
Shimen 692, Leego 640! Nanhai District High School Enrollment Admission Score Line Announced!

Shimen 692, Leego 640! Nanhai District High School Enrollment Admission Score Line Announced!
Shimen 692, Leego 640! Nanhai District High School Enrollment Admission Score Line Announced!

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Shimen 692, Leego 640! Nanhai District High School Enrollment Admission Score Line Announced!

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Nanhai District High School Admissions

The admission score line is announced!

In accordance with the provisions of the "Opinions on the Work of the 2024 High School Enrollment Examination in Foshan City" and other documents, the score lines and admission standards for each level of the second batch of high school enrollment schools in Nanhai District in 2024 (see the attachment for details) are hereby announced.

Attachment download

Attachment 1: Nanhai District, Foshan City, 2024 high school enrollment early approval, the first batch, the second batch of control score lines and admission standards

Attachment 2: The second batch of fourth-level places for high school enrollment in Nanhai District, Foshan City in 2024 will be allocated to the admission standards of each junior high school

Attachment 3: The second batch of sixth-level places for high school enrollment in Nanhai District, Foshan City in 2024 will be allocated to the admission standards of each junior high school

A few days ago, the Foshan high school entrance examination priority approval in advance, the first batch of score line general high school enrollment minimum qualification line has been announced


The admission to the 2024 Foshan High School Entrance Examination is underway

How to check the admission results?

How do I get an offer letter?

Shimen 692, Leego 640! Nanhai District High School Enrollment Admission Score Line Announced!
Shimen 692, Leego 640! Nanhai District High School Enrollment Admission Score Line Announced!