. After the accident, many passers-by reacted quickly and tried their best to lift the billboard in an attempt to rescue the trapped people. The rescue operation at the scene was a city-wide mobilization, and some people still can't help but feel chills when they recall the tense atmosphere at that moment.

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

One of the most harrowing was the story of a young mother. She and her two young children were originally just for an ordinary summer night dinner, but in the blink of an eye, she lost one daughter, and the other daughter was also admitted to the ICU with serious injuries. The footage in the video is heartbreaking, with the mother's eyes blank and her face full of sorrow, seeing her child being carried out covered in blood, her eyes and mouth unable to close properly. She sat helplessly on the ground, tears streaming down her face, and this helplessness and grief was empathetic.

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

What's even more infuriating is that there was no way to call for help during the rescue process. Despite ambulances, families in desperate need of help were not helped in time. At this point, the driver's rescue became the only hope. After learning of the situation, the taxi driver quickly took the injured to the hospital, but the eldest daughter was not able to be rescued in the end, and the fate of the younger daughter hung by a thread, and the situation was still worrying.

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

After the spread of the Internet, many netizens questioned the cause of the accident. In the photos taken at the scene, it was found that the expansion screws fixed by the billboard were falling off, and these screws obviously did not meet the national standard. This phenomenon makes people even more angry and raises questions about the safety management of cities. In the comment area, some people claimed to be witnesses, saying that they could testify about the situation during the rescue, and others said that they personally participated in the rescue operation. The official report also shows that the accident resulted in three deaths and seven injuries, and the relevant responsible persons have been controlled. Still, such briefings did little to quell public anger and thirst for truth.

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

What happened is shocking, but what is even more poignant is that the accident not only caused innocent families to lose their loved ones, but also gave the whole society a deeper understanding of the problem of potential safety hazards. We have to reflect on whether our management system is really good enough as a modern city. What exactly is the truth about the accident? These issues are especially important in the face of many families and human lives.

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

The Kunming billboard falling accident is undoubtedly a painful lesson, allowing us to once again see the hidden safety hazards behind the city's development. The prosperity of modern cities is often directly proportional to safety, but when the lack of security measures becomes a problem, that prosperity can become a source of disaster. As the saying goes, "prevention is better than prevention", in our urban construction and management, is it really enough prevention and control?

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

In this tragedy, we see the devastating loss of a family and the collective reflection of society on the issue of security. Although the accident has happened, how to avoid the recurrence of similar tragedies is the core issue that we need to focus on. We should carefully review and strictly enforce safety standards to ensure that all public facilities can stand the test of time and use. The responsibility of governments and enterprises is not only to deal with the matter after the fact, but also to take precautions in advance.

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason


In the future, we hope to see no more tragedies like this, and we want every family to enjoy peace and security in the city. The prosperity of a city is not only a brilliant light, but also a solid foundation for security. I hope that every tragedy can become an opportunity for us to continue to improve and progress, so that every life can be duly protected under the glory of the city. It is hoped that after this accident, all relevant departments can truly fulfill their responsibilities, severely punish those who derelict their duties, give an explanation to the society, and also give comfort to the victims' families. Only in this way can people no longer feel helpless and hopeless in the face of such incidents.

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

Netizens hotly discussed:

"It was me who called 119, I witnessed the whole process, I can help testify"

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

"The chengguan has been managing the billboards, can't it just charge a fee?"

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

"The city management of the billboard who dismantled the billboard came out and took two steps"

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

"The installation company, the shop, and the urban management are all responsible"

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

"Punitive damages should be adopted, at least more than 100 million per child. No punitive damages would not be taken seriously. ”

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason

"Cutting corners and shoddy: first, high-altitude billboards cannot use wooden bottom plates (easy to weathering and erosion in the sun and rain); The steel frame structure can not be made of thin materials, and the construction welding must be fully welded ➕, and the anti-rust treatment ➕ density cannot be too small ➕, and the expansion screws cannot be too thin and too short! Peace be upon you! ”

What's new! 3 dead and 7 injured in the fall of the shop signboard, the official report, the insider issued a voice to reveal the reason