
This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

Do you still remember the high-spirited young man Qiu Yike on the court back then? "Wandering all over the Tianfu Kingdom, the sweetest is Qiu Yike", this sentence was widely circulated in the national table tennis circle back then, which is enough to prove how charming Qiu Yike was when he was young, that handsome facial features, sunny smile, put it in a proper little fresh meat now, it is not an exaggeration to say that he was the "face responsible" of the national table tennis back then

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

Don't look at Qiu Yike's harmless baby face, in fact, he is an out-and-out "thorn head", he started playing at the age of 6, entered the Sichuan provincial team at the age of 8, entered the national second team at the age of 17, and was promoted to the national first team with his extraordinary talent only half a year later

At the age of 18, Qiu Yike defeated the world's No. 1 Bol at the Paris World Table Tennis Championships, and became famous in a fight, and was praised as a "tiger hero" by the then head coach Cai Zhenhua, which is undoubtedly a huge affirmation for a fledgling newcomer, but it also pushed him to the cusp of public opinion, with the halo of "genius boy", Qiu Yike's edges and corners are becoming more and more distinct, he is like a wild horse that is difficult to tame, the coach is strict, he trains obediently, and the coach relaxes a little, he "lets himself go", I ran out at both ends in three days, and I couldn't control it at all

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

Many years later, Qiu Yike, who has matured and steady, recalled his youthful and frivolous years, and also regretted it, he said frankly that if he could train well and listen carefully to the guidance of the coach, maybe his career could go to the next level and achieve greater achievements

Perhaps it is precisely because he has taken a detour, so when Qiu Yike transformed into a coach, he was extremely strict with his players, for fear that they would repeat their mistakes, and now, he is the head coach of the "little devil" Sun Yingsha, looking at the picture of him patiently guiding Sasha on the sidelines, who would have thought that the "rebellious boy" has now transformed into a calm and reliable "Qiu Guide"?

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

Speaking of the "thorn head" of national table tennis, in addition to Qiu Yike, there is another name that has to be mentioned, that is, "Killing God" Chen Xi, which is different from Qiu Yike's sunny and handsome appearance, Chen Xi's handsome with a "ruthless spirit", angular face, resolute eyes, coupled with the domineering style of play on the court, has made him gain countless fan girls, and his popularity is not inferior to the current traffic stars

As Liu Guoliang's founding disciple, Chen Xi's table tennis talent is undoubted, in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, he was ordered to withstand huge pressure, turned the tide, and kept the last gold medal for the Chinese men's team, and also won the title of "killing god" for himself

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

Chen Xi, who became famous at a young age, is also the same as Qiu Yike, because he made many mistakes because of his youth, the most impressive of which is that in 2006, he threw his racket angrily in the "Kobe Cup" game because he was dissatisfied with the penalty, and was punished by Liu Guoliang to go to Zhengding Rural Hebei Province to "experience life"

In that isolated small village, Chen Xi put down his body, helped the villagers feed pigs and do farm work, and really experienced the life of a farmer, this special experience also made him begin to reflect on himself, learn to control his temper, and understand the truth that "small things don't need to be troubled, big things are useless".

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

After retiring, Chen Xi chose to return to the provincial team as a coach, but his mentor Liu Guoliang has never forgotten this beloved apprentice, whenever the national team needs, Chen Xi will be obliged to return to the national team and contribute his own strength to the national table tennis

Today's Chen Xi, although his figure has been a little fat, but his eyes still reveal the domineering spirit of "killing gods" back then, for many fans, he will always be the omnipotent "brightest young man in Jinling" on the court

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

If Qiu Yike and Chen Xi are the "face responsible" of national table tennis, then Wang Hao's appearance when he was young can definitely be described as "amazing", no one would have imagined that now this "fat brother Hao" is handsome and handsome when he was young, and even looks a little like Wang Zuxian, so he is nicknamed "Wang Zuxian in the table tennis world" by fans

Wang Hao was able to become a legend of national table tennis, not by appearance, but by his brilliant career, he is the only one in the history of national table tennis who has participated in three Olympic Games, and all of them reached the men's singles finals

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

In that era of the "Three Musketeers of National Table Tennis", Wang Hao was the only one who could compete with it, he had defeated the "Dragon Team" Ma Long many times, and was even called the "Dragon Slayer Knife" for a time, and his straight shooting and horizontal hitting skills were unique in the world and became a classic in the hearts of countless fans

After retiring, Wang Hao chose to continue to stay in the national team, passing on his experience and skills to the younger generation, he first served as the coach of the Bayi team, and later entered the national team, becoming the head coach of Fan Zhendong, in the Tokyo Olympics, he led Fan Zhendong to win the silver medal in men's singles, only one step away from his Olympic championship dream

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

In 2024, Wang Hao will officially become the head coach of the Chinese table tennis men's team, shouldering the heavy responsibility of leading the national table tennis men's team to create another brilliant future.

Compared with the previous ones, Ma Lin's name seems to be a little less "Jianghu gas", but this national table tennis celebrity, who is affectionately called "cook" by fans, is also quite capable of playing when he is young, his facial features are exquisite, his temperament is elegant, and he also has a bit of Hong Kong style, which is quite similar to the popular "abstinence" male god now

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

What's even more rare is that Ma Lin's appearance is very anti-aging, when he took a photo with Wang Hao, Liu Guoliang and others, he looked more mature and stable, and when others were "blessed", he still maintained a good figure, and his appearance did not fall but rose, which is really enviable

Ma Lin has also had a brilliant career, he has won 18 world championships, is one of the most world championships in the history of national table tennis, and at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he won two gold medals in men's singles and men's doubles at his home turf, fulfilling his dream of becoming an Olympic champion

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

After retiring, Ma Lin also chose to become a coach and continue to contribute to the cause of Chinese table tennis, he has served as the head coach of the national second team, the head of the coaching staff of the national first team, etc., and has cultivated many outstanding young athletes, In 2022, Ma Lin officially became the head coach of the Chinese table tennis women's team, leading the Chinese women's table tennis team to embark on the journey of the Paris Olympics

Under the leadership of Ma Lin, the Chinese women's table tennis continues to maintain a strong dominance in the international arena, and I believe that they will be able to achieve better results in the Paris Olympics and win glory for the country!

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

The coach Qin Zhijian in the public's impression always has gray hair, a serious expression, and does not smile, but you would never think that this very serious-looking coach was also a sunny and handsome athletic man when he was young!

Qin Zhijian, who is 1.80 meters tall, has a slender figure, good facial features, plus a body of tendon meat that has been trained by sports all year round, properly "dressed thin, undressed with meat", when he was young, he had a cheerful personality, loved to talk and laugh, with his outstanding appearance, he also participated in a TV series called "National Ball Player", in which he starred as a table tennis player

This is the real "National Heavenly Regiment"! Qiu Yike Chen Xi glanced at it for ten thousand years, and Liu Guoliang's C position is well deserved

After becoming a coach, Qin Zhijian devoted all his energy to the cause of Chinese table tennis, he was meticulous in training and strict with his players, and it was precisely because of his rigorous and serious attitude that he cultivated a number of world champions such as Ma Long and Xu Xin

Ma Long once said that when he was in a downturn, it was Coach Qin Zhijian who was always by his side and helped him get out of the predicament

Today, the 48-year-old coach Qin Zhijian, his hair has turned gray, but he still sticks to the post of coach, contributing his own strength to the cause of Chinese table tennis, in the Paris Olympics, we can still see his busy figure, I believe that under his guidance the Chinese table tennis team will be able to create more brilliance!

Let's turn our attention to Liu Guoliang, who is nicknamed by fans as "a fat man who doesn't know how to play", although compared with the previous ones, Liu Guoliang's appearance when he was young may not be the most outstanding, but his self-confidence and domineering, as well as his great contribution to the cause of Chinese table tennis, have made him an idol in the hearts of countless people

Liu Guoliang as a player was the first "Grand Slam" winner in the history of Chinese table tennis to set the Olympic Games, the World Championships, and the World Cup men's singles championship

After retiring, Liu Guoliang chose to stay in the team to coach and continue to shine for the Chinese table tennis career, he has served as the head coach and head coach of the men's team, and has cultivated a large number of world champions such as Ma Long, Zhang Jike, Xu Xin, Fan Zhendong, etc., leading the Chinese table tennis team to one glory after another

Liu Guoliang's coaching ability is not only reflected in his ability to lead the Chinese team to achieve excellent results, but also in his ability to formulate different training plans according to the characteristics of each player, stimulate their potential and help them grow

Since the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Liu Guoliang has dedicated 20 years of youth to the cause of Chinese table tennis, in 20 years, he has grown from an excellent athlete to a great coach, he has witnessed the glory of the Chinese table tennis team, and has also made indelible contributions to the development of Chinese table tennis

In addition to the coaches mentioned above, the Chinese table tennis team has many unknown behind-the-scenes heroes, they may not stand in the spotlight, but their love and dedication to the cause of Chinese table tennis is no less than anyone else, it is precisely because of them that the Chinese table tennis team can stand on top of the world again and again, and win glory for the country

Let us salute all those who have contributed to the cause of table tennis in China! I also hope that the Chinese table tennis team can achieve better results in the Paris Olympics and continue to write legends!

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