
"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

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"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

I heard that people who like and follow are more likely to get the favor of Lady Luck! If you want to prosper financially, start by following me! I wish you a lot of money and good luck!

Half a year after moving into the new house, I found that the decoration really can't just look at the "surface"!

When I first bought a house, my husband and I almost spent all our savings, so when we decorated, we thought that we could save money, ran all over the major building materials markets, shop around, in order to save a few dollars of price difference, friends said that I worked too hard, decoration is a big deal, don't patronize to save money, living in comfort is the most important thing

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

At that time, I didn't understand it very well, I thought that decoration, as long as the materials are environmentally friendly and the style is liked, how much difference can there be? Now it seems that I was still naïve! After half a year of staying, all kinds of chicken rib designs and inconvenient places to use were exposed, which is really regrettable!

Take the living room as an example,In order to save money,The TV background wall was simply brushed a white wall,It's good to buy some decorative paintings to decorate it in the future,It turned out that after moving in,Although the white wall is simple,But it's also too monotonous,And it's particularly easy to get dirty,Children often scribble on it,It's difficult to wipe it clean

There is also the kitchen, in order to pursue beauty, I chose the Internet celebrity small white brick, but now the cracks are full of grease, and I can't wipe it clean, which has become my "cleaning nightmare"

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

Hey, it's all tears! Today, I will share with you my "history of blood and tears" in decoration, and I hope you can avoid the pits I have stepped on to decorate a truly comfortable and practical home!

Living room decoration: face engineering can not be sloppy!

In addition to considering the overall aesthetics, we should pay more attention to practicality and comfort, after all, no one wants to make their living room become a "model room", which is useless

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

1. Lighting is king: let the sunlight live in your home

I believe everyone likes a sunny house, and sufficient lighting can not only make the living room appear more spacious and bright, but also enhance the happiness of living

I rented a house before, the living room window is small, the lighting is very poor, even in the daylight to turn on the light, after a long time I feel particularly depressed, this time when decorating, my husband and I paid special attention to the lighting problem in the living room

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

We opted for larger windows and minimised occlusion to bring in as much natural light as possible, and now the living room is bright even when the lights are not on, and it feels very warm and comfortable to wake up to the sun shining throughout the room

In addition to the size and position of the windows, the color of the wall will also affect the light reflection in the room. Dark-colored walls absorb light and make the space look more oppressive

If your living room is not very well lit, it is recommended to choose a light-colored wall, such as white, beige, light gray, etc., which can maximize the brightness of the room

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

2 "Complex and simple" TV background wall: simple and durable is the king

As the visual center of the living room, the TV background wall has always been the key area of decoration, and many people like to make the TV background wall magnificent, with various shapes and materials piled together, for fear that others will not know how much money their homes have spent

The overly complex TV background wall is not only easy to be outdated, but also easy to accumulate dust, and it is very troublesome to clean, and now many people rarely watch TV, and the functionality of the TV background wall is becoming weaker and weaker

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

It is recommended that when designing the TV background wall,Try to "go to complexity and simplicity",Choose a simple and durable design scheme,For example,You can brush a solid color latex paint,Or paste elegant wallpaper,And then match some simple decorative paintings or green plants,You can create a warm and comfortable atmosphere

If you want to increase your storage space, you can also consider customizing a TV cabinet with an entire wall and embedding the TV into it, which is both beautiful and practical, and can keep the space neat and organized

3. The "feng shui" of the balcony is exquisite: to resolve the "passing through the hall" and retain good luck

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

In order to improve the utilization of space, many small houses will choose to connect the living room and the balcony, which can make the living room appear more spacious and bright

If the entrance door is facing the balcony, it will form the so-called "piercing hall", which is said to affect the family's financial luck and health

Feng Shui is said to believe in it, but if you don't believe it, you can resolve it through some design when decorating

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

For example, you can set up an entrance or partition between the entrance door and the balcony, or place some large green plants to block the view, so as to avoid the formation of "through the hall".

Kitchen decoration: practicality first refuses to "flower shelves"!

After all, the kitchen is a place for cooking, and if the design is not reasonable, it will not only affect the efficiency of cooking, but also increase the burden of cleaning

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

1 Diamond-shaped cabinet corner: make the most of every inch of space

Cabinets are the main force of kitchen storage, and the utilization of space at the corner of the cabinet has always been a headache for many people

In order to solve this problem, it is recommended that you choose a diamond-shaped cabinet corner, which can maximize the use of corner space and make it easier to access items

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

2. Aluminum gusset ceiling is more worry-free: say goodbye to the trouble of oil smoke and easy cleaning

The ceiling of the kitchen, not only to be beautiful, but also to pay attention to practicality, although the gypsum board ceiling is beautiful and atmospheric, but not resistant to dirt, and easy to be damp and mildew, and is not suitable for the kitchen this kind of heavy fume

In contrast, aluminum gusset ceilings are more durable, fireproof, moisture-proof, and easy to clean, making them the best choice for kitchen ceilings

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

3. Reject the "Internet celebrity" small lattice wall tiles: they look good, they are not easy to use, and they are too tired to clean

Because of its literary and retro temperament, small lattice wall tiles once became the "Internet celebrity" material for kitchen decoration, which is good-looking and good-looking, but the cleaning problem of small lattice wall tiles is a headache

Due to too many gaps, small lattice wall tiles are easy to accumulate oil stains, and it is difficult to clean, and they will become dirty and greasy after a long time, which seriously affects the aesthetics of the kitchen

"Look at the hall and look at the kitchen when you are poor", it is not superstition, but to pay attention to these 7 taboos when decorating!

The picture comes from the Internet

It is recommended that when choosing kitchen wall tiles, try to choose large-size wall tiles, or choose materials with smooth surfaces and easy to clean, such as enamel boards

4Stoves and sinks that are incompatible with fire and water: safety distances should not be ignored

The stove and sink are the two core functional areas of the kitchen, but "water and fire are incompatible", and a certain safety distance must be maintained between the two

If the stove and sink are too close together, not only is it easy to have a safety accident, but it is also inconvenient to cook, which can easily cause water splashing and make the kitchen full of water

As a general rule, a distance of at least 60 cm should be maintained between the cooktop and the sink in order to ensure safe and comfortable operation

Decoration is not a "one-shot deal", comfort and practicality are king!

The above is my summary of some decoration lessons, I hope to help you, decoration is not a "hammer deal", do not ignore practicality and comfort in order to pursue a temporary "face", after all, the house is where we live, only live comfortably, in order to enhance the happiness of life

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