
Huo Zun who has made a comeback! confirmed Liu Huan's words back then, no wonder Wang Leehom disappeared!

Huo Zun who has made a comeback! confirmed Liu Huan's words back then, no wonder Wang Leehom disappeared!

In 2021, Chen Lu published a long article on social platforms, exposing Huo Zun's true face, accusing him of cheating, machismo and cold violence. This incident caused Huo Zun to withdraw from the circle, Chen Lu was regarded as a victim, and the public talked about it.

In 2024, Huo Zun will officially make a comeback through a concert tour after a long period of silence. Seeing him stand on the stage again, many old fans were still excited and expressed their support for him on social media. Some fans even posted: "Huo Zun is back! Looking forward to your concert, old fans still love you very much! Someone else said: "Support Huo Zun!" Hopefully he can prove himself with music! ”

However, Huo Zun's comeback did not completely calm down. Many netizens expressed strong doubts about his comeback. Some believe that Huo Zun does not seem to have made enough introspection and changes to his past behavior. A netizen commented on Weibo: "Huo Zun's comeback this time, I feel a little chilled. Don't you think it's a bit unfair that he hasn't solved his previous scandals and is back like this? ”

Huo Zun who has made a comeback! confirmed Liu Huan's words back then, no wonder Wang Leehom disappeared!

Another netizen also expressed a similar opinion in the discussion: "I think Huo Zun's comeback this time is a bit fast. Did he really make a sincere apology for what happened before? Is it just a casual way to return to the public eye? Someone else pointed out: "Huo Zun has not explained to us at all in the past few years how he faced Chen Lu's accusations." Now that I'm coming back, I feel like I'm coming back without solving the problem, which is really uncomfortable. ”

The story of Huo Zun and Chen Lu began in 2012. At that time, Huo Zun became an instant hit because he participated in "Star Movement Asia". This show made him from a nobody, and suddenly became a star in everyone's attention. In the process, he met Chen Lu, who was still a dancer at the time, and the two hit it off at first sight and quickly fell in love. From then on, they began a sweet romance.

Huo Zun who has made a comeback! confirmed Liu Huan's words back then, no wonder Wang Leehom disappeared!

Although the two have been in love for nine years, Huo Zun has never made their relationship public. In 2021, Chen Lu posted intimate photos of the two on Weibo, hinting at their relationship. Subsequently, Chen Lu exposed Huo Zun through a long article, detailing the various problems in the relationship between the two, including cheating and cold violence.

In the face of Chen Lu's accusations, Huo Zun denied everything and said that the two were AA during their relationship. Writer Chen Lan and others defended Huo Zun by providing transfer records and gift lists, trying to prove that Huo Zun was not as Chen Lu said. However, these justifications have not completely eliminated the public's skepticism.

Huo Zun who has made a comeback! confirmed Liu Huan's words back then, no wonder Wang Leehom disappeared!

After the incident, Chen Lu did not collapse because of this. Instead, she soon set up her own dance studio and started a new venture. During that time, Chen Lu's studio was gaining momentum, and she posted some videos about dance classes and performances on social media, which fans also liked and retweeted. Seeing that her new career has improved, everyone has expressed their support for her efforts.

Over time, though, things started to change. Some netizens began to question Chen Lu's words and deeds. Some netizens found that her description in the interview was different from the previous statement. Some details were pointed out to have obvious contradictions, and someone commented: "Is Chen Lu's statement really reliable? How does it feel like her story is always inconsistent? Others began to look through her social media and found that there were some inconsistencies in what she told at different times: "This thing is different from what she said before, right?" It's a little hard to believe. ”

Huo Zun who has made a comeback! confirmed Liu Huan's words back then, no wonder Wang Leehom disappeared!

What further deteriorated was that Chen Lu was revealed that she had asked Huo Zun for a breakup fee, which shocked many people. Everyone's sympathy for Chen Lu was gradually broken by this incident. The evaluation of her on the Internet has also changed drastically. Someone accused her of being greedy: "It turns out that she has been thinking about the breakup fee, such a person is really disappointing!" Another person said: "Before she exposed Huo Zun's matter, everyone thought she was a victim, but now it seems that her motives are not so simple." ”

As more details were revealed, Chen Lu's true face gradually emerged. Huo Zun's image is also beginning to gradually recover, and although the road to comeback is still bumpy, he is trying to win back the public's trust.

In this turmoil, we can't help but think of Leehom Wang's experience. After the marriage between Wang Leehom and Li Lianglei broke down, Li Lianglei broke the news that Wang Leehom misbehaved after marriage, which caused his image to be damaged. Although Wang Leehom later proved his innocence through legal channels, his public image was difficult to restore.

Huo Zun who has made a comeback! confirmed Liu Huan's words back then, no wonder Wang Leehom disappeared!

A recent mistake by Huo Zun made him the focus of everyone's discussion. In fact, immortals can also make mistakes, which does not mean that Huo Zun's songs are not good. Most netizens are more tolerant of this, and some comments also express their understanding and support for Huo Zun.

Some netizens wrote in the comment area: "Hey, when everyone makes mistakes, Huo Zun's songs are really good, everyone knows this." If you look at so many of his works in the past, aren't they all very popular? If you make a small mistake and be blamed by everyone, there is really no need to be so harsh. This comment was immediately echoed by many people, and many similar voices followed.

A netizen replied: "I think so too, it's not easy for young people, and making mistakes doesn't mean that nothing is good." Everyone can treat this matter rationally, after all, Huo Zun's dedication to music is also obvious to all. ”

Someone even mentioned: "We should all understand him, he is just beginning, and this mistake is a small episode." Besides, who hasn't made mistakes when they were young? Sometimes people demand too much perfection, and that's a pressure for anyone. ”

Huo Zun who has made a comeback! confirmed Liu Huan's words back then, no wonder Wang Leehom disappeared!

At the same time, there are also some netizens who have different opinions on this matter. They believe that Huo Zun, as a public figure, should pay more attention to his words and deeds. For example, some netizens commented: "As a star, there are still some standards, although I like Huo Zun's songs, he should also be more cautious in this regard." After all, every move of a public figure is magnified. ”

These stories remind us of the importance of choosing the right lover and a healthy relationship. Choosing the wrong lover can have consequences that are difficult to turn over, and even affect your whole life. I hope that everyone can remain rational in love and marriage and avoid falling into unnecessary difficulties.

Huo Zun who has made a comeback! confirmed Liu Huan's words back then, no wonder Wang Leehom disappeared!

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