
In the middle of the ambush, the old man said that he was most afraid of "a day of rain in the middle of the ambush", what is the sign of rain in the middle of the ambush? Know early


The ancients believed that the hottest time in summer was a few days later, because tomorrow was the middle of the day, and the middle of the day often has a characteristic, that is, it will usher in a day of rain.

From the statement of "Three Dogs and Five Manic", it can be found that in the middle of the day, there will be a sudden rainstorm.

The ancients said that although the weather became cooler in the middle of the day, it was actually not good news, so why did it rain in the middle of the day, and what bad omens did it have?

Why does it rain in the middle of the day?

"Three dogs" is a special solar term on the lunar calendar, and there is only one solar term in summer, and it is also a very rare weather phenomenon.

The ancients believed that the "three dogs" will be hotter and hotter the later, so the Futian is getting shorter and shorter, the first Futian is called "Big Fu", the second is called "Zhongfu", and the third is called "Xiaofu".

The dividing line of the three volcanic days is at noon in the three days of the big volt, the middle volt and the small volt, because it was a hot summer weather and the sky was scorching, so the sun at noon was also the most vicious, so it was very unfavorable to "commit ambush" or "ambush" at noon.

However, the big volt, the middle volt and the small volt are respectively in the sixth and seventh Geng days after the "big heat" or "small heat", and there are six days apart in between, so that after counting the law, there will be no such a fierce thing as "committing ambush", so the ancients believed that that day was the official beginning of the three dogs.

The end of the dog days is the same as the beginning of the Futian, the big volt, the middle volt and the small volt end in the first three days of the "beginning of autumn", which happens to be the "beginning of autumn" solar term, and the temperature will drop day by day from this day on the lunar calendar.

Therefore, the ancients believed that after the dog days were over, the summer would pass, so the ancients would eat "dog noodles" on this day and pray for no prickly heat in the hot summer.

Nakabush is also called "midsummer", because the main day of Nakafu is three days before the "beginning of autumn" on the lunar calendar, and the first solar term of July is "beginning of autumn", so it is said that midsummer, the middle point of summer.

Therefore, the middle of summer is the middle rest period of summer, and it is also the end of hot weather, and it is six days apart from the last "little heat", which is an important solar term in summer.

Therefore, the weather in Zhongfu is not better than that of Dafu and Xiaofu, and even hotter, which is the first reason for the rain in Zhongfu, which is that the weather is too hot.

In the middle of the ambush, the old man said that he was most afraid of "a day of rain in the middle of the ambush", what is the sign of rain in the middle of the ambush? Know early

When the sun shines directly on the ground, the ground will be burned hot in less than a stick of incense, and the moisture in the air will also evaporate due to the high temperature, and the evaporation in summer will also reach the highest peak of the year.

When the temperature gradually drops at night, the evaporated air will slowly condense and not turn into water to soak the earth, so the air will be full of moisture, and the pressure of the air will gradually decrease.

In the middle of the ambush, the old man said that he was most afraid of "a day of rain in the middle of the ambush", what is the sign of rain in the middle of the ambush? Know early

Living in a hot and humid environment for a long time will be very harmful, the most obvious is suffering from rheumatism, bones and joints are prone to stiffness, pain, and even redness and swelling in severe cases, which is due to arthritis caused by rheumatism.

Generally speaking, people with rheumatism love to alternate between hot and cold, and are afraid of cold in winter and heat in summer, so Zhongfu is the high incidence period of rheumatism in summer.

In the middle of the ambush, the old man said that he was most afraid of "a day of rain in the middle of the ambush", what is the sign of rain in the middle of the ambush? Know early

Because it was a hot summer day, people had just finished cooking, and the temperature on the ground was about or even higher than the temperature of the stove with paste, and rice was the main food at that time, and the temperature was definitely not lower than 40 degrees Celsius when a stick of incense was added.

Therefore, if you eat steaming rice in a hot day, the temperature in your body will only rise and not fall, and there are many people who will let it cool and boil it to relieve the feeling of stuffiness, which makes it easier to suffer from rheumatism.

In the hot summer, mosquitoes also breed in large numbers, and many people will build a small bench under the shade of the trees to take a nap on the grass to escape the heat, but this simple shade shed is not just for shading.

If it is placed a little higher than the ground, this water storage will be considerable, so there will be a small underground reservoir under this simple shade shed, which is very moist and very beneficial to the breeding of mosquitoes.

In the middle of the ambush, the old man said that he was most afraid of "a day of rain in the middle of the ambush", what is the sign of rain in the middle of the ambush? Know early

When people nap under the shade of the trees, they will be bitten by mosquitoes unconsciously, and there were no mosquito repellent mosquito nets and other mosquito prevention equipment at that time, so it is the middle of the mosquito prevalence, which means that more people will be infected with the virus during the middle of the holiday, so the ancients said: "One day of rain in the middle of the world, ghosts and gods in the world."

In the middle of the ambush, the old man said that he was most afraid of "a day of rain in the middle of the ambush", what is the sign of rain in the middle of the ambush? Know early

How to reduce the harm caused by humidity after rain.

The ancients were very sensitive to all changes in life, although I don't know if anyone has really observed it, but the ancients were very sensitive to this, especially for some relatively small details.

The ancients extended this sensitivity to all aspects of life, such as the weather, and the ancients found that it was the same day, not to mention the temperature changes brought about by different weather, so the ancients did not have much time, and it was normal to work this kind of weather change.

Therefore, when the ancients found that it would rain in the middle of the volcan, they would think that there must be some special omen in the middle of the volcan, and it was bad, so the ancients wanted to create this kind of omen as much as possible to reduce the harm caused by the rain in the middle of the day.

There are many reasons for the rain in the middle of the volcan, the ancients wanted to use these reasons as much as possible to make some countermeasures in advance, the main reason for the middle of the bush is because the weather is too hot, and then because of the hot reason there is a large number of mosquitoes breeding is also known to the ancients.

Therefore, the ancients wanted to reduce the harm caused by the rain in the middle of the day, there were the following methods: the first is that the weather is hot, then it is cooler, people have always liked to build their houses airtight, but the airtight is not ventilated and cool, but the house is so hot and humid that it is not good, so the ancients decided to ventilate and quench their thirst.

Although the house should not be too sealed, there will be no problem if it is covered with a little ventilation, so in order to make the house cooler, the ancients will even directly put the floor porcelain in two, so that in the hot summer, the temperature on the floor will be cooler than the outside, which is conducive to the heat dissipation and cooling of the human body.

In the middle of the ambush, the old man said that he was most afraid of "a day of rain in the middle of the ambush", what is the sign of rain in the middle of the ambush? Know early

The ancients found that the body's perspiration function was easy to cause imbalance in summer due to excessive humidity, so people would sweat to help the body expel moisture by sweating.

Some people will put a thick layer of sweat on their bodies when they are not drunk, this is because the ancients believed that dampness is the source of all diseases, so it is easier to sweat than to sweat cleanly to keep damp and hot, so it will become the target of people's sweating.

The second is very obvious, mosquito breeding, that is, because the surrounding environment is too humid, so the ancients simply began to reduce dampness and heat from the diet.

The ancients mainly boiled water and steamed vegetables, and boiled water to cook rice and vegetables, so the ancients felt that their stove was the best heat breaker in life, and everything else in the house that could be steamed and cooked on the fire can reduce the dampness and heat in the living environment to a large extent.

In the middle of the ambush, the old man said that he was most afraid of "a day of rain in the middle of the ambush", what is the sign of rain in the middle of the ambush? Know early

In addition, the ancients will also adjust the dietary structure, the hot and humid summer is the easiest time to eat raw and cold food, but the cold and cold food is easy to damage the spleen and stomach, so the ancients simply ate warm food, as much as possible to adjust their living environment is not too hot and humid.


Although the living conditions of today's modern society are much better, the people who have benefited from the experience of the ancients have lived a lot of laws, and the ancients can have this law without evidence, and modern people should compare the discovery of this law with their own lives.

In fact, the surrounding environment in life also contains many laws, if people can be good at grasping these laws, it is also very good to help life, and the wisdom of the ancients is worthy of our learning and inheritance.

In the middle of the ambush, the old man said that he was most afraid of "a day of rain in the middle of the ambush", what is the sign of rain in the middle of the ambush? Know early