
Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

[Foreword: The suspense begins, the situation behind the laughing craftsman]

On the star-studded stage of the Spring Festival Gala, there was such a laughing craftsman, whose every burden could accurately poke the audience's laughter and quietly touch the heartstrings. But have you ever wondered what kind of untold story is hidden behind this person who warmed countless winter nights with laughter? From "Huang Changshou" who walked out of the Northeast Snow Field to "Huang Hong" in the hearts of the national audience, every time he turns, he is accompanied by the changes of the times. Today, let's unveil the mystery of this master of comedy, explore the sweat and tears behind those classics, and the truths about dreams, perseverance and misunderstandings.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

[1. The germination of comedy talent, the extraordinary road of the Northeast kid]

Imagine that Harbin in the sixties of the last century, the cold wind was biting, but it gave birth to a soul full of infinite love for comedy - Huang Hong. At that time, he was still a little bit who followed his father and imitated Kuaishu jokes. Father, the well-known Kuaishu actor in the local area, is undoubtedly the first guide on Huang Hong's comedy road. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Huang Hong's love for comedy is like a wildfire, out of control.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

At the age of 13, Huang Hong became the only soldier specially recruited by the Shenyang Military Region Art Troupe with his amazing comedy talent, which caused quite a stir at the time. People say that there is an indescribable magic in this child, which can make people laugh involuntarily. And Huang Hong did not live up to this talent, at the age of 14, he wrote and directed the sketch "Uncle Jiang Pig Farm", the witty and humorous lines, vivid and vivid characters, made him an instant hit in the army and became a veritable "little laughing star".

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

[2. Deep diving in the sea of art, a gorgeous transformation from the stage to the screen]

Huang Hong, who knew that there was no end to learning, chose to retreat bravely in the rising period of his career and entered Liaoning University for further study. This experience not only deepened his cultural heritage, but also provided him with a steady stream of inspiration for his future creations. At the age of 27, Huang Hong was admitted to the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts with a more mature and stable attitude, and officially embarked on a higher peak on the road of art.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that countless comedians dream of, Huang Hong is naturally no exception. In 1987, he made his debut at the Liaoning Spring Festival Gala with the sketch "Selling Calendars", and his unique performance style dazzled the audience. The following year, the popularity of the sketch "Recruitment" made him even more famous, and even CCTV threw an olive branch to him.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

Since then, Huang Hong has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, and his cooperation with Song Dandan's "Superborn Guerrilla" has become a classic among the classics, and the sentence "The bananas on Hainan Island are big and long" still make people laugh.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

In addition to sketches, Huang Hong has also set foot in the field of film and television, and has participated in many film and television dramas, although the number is not large, but each one is impressive. He interprets different roles in his own way, showing the multi-faceted nature of a comedian.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

[3. Behind-the-scenes heroes, the career of a factory director who challenges and controversies]

However, Huang Hong's story is much more than that. In 2010, he made a decision that surprised everyone - to become the deputy director of Bayi Studios. From the front of the stage to behind the scenes, from actors to managers, this transformation is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Huang Hong. Not only did he have to continue creating, but he also had to manage the operations of the entire studio, and the pressure was understandable.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

Two years later, Huang Hong officially became the director of the factory, and he used his wisdom and hard work to bring new vitality to Bayi Studio. But the good times didn't last long, and in 2013, due to his busy official duties, he had to withdraw from the Spring Festival Gala stage and devote more energy to the work of the studio. However, just when he was going all out, a sudden storm pushed him to the forefront of public opinion.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

Rumor has it that he was removed from office for embezzlement, and was even taken away for investigation by a neighbor who broke the news. For a time, all kinds of speculation and rumors flew all over the sky. In the face of these groundless accusations and slander, Huang Hong chose to remain silent.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

In his opinion, the pure self-purifying, needless to say. In the end, the leadership of Bayi Factory came forward to clarify, saying that Huang Hong's dismissal was only the result of temporary allocation of excess quotas, and had nothing to do with bribery. But even so, those rumors and misunderstandings were still like an invisible knife, deeply stabbing Huang Hong's heart.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

[Fourth, laugh at life, retreat to the curtain and write a legend]

After experiencing this turmoil, Huang Hong became more low-key and introverted. He retired from the background and devoted more energy to the creation of screenwriting and stage plays. Although he no longer appears frequently in the public eye, his love and pursuit of comedy has never changed. In his own way, he continues to bring laughter and emotion to the audience.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

Although the box office of "Tianhe", a film directed and written by Huang Hong, was not satisfactory, the deep emotions and humanistic care contained in it are unforgettable. This film is Huang Hong's profound reflection and expression on life and society, and it is also a brave attempt by him as a director. Although the results are not perfect, the spirit of daring to challenge ourselves is worthy of learning and respect from each of us.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

Today, Huang Hong is over half a hundred years old, but his mentality is still young. He uses his own experience and works to tell us: no matter how big the difficulties and challenges are, as long as there are dreams, love, and perseverance in your heart, you will be able to laugh at life and continue to write legends.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

[Conclusion: The soul of comedy never ends]

Looking back at Huang Hong's comedy road, from the extraordinary road of the Northeast boy to the bright starlight on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala; From the comedian in front of the stage to the studio director behind the scenes; and now the screenwriter and director who has retired to the curtain to write legends...... Every step is full of hardships and difficulties. But it was these experiences that forged his tenacity and talent. He interprets the true meaning of comedy in his own way – not just to make people laugh, but also to convey positive energy, love and hope.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

Huang Hong's story tells us that there is no smooth sailing path in this world, and only those who constantly challenge themselves and have the courage to pursue their dreams can eventually succeed. As long as someone is willing to create, perform, and convey the purest laughter and emotion with their hearts, then the stage of comedy will never lack light and color.

Huang Hong, a national first-class actor, was dismissed in the morning and taken away in the afternoon, what is the current situation after disappearing for many years

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