
is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

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is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

Text: Jiang Bo

Edited by Jiang Bo

Anhui girl's dream of the North Shadow

Cui Yi was born in an ordinary family in Hefei, Anhui Province, like many post-80s, she has been full of yearning for the film and television industry since she was a child.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

In that era when material conditions were not abundant, watching TV became Cui Yi's greatest pleasure. She especially envied those actors and felt that their lives were wonderful.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

In those days, being an actor was not a respected profession, Cui Yi's parents, like many older generations, hoped that their daughter could be admitted to a good university and find a stable job. But the stubborn Cui Yi has his own ideas.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

In her junior year of high school, she secretly applied for the Beijing Film Academy without telling her parents. Her parents didn't know about it until the day they received their acceptance letter. Although the father was very angry at first and almost beat her, he eventually supported his daughter's decision.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

In 1997, 19-year-old Cui Yi was admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy as he wished. Leaving his hometown and coming to the unfamiliar Beijing, Cui Yi was both excited and apprehensive. When he first arrived in Beiying, Cui Yi felt like a dirt bun.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

But soon, she made good friends, such as Wen Zhengrong, Haiqing, and the head teacher Huang Lei. The days in Beiying were the purest and happiest times in Cui Yi's life. Every day I go to class and rehearse with my classmates, I am excited about a small role, and I think about a line repeatedly. This experience laid a solid foundation for Cui Yi's future acting career.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

Emerging on the small screen

During her study at Beiying, Cui Yi began to contact some film and television works, and in 1998, she starred in her first work "The Story of the Performance Department". Although it is only a small role, it means a lot to Cui Yi. Seeing himself appear on TV for the first time, Cui Yi was so excited that he almost jumped. Although there are only a few seconds of footage, she feels that she has finally become a real actor.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

In 2000, when Cui Yi was still in his third year of college, he received an important role in the TV series "The Wrong Sedan to Marry the Right Lang". This drama was very popular as soon as it was broadcast, and Cui Yi's performance was also recognized by the audience.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

At that time, walking on the street, people often recognized her and called her "Xiaoxi". Although he was a little uncomfortable, Cui Yi was still very happy in his heart. She felt that her hard work had finally paid off.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

Subsequently, Cui Yi starred in many popular TV series such as "Youth Bao Qingtian" and "Smiling Proud Jianghu". Although most of them are supporting roles, Cui Yi's acting skills and professionalism have been affirmed by industry insiders.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

Cui Yi will never be perfunctory just because she is a supporting role, she will carefully figure out each role and strive to play the role alive. She believes that as long as she puts her heart into it, she will be recognized one day.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

Meet true love, 9 years of waiting just for you

Just when Cui Yi's career was thriving, she met her true son Li Ye. In 2000, Cui Yi met Li Ye when he was rehearsing the drama "The Seagull" at the National Theater.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

At that time, Li Ye was a young professor at Tsinghua University, three years older than Cui Yi, and when they met for the first time, Cui Yi was attracted by Li Ye's elegant temperament. He is not as attentive to Cui Yi as others, but is very calm, which makes Cui Yi feel very special.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

The two gradually became familiar with each other, and often discussed the script together and talked about their life ideals. Li Ye's profound knowledge and gentleness deeply attracted Cui Yi, and Cui Yi's simplicity and loveliness and dedication to art also moved Li Ye.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

But the road to the relationship between the two is not smooth, as an actor, Cui Yi often needs to run all over the country, and Li Ye, as a professor, is also very busy with work. The two get together less and leave more, and can only rely on phone calls and text messages to maintain their relationship.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

What touched Cui Yi even more was that Li Ye had never had any prejudice against her because of her profession. On the contrary, he is very supportive of Cui Yi's career, often giving her advice and helping her analyze the script.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

Difficult choices, a balance between career and love

As Cui Yi's status in the entertainment industry gets higher and higher, her work is getting busier and busier, and sometimes she can't see Li Ye for a month, and the relationship between the two has also been tested.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

For a while, the two almost broke up, and Cui Yi felt sorry for Li Ye and felt that he had no time to accompany him. But Li Ye said that Cui Yi is now on the rise in his career, and he doesn't want to be a stumbling block to Cui Yi.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

Li Ye's understanding and support deeply touched Cui Yi. She decided that no matter how busy she was, she would find time to accompany Li Ye. Cui Yi began to learn to balance work and feelings. No matter how busy she is, she will find time to call Li Ye or fly to Beijing to see him. Cui Yi feels that love and career are both very important, and the key is to learn to balance.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

In this way, the relationship between the two is getting deeper and deeper, but they are not in a hurry to get married. Both of them feel that feelings are a matter of course. Instead of rushing to get married, it is better to cherish the time now. They want to wait until both of them are ready before stepping into the palace of marriage.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

Cultivating a positive result, a happy "national mother"

Finally, in 2009, after 9 years of long-distance love, Cui Yi and Li Ye achieved positive results. On the day of the wedding, Cui Yi's tears never stopped. Thinking that the two have gone through so much and finally come together, Cui Yi is really moved. She felt that the nine-year wait was worth it.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

After getting married, Li Ye became a "gold medal confinement sister-in-law" and took care of Cui Yi wholeheartedly. In 2011, Cui Yi gave birth to a lovely boy. After having children, Cui Yi's focus on life shifted to his family. She decided to retire from the entertainment industry for a while and concentrate on taking care of her children. Cui Yi feels that this is the most important role in her life.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

But Cui Yi did not completely give up his career. After the child was a little older, she began to take on some roles again, especially some of the role of mothers. Cui Yi feels that she can better understand and interpret these roles now.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

Because she is a mother herself, she can empathize. She hopes that through these roles, she can pass on some positive energy and let more audiences feel the greatness of maternal love.

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

With his sincere acting skills and natural temperament, Cui Yi has created many impressive "mother" roles, such as Lin Xiaoniang in "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin", Song Yunping in "Big River", etc. These characters are deeply loved by the audience, and Cui Yi is affectionately known as the "national mother".

is beautiful and has good acting skills, Professor Tsinghua waited for her to get married for 9 years, and gave her 100,000 pocket money every month

Today's Cui Yi is already recognized as a "winner in life" in the circle. She has an enviable career, a happy family, and maintains a good looks. However, Cui Yi was not complacent because of this. She still maintains her love and pursuit of acting.

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