
Dong Yuhui's new favorite in the live broadcast industry? Yu Minhong's 'equity temptation', do you understand?

In this era of information explosion and rapid change, every business decision can become a turning point in the fate of a company. When Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, announced that he would exchange his shares for freedom and threw an olive branch to the popular anchor Dong Yuhui on the occasion of moving, it was not just a simple business cooperation, but also a profound exploration of self-redemption. In the year full of uncertainties in 2024, we might as well take the perspective of a financial observer to deeply analyze the logic and deep meaning behind this move.

Dong Yuhui's new favorite in the live broadcast industry? Yu Minhong's 'equity temptation', do you understand?

If the rivers and lakes in the education world are a magnificent historical drama, then Yu Minhong is undoubtedly the helmsman who dares to ride the wind and waves. From the initial obscurity of New Oriental to the later glory of Tengda, and then to the sudden changes in the education industry in recent years, Yu Minhong and his New Oriental have always stood on the cusp. Now, in the face of the dual pressure of policy adjustment and intensified market competition, Yu Minhong has chosen an unusual path - equity for freedom, which is not only a challenge to the traditional business model, but also a firm defense of personal beliefs.

Dong Yuhui's new favorite in the live broadcast industry? Yu Minhong's 'equity temptation', do you understand?

As a rising star in the live broadcast industry, Dong Yuhui has attracted countless fans with his unique charm and profound cultural heritage. His live broadcast room is not only a display table for goods, but also a place for the dissemination of knowledge. Yu Minhong's overture is undoubtedly a fancy to the huge traffic and influence behind Dong Yuhui, trying to take this opportunity to open a new door for New Oriental.

Dong Yuhui's new favorite in the live broadcast industry? Yu Minhong's 'equity temptation', do you understand?

Let's talk about the core strategy of "equity for freedom". In the traditional concept, equity is the lifeblood of a business and a symbol of control. In Yu Minhong's eyes, equity is not only a symbol of power, but also a resource that can be used flexibly. By transferring part of his equity, Yu Minhong not only received the support of Dong Yuhui and his team, but also injected new vitality and innovation genes into New Oriental. This strategy of retreating into advance and exchanging equity for freedom is undoubtedly a kind of brilliant business wisdom.

Dong Yuhui's new favorite in the live broadcast industry? Yu Minhong's 'equity temptation', do you understand?

For Dong Yuhui, accepting Yu Minhong's invitation means that he will show his talent on a broader stage. With the help of New Oriental's brand influence and resource advantages, he will also have the opportunity to further expand his business territory. This cooperation is undoubtedly a win-win game for both parties.

Dong Yuhui's new favorite in the live broadcast industry? Yu Minhong's 'equity temptation', do you understand?

Yu Minhong chose to show favor to Dong Yuhui on the occasion of moving, and there are a wealth of emotional and strategic considerations behind this move. On the one hand, moving is a new beginning and an opportunity for self-innovation for New Oriental. At this critical moment, throwing an olive branch to Dong Yuhui is undoubtedly a beautiful implication and expectation for a new starting point. On the other hand, from a strategic point of view, Yu Minhong skillfully used the node of moving, closely combining personal emotions with business interests, which not only showed his sincerity and determination, but also paved the way for the future development of New Oriental.

Dong Yuhui's new favorite in the live broadcast industry? Yu Minhong's 'equity temptation', do you understand?

According to the latest data, in the first half of 2024, China's economic operation will be generally stable and progressive. In the field of education, especially in the field of off-campus training, there are unprecedented challenges. As a leader in the industry, New Oriental's transformation is particularly difficult. From traditional offline training to the exploration of online education, and then to today's attempts at new formats such as live streaming and knowledge payment, New Oriental has been looking for new growth points.

Dong Yuhui's new favorite in the live broadcast industry? Yu Minhong's 'equity temptation', do you understand?

In contrast, Dong Yuhui's live broadcast field is booming. According to incomplete statistics, the total box office of films in the country in July 2024 has exceeded 2 billion, and there is no lack of credit for live broadcasting. In this context, Yu Minhong's choice to show favor to Dong Yuhui is undoubtedly an important adjustment to the direction of New Oriental's transformation. By taking advantage of the traffic advantage of the live broadcast platform, New Oriental is expected to find new growth points in the new format and achieve self-redemption.

Dong Yuhui's new favorite in the live broadcast industry? Yu Minhong's 'equity temptation', do you understand?

Yu Minhong's series of actions is not only a thoughtful consideration for the future development of New Oriental, but also a profound embodiment of his personal self-redemption. As a former education giant, in the face of the great changes in the industry and the impact of the market, Yu Minhong did not choose to escape or sink, but bravely stood up and opened up a new path for himself and New Oriental by exchanging equity for freedom and showing favor to Dong Yuhui by moving the node.

This spirit of courage to change and innovation is the essence of entrepreneurship. Yu Minhong tells us with his own actions: in the world of business, there is no eternal winner and no eternal loser. Only those who dare to face challenges and innovate themselves can be invincible in this era full of uncertainties.

Dong Yuhui's new favorite in the live broadcast industry? Yu Minhong's 'equity temptation', do you understand?

Looking back on the whole article, it is not difficult for us to find that Yu Minhong's equity exchange for freedom and the move to show favor to Dong Yuhui are not only the embodiment of his personal wisdom and courage, but also an important attempt by New Oriental on the road of transformation. In this process, we have seen Yu Minhong's firm confidence in the future of New Oriental and his keen insight into market trends.

The future has come, let us look forward to New Oriental, under the leadership of Yu Minhong, to find new growth points in the new format and achieve self-redemption and gorgeous turnaround