
The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

Speaking of which, you may not believe it, in the finale of "Sauvignon Blanc 2", Ah Nian actually helped Xiang Liu hide Xiaoyao! What's going on? Ah Nian, this girl, usually looks quite willful, why is she so righteous and awe-inspiring this time? Could it be that she has some special feelings for Xiang Liu?

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

Today, let's talk about the moving moments in the finale of this drama, especially the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao, which is simply heartbreaking.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

Xiao Yao and Tu Shanjing's sweet home

mentioned Xiao Yao and Tu Shanjing, the two beautiful people, they went through many trials and tribulations, and finally got a family and married Qin and Jin. It's really delightful to see how happy they are. But behind this happiness, there is an unknown deep affection.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

The tragic end of Xiangliu

And Soyanagi, a valiant warrior, experienced a life-and-death battle in the wilderness. He was unswervingly loyal to the remnants of Chenrong, and in order to repay Hongjiang's deep kindness, he was willing to go to the soup and even sacrifice his precious life. In the end, he died heroically on the battlefield, but his unwavering determination and unswerving spirit of loyalty are forever engraved in the hearts of the world.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

recalled the encounter between Xiangliu and Xiaoyao, which was the brightest moment in his life. Every intersection between them is full of emotional collision and heart-to-heart communication.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

Xiaoyao's heartache and dreams

Xiao Yao witnessed the tragic scene of Xiang Liu's heroic sacrifice in a dream, and her heart ached like a wrench, and she couldn't help herself. The grief of losing her best friend made her cry in her dreams. And at the last moment of Xiangliu's life, there was only a figure of Xiao Yao in his heart.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

Ah Nian's growth and blessings

Ah Nian, this little girl, always had a bit of childishness and stubbornness in the past, which often made people worry and struggle. But now, she is lucky to marry her beloved and become a noble queen, which is really impressive! Now it's not the little girl who can only be coquettish and mess around. She has grown into a responsible and majestic queen, and she is also handy in handling national affairs.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

Before Xiao Yao and Tu Shanjing chose to return to the hidden mountains and forests, Ah Nian specially visited Xiao Yao. She took out a pot-bellied doll that Sang-ryu had given her. This doll is far beyond the reach of ordinary toys, it deeply engraves Xiang Liu's sincere and deep love for Xiao Yao. Ah Nian handed over the doll to Xiao Yao, just like passing on Xiang Liu's heart.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

Seeing this scene, I was really emotional. This may be Xiang Liu's last blessing to Xiao Yao, although he is no longer there, but his love will always remain in Xiao Yao's heart through Ah Nian's hand. Xiang Liu's sacrifice, Xiao Yao's heartache, Ah Nian's growth, and the deep affection and blessings hidden in everyone's hearts all constitute a unique emotional melody in this play.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

Looking back, Sauvignon Blanc

The final chapter of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" came to an end, and my heart couldn't calm down for a long time, and my emotions fluctuated. This drama really made me see the growth and transformation of everyone, just like a friend around us, step by step from youth to maturity.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

Especially Ah Nian, she helped Xiang Liu hide the truth about Xiaoyao, which was really unexpected to me. I think she did this not only because of her gratitude and respect for Sang-ryu, but more importantly, because she learned the true meaning of love and sacrifice in the process. This understanding makes her no longer the willful little girl, but a mature woman who knows how to weigh and learn to give.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

This drama is really extraordinary, it not only tells a love story, but also shows loyalty, sacrifice, and growth and blessings in human nature. Each character is like a silhouette of life, and his experience reflects the magnificence of life, making us deeply feel those indescribable resonance and emotion. It is true that this work is like a guide to life, giving us many profound revelations about the nature of life in a relaxed and pleasant way.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

Looking back, every nuance of this drama is haunting and evocative. Whether it is the sweet moment between Xiao Yao and Tu Shanjing, or the tragic scene of Xiang Liu's death, they are all deeply imprinted in my heart. And the pot-bellied doll that Ah Nian handed over to Xiao Yao at the end made me feel the affection and blessings conveyed by this drama.

The ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2": It turns out that this is the truth that Ah Nian helped Xiangliu hide Xiaoyao

So, the ending of "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is not just a simple ending, it is more like an emotional meeting point, allowing us to feel the ups and downs of life in tears and laughter. This may be the reason why this drama can deeply move us.