
China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

A "Three Gorges in Africa" has once again pushed China's infrastructure team to the forefront, what kind of project can make the United States and Japan marvel at miracles that cannot be completed by manpower?

And why would we rather lose money than bid for the right to build this megadam from more than 50 countries, and what is the meaning behind it?

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

Merowe Dam

Africa is very poor, and the Sudan of Africa is even more so, especially the climate and landform problems, which make it difficult for Africa to develop basic industries on a large scale, and it is nonsense to want to build dams, but Sudan himself can't, he can ask other countries for help, and soon, the information about Sudan's public bidding around the world spread.

Originally, Sudan believed that no one would undertake this project, after all, it is not easy to build a dam on the Nile, the longest in the world, but in the face of huge interests, more than 50 countries still participated in the bidding, including United States, Japan, China with a certain technical background have sent engineering teams to conduct field visits.

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

However, in the face of this dilemma, other countries began to retreat, but China said that it must rise to the challenge, and the project must be won, but it must take into account the cost, meet the requirements of Sudan, and overcome the local topography, insufficient infrastructure, difficult transportation of materials, etc., it seems difficult to find a balance.

Especially for such a huge project, it is necessary to avoid damaging the local ecological environment as much as possible, and countless engineers have said that this is too difficult and simply an impossible task.

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

But who would have thought that in just five and a half years, a world-renowned century dam will rise from the ground, as the longest dam in the world, its peak capacity is 12.45 billion cubic meters, and the power generation capacity is comparable to twice that of Sudan's local power generation, and with this dam, Sudan can more calmly fight against floods and droughts, and can achieve drought and flood protection, which directly raises the entire national living standard and economic level of Sudan to a higher level.

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While everyone is rejoicing, I'm sure there will be people who wonder what China can gain by building this dam at a loss.

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

Is China losing?

On the surface, China seems to be losing, after all, just the money invested in infrastructure construction, even if it is operated for another ten years, it is impossible to return the cost, and Sudan does not seem to be able to repay, but our national engineering team really goes to pay for money and work for nothing, if you hold such an idea, it is too naïve.

After all, we have been adhering to mutual benefit, what is the common benefit, that is, everyone has money to make this thing to do it, and most countries in Africa are relatively poor, but don't forget, Africa is rich in natural resources, like what minerals, oil, Sudan itself does not have the ability and equipment to exploit, just handed over the mining rights to us, not only open up the market, but also promote local employment, stimulate local economic development, plus we provide infrastructure, Sudan has no reason to refuse, and transport these natural resources back to the country, that's also a lot of income.

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

Some people will definitely say, that's not enough principal, just how much money has been advanced, and the Chinese construction team is not only in Sudan, but includes the entire African continent, all kinds of infrastructure facilities are almost all at a loss, want to recover the cost, to the year of the monkey, there is so much money, why not invest in your own country and region, after all, many mountain residents, can not enjoy all kinds of convenience, it is better than working for people from other countries, right? 、

In fact, this involves another issue, to put it simply, the money for aid to Africa cannot be spent in China, or it has been spent in China in another way.

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

Many people don't understand this question, so I'll give you an easy-to-understand example,

For example, if there is a company specializing in export trade and sells 10 million dollars of goods, can he spend it directly? Of course, he can abroad, but at home, he must first convert it into RMB before he can spend it at home, and the money he converts to the country is the country's foreign exchange reserves.

Now, it is equivalent to 10 million more money for the company and the country, and the company's money can be spent in the country, which is no problem, after all, it is the same amount of money, and what about the extra money of the state? It can only be used to enter the international market for international investment and trade.

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

Over the years, China has a lot of foreign exchange reserves, so why not trade with Europe and other Western countries? It's very simple, we can't look down on low-end things, after all, we are a big manufacturing country, not only foreign distributors are good, how can we buy them in foreign countries? At most, it is the purchase of raw materials, but the current pattern of various materials tends to be stable, and it is impossible to eat such a large amount of money.

And we can look at something expensive enough, the United States and Western countries are all kinds of restrictions and sanctions, dead and alive are not allowed to sell, coupled with the mainland's trade surplus for many years, more and more foreign exchange reserves remain in the hand, if not spent, it is likely to become a minefield, once there is any change, then such a huge amount of foreign exchange reserves is very likely to become a piece of waste paper, so in the country can not be overspent, Europe and the United States have nowhere to spend the situation love, so think about it, Africa is actually a good place.

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

First of all, Africa is poor enough and needs a lot of infrastructure construction, which is a perfect fit for infrastructure maniacs. It doesn't matter, if there is a mine, you say there is no mine? What kind of wood, oil, all kinds of rare metals, China is not refusal.

On the one hand, we have really sought benefits for African countries, helped them improve the construction of various transportation, water and electricity, and communications, and won the favor of many countries, and we have obtained various resources and minerals through the foreign exchange reserves that cannot be spent for the time being, and finally, we can also cultivate the African market by the way, and when the African economy develops in the future and needs a large number of daily necessities and industrial supplies, they still have to find us.

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

Add up these items and you will find that don't look at the construction team in Africa seems to have been losing money and making money, in fact, it is a win-win situation when converted, and this is not a one-shot deal, but a long-term layout related to the next few decades and hundreds of years.

Information sources:

"The electricity produced by water conservancy projects undertaken by Chinese enterprises in Sudan accounts for 60% of the country's total installed capacity" - People's Daily Online

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

"China's construction of the Lowe Dam in Denmark officially generates electricity" - Xinhua News Agency

China is on fire again! China "cuts" the world's longest river, the United States and Japan called it "absolutely impossible"

Text/Editor: Liu Guanyi

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