
Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

This article was first published by Windy City Spring History Headlines

The content of this article is based on reliable sources, and the end of the article has been repeated

On the 12th of this month, Japan released a new version of the "Defense White Paper" to introduce its political strategy and domestic and foreign overviews.

The document includes an overview of the mainland's air force strength, and even the number of fighters of a particular type and the mainland's military production capacity.

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

In the past, countries mostly had a vague understanding of the comparison of military strength between each other, but such a clear release of data is still rare, so what is the source of Japan's data?

Unwarranted smearing

During World War II, the mainland relied on the unity of the whole nation to resist the war of resistance and dealt a heavy blow to Japan's militarism and pinned it to the main battlefield in the East.

This historical connection not only led to the isolation and final fall of Germany on another front, but also had a huge impact on the final victory of the war, but Japan still "did not die of thieves" after the defeat.

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

The new version of Japan's "Defense White Paper" (hereinafter referred to as the "document") has elaborated on the situation of the mainland's air force.

The J-10 version reached 558 aircraft, the 11 version reached 327 aircraft, the 15 version reached 60 aircraft, the 16 version reached 292 aircraft, and the 20 version reached 200 aircraft.

There are also statistics on the number of other types of fighters on the continent in the document, which can be described as everything.

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

Among them, the most discussed is the number of J-20 fighters, in the previous version of the homogeneous document, the mainland's data was 140.

This also means that the mainland's current fighter manufacturing capacity, in terms of J-20, can reach at least 60 years of production per aircraft, and this output value may even be increased in the future due to changes in technology and resources.

Compared with the mainland's current fighter reserves, what is more important is the mainland's equipment supply capacity and efficiency.

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

In fact, in addition to Japan, United States has also released a similar report, last year's US report pointed out that China has 2,200 aircraft, this data is very different from the Japan, how can it be justified?

By doing so, the Japanese side is nothing more than wantonly smearing the mainland and finding an excuse for strengthening its military and expanding its armed forces.

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

In the elaboration of the Japanese document, the mainland is the biggest "obstacle" to Japan, both in terms of external propaganda and domestic propaganda.

After the end of World War II, in order to restrain the militarist forces in Japan, various countries reached an agreement with Japan on the development of offensive military forces.

In nearly half a century of military development, Japan has always focused on the growth of the Self-Defense Forces, especially since the beginning of the new century, the Self-Defense Forces have gone beyond the scope of "self-defense."

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

From a historical point of view, the development of Japan's Self-Defense Forces is not only a betrayal of the agreements of various countries, but also a product of the loopholes in Japan's constitution.

In the course of the development of the Self-Defense Forces, countries have gradually felt the growth of Japan's military strength, coupled with Japan's diplomatic attitude, these signs cannot help but make people wonder whether this is a revival of Japan's militarism.

Whenever faced with these suspicions, Japan trumpets the threat posed by China's development, claiming that it is only trying to protect itself.

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

However, in terms of military equipment alone, Japan's Self-Defense Forces have gone far beyond the boundaries of self-protection.

China responded

Six days after the release of Japan's document, a spokesman for the mainland's Ministry of National Defense officially responded, saying that Japan's move was undoubtedly a repeat of its old tricks and wanted to use China as an excuse to expand its military strength.

With regard to China's military strength, the mainland said that the increase in military strength is due to considerations for national defense and security and the current international situation.

At the same time, all kinds of military exercises carried out by the mainland conform to the norms of international law and are well warned in advance of other countries, and there is no malicious intent.

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

In the struggle of peacekeeping forces and the coordination of international disputes in recent years, the mainland has always resolved the issue from a peaceful standpoint, and there is no way to talk about the "China threat theory." This is only the imagination of some countries represented by Japan about China.

From Japan's slander and smear against China, it is not difficult to find that Japan really cannot produce any substantive evidence to support its views.

Most of the time, these views are used by Japan to paralyze the domestic masses, slander China's image, and stir up more hostility towards China at home and abroad.

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

In recent years, United States has been trying to establish its own sphere of influence in the Asian region, looking for suitable "allies".

Japan the growth of military strength is not only the United States military assistance, but also the United States to help them cover up, and only then can we provide Japan with a relatively stable environment for military development.

On the 22nd, Japan even announced that it would carry out nuclear cooperation with United States, which is embodied in United States' nuclear protection of Japan, that is, United States has the right to carry out nuclear strikes against "third countries" on behalf of Japan.

This move is undoubtedly a threat to China from the United States and Japan, and it is no exaggeration to say that the support of United States is the key to Japan's continued demonstration against the mainland without fear.

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

However, from the standpoint of the mainland, although the mainland's military strength is strong, the mainland has not interfered in any way with the internal affairs and peace posture of any other country, whether from a regional or international perspective.

It is precisely because of United States's own hegemonic policy and its equally powerful military strength that the United States and Japan are afraid of China's overall comprehensive strength, and this will regard China as their "imaginary enemy."

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

The mainland has always been a practitioner and defender of peace, and there has never been any threat theory, and as for Japan's constant provocations and infringement of sovereignty, the mainland will safeguard its legitimate rights and interests within the scope of international law and its own laws.

Do you have any thoughts on this matter? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area below to discuss!

[Disclaimer] The article, case, process, and pictures are all from the Internet, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content!


[1] Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, answered reporters' questions on the 2024 version of the Japan government's "Defense White Paper";; 2024-7-18

[2] Japan passed the new version of the "Defense White Paper", and the Ministry of Defense: The plot to strengthen the military and expand its military was clearly revealed; The Paper; 2024-7-18

[3] Hong Kong media: Be wary of the signals released by Japan's "Defense White Paper";; 2024-7-22

Accurate to the single digit! Japan released data on the strength of China's air force: there are 200 J-20s, an annual increase of 60 aircraft

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