
Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

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Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

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Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

A flight accident that shocked the Internet has attracted widespread attention, and the protagonist is the controversial Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

When the specific details of the incident were gradually revealed, more suspicions shrouded this powerful but mysterious figure.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

On the night of the accident, Zhang Jingsheng himself posted a message in a private group saying that he was "cooperating with the investigation." With this ambiguous sentence alone, it is difficult to calm the doubts and curiosity of netizens.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

For a time, speculation about the origin of the case and Zhang Jingsheng's identity and background went viral on the Internet.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

Some netizens started with the photos of the private jet released by Zhang Jingsheng earlier, speculating that this plane is likely to be the accident plane. Judging from the scene footage released by the media, the words on the front windshield of the plane are indeed exactly the same as those on Zhang Jingsheng's old photos. The hideous bloodstains on the wall not far away added to the evil color of the accident.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

"If it was Zhang Jingsheng himself who drove this plane, then he should bear full responsibility for it!" A netizen said bluntly. However, other netizens believe that even if Zhang Jingsheng is not the operator of the accident plane, as the owner of the plane, he cannot escape the blame. After all, according to preliminary investigations, the aircraft lacked the necessary routine maintenance and had major safety risks.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

"If there is such a serious problem with the plane, Zhang Jingsheng can almost be said to be the culprit." A professional pilot pointed out on social platforms that the responsibility for safety falls entirely on the owner of a private jet for all maintenance inspections.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

As the incident fermented, the old words about Zhang Jingsheng on the Internet were rediscovered. He once spent time in prison in Cambodia for smuggling and other crimes, and after returning to China, he became popular with the help of the "rice planting dance". Some netizens even suspect that Zhang Jingsheng may be a member of the criminal group.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

But at the same time, some rational netizens believe that although Zhang Jingsheng did have a festival in the past, until now, the Internet is full of speculation and assumptions, and remarks without conclusive evidence are easy to harm his safety and legal business.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

"Zhang Jingsheng is now half an Internet celebrity, and his perennial dedication and efforts should not be written off. As long as he has not violated the law, he should be treated fairly and impartially. A poster netizen called on everyone to look at the incident calmly.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

At the same time, the way Zhang Jingsheng was dragged into the accident itself raises questions. What kind of relationship did he have in the past that allowed him to rightfully own a private jet? In the photo, his intimate interaction with a number of people in the entertainment industry is also controversial.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

According to industry insiders engaged in the aviation industry, if you want to own a private jet, you need to have layers of strict approvals and need to pass the certification of relevant departments. "If Zhang Jingsheng can successfully obtain an aircraft license, I can only say that his background is amazing, no wonder he will have close contacts with film and television stars."

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

Although Zhang Jingsheng himself has not yet spoken out publicly about the accident, various voices have appeared on the Internet to "defend him". Some people believe that even if this is true, Zhang Jingsheng's ownership of the plane is not equivalent to a crime, and his association with celebrities in the entertainment industry may only be because of the intersection of circles. After all, today's society is deeply divided, and class mobility is inevitable.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

Zhang Jingsheng's case once again confirms that there are indeed potential risks in the Internet celebrity economy. When it is popular on the Internet, it may attract unreasonable accusations from black fans and hooligans. A self-media practitioner said, "But even so, we must treat every individual fairly and speak with facts and evidence." "

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

In general, speculation and comments about Zhang Jingsheng's identity have reached a critical point. Judging by the news and information circulating on the Internet, it is difficult for us to judge whether it is true or false.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

The more there is a lack of conclusive evidence, the more it gives people a sense of Zhang Jingsheng's suspicions. Perhaps, the truth can only be revealed to the world by waiting for the final investigation of the incident.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

It is undeniable that flight accidents themselves are extremely rare, not to mention that they are also related to Internet celebrities. Although the incident occurred suddenly, it has aroused widespread social concern, indicating that the public has realized the importance and seriousness of the incident.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

"Although no one can say the truth of the incident now, if it is really as some people suspect, I am afraid that this accident will rise to the level of a criminal case." A senior legal person analyzed, "If the accident was caused by the plane itself, then whether Zhang Jingsheng is the mastermind or not, it is difficult to escape the blame, and at least need to bear the responsibility for gross negligence." "

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

At present, although many details have yet to be investigated, the cold fact of one death and one injury caused by the accident has made many netizens sad. It has been argued that the loss of life caused by the accident, regardless of the cause of the accident, is an irreparable regret.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

Some people even called on the public to pray for the dead and offer kindness to the injured, regardless of the truth. At the same time, law enforcement agencies should adhere to a zero-tolerance attitude towards all illegal acts that cause loss of life and property, and will not tolerate them.

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

"If Zhang Jingsheng is really involved in this matter, then he should be severely punished. But if he is innocent, we must also give him justice. An industry expert said, "This is the basic requirement of a society governed by the rule of law, and we still have a long way to go to achieve this." "

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

It is worth mentioning that after the Zhang Jingsheng incident was exposed, a call for the supervision of aircraft owners and special groups also gradually rose on the Internet. Some have questioned why the purchase and use of private jets is so loosely regulated. Others have criticized the fact that ordinary people feel unsafe by being able to control such a risky vehicle with their unclear "background".

Outburst! Internet celebrity Zhang Jingsheng had a major accident on his private plane, one dead and one injured, exposing the scene picture

"The so-called privileged thinking should not exist in any modern society." A senior media person posted, "The management system in every corner should be fixed on the moral concept of fairness and justice, and any loophole may cause irreparable serious consequences."

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.