
Prequel to "Youth Song Xing": Until Li Changsheng rejuvenates! Dongjun only knew the reason for Mo Yi's longevity

Prequel to "Youth Song Xing": Until Li Changsheng rejuvenates! Dongjun only knew the reason for Mo Yi's longevity

"Young White Horse Drunk Spring Breeze", which is the prequel to "Youth Song Xing", the recently updated plot is full of suspense and excitement. Not only does the show show a series of great fight scenes, but it also reveals the intricate relationships between the characters, especially the interactions between Lee Changsheng and the other main characters and the secrets behind them.

Recently, Li Changsheng's decision to take Baili Dongjun away from Apocalypse City has caused quite a stir. This move has caused widespread discussion on the rivers and lakes. Some people say that Li Changsheng's action seems to protect Baili Dongjun, but the real reason behind it seems to be more than that. A senior netizen commented on the forum: "Li Changsheng is undoubtedly powerful. Taking Baili Dongjun away is ostensibly to protect him, but in fact, there may be more unrevealed secrets behind it. Especially the conflict between him and Emperor Tai'an, it seems that it is not simple. ”

Prequel to "Youth Song Xing": Until Li Changsheng rejuvenates! Dongjun only knew the reason for Mo Yi's longevity

Emperor Tai'an has always been jealous of Li Changsheng's strength, and even tried to plot against him. During a covert operation, Xunqing was sent to attack Li Changsheng. Turbidity Qing's mission was obviously under pressure from Emperor Tai'an, but the result was easily repelled by Li Changsheng. Netizens expressed their surprise, and one netizen wrote in the comment area: "I watched that fight, it was really thrilling. Turbidity Qing couldn't get close to Li Changsheng at all, and Li Changsheng repelled him with a look. This is really a contest of strength! ”

After Li Changsheng successfully prevented the threat to Baili Dongjun, Emperor Tai'an's plan was completely ruined. Li Changsheng's attitude is not only firm, but also very tough. In the face of Emperor Tai'an's threat, he issued a warning mercilessly. Some netizens commented on this: "Li Changsheng is not only powerful, but his warning is also very clear. Emperor Tai'an seemed to have underestimated Li Changsheng's strength, and he really didn't expect him to have such a strong deterrent. ”

Prequel to "Youth Song Xing": Until Li Changsheng rejuvenates! Dongjun only knew the reason for Mo Yi's longevity

At the same time, Qi Tianchen behaved very carefully in the face of Li Changsheng. In an open confrontation, Qi Tianchen pretended to attack, but in fact he was full of fear. Li Changsheng hit him mercilessly, showing his might. Netizens also paid attention to this confrontation, and the discussion was enthusiastic. A netizen said: "Qi Tianchen's performance is really sweaty. He attacked on the surface, but in fact he was terribly afraid. Li Changsheng's strength is really terrifying, making people feel that this confrontation is completely a display of strength. ”

Li Changsheng's secret is gradually revealed, making people more curious about his true identity and motives. Recently, he decided to stop serving as a sacrificial wine in the academy, but started a trip to the rivers and lakes with Baili Dongjun. This decision may seem easy on the surface, but in fact there are complex reasons behind it. Li Changsheng's cultivation of "Da Chun Gong" allowed him to rejuvenate once every thirty years. Although this unique cultivation method allowed him to maintain his youthful appearance, his strength would be temporarily lost every time he rejuvenated. During this time, he had to re-cultivate in order to return to his original powerful state.

Prequel to "Youth Song Xing": Until Li Changsheng rejuvenates! Dongjun only knew the reason for Mo Yi's longevity

All this hints at the true purpose of Li Changsheng's trip. Leaving Apocalypse City was not only to disguise his true identity, but also to protect himself from being discovered during the period when his strength was at its lowest. When netizens discussed these things, everyone felt that Li Changsheng's actions made people speculate. A netizen wrote in the discussion forum: "Li Changsheng rejuvenates every thirty years, which is like a different person. Leaving Apocalypse City, it seems that he is afraid of being discovered when his strength is at its weakest, and he really has to admire his caution. ”

Li Changsheng's background is also very rich, he was once a disciple of Huanglongshan and practiced "Dachun Gong". This allows him to constantly change identities in the rivers and lakes and maintain a secretive lifestyle.

Prequel to "Youth Song Xing": Until Li Changsheng rejuvenates! Dongjun only knew the reason for Mo Yi's longevity

In addition to Li Changsheng, there are also some characters related to Huanglong Mountain. Qingfeng Daoren, Qi Tianchen, and Mo Yi were all his classmates, and the appearance of these people added many layers to Li Changsheng's story. Especially Mo Yi, his immortality is closely related to "Da Chun Gong", and some people speculate that Mo Yi is practicing an improved version of "Da Chun Gong" and can stay young and immortal. This speculation has caused widespread discussion among netizens. An enthusiastic netizen left a message: "Mo Yi's immortality is really mysterious, and everyone is speculating whether he used the improved version of "Da Chun Gong". It seems that Huanglong Mountain's cultivation method really has a lot of secrets. ”

Baili Dongjun met Mo Yi in Penglai Immortal Mountain, thus further understanding the secret of Mo Yi's immortality. The intricate relationships between these characters make the plot of the whole show even more compelling. The relationship between Li Changsheng and Mo Yi, as well as their different understandings and applications of "Da Chungong", have laid the foundation for the subsequent development of the plot.

Prequel to "Youth Song Xing": Until Li Changsheng rejuvenates! Dongjun only knew the reason for Mo Yi's longevity

Netizens couldn't help but sigh during the discussion that this complex background setting makes the plot more confusing and makes people look forward to the future development. A netizen wrote in the post: "The relationship between Li Changsheng and Mo Yi is really curious, and the story between them and the secret of "Da Chungong" will definitely be revealed. Looking forward to the later plot development. ”

These complicated backgrounds and character relationships add a lot of suspense to the series, and also make the audience full of expectations for the future story.

Overall, Li Changsheng's powerful and secret cultivation methods not only affected his relationships with other characters, but also had a profound impact on the entire martial arts world. His true identity and motives will continue to tug at the hearts of viewers and become important clues in the series.

In addition, "Young White Horse Drunk Spring Breeze" is adapted from Zhou Munan's novel and tells the story of a young man who has nothing to do to a hero who saves the world. The protagonist of the story is Baili Dongjun, the little son of Zhenxi Houfu, who was originally a rich son who did not learn and did not know how to learn. Because of an agreement with his young friend Ye Yun, he decided to worship in the Immortal Gate and began a difficult path of cultivation.

Prequel to "Youth Song Xing": Until Li Changsheng rejuvenates! Dongjun only knew the reason for Mo Yi's longevity

At first, Baili Dongjun's cultivation was not smooth, he was often ridiculed by his senior brothers, and he also suffered a lot because of his practice. But he was not discouraged by this, but became even more angry. Over time, he gradually showed amazing talent and perseverance, eventually growing into a powerful being capable of saving the world. At the same time, he has been working hard to find and save his friend Ye Yun, and this task has become one of the motivations for his struggle.

Netizens had a heated discussion about this adaptation. A netizen wrote on social platforms: "I have always felt that Baili Dongjun's growth process is very inspirational. It was touching that he was able to save the world at first, but now he was able to save the world. Someone else commented: "The friendship between Ye Yun and Baili Dongjun is really heartwarming, especially Baili Dongjun's willingness to save his friends is really admirable." ”

This drama not only shows the growth and adventure of Baili Dongjun, but also makes people have a deeper sense of friendship and persistence. Netizens generally believe that the story and character settings in the play are very close to the original book, and the plot development is also fascinating.

Prequel to "Youth Song Xing": Until Li Changsheng rejuvenates! Dongjun only knew the reason for Mo Yi's longevity

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